Duchovní hudba (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HDH011Z Self-Managment I • 100 %
HF:HF0300L Dirigování I • 100 %
HF:HF0300Z Dirigování I • 100 %
HF:HF0303L Improvizační seminář • 100 %
HF:HF0303Z Improvizační seminář • 100 %
HF:HF0304L Interpretační seminář I • 100 %
HF:HF0304Z Interpretační seminář I • 100 %
HF:HF0307L Komorní hra a doprovod I • 100 %
HF:HF0307Z Komorní hra a doprovod I • 100 %
HF:HF0314L Latina I • 100 %
HF:HF0314Z Latina I • 100 %
HF:HF0316L Gregoriánský chorál I • 100 %
HF:HF0316Z Gregoriánský chorál I • 100 %
HF:HF0319L Improvizace I • 100 %
HF:HF0319Z Improvizace I • 100 %
HF:HF0322L Liturgika I • 100 %
HF:HF0322Z Liturgika I • 100 %
HF:HF0324L Chrámová hudba I • 100 %
HF:HF0324Z Chrámová hudba I • 100 %
HF:HF0335L Hra na nástroj I • 100 %
HF:HF0335Z Hra na nástroj I • 100 %
HF:HF0338L Organologie I • 100 %
HF:HF0338Z Organologie I • 100 %

Historical interpretation (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H50790L Chamber Play and Basso Continuo II • 100 %
HF:H50790Z Chamber Play and Basso Continuo II • 100 %
HF:H60158L Early Music Performance Practice II • 100 %
HF:H60158Z Early Music Performance Practice II • 100 %
HF:H82025AL Historická metodika I • 100 %
HF:H82025AZ Historical Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H82038L Hra na cembalo a historické klávesové nástroje II • 100 %
HF:H82038Z Harpsichord and Historical Keyboard Instruments Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 50 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 50 %
HF:H60034L History of Music III (20th century) • 50 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 50 %
HF:H60265L Movement III / (baroque dance) • 50 %
HF:H60265Z Movement III / (baroque dance) • 50 %
HF:H60307L Creative Personality I • 50 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 50 %
HF:H80024L Ensemble singing • 50 %
HF:H80024Z Ensemble singing • 50 %
HF:H80030L Historical ornamentation • 50 %
HF:H80030Z Historical ornamentation • 50 %
HF:S7008L Interpretation of Baroque recitative • 50 %
HF:S7008Z Interpretation of Baroque recitative • 50 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60165L Performing Seminar • 100 %
HF:H60165Z Performing Seminar • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H70213L Historical tuning • 100 %
HF:H70213Z Historical tuning • 100 %
HF:H75012L Baroque/Neo-classical chamber music • 100 %
HF:H75012Z Baroque/classical chamber music • 100 %
HF:H50791L Chamber Play and Basso Continuo - graduation project • 80 %
HF:H50791Z Chamber Play and Basso Continuo - graduation project • 80 %
HF:H82040L Harpsichord and Historical Keyboard Instruments Playing III • 80 %
HF:H82040Z Harpsichord and Historical Keyboard Instruments Playing III • 80 %
HF:H85039AL Historical Methodology II • 80 %
HF:H85039AZ Historical Methodology II • 80 %
HF:H80017L Basso continuo na klávesový nástroj • 20 %
HF:H80017Z Basso continuo on the Keyboard Instrument • 20 %
HF:H80024Z Ensemble singing • 20 %
HF:H80030L Historical ornamentation • 20 %
HF:H80060L Basso continuo na loutnu • 20 %
HF:H80060Z Continuo Playing on the Lute • 20 %
HF:H85038L Hra na loutnu III • 20 %
HF:H85038Z Lute Playing III • 20 %
HF:H85039CL Historická metodika II • 20 %
HF:H85039CZ Historical Methodology II • 20 %

Historical Interpretation (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0230Z Basso continuo I • 100 %
HF:HF0235Z Interpretační seminář I • 100 %
HF:HF0240Z Barokní a klasicistní komorní hudba I • 100 %
HF:HF0247Z Historické ladění I • 100 %
HF:HF0251Z Historická ornamentika I • 100 %
HF:HF0230L Basso continuo I • 90 %
HF:HF0235L Interpretační seminář I • 90 %
HF:HF0240L Barokní a klasicistní komorní hudba I • 90 %
HF:HF0247L Historické ladění I • 90 %
HF:HF0251L Historická ornamentika I • 90 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 90 %
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 80 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 80 %
HF:H80026L Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 40 %
HF:H80026Z Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 40 %
HF:HF0200L Hlavní předmět programu I - cembalo a historické klávesové nástroje • 30 %
HF:HF0200Z Hlavní předmět programu I - cembalo a historické klávesové nástroje • 30 %
HF:HF0253Z Early Music Performing Practice I • 30 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 30 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 30 %
HF:HF0205L Hlavní předmět programu I - historický zpěv • 20 %
HF:HF0205Z Hlavní předmět programu I - historický zpěv • 20 %
HF:HF0210L Hlavní předmět programu I - historické housle • 20 %
HF:HF0210Z Hlavní předmět programu I - historické housle • 20 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 20 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 20 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 20 %
HF:HJX00IL Italian • 20 %
HF:HJX00IZ Italian • 20 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 20 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 20 %
HF:H60265Z Movement III / (baroque dance) • 20 %

Percussion Instruments (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H50507L Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H50507Z Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 100 %
HF:H601652L Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601652Z Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601852L Ensemble Play I • 100 %
HF:H601852Z Ensemble Play I • 100 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60337L Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60337Z Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:H75015L Interpretation of Jazz Music I • 100 %
HF:H75015Z Interpretation of Jazz Music I • 100 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 75 %
HF:H80012L Introduction to the Music of South India I • 75 %
HF:H80012Z Introduction to the Music of South India I • 75 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 50 %
HF:HF1011L Hra na rámové bubny • 50 %
HF:HF1011Z Hra na rámové bubny • 50 %
HF:HF1026L Elektroakustické bicí nástroje I • 50 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 50 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 50 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 50 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 25 %
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 25 %
HF:HF1012L Latinsko-americká hudba • 25 %
HF:HF1012Z Latinsko-americká hudba • 25 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 25 %
HF:HF1504L Film music seminar • 25 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 25 %
HF:HF1520L The Persuasive Role of Music in the Commercial • 25 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 25 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 25 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 25 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 25 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 25 %
HF:H60364L Instrument Maintenance and Stick Making I • 25 %
HF:H60364Z Instrument Maintenance and Stick Making I • 25 %
HF:H70078L Czech for professional practice • 25 %
HF:H70078Z Czech for professional practice • 25 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 25 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 25 %
HF:H75010L Interactive improvisation and harmonization • 25 %
HF:H75010Z Interactive improvisation and harmonization • 25 %
HF:H82144L Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 25 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 25 %
2nd term
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 100 %
HF:HF1024Z Practical music dramaturgy • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H50514Z Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 100 %
HF:H60154C New Music Performance II • 100 %
HF:H601682Z Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H601872Z Ensemble Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60248Z Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60341Z Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70078Z Czech for professional practice • 100 %
HF:H75016Z Interpretation of Jazz Music II • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H50514L Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60154A New Music Performance II • 100 %
HF:H601682L Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H601872L Ensemble Play II • 100 %
HF:H602281 Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60248L Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60341L Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H75016L Interpretation of Jazz Music II • 100 %
HF:HF1026Z Elektroakustické bicí nástroje II • 80 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 80 %
HF:H50514Z Instrument Playing II • 80 %
HF:H60154C New Music Performance II • 80 %
HF:H601682Z Performing Seminar II • 80 %
HF:H601872Z Ensemble Play II • 80 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 80 %
HF:H60248Z Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 80 %
HF:H60341Z Repertoire Study with Piano II • 80 %
HF:H75016Z Interpretation of Jazz Music II • 80 %
HF:H70078L Czech for professional practice • 60 %
HF:HF1024L Practical music dramaturgy • 40 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 40 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 40 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 40 %
HF:H60365L Instrument Maintenance and Stick Making II • 40 %
HF:H60365Z Instrument Maintenance and Stick Making II • 40 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 40 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 40 %
HF:H70078Z Czech for professional practice • 40 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 20 %
HF:HF1012L Latinsko-americká hudba • 20 %
HF:HF1012Z Latinsko-americká hudba • 20 %
HF:HF1024Z Practical music dramaturgy • 20 %
HF:HF1107BL Optional Piano II • 20 %
HF:HF1107BZ Optional Piano II • 20 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H50924Z Orchestral Parts and Solos III • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109AZ Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H60109Z Instrument Playing III • 100 %
HF:H60156AL New Music Performance III • 100 %
HF:H60156AZ New Music Performance III • 100 %
HF:H60170Z Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60193Z Ensemble Play III • 100 %
HF:H60231Z Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60344Z Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H50924L Orchestral Parts and Solos III • 67 %
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 67 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 67 %
HF:H60109AL Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 67 %
HF:H60109L Instrument Playing III • 67 %
HF:H60170L Performing Seminar III • 67 %
HF:H60193L Ensemble Play III • 67 %
HF:H60231L Methodology II • 67 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 67 %
HF:H60344L Repertoire Study with Piano III • 67 %
HF:HF1105L Interpretace jazzové hudby III • 33 %
HF:HF1105Z Interpretace jazzové hudby III • 33 %

Bassoon (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
HF:H60096Z Contrabassoon Playing • 100 %
HF:H60104FAZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60154C New Music Performance II • 100 %
HF:H60187DZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246FAZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60374Z Double reed Making II - oboe, bassoon • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60096L Contrabassoon Playing • 100 %
HF:H60104FAL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187DL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228FA Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246FAL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60374L Double reed Making II - oboe, bassoon • 100 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 50 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 50 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 50 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 50 %
HF:H60096Z Contrabassoon Playing • 50 %
HF:H60104FAZ Instrument Playing II • 50 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 50 %
HF:H60154C New Music Performance II • 50 %
HF:H60187DZ Chamber Play II • 50 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 50 %
HF:H60246FAZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 50 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 50 %
HF:H60374Z Double reed Making II - oboe, bassoon • 50 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109FAL Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60109FAZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60151ZL Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60151ZZ Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60231FAL Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60231FAZ Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 100 %
HF:H60247FAL Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60247FAZ Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60346FAL Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H60346FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H50803DL Chamber Play III • 67 %
HF:H50803DZ Chamber Play III • 67 %
HF:H60109AAL Performing Seminar I • 67 %
HF:H60109AAZ Performing Seminar I • 67 %
HF:H61005 Historical Bassoon • 67 %
HF:H61005A Historical Bassoon • 67 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 33 %
HF:HF1107CL Volitelný klavír III • 33 %
HF:HF1107CZ Optional Piano III • 33 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 33 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 33 %
HF:H60375 Double reed Making III / Winter Semester -oboe, bassoon • 33 %
HF:H75012L Baroque/Neo-classical chamber music • 33 %
HF:H75012Z Baroque/classical chamber music • 33 %

Bassoon (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60101FAZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185DZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60373Z Double reed Making I • 100 %
HF:H60101FAL Instrument Playing I • 75 %
HF:H60149ZL Performing Seminar I • 75 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 75 %
HF:H60340FAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 75 %
HF:H60373L Double reed Making I • 75 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 75 %
HF:HF1024L Practical music dramaturgy • 50 %
HF:HF1024Z Practical music dramaturgy • 50 %
HF:H60185DL Chamber Play I • 50 %
HF:H60307L Creative Personality I • 50 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 50 %
HF:H60335L Studios Intership • 50 %
HF:H60335Z Studios Intership • 50 %
HF:H60371Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 50 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 25 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 25 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 25 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 25 %
HF:H60371L Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 25 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 25 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 25 %
HF:H61005 Historical Bassoon • 25 %
HF:H70046Z Filmmaking • 25 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 25 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 25 %
HF:H70214Z Music publishing processes • 25 %
HF:H72001L Jazz ensemble • 25 %
HF:H73023 Základy rétoriky a hlasové výchovy • 25 %
DIFA:DAAZX30 PC Graphics I • 25 %
DIFA:DAAZX32 English • 25 %
2nd term
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H60104FAZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187DZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246FAZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H61005 Historical Bassoon • 100 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60104FAL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 100 %
HF:H60187DL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228FA Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246FAL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H72001L Jazz ensemble • 100 %
HF:H81006L Training Choir • 100 %
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 50 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:H60096L Contrabassoon Playing • 50 %
HF:H60096Z Contrabassoon Playing • 50 %
HF:H60104FAZ Instrument Playing II • 50 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 50 %
HF:H60187DZ Chamber Play II • 50 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 50 %
HF:H60246FAZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 50 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 50 %
HF:H60374Z Double reed Making II - oboe, bassoon • 50 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 50 %

Flute (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60104FLL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60104FLZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187DL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60187DZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228FL Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246FLL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60246FLZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 67 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 67 %
HF:H60110L Piccolo Playing • 67 %
HF:H60110Z Piccolo Playing • 67 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 33 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 33 %
HF:HF1107BL Optional Piano II • 33 %
HF:HF1107BZ Optional Piano II • 33 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 33 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 33 %
HF:H60034L History of Music III (20th century) • 33 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 33 %
HF:H60265Z Movement III / (baroque dance) • 33 %
HF:H60266L Movement IV / (Spain dance) • 33 %
4th term
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109FLZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60151ZZ Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60231FLZ Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 100 %
HF:H60247FLZ Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60346FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 50 %
HF:H50803DZ Chamber Play III • 50 %
HF:H60109AAZ Performing Seminar I • 50 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 50 %
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109FLL Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60151ZL Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60231FLL Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60247FLL Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60346FAL Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H50803DL Chamber Play III • 60 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 60 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 60 %
HF:H60109AAL Performing Seminar I • 60 %
HF:H60109FLZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 60 %
HF:H60151ZZ Performing Seminar III • 60 %
HF:H60231FLZ Methodology II • 60 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 60 %
HF:H60247FLZ Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 60 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 60 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 60 %
HF:H60346FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano III • 60 %
HF:H50803DZ Chamber Play III • 40 %
HF:H60109AAZ Performing Seminar I • 40 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 20 %
HF:H60110L Piccolo Playing • 20 %
HF:H60110Z Piccolo Playing • 20 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 20 %
HF:H80056L Barokní příčná flétna • 20 %
HF:H80056Z Barokní příčná flétna • 20 %

Flute (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60101FLL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60101FLZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185DL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60185DZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 83 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 33 %
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 33 %
HF:H60307L Creative Personality I • 33 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 33 %
HF:H75010L Interactive improvisation and harmonization • 33 %
HF:H75010Z Interactive improvisation and harmonization • 33 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 17 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 17 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 17 %
HF:HJX00SZ Spanish for Beginners • 17 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 17 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 17 %
HF:H60034L History of Music III (20th century) • 17 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 17 %
HF:H60130L Improvisation I • 17 %
HF:H60130Z Improvisation I • 17 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 17 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 17 %
HF:H70078L Czech for professional practice • 17 %
HF:H70078Z Czech for professional practice • 17 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 17 %
HF:H75012L Baroque/Neo-classical chamber music • 17 %
HF:H81006L Training Choir • 17 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 17 %
DIFA:DAALX44 Tap Dance • 17 %
DIFA:DAAZX44 Tap Dance • 17 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60104FLL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60104FLZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60110Z Piccolo Playing • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187DL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60187DZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228FL Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246FLL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60246FLZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60110L Piccolo Playing • 67 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 33 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 33 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 33 %
HF:HF1504L Film music seminar • 33 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 33 %
HF:HJX00FZ French • 33 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 33 %
HF:H80056L Barokní příčná flétna • 33 %
HF:H80056Z Barokní příčná flétna • 33 %

Oboe (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60101HOL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60101HOZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 100 %
HF:H60185DL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60185DZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60373HZ Double reed Making I • 100 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 100 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 50 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 50 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:HJ0017Z Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 50 %
HF:H60084L English Horn Playing • 50 %
HF:H60084Z English Horn Playing • 50 %
HF:H60307L Creative Personality I • 50 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 50 %
HF:H60374HL Double reed Making II - oboe, bassoon • 50 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 50 %
HF:H6105BZ Historical Oboe • 50 %
HF:H81006L Training Choir • 50 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 50 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 100 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 100 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60104HOL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60104HOZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187DL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60187DZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228HO Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246HOL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60246HOZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H80026L Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 100 %
HF:H80026Z Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 100 %
4th term
HF:H60109HOZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60151ZZ Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60231HOZ Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 100 %
HF:H60247HOZ Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60346FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H60375H Double reed Making III / Winter Semester -oboe, bassoon • 100 %
HF:H80026Z Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 50 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 50 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 50 %
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109HOL Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60151ZL Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60231HOL Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60247HOL Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60346FAL Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H80026L Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 50 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 50 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 50 %

Oboe (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60101HOL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60101HOZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185DL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60185DZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60373HZ Double reed Making I • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 75 %
HF:H60373HL Double reed Making I • 75 %
HF:H72001L Jazz ensemble • 75 %
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 50 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 50 %
HF:H60084L English Horn Playing • 50 %
HF:H60084Z English Horn Playing • 50 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 25 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 25 %
HF:HJX00FL French • 25 %
HF:HJX00FZ French • 25 %
HF:HJX00IL Italian • 25 %
HF:HJ0017L Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 25 %
HF:HJ0017Z Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 25 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 25 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 25 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 25 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 25 %
HF:H60266L Movement IV / (Spain dance) • 25 %
HF:H60266Z Movement IV / (Spain dance) • 25 %
HF:H70078L Czech for professional practice • 25 %
HF:H70078Z Czech for professional practice • 25 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 25 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 25 %
HF:H70213L Historical tuning • 25 %
HF:H70213Z Historical tuning • 25 %
HF:H75012Z Baroque/classical chamber music • 25 %
HF:H82144L Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 25 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 25 %
DIFA:DAALX33 German • 25 %
DIFA:DAAZX33 German • 25 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:HJX00FZ French • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60104HOL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60104HOZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 100 %
HF:H60187DL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60187DZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228HO Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246HOL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60246HOZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60374HL Double reed Making II - oboe, bassoon • 100 %
HF:H60374HZ Double reed Making II - oboe, bassoon • 100 %
HF:H72001L Jazz ensemble • 100 %
HF:H80026L Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 100 %
HF:H80026Z Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 100 %

Violin (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109HSL Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60109HSZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60231HSL Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60231HSZ Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 100 %
HF:H602471L Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H602471Z Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60346L Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H60346Z Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:H601932L Chamber Play III • 50 %
HF:H601932Z Chamber Play III • 50 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 25 %
HF:HF1107CL Volitelný klavír III • 25 %
HF:HF1107CZ Optional Piano III • 25 %
HF:H40745L Performing Seminar III • 25 %
HF:H40745Z Performing Seminar III • 25 %
HF:H601933L Chamber Play III • 25 %
HF:H601933Z Chamber Play III • 25 %

Violin (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60101HSL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60101HSZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60152A New Music Performance I • 100 %
HF:H601654L Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601654Z Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60186L Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60186Z Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340L Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340Z Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 56 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 44 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 33 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 33 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60034L History of Music III (20th century) • 33 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 33 %
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 22 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 22 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 22 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 22 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 11 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 11 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 11 %
HF:HF1504L Film music seminar • 11 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 11 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 11 %
HF:HJX00SZ Spanish for Beginners • 11 %
HF:H51474L History of Popular Music • 11 %
HF:H51474Z History of Popular Music • 11 %
HF:H60307L Creative Personality I • 11 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 11 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 11 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 11 %
HF:H70078L Czech for professional practice • 11 %
HF:H70078Z Czech for professional practice • 11 %
HF:H81006L Training Choir • 11 %
2nd term
HF:H60104HSZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H601684Z Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60188Z Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602461Z Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343Z Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70078Z Czech for professional practice • 100 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 50 %
HF:HF1107BZ Optional Piano II • 50 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:HJX00SZ Spanish for Beginners • 50 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60104HSL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H601684L Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60188L Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228HS Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602461L Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343L Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60104HSZ Instrument Playing II • 82 %
HF:H601684Z Performing Seminar II • 82 %
HF:H60188Z Chamber Play II • 82 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 82 %
HF:H602461Z Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 82 %
HF:H60343Z Repertoire Study with Piano II • 82 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 73 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 73 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 27 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 18 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 18 %
HF:HF1107BL Optional Piano II • 18 %
HF:HJX00SZ Spanish for Beginners • 18 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 18 %
HF:H70078L Czech for professional practice • 18 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H601095AZ Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601933Z Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 100 %
HF:H602471Z Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60346Z Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 88 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 88 %
HF:H60109HSZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 88 %
HF:H60231HSL Methodology II • 88 %
HF:H60231HSZ Methodology II • 88 %
HF:H602471L Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 88 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 88 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 88 %
HF:H60346L Repertoire Study with Piano III • 88 %
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 75 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 75 %
HF:H60109HSL Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 75 %
HF:H601095AL Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 75 %
HF:H601933L Chamber Play III • 75 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 75 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 75 %
HF:HF1107CL Volitelný klavír III • 13 %
HF:HF1107CZ Optional Piano III • 13 %
HF:HF1601L Barokní housle • 13 %
HF:HF1601Z Barokní housle • 13 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 13 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 13 %
HF:H82144L Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 13 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 13 %
DIFA:DERZX06 Intensive Czech Language Course • 13 %

Clarinet (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 100 %
HF:H60085Z Bass Clarinet Playing • 100 %
HF:H60104KLZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60154C New Music Performance II • 100 %
HF:H60187DZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246KLZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60085L Bass Clarinet Playing • 100 %
HF:H60104KLL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187DL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228KL Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246KLL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 67 %
HF:H60085Z Bass Clarinet Playing • 67 %
HF:H60104KLZ Instrument Playing II • 67 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 67 %
HF:H60154C New Music Performance II • 67 %
HF:H60187DZ Chamber Play II • 67 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 67 %
HF:H60246KLZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 67 %
HF:H60307L Creative Personality I • 67 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 67 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 67 %
HF:H60367A Reed Adjustement II / Summer Semester - clarinet • 67 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 33 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 33 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 33 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H50803DL Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H50803DZ Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109KLL Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60109KLZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60151ZL Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60151ZZ Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60231KLL Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60231KLZ Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 100 %
HF:H60247KLL Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60247KLZ Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60346FAL Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H60346FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H60109AAL Performing Seminar I • 50 %
HF:H60109AAZ Performing Seminar I • 50 %

Clarinet (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60101KLL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60101KLZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 100 %
HF:H60185DL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60185DZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 67 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 67 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 67 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 67 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 67 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 33 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 33 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 33 %
HF:H60154C New Music Performance II • 33 %
HF:H60367 Reed Adjustement I / Summer Semester - clarinet • 33 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 33 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60085L Bass Clarinet Playing • 100 %
HF:H60085Z Bass Clarinet Playing • 100 %
HF:H60104KLL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60104KLZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187DL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60187DZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228KL Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246KLL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60246KLZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60367A Reed Adjustement II / Summer Semester - clarinet • 100 %

Piano (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
HF:H60080Z History of Piano play and Pedagogy • 100 %
HF:H601042Z Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H601671Z Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H601871Z Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:HF1001Z Analysis of Music Compositions • 50 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 50 %
HF:H60022Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 50 %
HF:H60129Z Improvisation I • 50 %
DIFA:DERZX03 Czech for Foreigners I • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60022L History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60080L History of Piano play and Pedagogy • 100 %
HF:H601042L Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H601671L Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H601871L Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:HF1001L Analýza hudebních skladeb • 50 %
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 50 %
HF:HF1504L Film music seminar • 50 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 50 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 50 %
HF:H60022Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 50 %
HF:H60080Z History of Piano play and Pedagogy • 50 %
HF:H601042Z Instrument Playing II • 50 %
HF:H60129L Improvisation I • 50 %
HF:H60130L Improvisation I • 50 %
HF:H60130Z Improvisation I • 50 %
HF:H601671Z Performing Seminar II • 50 %
HF:H601871Z Chamber Play II • 50 %
HF:H70001L Analysis of Piano Works • 50 %
HF:H70001Z Analysis of Piano Works • 50 %
4th term
HF:HF0394L Klavírní doprovod - zpěv • 50 %
HF:H50093Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory III • 50 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 50 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 50 %
HF:H601042L Instrument Playing II • 50 %
HF:H60108Z Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 50 %
HF:H601671L Performing Seminar II • 50 %
HF:H60171A Performing Seminar III • 50 %
HF:H60194Z Chamber Play III - graduation project • 50 %
HF:H60234Z Piano Methodology • 50 %
HF:H60254Z Teaching Methodology Seminar • 50 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 50 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 50 %
DIFA:DERLX03 Czech for Foreigners II • 50 %
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60108L Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H50093L History of the Instrument and its Repertory III • 88 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 88 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 88 %
HF:H60108Z Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 88 %
HF:H60194L Chamber Play III - graduation project • 88 %
HF:H60234L Piano Methodology • 88 %
HF:H60254L Teaching Methodology Seminar • 88 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 88 %
HF:H50093Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory III • 75 %
HF:H60171A Performing Seminar III • 75 %
HF:H60194Z Chamber Play III - graduation project • 75 %
HF:H60234Z Piano Methodology • 75 %
HF:H60254Z Teaching Methodology Seminar • 75 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 75 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 63 %
HF:H60087L Harpsichord Playing II • 13 %
HF:H60087Z Harpsichord Playing II • 13 %

Double bass (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60101KOL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60101KOZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H601654L Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601654Z Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60186L Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60186Z Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340L Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340Z Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 67 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 33 %
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60152A New Music Performance I • 33 %
HF:H602461L Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 33 %
HF:H602461Z Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 33 %
HF:H60305L Composition Analysis I • 33 %
HF:H60305Z Composition Analysis I • 33 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 33 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 33 %
HF:H75012L Baroque/Neo-classical chamber music • 33 %
HF:H75012Z Baroque/classical chamber music • 33 %
2nd term
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:H60104KOZ Instrument Playing II • 50 %
HF:H601684Z Performing Seminar II • 50 %
HF:H60188Z Chamber Play II • 50 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 50 %
HF:H602461Z Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 50 %
HF:H60343Z Repertoire Study with Piano II • 50 %
DIFA:DAAZX81 Účast v projektech DF a HF • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60104KOL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H601684L Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60188L Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228KO Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602461L Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343L Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 75 %
HF:H60104KOZ Instrument Playing II • 75 %
HF:H601684Z Performing Seminar II • 75 %
HF:H60188Z Chamber Play II • 75 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 75 %
HF:H602461Z Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 75 %
HF:H60343Z Repertoire Study with Piano II • 75 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:H60152A New Music Performance I • 50 %
DIFA:DAALX81 Účast v projektech DF a HF • 50 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 25 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 25 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 25 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 25 %
HF:H60130L Improvisation I • 25 %
HF:H60130Z Improvisation I • 25 %
HF:H60306L Composition Analysis II • 25 %
HF:H60306Z Composition Analysis II • 25 %
DIFA:DAAZX81 Účast v projektech DF a HF • 25 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109KOL Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60109KOZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H601095AL Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601095AZ Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601933L Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H601933Z Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H60231KOL Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60231KOZ Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 100 %
HF:H602471L Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H602471Z Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60346L Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H60346Z Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
6th term
HF:H40745L Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60109KOL Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60130L Improvisation I • 100 %
HF:H601932L Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602471L Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60346L Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
DIFA:DERLX03 Czech for Foreigners II • 100 %

Guitar (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H601046L Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H601201L Sight-reading and Improvisation II • 100 %
HF:H601684L Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60188L Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60229 Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H60413L Fundamentals of Jazz Improvisation II • 100 %
HF:H81006L Training Choir • 100 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H601095L Instrument Playing III • 100 %
HF:H601095Z Instrument Playing III • 100 %
HF:H601933L Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H601933Z Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H60232L Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60232Z Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H40745L Performing Seminar III • 50 %
HF:H40745Z Performing Seminar III • 50 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 50 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 50 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 50 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 50 %
HF:H60413L Fundamentals of Jazz Improvisation II • 50 %
HF:H60413Z Fundamentals of Jazz Improvisation II • 50 %

Guitar (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H601014L Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H601014Z Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60119L Sight-reading and Improvisation I • 100 %
HF:H60119Z Sight-reading and Improvisation I • 100 %
HF:H60152A New Music Performance I • 100 %
HF:H601654L Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601654Z Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60186L Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60186Z Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:H60412L Fundamentals of Jazz Improvisation I • 80 %
HF:H60412Z Fundamentals of Jazz Improvisation I • 80 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 80 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 60 %
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 40 %
HF:H60307L Creative Personality I • 40 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 20 %
HF:HF1520L The Persuasive Role of Music in the Commercial • 20 %
HF:HF1520Z The Persuasive Role of Music in the Commercial • 20 %
HF:HJ0017L Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 20 %
HF:HJ0017Z Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 20 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 20 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 20 %
HF:H60155L Early Music Performance Practice I • 20 %
HF:H60155Z Early Music Performance Practice I • 20 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 20 %
2nd term
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 100 %
HF:H601046Z Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H601201Z Sight-reading and Improvisation II • 100 %
HF:H601684Z Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60188Z Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60412Z Fundamentals of Jazz Improvisation I • 100 %
HF:H70078Z Czech for professional practice • 100 %
HF:H80025Z Historical improvisation • 100 %
HF:H80059Z Interpretace repertoáru starších stylových období pro kytaristy • 100 %
HF:H80061Z Praktikum kontrapunktu • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H601046L Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H601201L Sight-reading and Improvisation II • 100 %
HF:H601684L Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60188L Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60229 Methodology I • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 75 %
HF:H601046Z Instrument Playing II • 75 %
HF:H601201Z Sight-reading and Improvisation II • 75 %
HF:H601684Z Performing Seminar II • 75 %
HF:H60188Z Chamber Play II • 75 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 50 %
HF:H60412L Fundamentals of Jazz Improvisation I • 50 %
HF:H60413L Fundamentals of Jazz Improvisation II • 50 %
HF:H60413Z Fundamentals of Jazz Improvisation II • 50 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 25 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 25 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 25 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 25 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 25 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 25 %
HF:H60081HL Voice Training I • 25 %
HF:H60081HZ Voice Training I • 25 %
HF:H60082L Voice Training II • 25 %
HF:H60082Z Voice Training II • 25 %
HF:H60266L Movement IV / (Spain dance) • 25 %
HF:H60266Z Movement IV / (Spain dance) • 25 %
HF:H60412Z Fundamentals of Jazz Improvisation I • 25 %
HF:H70078L Czech for professional practice • 25 %
HF:H70096L History of Latin Music • 25 %
HF:H70096Z History of Latin Music • 25 %
HF:H80025L Historical improvisation • 25 %
HF:H80059L Interpretace repertoáru starších stylových období pro kytaristy • 25 %
HF:H80061L Praktikum kontrapunktu • 25 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H601095AL Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601095AZ Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601095L Instrument Playing III • 100 %
HF:H601095Z Instrument Playing III • 100 %
HF:H601933L Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H601933Z Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H60232L Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60232Z Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H40745L Performing Seminar III • 50 %
HF:H40745Z Performing Seminar III • 50 %

French Horn (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
HF:HF1520Z The Persuasive Role of Music in the Commercial • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 100 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60104LRZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60154C New Music Performance II • 100 %
HF:H60187ZZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246LRZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60104LRL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60104LRZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187ZL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60187ZZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228LR Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246LRL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60246LRZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 100 %
HF:H65005L Wagner Tuba Playing • 100 %
HF:H65005Z Wagner Tuba Playing • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 67 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 67 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 33 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 33 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 33 %
HF:HF1520Z The Persuasive Role of Music in the Commercial • 33 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 33 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 33 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 33 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 33 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 33 %
HF:H75012L Baroque/Neo-classical chamber music • 33 %
HF:H75012Z Baroque/classical chamber music • 33 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 33 %
4th term
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109LRZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60151ZZ Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60231LRZ Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 100 %
HF:H60247LRZ Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60346FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:HF1107BZ Optional Piano II • 33 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 33 %
HF:H50803DZ Chamber Play III • 33 %
HF:H50803ZZ Chamber Play III • 33 %
HF:H60109AAZ Performing Seminar I • 33 %
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 86 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 86 %
HF:H60109LRL Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 86 %
HF:H60151ZL Performing Seminar III • 86 %
HF:H60231LRL Methodology II • 86 %
HF:H60247LRL Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 86 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 86 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 86 %
HF:H60346FAL Repertoire Study with Piano III • 71 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 43 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 43 %
HF:H60231LRZ Methodology II • 43 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 43 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 43 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 43 %
HF:H50803DL Chamber Play III • 29 %
HF:H60109AAL Performing Seminar I • 29 %
HF:H60109LRZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 29 %
HF:H60151ZZ Performing Seminar III • 29 %
HF:H60247LRZ Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 29 %
HF:H60346FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano III • 29 %
HF:HF1014L Základy jazzové interpretace a frázování • 14 %
HF:HF1014Z Základy jazzové interpretace a frázování • 14 %
HF:HF1107BL Optional Piano II • 14 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 14 %
HF:H50803DZ Chamber Play III • 14 %
HF:H50803ZL Chamber Play III • 14 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 14 %
HF:H60109AAZ Performing Seminar I • 14 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 14 %

French horn (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60101LRZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185DZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60101LRL Instrument Playing I • 83 %
HF:H60149ZL Performing Seminar I • 83 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 83 %
HF:H60185DL Chamber Play I • 83 %
HF:H60340FAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 83 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 83 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 67 %
HF:H65005L Wagner Tuba Playing • 50 %
HF:H65005Z Wagner Tuba Playing • 50 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 33 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 33 %
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 33 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 33 %
HF:HF0119L Interpretation of Early Music I • 17 %
HF:HF0119Z Interpretation of Early Music I • 17 %
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 17 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 17 %
HF:H70078L Czech for professional practice • 17 %
HF:H70078Z Czech for professional practice • 17 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 17 %
DIFA:DAALX39 Sign Language • 17 %
DIFA:DAAZX39 Sign Language • 17 %
DIFA:DERZX03 Czech for Foreigners I • 17 %
DIFA:DERZX06 Intensive Czech Language Course • 17 %
2nd term
HF:H60101LRL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185DL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
DIFA:DERLX03 Czech for Foreigners II • 100 %

Trombone (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60104TRL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60104TRZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187ZL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60187ZZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228TR Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246TRL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60246TRZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H65004L Playing the alto trombone I • 100 %
HF:H65004Z Playing the alto trombone I • 100 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 50 %
HF:HF1504L Film music seminar • 50 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 50 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 50 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 50 %
4th term
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60151ZZ Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60231TRZ Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60247TRZ Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60346FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 50 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 50 %
HF:H60109TRZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 50 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 50 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 50 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 50 %
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109TRL Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60151ZL Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60231TRL Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60247TRL Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60346FAL Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 86 %
HF:H60109TRZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 86 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 86 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 86 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 86 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 71 %
HF:H60151ZZ Performing Seminar III • 71 %
HF:H60231TRZ Methodology II • 71 %
HF:H60247TRZ Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 71 %
HF:H60346FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano III • 71 %
HF:H50803DL Chamber Play III • 29 %
HF:H50803DZ Chamber Play III • 29 %
HF:H50803ZL Chamber Play III • 29 %
HF:H50803ZZ Chamber Play III • 29 %
HF:H60109AAL Performing Seminar I • 29 %
HF:H60109AAZ Performing Seminar I • 29 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 14 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 14 %
HF:H60034L History of Music III (20th century) • 14 %

Trombone (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60101TRZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185DZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:H60101TRL Instrument Playing I • 86 %
HF:H60149ZL Performing Seminar I • 86 %
HF:H60185DL Chamber Play I • 86 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 86 %
HF:H60340FAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 86 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 57 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 57 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 43 %
HF:H65004Z Playing the alto trombone I • 43 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 43 %
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 29 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 29 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 29 %
HF:H51474Z History of Popular Music • 29 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 29 %
HF:H60155Z Early Music Performance Practice I • 29 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 29 %
HF:HF1001Z Analysis of Music Compositions • 14 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 14 %
HF:HF1504L Film music seminar • 14 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 14 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 14 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 14 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 14 %
HF:H60154C New Music Performance II • 14 %
HF:H60155L Early Music Performance Practice I • 14 %
HF:H602433Z Orchestra Play I • 14 %
HF:H60307L Creative Personality I • 14 %
HF:H65004L Playing the alto trombone I • 14 %
HF:H82144L Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 14 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 14 %
2nd term
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 100 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 100 %
HF:H60104TRZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60154C New Music Performance II • 100 %
HF:H60187ZZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246TRZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60104TRL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187ZL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228TR Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246TRL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:H51474L History of Popular Music • 50 %
HF:H60034L History of Music III (20th century) • 50 %
HF:H60104TRZ Instrument Playing II • 50 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 50 %
HF:H60187ZZ Chamber Play II • 50 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 50 %
HF:H60246TRZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 50 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 50 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 50 %

Trumpet (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 100 %
HF:HF1014Z Základy jazzové interpretace a frázování • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H60104TBZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187ZZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246TBZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70078Z Czech for professional practice • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60104TBL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187ZL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228TB Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246TBL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 75 %
HF:H60104TBZ Instrument Playing II • 75 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 75 %
HF:H60187ZZ Chamber Play II • 75 %
HF:H60246TBZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 75 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 75 %
HF:HF1014L Základy jazzové interpretace a frázování • 50 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 50 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 50 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 50 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 25 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 25 %
HF:HF1014Z Základy jazzové interpretace a frázování • 25 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 25 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 25 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 25 %
HF:H60265Z Movement III / (baroque dance) • 25 %
HF:H60266L Movement IV / (Spain dance) • 25 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 25 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 25 %
HF:H75010Z Interactive improvisation and harmonization • 25 %
4th term
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109TBZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60151ZZ Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60231TBZ Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 100 %
HF:H60247TBZ Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60346FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:HF1014Z Základy jazzové interpretace a frázování • 25 %
HF:H50803DZ Chamber Play III • 25 %
HF:H50803ZZ Chamber Play III • 25 %
HF:H60109AAZ Performing Seminar I • 25 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 25 %
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109TBL Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60151ZL Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60231TBL Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60247TBL Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60346FAL Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H50803DL Chamber Play III • 50 %
HF:H50803ZL Chamber Play III • 50 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 50 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 50 %
HF:H60109AAL Performing Seminar I • 50 %
HF:H60109TBZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 50 %
HF:H60151ZZ Performing Seminar III • 50 %
HF:H60231TBZ Methodology II • 50 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 50 %
HF:H60247TBZ Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 50 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 50 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 50 %
HF:H60346FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano III • 50 %
HF:H50803DZ Chamber Play III • 38 %
HF:H60109AAZ Performing Seminar I • 38 %
HF:H50803ZZ Chamber Play III • 25 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 13 %

Trumpet (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF1014Z Základy jazzové interpretace a frázování • 100 %
HF:H60101TBL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60101TBZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185DL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60185DZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:HF1014L Základy jazzové interpretace a frázování • 88 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 75 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 50 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 38 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 25 %
HF:H602433Z Orchestra Play I • 25 %
HF:H60307L Creative Personality I • 25 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 25 %
HF:H82144L Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 25 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 25 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 13 %
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 13 %
HF:HF1013L Rytmický trénink • 13 %
HF:HF1013Z Rhytmical Training • 13 %
HF:HJX00FL French • 13 %
HF:HJX00FZ French • 13 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 13 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 13 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 13 %
HF:H81006L Training Choir • 13 %
DIFA:DAALX81 Účast v projektech DF a HF • 13 %
DIFA:DAAZX81 Účast v projektech DF a HF • 13 %
2nd term
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 100 %
HF:H60104TBZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187ZZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246TBZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 100 %
HF:H60104TBL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60104TBZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187ZL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60187ZZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228TB Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246TBL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60246TBZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 50 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 50 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 50 %

Tuba (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60101TUZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185DZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60101TUL Instrument Playing I • 67 %
HF:H60149ZL Performing Seminar I • 67 %
HF:H60185DL Chamber Play I • 67 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 67 %
HF:H60340FAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 67 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 67 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 67 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 67 %
HF:H85041L Hra na kontrabasovou tubu (B nebo C) a cimbasso • 67 %
HF:H85041Z Hra na kontrabasovou tubu (B nebo C) a cimbasso • 67 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 33 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 33 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 33 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 33 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 33 %
HF:H60228TU Methodology I • 33 %
HF:H60367 Reed Adjustement I / Summer Semester - clarinet • 33 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 33 %
DIFA:DERZX03 Czech for Foreigners I • 33 %
DIFA:DERZX06 Intensive Czech Language Course • 33 %
2nd term
HF:H60101TUL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
DIFA:DERLX03 Czech for Foreigners II • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 100 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 100 %
HF:HF1504L Film music seminar • 100 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60104TUL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60104TUZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 100 %
HF:H60187ZL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60187ZZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60231TUL Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60231TUZ Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246TUL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60246TUZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60368 Introduction to Percussion Playing I • 100 %
HF:H70079L Alternative tunings and intonation • 100 %
HF:H70079Z Alternative tunings and intonation • 100 %
HF:H70090L Jazz Harmony I • 100 %
HF:H70090Z Jazz Harmony I • 100 %
HF:H70093L History of Jazz I • 100 %
HF:H70093Z History of Jazz I • 100 %
HF:H70096L History of Latin Music • 100 %
HF:H70096Z History of Latin Music • 100 %
HF:H81006L Training Choir • 100 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 100 %

Organ (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H601093L Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H601093Z Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60184L Chamber Play and Accompaniment II • 100 %
HF:H60184Z Chamber Play and Accompaniment II • 100 %
HF:H60233L Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60233Z Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %

Hra na varhany (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HDH011L Self-Managment I • 100 %
HF:HDH011Z Self-Managment I • 100 %
HF:HF0303L Improvizační seminář • 100 %
HF:HF0303Z Improvizační seminář • 100 %
HF:HF0304L Interpretační seminář I • 100 %
HF:HF0304Z Interpretační seminář I • 100 %
HF:HF0307L Komorní hra a doprovod I • 100 %
HF:HF0307Z Komorní hra a doprovod I • 100 %
HF:HF0312L Interpretace staré hudby I • 100 %
HF:HF0312Z Interpretace staré hudby I • 100 %
HF:HF0319L Improvizace I • 100 %
HF:HF0319Z Improvizace I • 100 %
HF:HF0324L Chrámová hudba I • 100 %
HF:HF0324Z Chrámová hudba I • 100 %
HF:HF0332L Hra na nástroj I • 100 %
HF:HF0332Z Hra na nástroj I • 100 %
HF:HF0338L Organologie I • 100 %
HF:HF0338Z Organologie I • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 75 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 50 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 50 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 25 %
HF:H60086L Harpsichord Playing I • 25 %
HF:H60086Z Harpsichord Playing I • 25 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 25 %
HF:H81006L Training Choir • 25 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 25 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HDH012Z Self-Managment II • 100 %
HF:HF0305L Interpretační seminář II • 100 %
HF:HF0305Z Interpretační seminář II • 100 %
HF:HF0308Z Komorní hra a doprovod II • 100 %
HF:HF0310Z Metodika I • 100 %
HF:HF0313L Interpretace staré hudby II • 100 %
HF:HF0313Z Interpretace staré hudby II • 100 %
HF:HF0320Z Improvizace II • 100 %
HF:HF0325L Chrámová hudba II • 100 %
HF:HF0325Z Chrámová hudba II • 100 %
HF:HF0333Z Hra na nástroj II • 100 %
HF:HF0339L Organologie II • 100 %
HF:HF0339Z Organologie II • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:HF0308L Komorní hra a doprovod II • 50 %
HF:HF0310L Metodika I • 50 %
HF:HF0320L Improvizace II • 50 %
HF:HF0333L Hra na nástroj II • 50 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 50 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60086L Harpsichord Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60086Z Harpsichord Playing I • 100 %
HF:H601093L Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H601093Z Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60134L Improvisation II • 100 %
HF:H60134Z Improvisation II • 100 %
HF:H601712L Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H601712Z Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60184L Chamber Play and Accompaniment II • 100 %
HF:H60184Z Chamber Play and Accompaniment II • 100 %
HF:H75012L Baroque/Neo-classical chamber music • 100 %
DIFA:DERLX03 Czech for Foreigners II • 100 %
DIFA:DERZX03 Czech for Foreigners I • 100 %

Cello (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60101VCL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60101VCZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60152A New Music Performance I • 100 %
HF:H601654L Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601654Z Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60186L Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60186Z Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340L Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340Z Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 67 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 67 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 67 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 67 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 67 %
HF:HF1028L Základy hry na violu da gamba II • 33 %
HF:HF1028Z Základy hry na violu da gamba I • 33 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 33 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 33 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 33 %
HF:H51474Z History of Popular Music • 33 %
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60130L Improvisation I • 33 %
HF:H60130Z Improvisation I • 33 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 33 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60104VCL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60104VCZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H601684L Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60188L Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60188Z Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60228VC Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602461L Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H602461Z Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343L Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60343Z Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 67 %
HF:H601684Z Performing Seminar II • 67 %
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 33 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 33 %
HF:HF1504L Film music seminar • 33 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 33 %
HF:HF1520L The Persuasive Role of Music in the Commercial • 33 %
HF:HF1520Z The Persuasive Role of Music in the Commercial • 33 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 33 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 33 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109VCL Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60109VCZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H601095AL Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601095AZ Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601933L Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H601933Z Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H60231VCL Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60231VCZ Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 100 %
HF:H602471L Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H602471Z Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60346L Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H60346Z Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 50 %
HF:H601684Z Performing Seminar II • 50 %

Viola (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109VIL Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60109VIZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H601932L Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H601932Z Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H60231VIL Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60231VIZ Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 100 %
HF:H602471L Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H602471Z Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60346L Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H60346Z Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %

Viola (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60101VIZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60186Z Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340Z Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H601654Z Performing Seminar I • 80 %
HF:H60101VIL Instrument Playing I • 60 %
HF:H60152A New Music Performance I • 60 %
HF:H601654L Performing Seminar I • 60 %
HF:H60186L Chamber Play I • 60 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 60 %
HF:H60340L Repertoire Study with Piano I • 60 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 60 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 40 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 40 %
HF:HJ0017L Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 40 %
HF:HJ0017Z Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 40 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 20 %
HF:HF1013L Rytmický trénink • 20 %
HF:HF1013Z Rhytmical Training • 20 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 20 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 20 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 20 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 20 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 20 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 20 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 20 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 20 %
HF:H75010L Interactive improvisation and harmonization • 20 %
HF:H75010Z Interactive improvisation and harmonization • 20 %
HF:H75012L Baroque/Neo-classical chamber music • 20 %
HF:H75012Z Baroque/classical chamber music • 20 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H60104VIZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H601684Z Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60188Z Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H602441Z Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H602461Z Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60343Z Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 67 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 67 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 67 %
HF:H60104VIL Instrument Playing II • 67 %
HF:H601684L Performing Seminar II • 67 %
HF:H60188L Chamber Play II • 67 %
HF:H60228VI Methodology I • 67 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 67 %
HF:H602461L Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 67 %
HF:H60343L Repertoire Study with Piano II • 67 %
HF:HF1107BL Optional Piano II • 33 %
HF:HF1107BZ Optional Piano II • 33 %
HF:HF1520L The Persuasive Role of Music in the Commercial • 33 %
HF:HF1520Z The Persuasive Role of Music in the Commercial • 33 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 33 %
HF:H60266Z Movement IV / (Spain dance) • 33 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109VIL Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H60109VIZ Instrument Playing - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H601095AL Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601095AZ Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601933L Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H601933Z Chamber Play III • 100 %
HF:H60231VIL Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60231VIZ Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H602451 Orchestra Play III • 100 %
HF:H602471L Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H602471Z Orchestral Parts and Solos II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60346L Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %
HF:H60346Z Repertoire Study with Piano III • 100 %

Music Management (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:D60529L Accounting • 100 %
HF:D60529Z Accounting • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 100 %
HF:H40825 Management • 100 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60210L Cultural Project • 100 %
HF:H60210Z Cultural Project • 100 %
HF:H60251L Music Organization and Structures II • 100 %
HF:H60251Z Music Organization and Structures II • 100 %
HF:H60277L Computers II • 100 %
HF:H60277Z Computers II • 100 %
HF:H60286L Production Seminar in Chamber Opera II • 100 %
HF:H60286Z Production Seminar in Chamber Opera II • 100 %
HF:H60322L Music Organization and Structures Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60322Z Music Organization and Structures Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60400 Media Communication in Practice • 100 %
HF:H60400Z Media Communication in Practice • 100 %
HF:H60405C Project Management • 100 %
HF:H70825 Managerial economics • 100 %
HF:H83033L Law I,II • 100 %
HF:H83033Z Law I,II • 100 %
HF:H85032 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H85032A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H85043Z Fundraising • 100 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 75 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 25 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 25 %
HF:HF1520Z The Persuasive Role of Music in the Commercial • 25 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H51129 Psychology for Managers - Fundaments • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 100 %
HF:H60253Z Music Organization and Structures III - graduation work • 100 %
HF:H60323Z Bakalářský seminář pro hudební produkci III • 100 %
HF:H60399Z Marketing • 100 %
HF:H61546 Staff and Team Work Management • 100 %
HF:H73067Z Graduating project • 100 %
HF:H80011Z Seminar Management and musical production • 100 %
HF:H85020 Participation in the conference or professional meeting • 100 %
DIFA:DDMZ207 Law III • 100 %
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 89 %
HF:H60034L History of Music III (20th century) • 89 %
HF:H60253L Music Organization and Structures III - graduation work • 89 %
HF:H60323L Music Organization and Structures Seminar III • 89 %
HF:H60399L Marketing • 89 %
HF:H73067L Graduating project • 89 %
HF:H75020 Participation in the conference or professional meeting • 89 %
HF:H80011L Seminar Management and musical production • 89 %
DIFA:DDML207 Law III • 89 %
HF:H73023 Základy rétoriky a hlasové výchovy • 22 %
HF:HF0182Z Video a poslechový seminář pro hudební produkci • 11 %
HF:HF1107BL Optional Piano II • 11 %
HF:HF1107BZ Optional Piano II • 11 %
HF:HJX00SL Spanish for beginners • 11 %
HF:HJX00SZ Spanish for Beginners • 11 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 11 %
HF:H60335L Studios Intership • 11 %
HF:H60335Z Studios Intership • 11 %
HF:H75021AZ Independent production • 11 %
DIFA:DAALX44 Tap Dance • 11 %
DIFA:DAAZX44 Tap Dance • 11 %

Music Production (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60209L Cultural Project • 100 %
HF:H60209Z Cultural Project • 100 %
HF:H60222 Macroeconomics • 100 %
HF:H60249L Music Organization and Structures I • 100 %
HF:H60249Z Music Organization and Structures I • 100 %
HF:H60276L Computers I • 100 %
HF:H60276Z Computers I • 100 %
HF:H60285L Production Seminar in Chamber Opera I • 100 %
HF:H60285Z Production Seminar in Chamber Opera I • 100 %
HF:H60401 Microeconomics • 100 %
HF:H60405B Project Management • 100 %
HF:H60408 Sociology of Media and Communication • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:H82033L Law I,II • 100 %
HF:H82033Z Law I,II • 100 %
HF:H82047L Cultural Policy • 100 %
HF:H60123L Music Theory (for those who have not graduated from conservatories) • 45 %
HF:H60123Z Music Theory (for those who have not graduated from conservatories) • 45 %
HF:H70214L Music publishing processes • 45 %
HF:H70214Z Music publishing processes • 45 %
HF:HF0184L Exkurze - koncertní a operní provoz • 36 %
HF:H73023 Základy rétoriky a hlasové výchovy • 36 %
HF:HF1603L Teorie hudby pro neabsolventy konzrvatoří • 27 %
HF:HF1603Z Teorie hudby pro neabsolventy konzrvatoří • 27 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 27 %
HF:H60335Z Studios Intership • 27 %
HF:H75021AL Independent production • 27 %
HF:H85020 Participation in the conference or professional meeting • 27 %
HF:HF1024L Practical music dramaturgy • 18 %
HF:H60335L Studios Intership • 18 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 18 %
HF:H80041Z Festival production • 18 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:D60529L Accounting • 100 %
HF:D60529Z Accounting • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H40825 Management • 100 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60210L Cultural Project • 100 %
HF:H60210Z Cultural Project • 100 %
HF:H60251L Music Organization and Structures II • 100 %
HF:H60251Z Music Organization and Structures II • 100 %
HF:H60277L Computers II • 100 %
HF:H60277Z Computers II • 100 %
HF:H60286L Production Seminar in Chamber Opera II • 100 %
HF:H60286Z Production Seminar in Chamber Opera II • 100 %
HF:H60322L Music Organization and Structures Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60322Z Music Organization and Structures Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60400 Media Communication in Practice • 100 %
HF:H60400Z Media Communication in Practice • 100 %
HF:H60405A Project Management • 100 %
HF:H70825 Managerial economics • 100 %
HF:H83033L Law I,II • 100 %
HF:H83033Z Law I,II • 100 %
HF:H85032 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H85032A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H85043Z Fundraising • 100 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 80 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 80 %
HF:HF0182Z Video a poslechový seminář pro hudební produkci • 20 %
HF:HJX00SZ Spanish for Beginners • 20 %
HF:H60335Z Studios Intership • 20 %
HF:H70109L Working in the recording studio • 20 %
HF:H70109Z Working in the recording studio • 20 %
HF:H80041Z Festival production • 20 %
DIFA:DAAZY07 Školní časopis • 20 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:HDH011Z Self-Managment I • 100 %
HF:HF1035Z Assistance in project production • 100 %
HF:HF1604Z Music Business • 100 %
HF:H60209Z Cultural Project • 100 %
HF:H60285Z Production Seminar in Chamber Opera I • 100 %
HF:H60335Z Studios Intership • 100 %
HF:H70214Z Music publishing processes • 100 %
HF:H80011Z Seminar Management and musical production • 100 %
DIFA:DAAZX44 Tap Dance • 100 %
DIFA:DERZX02 Brno Theatre Map I • 100 %
DIFA:DERZX03 Czech for Foreigners I • 100 %
DIFA:DERZX04 Ensemble singing I • 100 %
DIFA:DERZX06 Intensive Czech Language Course • 100 %

Jazz interpretation (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H70087L Jazz ensemble • 100 %
HF:H70087Z Jazz ensemble • 100 %
HF:H70127L Bigband III • 100 %
HF:H70127Z Bigband III • 100 %
HF:H70128L Interpretation Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H70128Z Interpretation Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H70130L Theory of Jazz Improvisation III • 100 %
HF:H70130Z Theory of Jazz Improvisation III • 100 %
HF:H70131L Jazz Harmony III • 100 %
HF:H70131Z Jazz Harmony III • 100 %
HF:H85024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H85024A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H70133Z Introduction to Jazz Piano III • 75 %
HF:H70126AL Playing the instrument - graduation project III • 50 %
HF:H70126AZ Playing the instrument - graduation project III • 50 %
HF:H70126CL Playing the guitar - graduation project III • 50 %
HF:H70126CZ Playing the guitar - graduation project III • 50 %
HF:H70132L Jazz compositions and arrangements III • 50 %
HF:H70132Z Jazz compositions and arrangements III • 50 %
HF:H70133L Introduction to Jazz Piano III • 50 %
DIFA:DAALX81 Účast v projektech DF a HF • 50 %
DIFA:DAAZX81 Účast v projektech DF a HF • 50 %
HF:HF1104L Úvod do hry na bicí soupravu • 25 %
HF:HF1104Z Úvod do hry na bicí soupravu • 25 %

Jazz Intepretation (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H601652L Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601852L Ensemble Play I • 100 %
HF:H70084AL Playing the instrument I • 100 %
HF:H70085AL Classical interpretation I • 100 %
HF:H70088L Theory of Jazz Improvisation I • 100 %
HF:H70089L Jazz intonation and rhythm I • 100 %
HF:H70090L Jazz Harmony I • 100 %
HF:H70091L Jazz compositions and arrangements I • 100 %
HF:H70093L History of Jazz I • 100 %
HF:H70097L Bigband I • 100 %
HF:H601652Z Performing Seminar I • 93 %
HF:H601852Z Ensemble Play I • 93 %
HF:H70084AZ Playing the instrument I • 93 %
HF:H70088Z Theory of Jazz Improvisation I • 93 %
HF:H70089Z Jazz intonation and rhythm I • 93 %
HF:H70090Z Jazz Harmony I • 93 %
HF:H70091Z Jazz compositions and arrangements I • 93 %
HF:H70092L Introduction to Jazz Piano I • 93 %
HF:H70093Z History of Jazz I • 93 %
HF:H70094 Working with music programs • 93 %
HF:H70097Z Bigband I • 93 %
HF:H70085AZ Classical interpretation I • 87 %
HF:H70092Z Introduction to Jazz Piano I • 87 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 73 %
HF:HF1031L Rhytmical Training • 47 %
HF:HF1031Z Rhytmical Training • 47 %
HF:HF1104Z Úvod do hry na bicí soupravu • 33 %
HF:H82144L Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 33 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 33 %
HF:HF1104L Úvod do hry na bicí soupravu • 27 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 20 %
HF:H60076L Physiology and Hygiene of Voice • 20 %
HF:HF1012L Latinsko-americká hudba • 13 %
HF:HF1012Z Latinsko-americká hudba • 13 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 13 %
HF:H60076Z Physiology and Hygiene of Voice • 13 %
HF:H70078Z Czech for professional practice • 13 %
HF:H70214L Music publishing processes • 13 %
HF:H70214Z Music publishing processes • 13 %
HF:H75010L Interactive improvisation and harmonization • 13 %
HF:H75010Z Interactive improvisation and harmonization • 13 %
2nd term
HF:H601682Z Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H601872Z Ensemble Play II • 100 %
HF:H70098Z Bigband II • 100 %
HF:H70099AZ Playing the instrument II • 100 %
HF:H70103Z Theory of Jazz Improvisation II • 100 %
HF:H70104Z Jazz intonation and rhythm II • 100 %
HF:H70105Z Jazz Harmony II • 100 %
HF:H70106Z Jazz compositions and arrangements II • 100 %
HF:H70107Z Introduction to Jazz Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70108Z History of Jazz II • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 83 %
HF:H70100AZ Classical interpretation II • 83 %
HF:H70214Z Music publishing processes • 50 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 50 %
HF:HF1104Z Úvod do hry na bicí soupravu • 33 %
HF:HDH011Z Self-Managment I • 17 %
HF:HDH012Z Self-Managment II • 17 %
HF:HF1012Z Latinsko-americká hudba • 17 %
HF:HF1031Z Rhytmical Training • 17 %
HF:HF1107BZ Optional Piano II • 17 %
HF:HJX00SZ Spanish for Beginners • 17 %
HF:HJ0017Z Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 17 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 17 %
HF:H60335Z Studios Intership • 17 %
HF:H60371Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 17 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H601682L Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H601872L Ensemble Play II • 100 %
HF:H70098L Bigband II • 100 %
HF:H70099AL Playing the instrument II • 100 %
HF:H70103L Theory of Jazz Improvisation II • 100 %
HF:H70104L Jazz intonation and rhythm II • 100 %
HF:H70105L Jazz Harmony II • 100 %
HF:H70106L Jazz compositions and arrangements II • 100 %
HF:H70107L Introduction to Jazz Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70108L History of Jazz II • 100 %
HF:H70100AL Classical interpretation II • 92 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 83 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 58 %
HF:H601682Z Performing Seminar II • 58 %
HF:H601872Z Ensemble Play II • 58 %
HF:H70098Z Bigband II • 58 %
HF:H70099AZ Playing the instrument II • 58 %
HF:H70100AZ Classical interpretation II • 58 %
HF:H70103Z Theory of Jazz Improvisation II • 58 %
HF:H70104Z Jazz intonation and rhythm II • 58 %
HF:H70105Z Jazz Harmony II • 58 %
HF:H70106Z Jazz compositions and arrangements II • 58 %
HF:H70107Z Introduction to Jazz Piano II • 58 %
HF:H70108Z History of Jazz II • 58 %
HF:H82144L Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 50 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 42 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 33 %
HF:HF1031L Rhytmical Training • 25 %
HF:H70214L Music publishing processes • 25 %
DIFA:DAALX81 Účast v projektech DF a HF • 25 %
DIFA:DAAZX81 Účast v projektech DF a HF • 25 %
HF:HF1031Z Rhytmical Training • 17 %
HF:HF1104L Úvod do hry na bicí soupravu • 17 %
HF:H51474Z History of Popular Music • 17 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 17 %
HF:H60371L Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 17 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 17 %
4th term
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109AZ Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H60170Z Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60193Z Ensemble Play III • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H70126AZ Playing the instrument - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H70127Z Bigband III • 100 %
HF:H70130Z Theory of Jazz Improvisation III • 100 %
HF:H70131Z Jazz Harmony III • 100 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 50 %
HF:H70132Z Jazz compositions and arrangements III • 50 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 50 %
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60109AL Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H60170L Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60193L Ensemble Play III • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H70126AL Playing the instrument - graduation project III • 100 %
HF:H70127L Bigband III • 100 %
HF:H70130L Theory of Jazz Improvisation III • 100 %
HF:H70131L Jazz Harmony III • 100 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 78 %
HF:H60109AZ Instrument Playing III - graduation project • 78 %
HF:H60170Z Performing Seminar III • 78 %
HF:H60193Z Ensemble Play III • 78 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 78 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 78 %
HF:H70126AZ Playing the instrument - graduation project III • 78 %
HF:H70127Z Bigband III • 78 %
HF:H70130Z Theory of Jazz Improvisation III • 78 %
HF:H70131Z Jazz Harmony III • 78 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 67 %
HF:H82144L Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 33 %
HF:H70132L Jazz compositions and arrangements III • 22 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 22 %
HF:HF1104L Úvod do hry na bicí soupravu • 11 %
HF:HF1104Z Úvod do hry na bicí soupravu • 11 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 11 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 11 %
HF:HF1606L Basics of Contemporary Vocals (Focus Jazz and Pop) • 11 %
HF:HF1606Z Basics of Contemporary Vocals (Focus Jazz and Pop) • 11 %
HF:HJX00SZ Spanish for Beginners • 11 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 11 %
HF:H70132Z Jazz compositions and arrangements III • 11 %
HF:H70214Z Music publishing processes • 11 %

Multimedial Composition (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF1004L Přehled světových dějin umění 20.století do roku 1945 II • 100 %
HF:HF1004Z Přehled světových dějin umění 20.století do roku 1945 I • 100 %
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60335L Studios Intership • 100 %
HF:H60335Z Studios Intership • 100 %
HF:H60371L Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 100 %
HF:H60371Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 100 %
HF:H70040L Multimedia composition I • 100 %
HF:H70040Z Multimedia composition I • 100 %
HF:H70043A PC technologies • 100 %
HF:H70046L Filmmaking • 100 %
HF:H70046Z Filmmaking • 100 %
HF:H70052L Media Theory - Introduction • 100 %
HF:H70052Z Media Theory - Introduction • 100 %
HF:H70055A Video • 100 %
HF:H70055B Video • 100 %
HF:H70057L Photography • 100 %
HF:H70057Z Photography • 100 %
HF:H70061L Basics of Instrumentation I • 100 %
HF:H70061Z Basics of Instrumentation I • 100 %
HF:H70064L Basics of Composition Theory I • 100 %
HF:H70064Z Basics of Composition Theory I • 100 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 100 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 100 %
HF:H70314L Production Seminar • 100 %
HF:H70314Z Production Seminar • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:HF1024L Practical music dramaturgy • 50 %
HF:HF1024Z Practical music dramaturgy • 50 %
HF:HF1504L Film music seminar • 50 %
HF:H70056A Visual composition in time • 50 %
HF:H70056B Visual composition in time • 50 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF0006L Electroacoustic Music I • 100 %
HF:HF0006Z Electroacoustic Music I • 100 %
HF:HF0017Z Filmmaking II • 100 %
HF:HF1509L Teorie audiovizuální kompozice II • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:H70035A Multimedia Technology • 100 %
HF:H70035B Interactive Electronics • 100 %
HF:H70038L Electroacoustic Music composition • 100 %
HF:H70038Z Electroacoustic Music composition • 100 %
HF:H70041L Multimedia composition II • 100 %
HF:H70041Z Multimedia creation II • 100 %
HF:H70059L Basics of Dramaturgy and Directing • 100 %
HF:H70059Z Basics of Dramaturgy and Directing • 100 %
HF:H70065L Basics of Composition Theory II • 100 %
HF:H70065Z Basics of Composition Theory II • 100 %
HF:H70315L Composition Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H70315Z Composition Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H72003L Jazz ensemble • 100 %
HF:H81011Z Physical Computing (Interactive Systems) • 100 %
HF:HF0017L Filmmaking II • 50 %
HF:HF1501Z Audiovizuální cvičení I • 50 %
HF:HF1502L Audiovizuální cvičení II • 50 %
HF:HF1508Z Teorie audiovizuální kompozice I • 50 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:H60307L Creative Personality I • 50 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 50 %
HF:H60324AL Aural Analysis I • 50 %
HF:H60324AZ Aural Analysis I • 50 %
HF:H70074Z Image Theory • 50 %
HF:H75005L Ethnomusicology • 50 %
HF:H75005Z Ethnomusicology • 50 %
HF:H81011L Physical Computing (Interactive Systems) • 50 %

Multimedia Creation (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0006L Electroacoustic Music I • 100 %
HF:HF0006Z Electroacoustic Music I • 100 %
HF:HF0008Z Excursion to Festival of Contemporary Music and Multimedia Art • 100 %
HF:H60211 Music Printing Works • 100 %
HF:H60371L Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 100 %
HF:H60371Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 100 %
HF:H70040L Multimedia composition I • 100 %
HF:H70040Z Multimedia composition I • 100 %
HF:H70055A Video • 100 %
HF:H70055B Video • 100 %
HF:H70061L Basics of Instrumentation I • 100 %
HF:H70061Z Basics of Instrumentation I • 100 %
HF:H70064L Basics of Composition Theory I • 100 %
HF:H70064Z Basics of Composition Theory I • 100 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 100 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 100 %
HF:H70314L Production Seminar • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:HF1007Z Interaktivní umění a postmoderní doba • 50 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 50 %
HF:H60307L Creative Personality I • 50 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 50 %
HF:H60335L Studios Intership • 50 %
HF:H60335Z Studios Intership • 50 %
HF:H70046L Filmmaking • 50 %
HF:H70046Z Filmmaking • 50 %
HF:H70056A Visual composition in time • 50 %
HF:H70056B Visual composition in time • 50 %
HF:H70314Z Production Seminar • 50 %
HF:H75010Z Interactive improvisation and harmonization • 50 %
HF:H81011Z Physical Computing (Interactive Systems) • 50 %

Vocal studies (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0027Z End of Year Performance I • 100 %
HF:HF0031Z Zpěv II • 100 %
HF:HF0054Z Studium repertoáru s klavírem II • 100 %
HF:HF0068Z Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:HF0129Z Jevištní pohyb a tanec II • 100 %
DIFA:DERZX03 Czech for Foreigners I • 100 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00IL Italian • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H40738L Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60045L History of Vocal Music II • 100 %
HF:H60140L Staging Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H602291 Methodology I • 100 %
HF:H60263HL Movement Training II • 100 %
HF:H603434L Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60379L Role Creating II • 100 %
HF:H60388L Voice II • 100 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002L Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60002Z Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60047L History of Vocal Music III • 100 %
HF:H60053A Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H602331L Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60389L Voice III - graduation project • 100 %
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 50 %
HF:HF1107BL Optional Piano II • 50 %
HF:HF1107BZ Optional Piano II • 50 %
HF:H51411L Pedagogy Intership I • 50 %
HF:H51411Z Pedagogy Intership I • 50 %
HF:H60047Z History of Vocal Music III • 50 %
HF:H60053 Dissertation Supervision • 50 %
HF:H60142L Staging Seminar III • 50 %
HF:H60142Z Staging Seminar III • 50 %
HF:H602331Z Methodology II • 50 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 50 %
HF:H60264HL Movement Training III • 50 %
HF:H60264HZ Movement Training III • 50 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 50 %
HF:H60345L Repertoire Study with Piano III • 50 %
HF:H60345Z Repertoire Study with Piano III • 50 %
HF:H60380L Role Creating III • 50 %
HF:H60380Z Role Creating III • 50 %
HF:H60389Z Voice III - graduation project • 50 %
HF:H75011L Opera Ensembles and Recitatives • 50 %
HF:H75011Z Opera Ensembles and Recitatives • 50 %

Orchestral conducting (Master's long-cycle full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0059L Opera Seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0059Z Opera Seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0067L Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0067Z Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0094L Masterclasses I • 100 %
HF:HF0100L Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno I • 100 %
HF:HF0100Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno I • 100 %
HF:HF0116L Composition and Instrumentation Theory I • 100 %
HF:HF0116Z Composition and Instrumentation Theory I • 100 %
HF:HF0123L Performing Theory I • 100 %
HF:HF0123Z Performing Theory I • 100 %
HF:HF0132L Study of Symphonic Repertoire I • 100 %
HF:HF0132Z Study of Symphonic Repertoire I • 100 %
HF:HF0133L Study of Opera Repertoire I • 100 %
HF:HF0133Z Study of Opera Repertoire I • 100 %
HF:HF0142L Orchestral Conducting (Training Orchestra) I • 100 %
HF:HF0142Z Orchestral Conducting (Training Orchestra) I • 100 %
HF:HF0160L Conducting Techniques I • 100 %
HF:HF0160Z Conducting Techniques I • 100 %
HF:HF0172L Intonation and Aural Analysis I • 100 %
HF:HF0172Z Intonation and Aural Analysis I • 100 %
HF:HF0174L Score Playing I • 100 %
HF:HF0174Z Score Playing I • 100 %
HF:HF1106AL Povinný klavír I • 100 %
HF:HF1106AZ Povinný klavír I • 100 %
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 100 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 100 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:H60081HL Voice Training I • 80 %
HF:H60081HZ Voice Training I • 80 %
HF:HFD001L Assessment from dean's exams • 60 %
HF:H70079L Alternative tunings and intonation • 60 %
HF:H70079Z Alternative tunings and intonation • 60 %
HF:HF0119L Interpretation of Early Music I • 40 %
HF:HF0119Z Interpretation of Early Music I • 40 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 40 %
HF:HF0121L Chamber Music I • 20 %
HF:HF0121Z Chamber Music I • 20 %
HF:H75010L Interactive improvisation and harmonization • 20 %
HF:H75010Z Interactive improvisation and harmonization • 20 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF0027L End of Year Performance I • 100 %
HF:HF0027Z End of Year Performance I • 100 %
HF:HF0060L Opera Seminar II • 100 %
HF:HF0060Z Opera Seminar II • 100 %
HF:HF0068L Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:HF0068Z Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:HF0069L Methodology I • 100 %
HF:HF0093L Choral Conducting – Minor Subject I • 100 %
HF:HF0093Z Choral Conducting – Minor Subject I • 100 %
HF:HF0101L Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno II • 100 %
HF:HF0101Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno II • 100 %
HF:HF0117Z Composition and Instrumentation Theory II • 100 %
HF:HF0124L Performing Theory II • 100 %
HF:HF0124Z Performing Theory II • 100 %
HF:HF0134L Study of Symphonic Repertoire II • 100 %
HF:HF0134Z Study of Symphonic Repertoire II • 100 %
HF:HF0135L Study of Opera Repertoire II • 100 %
HF:HF0135Z Study of Opera Repertoire II • 100 %
HF:HF0143L Orchestral Conducting (Training Orchestra) II • 100 %
HF:HF0143Z Orchestral Conducting (Training Orchestra) II • 100 %
HF:HF0173L Intonation and Aural Analysis II • 100 %
HF:HF0173Z Intonation and Aural Analysis II • 100 %
HF:HF0175L Score Playing II • 100 %
HF:HF0175Z Score Playing II • 100 %
HF:HF1106BL Povinný klavír II • 100 %
HF:HF1106BZ Povinný klavír II • 100 %
HF:HF1510Z Interpretační problematika díla Leoše Janáčka I • 100 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 100 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 100 %
HF:H81006L Training Choir • 100 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 100 %
HF:HF0078L Voice Education II • 67 %
HF:HF0078Z Voice Education II • 67 %
HF:HF0095L Masterclasses II • 67 %
HF:HF0164Z JAMU Chamber Opera I • 67 %
HF:HF1511L Interpretační problematika díla Leoše Janáčka II • 67 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 67 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 67 %
HF:HF0121L Chamber Music I • 33 %
HF:HF0121Z Chamber Music I • 33 %
HF:HF0122Z Chamber Music II • 33 %
HF:HF0159L Muzikálová tvorba z hlediska dirigování • 33 %
HF:HF0159Z Muzikálová tvorba z hlediska dirigování • 33 %
HF:HF0164L JAMU Chamber Opera I • 33 %
HF:H75008L Contemporary music in terms of conducting I • 33 %
HF:H75008Z Contemporary music in terms of conducting I • 33 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:HF0005Z Music Management Fundamentals I • 100 %
HF:HF0028Z End of Year Performance II • 100 %
HF:HF0061Z Opera Seminar III • 100 %
HF:HF0070Z Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:HF0071Z Methodology II • 100 %
HF:HF0102Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno III • 100 %
HF:HF0106Z Choral Conducting – Minor Subject II • 100 %
HF:HF0125Z Teorie interpretace III • 100 %
HF:HF0136Z Study of Symphonic Repertoire III • 100 %
HF:HF0137Z Study of Opera Repertoire III • 100 %
HF:HF0144Z Orchestral Conducting (Training Orchestra) III • 100 %
HF:HF0164Z JAMU Chamber Opera I • 100 %
HF:HF0178Z Intonation and Aural Analysis III • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:HF0005L Music Management Fundamentals I • 67 %
HF:HF0028L End of Year Performance II • 67 %
HF:HF0061L Opera Seminar III • 67 %
HF:HF0070L Performing Seminar III • 67 %
HF:HF0071L Methodology III • 67 %
HF:HF0096L Masterclasses III • 67 %
HF:HF0102L Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno III • 67 %
HF:HF0106L Choral Conducting – Minor Subject II • 67 %
HF:HF0125L Teorie interpretace III • 67 %
HF:HF0136L Study of Symphonic Repertoire III • 67 %
HF:HF0137L Study of Opera Repertoire III • 67 %
HF:HF0144L Orchestral Conducting (Training Orchestra) III • 67 %
HF:HF0163L Piano Playing III • 67 %
HF:HF0163Z Piano Playing III • 67 %
HF:HF0164L JAMU Chamber Opera I • 67 %
HF:HF0178L Intonation and Aural Analysis III • 67 %
HF:H60034L History of Music III (20th century) • 67 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 67 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 67 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 67 %
HF:HF0126L Musical Direction • 33 %
HF:HF0126Z Musical Direction • 33 %
HF:HJX00IL Italian • 33 %
HF:HJX00IZ Italian • 33 %
HF:H81006L Training Choir • 33 %
DIFA:DAALX36 Russian • 33 %
DIFA:DAAZX36 Russian • 33 %
6th term
HF:HF0028L End of Year Performance II • 100 %
HF:HF0061L Opera Seminar III • 100 %
HF:HF0070L Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:HF0071L Methodology III • 100 %
HF:HF0096L Masterclasses III • 100 %
HF:HF0102L Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno III • 100 %
HF:HF0106L Choral Conducting – Minor Subject II • 100 %
HF:HF0125L Teorie interpretace III • 100 %
HF:HF0136L Study of Symphonic Repertoire III • 100 %
HF:HF0137L Study of Opera Repertoire III • 100 %
HF:HF0144L Orchestral Conducting (Training Orchestra) III • 100 %
HF:HF0163L Piano Playing III • 100 %
HF:HF0164L JAMU Chamber Opera I • 100 %
HF:HF0178L Intonation and Aural Analysis III • 100 %
HF:H60034L History of Music III (20th century) • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
4th year
7th term
HF:HF0001Z Music Management Fundamentals II • 100 %
HF:HF0058Z Study of Oratorio and Cantata Repertoire • 100 %
HF:HF0062Z Opera Seminar IV • 100 %
HF:HF0072Z Performing Seminar IV • 100 %
HF:HF0103Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno IV • 100 %
HF:HF0138Z Study of Symphonic Repertoire IV • 100 %
HF:HF0139Z Study of Opera Repertoire IV • 100 %
HF:HF0145Z Orchestral Conducting (Training Orchestra) IV • 100 %
HF:HF0165Z JAMU Chamber Opera II • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H75008Z Contemporary music in terms of conducting I • 100 %

Choral conducting (Master's long-cycle full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0067Z Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0079Z Leadership of a Training Choir I • 100 %
HF:HF0086Z Artistic Training I • 100 %
HF:HF0149Z Choirmastering – Major Subject I • 100 %
HF:HF0176Z Playing Choral Scores and Piano Transcriptions I • 100 %
HF:HF0067L Performing Seminar I • 80 %
HF:HF0076L Voice Education and Singing Methodology • 80 %
HF:HF0076Z Voice Education and Singing Methodology • 80 %
HF:HF0086L Artistic Training I • 80 %
HF:HF0094L Masterclasses I • 80 %
HF:HF0100Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno I • 80 %
HF:HF0116L Composition and Instrumentation Theory I • 80 %
HF:HF0116Z Composition and Instrumentation Theory I • 80 %
HF:HF0123L Performing Theory I • 80 %
HF:HF0123Z Performing Theory I • 80 %
HF:HF0154L Study of Oratorio, Cantata and Opera Repertoire I • 80 %
HF:HF0154Z Study of Oratorio, Cantata and Opera Repertoire I • 80 %
HF:HF0172Z Intonation and Aural Analysis I • 80 %
HF:HF1106AZ Povinný klavír I • 80 %
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 80 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 80 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 80 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 80 %
HF:HF0079L Leadership of a Training Choir I • 60 %
HF:HF0100L Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno I • 60 %
HF:HF0119Z Interpretation of Early Music I • 60 %
HF:HF0149L Choirmastering – Major Subject I • 60 %
HF:HF0172L Intonation and Aural Analysis I • 60 %
HF:HF0176L Playing Choral Scores and Piano Transcriptions I • 60 %
HF:HF1106AL Povinný klavír I • 60 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 60 %
HF:HF0119L Interpretation of Early Music I • 40 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 40 %
HF:HF0080L Intonation and Aural Analysis I • 20 %
HF:HF0080Z Intonation and Aural Analysis I • 20 %
HF:HF0121L Chamber Music I • 20 %
HF:HF0121Z Chamber Music I • 20 %
HF:HF0173L Intonation and Aural Analysis II • 20 %
HF:HF0173Z Intonation and Aural Analysis II • 20 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 20 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 20 %
HF:HJ0017L Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 20 %
HF:HJ0017Z Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 20 %
DIFA:DERZX03 Czech for Foreigners I • 20 %
DIFA:DERZX06 Intensive Czech Language Course • 20 %
2nd term
HF:HF0067L Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0079L Leadership of a Training Choir I • 100 %
HF:HF0086L Artistic Training I • 100 %
HF:HF0149L Choirmastering – Major Subject I • 100 %
HF:HF0172L Intonation and Aural Analysis I • 100 %
DIFA:DERLX03 Czech for Foreigners II • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF0027L End of Year Performance I • 100 %
HF:HF0027Z End of Year Performance I • 100 %
HF:HF0068L Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:HF0068Z Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:HF0069L Methodology I • 100 %
HF:HF0078L Voice Education II • 100 %
HF:HF0078Z Voice Education II • 100 %
HF:HF0081L Leadership of a Training Choir II • 100 %
HF:HF0081Z Leadership of a Training Choir II • 100 %
HF:HF0087L Musical Dramaturgy and Repertoire I • 100 %
HF:HF0087Z Musical Dramaturgy and Repertoire I • 100 %
HF:HF0088L Artistic Training II • 100 %
HF:HF0088Z Artistic Training II • 100 %
HF:HF0095L Masterclasses II • 100 %
HF:HF0101L Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno II • 100 %
HF:HF0101Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno II • 100 %
HF:HF0107L Orchestral Conducting – Minor Subject • 100 %
HF:HF0107Z Orchestral Conducting – Minor Subject • 100 %
HF:HF0122L Chamber Music II • 100 %
HF:HF0122Z Chamber Music II • 100 %
HF:HF0124L Performing Theory II • 100 %
HF:HF0124Z Performing Theory II • 100 %
HF:HF0150L Choirmastering – Major Subject II • 100 %
HF:HF0150Z Choirmastering – Major Subject II • 100 %
HF:HF0155L Study of Oratorio, Cantata and Opera Repertoire II • 100 %
HF:HF0155Z Study of Oratorio, Cantata and Opera Repertoire II • 100 %
HF:HF0173L Intonation and Aural Analysis II • 100 %
HF:HF0173Z Intonation and Aural Analysis II • 100 %
HF:HF0177L Playing Choral Scores and Piano Transcriptions II • 100 %
HF:HF0177Z Playing Choral Scores and Piano Transcriptions II • 100 %
HF:HF1106BL Povinný klavír II • 100 %
HF:HF1106BZ Povinný klavír II • 100 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 100 %
4th term
HF:HF0005Z Music Management Fundamentals I • 100 %
HF:HF0028Z End of Year Performance II • 100 %
HF:HF0070Z Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:HF0071Z Methodology II • 100 %
HF:HF0083Z Leadership of a Training Choir III • 100 %
HF:HF0090Z Artistic Training III • 100 %
HF:HF0102Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno III • 100 %
HF:HF0125Z Teorie interpretace III • 100 %
HF:HF0148Z Dějiny vokálního umění • 100 %
HF:HF0151Z Choirmastering – Major Subject III • 100 %
HF:HF0156Z Study of Oratorio, Cantata and Opera Repertoire III • 100 %
HF:HF0159Z Muzikálová tvorba z hlediska dirigování • 100 %
HF:HF0163Z Piano Playing III • 100 %
HF:HF0164Z JAMU Chamber Opera I • 100 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
HF:HF0005L Music Management Fundamentals I • 100 %
HF:HF0028L End of Year Performance II • 100 %
HF:HF0070L Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:HF0071L Methodology III • 100 %
HF:HF0083L Leadership of a Training Choir III • 100 %
HF:HF0090L Artistic Training III • 100 %
HF:HF0096L Masterclasses III • 100 %
HF:HF0102L Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno III • 100 %
HF:HF0107L Orchestral Conducting – Minor Subject • 100 %
HF:HF0125L Teorie interpretace III • 100 %
HF:HF0148L Dějiny vokálního umění • 100 %
HF:HF0151L Choirmastering – Major Subject III • 100 %
HF:HF0156L Study of Oratorio, Cantata and Opera Repertoire III • 100 %
HF:HF0159L Muzikálová tvorba z hlediska dirigování • 100 %
HF:HF0163L Piano Playing III • 100 %
HF:HF0164L JAMU Chamber Opera I • 100 %
HF:H60034L History of Music III (20th century) • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
6th term
HF:HF0001Z Music Management Fundamentals II • 100 %
HF:HF0029Z End of Year Performance III • 100 %
HF:HF0072Z Performing Seminar IV • 100 %
HF:HF0084Z Leadership of a Training Choir IV • 100 %
HF:HF0089Z Musical Dramaturgy and Repertoire II • 100 %
HF:HF0091Z Artistic Training IV • 100 %
HF:HF0103Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno IV • 100 %
HF:HF0126Z Musical Direction • 100 %
HF:HF0152Z Choirmastering – Major Subject IV • 100 %
HF:HF0157Z Study of Oratorio, Cantata and Opera Repertoire IV • 100 %
HF:HF0165Z JAMU Chamber Opera II • 100 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H75008Z Contemporary music in terms of conducting I • 100 %
4th year
7th term
HF:HF0001L Music Management Fundamentals II • 100 %
HF:HF0029L End of Year Performance III • 100 %
HF:HF0072L Performing Seminar IV • 100 %
HF:HF0084L Leadership of a Training Choir IV • 100 %
HF:HF0089L Musical Dramaturgy and Repertoire II • 100 %
HF:HF0091L Artistic Training IV • 100 %
HF:HF0097L Masterclasses IV • 100 %
HF:HF0103L Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno IV • 100 %
HF:HF0126L Musical Direction • 100 %
HF:HF0152L Choirmastering – Major Subject IV • 100 %
HF:HF0157L Study of Oratorio, Cantata and Opera Repertoire IV • 100 %
HF:HF0165L JAMU Chamber Opera II • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H75008L Contemporary music in terms of conducting I • 100 %

Hra na klavír a klavírní pedagogika (Master's long-cycle full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
HF:HF0359L Hra na klavír 4 • 100 %
HF:HF0359Z Hra na klavír 4 • 100 %
HF:HF0364L Pedagogický seminář 2 • 100 %
HF:HF0364Z Pedagogický seminář 2 • 100 %
HF:HF0367L Hra instruktivní literatury 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0367Z Hra instruktivní literatury 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0372L Interpretační seminář 4 • 100 %
HF:HF0372Z Interpretační seminář 4 • 100 %
HF:HF0374L Analýza klavírních skladeb • 100 %
HF:HF0375Z Technologie v klavírní praxi • 100 %
HF:HF0377L Praxe v metodickém centru 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0377Z Praxe v metodickém centru 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0384Z Základy údržby klavíru • 100 %
HF:HF0397L Didaktika klavírní hry 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0397Z Didaktika klavírní hry • 100 %
HF:HF0360L Komorní hra 4 • 50 %
HF:HF0360Z Komorní hra 4 • 50 %
HF:HF0374Z Analýza klavírních skladeb • 50 %
HF:HF0383L Self-management klavíristy • 50 %
HF:HF0385L Masterclass 1 • 50 %
HF:HF0388L Masterclass 4 • 50 %
HF:HF0393L Improvizace • 50 %
HF:HF0393Z Improvizace • 50 %
HF:HF0400L Klavírní dílo L. Janáčka • 50 %
HF:H70001Z Analysis of Piano Works • 50 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 50 %

Hra na klavír a komorní hra (Master's long-cycle full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
HF:HF0358Z Doprovod klavírního koncertu • 100 %
HF:HF0359Z Hra na klavír 4 • 100 %
HF:HF0372Z Interpretační seminář 4 • 100 %
HF:HF0374Z Analýza klavírních skladeb • 100 %
HF:HF0382Z Klavírní doprovod - smyčcové nástroje • 100 %
HF:HF0384Z Základy údržby klavíru • 100 %
HF:HF0403Z Komorní klavírní literatura • 100 %
HF:HF0406Z Komorní hra 4 - ansámbl • 100 %
HF:HF0359L Hra na klavír 4 • 67 %
HF:HF0372L Interpretační seminář 4 • 67 %
HF:HF0374L Analýza klavírních skladeb • 67 %
HF:HF0375Z Technologie v klavírní praxi • 67 %
HF:HF0383L Self-management klavíristy • 67 %
HF:HF0388L Masterclass 4 • 67 %
HF:HF0401Z Klavírní koncert • 67 %
HF:HF0403L Komorní klavírní literatura • 67 %
HF:HF0406L Komorní hra 4 - ansámbl • 67 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 67 %
HF:HF0358L Doprovod klavírního koncertu • 33 %
HF:HF0366L Klavírní doprovod - dechové nástroje • 33 %
HF:HF0382L Klavírní doprovod - smyčcové nástroje • 33 %
HF:HF0392Z Soudobá klavírní literatura • 33 %
HF:HF0394Z Klavírní doprovod - zpěv • 33 %
HF:HF0401L Klavírní koncert • 33 %
HF:HF0402Z Základy dirigování • 33 %

Klavírní interpretace (Master's long-cycle full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0352L Hra na klavír 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0352Z Hra na klavír 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0353L Komorní hra 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0353Z Komorní hra 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0369L Interpretační seminář 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0369Z Interpretační seminář 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0374L Analýza klavírních skladeb • 100 %
HF:HF0374Z Analýza klavírních skladeb • 100 %
HF:HF0385L Masterclass 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0389L Dějiny a literatura klavíru 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0389Z Dějiny a literatura klavíru 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0395L Teorie klavírní interpretace • 100 %
HF:HF0395Z Teorie klavírní interpretace • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:HF0375Z Technologie v klavírní praxi • 89 %
HF:HF0393L Improvizace • 67 %
HF:HF0393Z Improvizace • 67 %
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 33 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 22 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 11 %
HF:HF1013L Rytmický trénink • 11 %
HF:HF1013Z Rhytmical Training • 11 %
HF:HF1510Z Interpretační problematika díla Leoše Janáčka I • 11 %
HF:HF1511L Interpretační problematika díla Leoše Janáčka II • 11 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 11 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 11 %
HF:HJX00FL French • 11 %
HF:HJX00FZ French • 11 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 11 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 11 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 11 %
HF:H60086L Harpsichord Playing I • 11 %
HF:H60086Z Harpsichord Playing I • 11 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 11 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 11 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF0354L Hra na klavír 2 • 100 %
HF:HF0354Z Hra na klavír 2 • 100 %
HF:HF0355L Komorní hra 2 • 100 %
HF:HF0355Z Komorní hra 2 • 100 %
HF:HF0370L Interpretační seminář 2 • 100 %
HF:HF0370Z Interpretační seminář 2 • 100 %
HF:HF0384Z Základy údržby klavíru • 100 %
HF:HF0386L Masterclass 2 • 100 %
HF:HF0390L Dějiny a literatura klavíru 2 • 100 %
HF:HF0390Z Dějiny a literatura klavíru 2 • 100 %
HF:HF0396L Historie klavírní hry a pedagogiky • 100 %
HF:HF0396Z Historie klavírní hry a pedagogiky • 100 %
HF:HF0400L Klavírní dílo L. Janáčka • 100 %
HF:HF0402Z Základy dirigování • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:HF0383L Self-management klavíristy • 80 %
HF:HJX00IL Italian • 40 %
HF:HJX00IZ Italian • 40 %
HF:HF0393L Improvizace • 20 %
HF:HF0393Z Improvizace • 20 %
HF:HF1512Z Interpretační problematika díla Leoše Janáčka II • 20 %
HF:H51474L History of Popular Music • 20 %
HF:H51474Z History of Popular Music • 20 %
HF:H60087L Harpsichord Playing II • 20 %
HF:H60087Z Harpsichord Playing II • 20 %
HF:H81006L Training Choir • 20 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 20 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:HF0356L Hra na klavír 3 • 100 %
HF:HF0356Z Hra na klavír 3 • 100 %
HF:HF0357L Komorní hra 3 • 100 %
HF:HF0357Z Komorní hra 3 • 100 %
HF:HF0363L Pedagogický seminář 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0363Z Pedagogický seminář 1 • 100 %
HF:HF0371L Interpretační seminář 3 • 100 %
HF:HF0371Z Interpretační seminář 3 • 100 %
HF:HF0387L Masterclass 3 • 100 %
HF:HF0391L Dějiny a literatura klavíru 3 • 100 %
HF:HF0391Z Dějiny a literatura klavíru 3 • 100 %
HF:HF0393L Improvizace • 100 %
HF:HF0393Z Improvizace • 100 %
HF:HF0394Z Klavírní doprovod - zpěv • 100 %
HF:H60034L History of Music III (20th century) • 100 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 100 %
HF:H60234L Piano Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60234Z Piano Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %

Composition (Master's long-cycle full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0006L Electroacoustic Music I • 100 %
HF:HF0006Z Electroacoustic Music I • 100 %
HF:HF0008Z Excursion to Festival of Contemporary Music and Multimedia Art • 100 %
HF:HF1106AL Povinný klavír I • 100 %
HF:HF1106AZ Povinný klavír I • 100 %
HF:H60143L Instrumentation I • 100 %
HF:H60143Z Instrumentation I • 100 %
HF:H60195L Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60195Z Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60211 Music Printing Works • 100 %
HF:H60314L Composition Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60314Z Composition Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60324L Aural Analysis I • 100 %
HF:H60324Z Aural Analysis I • 100 %
HF:H60354L Theory of Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60354Z Theory of Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 100 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 100 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 67 %
HF:HF0014Z Harmony I • 33 %
HF:HF0015L Harmony II • 33 %
HF:HF0100L Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno I • 33 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 33 %
HF:HF1506Z Smyčcové nástroje v soudobé hudbě I • 33 %
HF:HF1507L Smyčcové nástroje v soudobé hudbě II • 33 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 33 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 33 %
HF:H60350L Dance Music I • 33 %
HF:H60350Z Jazz and popular music • 33 %
DIFA:DAAZX81 Účast v projektech DF a HF • 33 %
2nd term
HF:HF0007Z Electroacoustic Music II • 100 %
HF:HF1106BZ Povinný klavír II • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:HJ0017Z Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 100 %
HF:H60145Z Instrumentation II • 100 %
HF:H60197Z Composition II • 100 %
HF:H60201Z Incidental and Film Music Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60315Z Composition Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60356Z Theory of Composition II • 100 %
HF:H60371Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 100 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 100 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF0007L Electroacoustic Music II • 100 %
HF:HF1106BL Povinný klavír II • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:H60145L Instrumentation II • 100 %
HF:H60197L Composition II • 100 %
HF:H60201L Incidental and Film Music Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60236 Methodology of Music Theory Disciplines I • 100 %
HF:H60315L Composition Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60356L Theory of Composition II • 100 %
HF:H60371L Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 100 %
HF:HF0007Z Electroacoustic Music II • 50 %
HF:HF1106BZ Povinný klavír II • 50 %
HF:HF1506Z Smyčcové nástroje v soudobé hudbě I • 50 %
HF:HF1507L Smyčcové nástroje v soudobé hudbě II • 50 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:HJ0017L Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 50 %
HF:H60145Z Instrumentation II • 50 %
HF:H60197Z Composition II • 50 %
HF:H60201Z Incidental and Film Music Composition I • 50 %
HF:H60315Z Composition Seminar II • 50 %
HF:H60356Z Theory of Composition II • 50 %
HF:H60371Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 50 %
HF:H75005L Ethnomusicology • 50 %
HF:H75005Z Ethnomusicology • 50 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:HF0005L Music Management Fundamentals I • 100 %
HF:HF0005Z Music Management Fundamentals I • 100 %
HF:H60199L Kompozice III • 100 %
HF:H60199Z Kompozice III • 100 %
HF:H60200L Multimedia Performace Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60200Z Multimedia Performace Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60235Z Methodology of Music Theory Disciplines II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60266L Movement IV / (Spain dance) • 100 %
HF:H60266Z Movement IV / (Spain dance) • 100 %
HF:H60316L Composition Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60316Z Composition Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60350L Dance Music I • 100 %
HF:H60350Z Jazz and popular music • 100 %
HF:H60358L Theory of Composition III • 100 %
HF:H60358Z Theory of Composition III • 100 %
HF:H60368 Introduction to Percussion Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60372L Electroacoustic Studio Equipment II • 100 %
HF:H60372Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment II • 100 %
HF:H70082L Creation of artificial sound processing and management • 100 %
HF:H70082Z Creation of artificial sound processing and management • 100 %
HF:H81013L Composition methodology • 100 %

Electroacoustic Music Composition (Master's long-cycle full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0006L Electroacoustic Music I • 100 %
HF:HF0006Z Electroacoustic Music I • 100 %
HF:H60143L Instrumentation I • 100 %
HF:H60143Z Instrumentation I • 100 %
HF:H60195AL Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60195AZ Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60211 Music Printing Works • 100 %
HF:H60314L Composition Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60314Z Composition Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60354L Theory of Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60354Z Theory of Composition I • 100 %
HF:H70082L Creation of artificial sound processing and management • 100 %
HF:H70082Z Creation of artificial sound processing and management • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:HF0008Z Excursion to Festival of Contemporary Music and Multimedia Art • 83 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 83 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 67 %
HF:HF0014Z Harmony I • 33 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 33 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 33 %
HF:H60324AZ Aural Analysis I • 33 %
HF:H72003L Jazz ensemble • 33 %
HF:H75005Z Ethnomusicology • 33 %
HF:HF0014L Harmony I • 17 %
HF:HF0021L Kompozice hudby pro počítačové hry I • 17 %
HF:HF0021Z Kompozice hudby pro počítačové hry I • 17 %
HF:HF0023L Modular Synthesizers • 17 %
HF:HF0023Z Modular Synthesizers • 17 %
HF:HF0024L Sound Objects and Installations • 17 %
HF:HF0024Z Sound Objects and Installations • 17 %
HF:HF1025L Sonicko-akordické metody v elektroakustické kompozici • 17 %
HF:HF1025Z Sonicko-akordické metody v elektroakustické kompozici • 17 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 17 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 17 %
HF:H60350L Dance Music I • 17 %
HF:H60350Z Jazz and popular music • 17 %
HF:H60371L Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 17 %
HF:H60371Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 17 %
HF:H70046L Filmmaking • 17 %
HF:H70046Z Filmmaking • 17 %
HF:H70057L Photography • 17 %
HF:H70057Z Photography • 17 %
HF:H70059L Basics of Dramaturgy and Directing • 17 %
HF:H70059Z Basics of Dramaturgy and Directing • 17 %
HF:H75005L Ethnomusicology • 17 %
2nd term
HF:HF0007Z Electroacoustic Music II • 100 %
HF:HF0009Z Artificial Sound Creation, Processing and Mastering II • 100 %
HF:HF0023Z Modular Synthesizers • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H60145Z Instrumentation II • 100 %
HF:H60197AZ Composition II • 100 %
HF:H60315Z Composition Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60356Z Theory of Composition II • 100 %
HF:H60371Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF0007L Electroacoustic Music II • 100 %
HF:HF0009L Artificial Sound Creation, Processing and Mastering II • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:H60145L Instrumentation II • 100 %
HF:H60197AL Composition II • 100 %
HF:H60315L Composition Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60356L Theory of Composition II • 100 %
HF:H60371L Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 100 %
HF:HF0007Z Electroacoustic Music II • 80 %
HF:HF0009Z Artificial Sound Creation, Processing and Mastering II • 80 %
HF:HF0023L Modular Synthesizers • 80 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 80 %
HF:H60145Z Instrumentation II • 80 %
HF:H60197AZ Composition II • 80 %
HF:H60236 Methodology of Music Theory Disciplines I • 80 %
HF:H60315Z Composition Seminar II • 80 %
HF:H60356Z Theory of Composition II • 80 %
HF:H60371Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 80 %
HF:HF0023Z Modular Synthesizers • 60 %
HF:H72003L Jazz ensemble • 60 %
HF:H60148A Interactive computer music • 40 %
HF:H60148E Interactive computer music • 40 %
HF:HF0008Z Excursion to Festival of Contemporary Music and Multimedia Art • 20 %
HF:HF0014Z Harmony I • 20 %
HF:HF0022L Music Composition for PC Games II • 20 %
HF:HF0022Z Music Composition for PC Games II • 20 %
HF:HF0024L Sound Objects and Installations • 20 %
HF:HF0024Z Sound Objects and Installations • 20 %
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 20 %
HF:HF1025L Sonicko-akordické metody v elektroakustické kompozici • 20 %
HF:HF1025Z Sonicko-akordické metody v elektroakustické kompozici • 20 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 20 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 20 %
HF:H60324AL Aural Analysis I • 20 %
HF:H60324AZ Aural Analysis I • 20 %
HF:H60350L Dance Music I • 20 %
HF:H60350Z Jazz and popular music • 20 %
HF:H70057L Photography • 20 %
HF:H70057Z Photography • 20 %
HF:H75005L Ethnomusicology • 20 %
HF:H75005Z Ethnomusicology • 20 %
HF:H81011L Physical Computing (Interactive Systems) • 20 %
HF:H81011Z Physical Computing (Interactive Systems) • 20 %
HF:H82144L Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 20 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 20 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:HF0005L Music Management Fundamentals I • 100 %
HF:HF0005Z Music Management Fundamentals I • 100 %
HF:H60199AL Composition III • 100 %
HF:H60199AZ Kompozice III • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60316L Composition Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60316Z Composition Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60358L Theory of Composition III • 100 %
HF:H60358Z Theory of Composition III • 100 %
HF:H60372L Electroacoustic Studio Equipment II • 100 %
HF:H60372Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment II • 100 %
HF:H60148A Interactive computer music • 67 %
HF:H60148E Interactive computer music • 67 %
HF:H60235Z Methodology of Music Theory Disciplines II • 67 %
HF:H72003L Jazz ensemble • 67 %
HF:H81013L Composition methodology • 67 %
HF:HF0012L Environmental Sounds in Film and Media Arts • 33 %
HF:HF0012Z Environmental Sounds in Film and Media Arts • 33 %
HF:HF1025L Sonicko-akordické metody v elektroakustické kompozici • 33 %
HF:HF1025Z Sonicko-akordické metody v elektroakustické kompozici • 33 %
HF:H60201L Incidental and Film Music Composition I • 33 %
HF:H60201Z Incidental and Film Music Composition I • 33 %
HF:H60211 Music Printing Works • 33 %
HF:H60307L Creative Personality I • 33 %
HF:H60307Z Creative Personality I • 33 %
HF:H75005L Ethnomusicology • 33 %
HF:H75005Z Ethnomusicology • 33 %
HF:H82144L Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 33 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 33 %
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
HF:HF0001L Music Management Fundamentals II • 100 %
HF:HF0001Z Music Management Fundamentals II • 100 %
HF:HF0002L Algorithmic Composition I • 100 %
HF:HF0002Z Algorithmic Composition I • 100 %
HF:HF0011L Multichannel Sound Reproduction • 100 %
HF:HF0011Z Multichannel Sound Reproduction • 100 %
HF:HF0022L Music Composition for PC Games II • 100 %
HF:HF0022Z Music Composition for PC Games II • 100 %
HF:HF0024L Sound Objects and Installations • 100 %
HF:HF0024Z Sound Objects and Installations • 100 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 100 %
HF:H51173L Composition Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H51173Z Composition Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60122L Music Direction I • 100 %
HF:H60122Z Music Direction I • 100 %
HF:H60148C Music Advanced Algorithms • 100 %
HF:H60148D Creating an interactive musical work • 100 %
HF:H60196AL Composition IV • 100 %
HF:H60196AZ Kompozice IV • 100 %
HF:H60354NL Theory of Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60354NZ Theory of Composition I • 100 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 100 %

Film and Scenic music Composition (Master's long-cycle full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0006L Electroacoustic Music I • 100 %
HF:HF0006Z Electroacoustic Music I • 100 %
HF:HF0013L Composition of Historical Music I • 100 %
HF:HF0013Z Composition of Historical Music I • 100 %
HF:HF1106AL Povinný klavír I • 100 %
HF:HF1106AZ Povinný klavír I • 100 %
HF:H60143L Instrumentation I • 100 %
HF:H60143Z Instrumentation I • 100 %
HF:H60195BL Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60195BZ Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60211 Music Printing Works • 100 %
HF:H60314L Composition Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60314Z Composition Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60324L Aural Analysis I • 100 %
HF:H60324Z Aural Analysis I • 100 %
HF:H60354L Theory of Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60354Z Theory of Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 100 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 100 %
HF:H70046L Filmmaking • 100 %
HF:H70046Z Filmmaking • 100 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 100 %
HF:H70081 Sound interpretation aspects • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
HF:HF0008Z Excursion to Festival of Contemporary Music and Multimedia Art • 67 %
HF:HF0014L Harmony I • 67 %
HF:HF0014Z Harmony I • 67 %
HF:H70056A Visual composition in time • 67 %
HF:H70056B Visual composition in time • 67 %
HF:H60368 Introduction to Percussion Playing I • 33 %
HF:H70057L Photography • 33 %
HF:H70057Z Photography • 33 %
HF:H81006L Training Choir • 33 %
2nd term
HF:HF0007Z Electroacoustic Music II • 100 %
HF:HF1106BZ Povinný klavír II • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H60145Z Instrumentation II • 100 %
HF:H60197BZ Composition II • 100 %
HF:H60315Z Composition Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60356Z Theory of Composition II • 100 %
HF:H60371Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 100 %
DIFA:DAAZX08 Theory and Methods of Acting • 100 %
DIFA:DDVZX01 Choir Singing • 100 %
DIFA:DMCZ307 Herectví na mikrofon • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF0007L Electroacoustic Music II • 100 %
HF:HF1106BL Povinný klavír II • 100 %
HF:H60145L Instrumentation II • 100 %
HF:H60197BL Composition II • 100 %
HF:H60236 Methodology of Music Theory Disciplines I • 100 %
HF:H60315L Composition Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60356L Theory of Composition II • 100 %
HF:H60371L Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 100 %
HF:HF0007Z Electroacoustic Music II • 75 %
HF:HF0017L Filmmaking II • 75 %
HF:HF0017Z Filmmaking II • 75 %
HF:HF1106BZ Povinný klavír II • 75 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 75 %
HF:HF1508Z Teorie audiovizuální kompozice I • 75 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 75 %
HF:H60145Z Instrumentation II • 75 %
HF:H60197BZ Composition II • 75 %
HF:H60315Z Composition Seminar II • 75 %
HF:H60356Z Theory of Composition II • 75 %
HF:H60371Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 75 %
HF:HF1504L Film music seminar • 50 %
HF:HF1509L Teorie audiovizuální kompozice II • 50 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:HF0014L Harmony I • 25 %
HF:HF0014Z Harmony I • 25 %
HF:HF0015L Harmony II • 25 %
HF:HF0015Z Harmony II • 25 %
HF:HF0021L Kompozice hudby pro počítačové hry I • 25 %
HF:HF0021Z Kompozice hudby pro počítačové hry I • 25 %
HF:HF1501Z Audiovizuální cvičení I • 25 %
HF:H60201Z Incidental and Film Music Composition I • 25 %
HF:H70057L Photography • 25 %
HF:H70057Z Photography • 25 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 25 %
DIFA:DAALX08 Theory and Methods of Acting • 25 %
DIFA:DDVLX01 Choir Singing • 25 %
DIFA:DMCL307 Herectví na mikrofon • 25 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:HF0005L Music Management Fundamentals I • 100 %
HF:HF0005Z Music Management Fundamentals I • 100 %
HF:HF0012L Environmental Sounds in Film and Media Arts • 100 %
HF:HF0012Z Environmental Sounds in Film and Media Arts • 100 %
HF:H60199BL Composition III • 100 %
HF:H60199BZ Composition III • 100 %
HF:H60235Z Methodology of Music Theory Disciplines II • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60316L Composition Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60316Z Composition Seminar III • 100 %
HF:H60358L Theory of Composition III • 100 %
HF:H60358Z Theory of Composition III • 100 %
HF:H60372L Electroacoustic Studio Equipment II • 100 %
HF:H60372Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment II • 100 %
HF:H70082L Creation of artificial sound processing and management • 100 %
HF:H70082Z Creation of artificial sound processing and management • 100 %
HF:H81013L Composition methodology • 100 %
HF:HF1501Z Audiovizuální cvičení I • 67 %
HF:HF1502L Audiovizuální cvičení II • 67 %
HF:HF0008Z Excursion to Festival of Contemporary Music and Multimedia Art • 33 %
HF:HF0016L Composition of Historical Music II • 33 %
HF:HF0016Z Composition of Historical Music II • 33 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 33 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 33 %
HF:HF1508Z Teorie audiovizuální kompozice I • 33 %
HF:HF1509L Teorie audiovizuální kompozice II • 33 %
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60350L Dance Music I • 33 %
HF:H60350Z Jazz and popular music • 33 %
HF:H70059L Basics of Dramaturgy and Directing • 33 %
HF:H70059Z Basics of Dramaturgy and Directing • 33 %
DIFA:DAALX04 History of Theatre IV • 33 %
DIFA:DAAZX03 History of Theatre III • 33 %
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
HF:HF0001L Music Management Fundamentals II • 100 %
HF:HF0001Z Music Management Fundamentals II • 100 %
HF:HF0002L Algorithmic Composition I • 100 %
HF:HF0002Z Algorithmic Composition I • 100 %
HF:HF1503Z Audiovizuální cvičení III • 100 %
HF:H51173L Composition Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H51173Z Composition Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60122L Music Direction I • 100 %
HF:H60122Z Music Direction I • 100 %
HF:H60196BL Composition IV • 100 %
HF:H60196BZ Kompozice IV • 100 %
HF:H60354NL Theory of Composition I • 100 %
HF:H60354NZ Theory of Composition I • 100 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H70057L Photography • 100 %
HF:H72003L Jazz ensemble • 100 %

Opera directing (Master's long-cycle full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0037L Directing I / Lecture • 100 %
HF:HF0037Z Directing I / Lecture • 100 %
HF:HF0038L Directing I / Exercises • 100 %
HF:HF0038Z Directing I / Exercises • 100 %
HF:HF0039L Working with an Actor I • 100 %
HF:HF0039Z Working with an Actor I • 100 %
HF:HF0040L Stage Practice I • 100 %
HF:HF0040Z Stage Practice I • 100 %
HF:HF0049L Opera Directing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0049Z Opera Directing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0063L Scenography I • 100 %
HF:HF0063Z Scenography I • 100 %
HF:HF0065Z Costume I • 100 %
HF:HF0067L Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0067Z Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0094L Masterclasses I • 100 %
HF:HF0123L Performing Theory I • 100 %
HF:HF0123Z Performing Theory I • 100 %
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60302L Opera Analysis and Dramaturgy I • 100 %
HF:H60302Z Opera Dramaturgy I • 100 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 100 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 100 %
DIFA:DAALX02 History of Theatre II • 100 %
DIFA:DAAZX01 History of Theatre I • 100 %
HF:HF0065L Costume I • 50 %
HF:HF0119L Interpretation of Early Music I • 50 %
HF:HF0119Z Interpretation of Early Music I • 50 %
HF:HF0121L Chamber Music I • 50 %
HF:HF0121Z Chamber Music I • 50 %
HF:H60081HZ Voice Training I • 50 %
HF:H60082L Voice Training II • 50 %
HF:H60124Z Choreography I • 50 %
HF:H700831L Opera seminar • 50 %
HF:H700831Z Opera seminar • 50 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF0027L End of Year Performance I • 100 %
HF:HF0027Z End of Year Performance I • 100 %
HF:HF0041L Directing II / Lecture • 100 %
HF:HF0041Z Directing II / Lecture • 100 %
HF:HF0042L Directing II / Exercises • 100 %
HF:HF0042Z Directing II / Exercises • 100 %
HF:HF0043L Working with an Actor II • 100 %
HF:HF0043Z Working with an Actor II • 100 %
HF:HF0050L Opera Directing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:HF0050Z Opera Directing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:HF0064L Scenography II • 100 %
HF:HF0064Z Scenography II • 100 %
HF:HF0068L Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:HF0068Z Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:HF0069L Methodology I • 100 %
HF:HF0095L Masterclasses II • 100 %
HF:HF0124L Performing Theory II • 100 %
HF:HF0124Z Performing Theory II • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60303L Opera Analysis and Dramaturgy II • 100 %
HF:H60303Z Opera Dramaturgy II • 100 %
HF:HF0065L Costume I • 67 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 67 %
DIFA:DAALX04 History of Theatre IV • 67 %
DIFA:DAAZX03 History of Theatre III • 67 %
HF:HF0065Z Costume I • 33 %
HF:HF0120L Interpretation of Early Music II • 33 %
HF:HF0120Z Interpretation of Early Music II • 33 %
HF:HF0122Z Chamber Music II • 33 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 33 %
HF:HJX00IL Italian • 33 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 33 %
HF:H60082L Voice Training II • 33 %
HF:H60082Z Voice Training II • 33 %
HF:H60204Z Costume II • 33 %
HF:H60308Z Video in Stage Technology I • 33 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 33 %
DIFA:DAALX02 History of Theatre II • 33 %
DIFA:DAAZX01 History of Theatre I • 33 %
DIFA:DAAZX50 Lighting design • 33 %
4th term
HF:HF0005Z Music Management Fundamentals I • 100 %
HF:HF0028Z End of Year Performance II • 100 %
HF:HF0044Z Directing III • 100 %
HF:HF0045Z Working with an Actor III • 100 %
HF:HF0051Z Opera Directing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:HF0066Z Scenography III / Stage Technology • 100 %
HF:HF0070Z Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:HF0071Z Methodology II • 100 %
HF:HF0164Z JAMU Chamber Opera I • 100 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 100 %
HF:H60043Z History of Vocal Music I • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60304Z Opera Analysis and Dramaturgy III • 100 %
DIFA:DAAZX05 History of Czech Theatre • 100 %
DIFA:DAAZX36 Russian • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
HF:HF0005L Music Management Fundamentals I • 100 %
HF:HF0028L End of Year Performance II • 100 %
HF:HF0044L Directing III • 100 %
HF:HF0045L Working with an Actor III • 100 %
HF:HF0051L Opera Directing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:HF0066L Scenography III / Stage Technology • 100 %
HF:HF0070L Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:HF0071L Methodology III • 100 %
HF:HF0096L Masterclasses III • 100 %
HF:HF0164L JAMU Chamber Opera I • 100 %
HF:H60043L History of Vocal Music I • 100 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60304L Opera Analysis and Dramaturgy III • 100 %
DIFA:DAALX05 History of Czech Theatre • 100 %
HF:HF0005Z Music Management Fundamentals I • 67 %
HF:HF0028Z End of Year Performance II • 67 %
HF:HF0044Z Directing III • 67 %
HF:HF0045Z Working with an Actor III • 67 %
HF:HF0051Z Opera Directing Seminar III • 67 %
HF:HF0066Z Scenography III / Stage Technology • 67 %
HF:HF0070Z Performing Seminar III • 67 %
HF:HF0071Z Methodology II • 67 %
HF:HF0164Z JAMU Chamber Opera I • 67 %
HF:H60034L History of Music III (20th century) • 67 %
HF:H60043Z History of Vocal Music I • 67 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 67 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 67 %
HF:H60304Z Opera Analysis and Dramaturgy III • 67 %
DIFA:DAAZX05 History of Czech Theatre • 67 %
HF:HF0124L Performing Theory II • 33 %
HF:HF0124Z Performing Theory II • 33 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 33 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 33 %
DIFA:DAALX36 Russian • 33 %
DIFA:DMCL205 Zpěv individuální II • 33 %
DIFA:DMCZ205 Zpěv individuální II • 33 %
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
HF:HF0001L Music Management Fundamentals II • 100 %
HF:HF0001Z Music Management Fundamentals II • 100 %
HF:HF0029L End of Year Performance III • 100 %
HF:HF0029Z End of Year Performance III • 100 %
HF:HF0046L Directing IV • 100 %
HF:HF0046Z Directing IV • 100 %
HF:HF0047L Stage Practice II • 100 %
HF:HF0047Z Stage Practice II • 100 %
HF:HF0052L Opera Directing Seminar IV • 100 %
HF:HF0052Z Opera Directing Seminar IV • 100 %
HF:HF0072L Performing Seminar IV • 100 %
HF:HF0072Z Performing Seminar IV • 100 %
HF:HF0146L Divadelní a experimentální dramaturgie I • 100 %
HF:HF0146Z Divadelní a experimentální dramaturgie I • 100 %
HF:HF0165L JAMU Chamber Opera II • 100 %
HF:HF0165Z JAMU Chamber Opera II • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:HF0097L Masterclasses IV • 67 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 67 %
HF:H60045L History of Vocal Music II • 67 %
HF:H60045Z History of Vocal Music II • 67 %
HF:H60313L Stage Design III • 67 %
HF:H60313Z Stage Design III • 67 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 67 %
HF:HF0045Z Working with an Actor III • 33 %
HF:HF0065L Costume I • 33 %
HF:HF0065Z Costume I • 33 %
HF:HF0066L Scenography III / Stage Technology • 33 %
HF:HF0066Z Scenography III / Stage Technology • 33 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 33 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 33 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 33 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 33 %
HF:H60308L Video in Stage Technology I • 33 %
HF:H60308Z Video in Stage Technology I • 33 %
DIFA:DAALX39 Sign Language • 33 %
DIFA:DAAZX39 Sign Language • 33 %
DIFA:DRTL108 Theory of Drama • 33 %
DIFA:DRTZ108 Theory of Drama • 33 %

Vocal studies (Master's long-cycle full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0030L Zpěv I • 100 %
HF:HF0030Z Voice I • 100 %
HF:HF0053L Studium repertoáru s klavírem I • 100 %
HF:HF0053Z Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:HF0067L Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0067Z Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0094L Masterclasses I • 100 %
HF:HF0099L Líčení • 100 %
HF:HF0099Z Make-up Creating • 100 %
HF:HF0111L Jevištní řeč • 100 %
HF:HF0111Z Stage Speech • 100 %
HF:HF0118L Základy herectví • 100 %
HF:HF0118Z Basics of Acting • 100 %
HF:HF0123L Performing Theory I • 100 %
HF:HF0123Z Performing Theory I • 100 %
HF:HF0128L Jevištní pohyb a tanec I • 100 %
HF:HF0128Z Stage Movement and Dance I • 100 %
HF:HF0166L Inscenační seminář I • 100 %
HF:HF0166Z Staging Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60030L History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60030Z History of Music I (to 18th Century) • 100 %
HF:H60076L Physiology and Hygiene of Voice • 100 %
HF:H60076Z Physiology and Hygiene of Voice • 100 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 94 %
HF:HF0121L Chamber Music I • 88 %
HF:HF0121Z Chamber Music I • 82 %
HF:HF0119L Interpretation of Early Music I • 59 %
HF:HF0119Z Interpretation of Early Music I • 59 %
HF:H72004L Jazz ensemble • 47 %
HF:H75014L Scenic project • 47 %
HF:H75014Z Scenic project • 47 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 24 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 24 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 24 %
HF:H70078Z Czech for professional practice • 24 %
HF:H70078L Czech for professional practice • 18 %
HF:HF1504L Film music seminar • 12 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 12 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 12 %
2nd term
HF:HF0027Z End of Year Performance I • 100 %
HF:HF0031Z Zpěv II • 100 %
HF:HF0054Z Studium repertoáru s klavírem II • 100 %
HF:HF0068Z Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:HF0112Z Vytváření postav I • 100 %
HF:HF0124Z Performing Theory II • 100 %
HF:HF0129Z Jevištní pohyb a tanec II • 100 %
HF:HF0167Z Inscenační seminář II • 100 %
HF:HF0168Z Studium operních recit. a ansámblů I • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 100 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 100 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF0027L End of Year Performance I • 100 %
HF:HF0031L Zpěv II • 100 %
HF:HF0054L Studium repertoáru s klavírem II • 100 %
HF:HF0068L Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:HF0069L Methodology I • 100 %
HF:HF0095L Masterclasses II • 100 %
HF:HF0112L Vytváření postav I • 100 %
HF:HF0124L Performing Theory II • 100 %
HF:HF0129L Jevištní pohyb a tanec II • 100 %
HF:HF0167L Inscenační seminář II • 100 %
HF:HF0168L Studium operních recit. a ansámblů I • 100 %
HF:H60032L History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 100 %
HF:HF0027Z End of Year Performance I • 93 %
HF:HF0031Z Zpěv II • 93 %
HF:HF0054Z Studium repertoáru s klavírem II • 93 %
HF:HF0068Z Performing Seminar II • 93 %
HF:HF0112Z Vytváření postav I • 93 %
HF:HF0124Z Performing Theory II • 93 %
HF:HF0129Z Jevištní pohyb a tanec II • 93 %
HF:HF0167Z Inscenační seminář II • 93 %
HF:HF0168Z Studium operních recit. a ansámblů I • 93 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 93 %
HF:H60032Z History of Music II (18th Century and 19th Century) • 93 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 86 %
HF:HF0122Z Chamber Music II • 57 %
HF:HF0120L Interpretation of Early Music II • 43 %
HF:HF0120Z Interpretation of Early Music II • 43 %
HF:HF0122L Chamber Music II • 43 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 43 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 43 %
HF:HF0121Z Chamber Music I • 29 %
HF:H72004L Jazz ensemble • 29 %
HF:H81006L Training Choir • 29 %
HF:HF0121L Chamber Music I • 21 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 21 %
HF:HF0039L Working with an Actor I • 14 %
HF:HF0039Z Working with an Actor I • 14 %
4th term
HF:HF0005Z Music Management Fundamentals I • 100 %
HF:HF0028Z End of Year Performance II • 100 %
HF:HF0032Z Zpěv III • 100 %
HF:HF0055Z Studium repertoáru s klavírem III • 100 %
HF:HF0070Z Performing Seminar III • 100 %
HF:HF0071Z Methodology II • 100 %
HF:HF0073Z Pedagogická praxe I • 100 %
HF:HF0113Z Vytváření postav II • 100 %
HF:HF0130Z Jevištní pohyb a tanec III • 100 %
HF:HF0164Z JAMU Chamber Opera I • 100 %
HF:HF0169Z Study of Opera Recitatives and Ensembles II • 100 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 100 %
HF:H60043Z History of Vocal Music I • 100 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:HF0082Z Intonation and Aural Analysis II • 33 %
HF:HF0100Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno I • 33 %
HF:HF0101Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno II • 33 %
HF:HF0119Z Interpretation of Early Music I • 33 %
HF:HF0122Z Chamber Music II • 33 %
HF:HF1107BZ Optional Piano II • 33 %
HF:HF1107CZ Optional Piano III • 33 %
HF:HJX00IZ Italian • 33 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 33 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 33 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 33 %
3rd year
5th term
HF:HF0005L Music Management Fundamentals I • 92 %
HF:HF0028L End of Year Performance II • 92 %
HF:HF0032L Zpěv III • 92 %
HF:HF0055L Studium repertoáru s klavírem III • 92 %
HF:HF0070L Performing Seminar III • 92 %
HF:HF0071L Methodology III • 92 %
HF:HF0073L Pedagogická praxe I • 92 %
HF:HF0096L Masterclasses III • 92 %
HF:HF0113L Vytváření postav II • 92 %
HF:HF0130L Jevištní pohyb a tanec III • 92 %
HF:HF0164L JAMU Chamber Opera I • 92 %
HF:HF0169L Study of Opera Recitatives and Ensembles II • 92 %
HF:H60034L History of Music III (20th century) • 92 %
HF:H60043L History of Vocal Music I • 92 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 92 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 92 %
HF:HF0005Z Music Management Fundamentals I • 77 %
HF:HF0028Z End of Year Performance II • 77 %
HF:HF0032Z Zpěv III • 77 %
HF:HF0055Z Studium repertoáru s klavírem III • 77 %
HF:HF0073Z Pedagogická praxe I • 77 %
HF:HF0113Z Vytváření postav II • 77 %
HF:HF0130Z Jevištní pohyb a tanec III • 77 %
HF:HF0164Z JAMU Chamber Opera I • 77 %
HF:HF0169Z Study of Opera Recitatives and Ensembles II • 77 %
HF:H60034Z History of Music III (20th century) • 77 %
HF:H60043Z History of Vocal Music I • 77 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 77 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 77 %
HF:HF0070Z Performing Seminar III • 69 %
HF:HF0071Z Methodology II • 69 %
HF:HJX00IL Italian • 46 %
HF:H72004L Jazz ensemble • 38 %
HF:HF0100L Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno I • 31 %
HF:HF0100Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno I • 31 %
HF:HJX00IZ Italian • 23 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 15 %
6th term
HF:HF0001Z Music Management Fundamentals II • 100 %
HF:HF0029Z End of Year Performance III • 100 %
HF:HF0033Z Zpěv IV • 100 %
HF:HF0034Z Interpretace vokální literatury I • 100 %
HF:HF0056Z Studium repertoáru s klavírem IV • 100 %
HF:HF0072Z Performing Seminar IV • 100 %
HF:HF0074Z Pedagogická praxe II • 100 %
HF:HF0114Z Vytváření postav III • 100 %
HF:HF0121Z Chamber Music I • 100 %
HF:HF0131Z Jevištní pohyb a tanec IV • 100 %
HF:HF0165Z JAMU Chamber Opera II • 100 %
HF:HF0170Z Studium operních recit. a ansámblů III • 100 %
HF:HJX00IZ Italian • 100 %
HF:H60045Z History of Vocal Music II • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:HF0062Z Opera Seminar IV • 50 %
HF:HF0101Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno II • 50 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 50 %
4th year
7th term
HF:HF0001L Music Management Fundamentals II • 100 %
HF:HF0029L End of Year Performance III • 100 %
HF:HF0033L Zpěv IV • 100 %
HF:HF0034L Interpretace vokální literatury I • 100 %
HF:HF0056L Studium repertoáru s klavírem IV • 100 %
HF:HF0072L Performing Seminar IV • 100 %
HF:HF0074L Pedagogická praxe II • 100 %
HF:HF0097L Masterclasses IV • 100 %
HF:HF0114L Vytváření postav III • 100 %
HF:HF0131L Jevištní pohyb a tanec IV • 100 %
HF:HF0165L JAMU Chamber Opera II • 100 %
HF:HF0170L Studium operních recit. a ansámblů III • 100 %
HF:H60045L History of Vocal Music II • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:HJX00IL Italian • 80 %
HF:H72004L Jazz ensemble • 80 %
HF:HF0001Z Music Management Fundamentals II • 60 %
HF:HF0029Z End of Year Performance III • 60 %
HF:HF0033Z Zpěv IV • 60 %
HF:HF0034Z Interpretace vokální literatury I • 60 %
HF:HF0056Z Studium repertoáru s klavírem IV • 60 %
HF:HF0072Z Performing Seminar IV • 60 %
HF:HF0074Z Pedagogická praxe II • 60 %
HF:HF0114Z Vytváření postav III • 60 %
HF:HF0131Z Jevištní pohyb a tanec IV • 60 %
HF:HF0165Z JAMU Chamber Opera II • 60 %
HF:HF0170Z Studium operních recit. a ansámblů III • 60 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 60 %
HF:H60045Z History of Vocal Music II • 60 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 60 %
HF:HF0121L Chamber Music I • 40 %
HF:HJX00IZ Italian • 40 %
HF:HF0101L Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno II • 20 %
HF:HF0101Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno II • 20 %
HF:HF0121Z Chamber Music I • 20 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 20 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 20 %
HF:HF1606L Basics of Contemporary Vocals (Focus Jazz and Pop) • 20 %
HF:HF1606Z Basics of Contemporary Vocals (Focus Jazz and Pop) • 20 %

Orchestral conducting (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
HF:H51477OZ Conducting I • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60116NZ Score Playing I • 100 %
HF:H75008Z Contemporary music in terms of conducting I • 100 %
HF:H80030Z Historical ornamentation • 100 %
HF:H81004Z Training Orchestra I • 100 %
HF:HF1516Z Interpretační problematika díla Leoše Janáčka VII • 50 %
HF:HF1517L Interpretační problematika díla Leoše Janáčka VIII • 50 %
HF:H51477OL Conducting I • 50 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 50 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 50 %
HF:H60116NL Score Playing I • 50 %
HF:H60122Z Music Direction I • 50 %
HF:H60164NL Performing Seminar I • 50 %
HF:H60164NZ Performing Seminar I • 50 %
HF:H60291NOL Repertoire I • 50 %
HF:H60291NOZ Repertoire I • 50 %
HF:H60325NL Aural Analysis I • 50 %
HF:H60325NZ Aural Analysis I • 50 %
HF:H75008L Contemporary music in terms of conducting I • 50 %
HF:H80030L Historical ornamentation • 50 %
HF:H85031Z Dirigování opery II • 50 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF1518Z Interpretační problematika díla Leoše Janáčka IX • 100 %
HF:HF1519L Interpretační problematika díla Leoše Janáčka X • 100 %
HF:H60063OL Conducting II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H60063OZ Conducting II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60293OL Repertoire II • 100 %
HF:H60293OZ Repertoire II • 100 %
HF:H700831L Opera seminar • 100 %
HF:H700831Z Opera seminar • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %
HF:H81005L Training Orchestra II • 100 %
HF:H81005Z Training Orchestra II • 100 %
HF:H85029L Operní ansámbly a recitativy – dirigování opery II • 100 %
HF:H85029Z Operní ansámbly a recitativy – dirigování opery II • 100 %
HF:H85031L Dirigování opery II • 100 %
HF:H85031Z Dirigování opery II • 100 %

Choral conducting (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 100 %

Historical Performance (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
HF:HDH001L Master's Diploma Seminar • 100 %
HF:HDH003L Instrumental or Vocal Tuition I • 100 %
HF:HDH005L Performance Seminar • 100 %
HF:HDH007L Interpretation of Early Music I • 100 %
HF:HDH009L History and Repertoire I • 100 %
HF:HDH011L Self-Managment I • 100 %
HF:HDH013L Basso Continuo I • 100 %
HF:HDH015L Chamber Music I • 100 %
HF:HF0247L Historické ladění I • 100 %
HF:H60265L Movement III / (baroque dance) • 100 %
DIFA:DERLX03 Czech for Foreigners II • 100 %
HF:H80018AL Hra na varhany pro cembalisty • 50 %
HF:H80025L Historical improvisation • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HDH001Z Master's Diploma seminar • 100 %
HF:HDH002Z Diploma Thesis • 100 %
HF:HDH004Z Instrumental or Vocal Tuition II • 100 %
HF:HDH006Z Performance Seminar • 100 %
HF:HDH008Z Interpretation of Early Music II • 100 %
HF:HDH010Z History and Repertoire II • 100 %
HF:HDH012Z Self-Managment II • 100 %
HF:HDH014Z Basso Continuo II • 100 %
HF:HDH016Z Chamber Music II • 100 %
4th term
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 100 %

Historical interpretation (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
HF:HF1024Z Practical music dramaturgy • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60158Z Early Music Performance Practice II • 100 %
HF:H60165Z Performing Seminar • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H80017AZ Basso continuo on the Keyboard Instrument • 100 %
HF:H80024Z Ensemble singing • 100 %
HF:H80026Z Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 100 %
HF:H80029AZ Dějiny operního divadla II • 100 %
HF:H80030Z Historical ornamentation • 100 %
HF:H80052Z Baroque/classical chamber music • 100 %
HF:H82030Z Dějiny a literatura hl. oboru II • 100 %
HF:H82032Z Historický zpěv II • 100 %
HF:S7008Z Interpretation of Baroque recitative • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60158L Early Music Performance Practice II • 100 %
HF:H60165L Performing Seminar • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %
HF:H80017AL Basso continuo on keyboard instrument • 100 %
HF:H80024L Ensemble singing • 100 %
HF:H80026L Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 100 %
HF:H80029AL Dějiny operního divadla II • 100 %
HF:H80030L Historical ornamentation • 100 %
HF:H80052L Baroque/classical chamber music • 100 %
HF:H82030L Dějiny a literatura hl. oboru II • 100 %
HF:H82032L Historický zpěv II • 100 %
HF:S7008L Interpretation of Baroque recitative • 100 %

Historical Interpretation (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0233L Basso continuo I • 100 %
HF:HF0233Z Basso continuo I • 100 %
HF:HF0238L Interpretační seminář I • 100 %
HF:HF0238Z Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0243L Barokní a klasicistní komorní hudba I • 100 %
HF:HF0243Z Baroque/Classical Chamber Music • 100 %
HF:HF0245L Dějiny a literatura I • 100 %
HF:HF0245Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:HF0253L Interpretace staré hudby I • 100 %
HF:HF0253Z Early Music Performing Practice I • 100 %
HF:HF0208L Hlavní předmět programu I - historický zpěv • 50 %
HF:HF0208Z Hlavní předmět programu I - historický zpěv • 50 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 50 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 50 %
HF:HF0203L Hlavní předmět programu I - cembalo a historické klávesové nástroje • 33 %
HF:HF0203Z Hlavní předmět programu I - cembalo a historické klávesové nástroje • 33 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 33 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 33 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 33 %
HF:H80024L Ensemble singing • 33 %
HF:H80026L Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 33 %
HF:H85044L Harpsichord Playing I • 33 %
HF:H85044Z Harpsichord Playing I • 33 %
HF:S7008L Interpretation of Baroque recitative • 33 %
HF:HF0024L Sound Objects and Installations • 17 %
HF:HF0024Z Sound Objects and Installations • 17 %
HF:HF0218L Hlavní předmět programu I - historické violoncello • 17 %
HF:HF0218Z Hlavní předmět programu I - historické violoncello • 17 %
HF:HF0247L Historické ladění I • 17 %
HF:HF0247Z Historické ladění I • 17 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 17 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 17 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 17 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 17 %
HF:H60265L Movement III / (baroque dance) • 17 %
HF:H60265Z Movement III / (baroque dance) • 17 %
HF:H70004L Improvisation • 17 %
HF:H70004Z Improvisation • 17 %
HF:H80024Z Ensemble singing • 17 %
HF:H80026Z Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 17 %
HF:H80030L Historical ornamentation • 17 %
HF:H80030Z Historical ornamentation • 17 %
HF:S7008Z Interpretation of Baroque recitative • 17 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF0209Z Hlavní předmět programu II - historický zpěv • 100 %
HF:HF0234Z Basso continuo II • 100 %
HF:HF0239Z Interpretační seminář II • 100 %
HF:HF0244Z Barokní a klasicistní komorní hudba II • 100 %
HF:HF0246Z Dějiny a literatura II • 100 %
HF:HF0254Z Interpretace staré hudby II • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:HF0209L Hlavní předmět programu II - historický zpěv • 50 %
HF:HF0234L Basso continuo II • 50 %
HF:HF0239L Interpretační seminář II • 50 %
HF:HF0244L Barokní a klasicistní komorní hudba II • 50 %
HF:HF0246L Dějiny a literatura II • 50 %
HF:HF0254L Interpretace staré hudby II • 50 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 50 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 50 %
HF:H80026L Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 50 %
HF:H80026Z Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 50 %
HF:S7008L Interpretation of Baroque recitative • 50 %
HF:S7008Z Interpretation of Baroque recitative • 50 %

Percussion Instruments (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
HF:H41918Z Orchestral Practice II • 100 %
HF:H50087Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H601051Z Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H601874Z Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H70101Z Interpretation Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H84078Z Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H41918L Orchestral Practice II • 100 %
HF:H50087L History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H601051L Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H601874L Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H70101L Interpretation Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %
HF:H84078L Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %

Bassoon (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H40082FAL History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H40082FAZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60102FAL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60102FAZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433L Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433Z Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 50 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 50 %
HF:H61005 Historical Bassoon • 50 %
HF:H61005A Historical Bassoon • 50 %
HF:H72001L Jazz ensemble • 50 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 50 %
2nd term
HF:H40088FAZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60105AZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105FAZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60343NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H40088FAL History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60105AL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105FAL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60343NAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 50 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 50 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 50 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 50 %
HF:H72001L Jazz ensemble • 50 %

Flute (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H40082FLL History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H40082FLZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60102FLL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60102FLZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433L Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433Z Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
2nd term
HF:H40088FLZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60105AZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105FLZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60343NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H40088FLL History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60105AL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105FLL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60343NAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %

Oboe (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
HF:H40088HOZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60105AZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105HOZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60343NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H40088HOL History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60105AL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105HOL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60343NAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %

Oboe (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H40082HOL History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H40082HOZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60102HOL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60102HOZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433L Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433Z Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 67 %
HF:H80026L Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 67 %
HF:H80026Z Study of the harpsichord repertoire • 67 %
HF:H60371L Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 33 %
HF:H60371Z Electroacoustic Studio Equipment I • 33 %
HF:H60373HL Double reed Making I • 33 %
HF:H60373HZ Double reed Making I • 33 %
HF:H6105BL Historical Oboe • 33 %
HF:H6105BZ Historical Oboe • 33 %
HF:H72001L Jazz ensemble • 33 %

Violin (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H40086HSL History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H40086HSZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60102HSL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60102HSZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H601654NL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601853NL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H601853NZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433L Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433Z Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H6034NL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H6034NZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 83 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 83 %
HF:H601654NZ Performing Seminar I • 83 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 17 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 17 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 17 %
HF:H80052Z Baroque/classical chamber music • 17 %
2nd term
HF:H60023HSZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H60023HSL History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60107HSL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60107HSZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H601072AL Instrument Playing II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601072AZ Instrument Playing II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H6035NL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H6035NZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H60023HSZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 75 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 75 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 75 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 50 %
HF:HF1601L Barokní housle • 25 %
HF:HF1601Z Barokní housle • 25 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 25 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 25 %
HF:H601654NZ Performing Seminar I • 25 %
HF:H60191L Chamber Play II • 25 %
HF:H60191Z Chamber Play II • 25 %

Clarinet (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H40082KLL History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H40082KLZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60102KLL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60102KLZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433L Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433Z Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 75 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 75 %
2nd term
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 100 %
HF:H40088KLZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60105AZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105KLZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60343NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H40088KLL History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60105AL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105KLL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60343NAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H40088KLZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 75 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 75 %
HF:H60105AZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 75 %
HF:H60105KLZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 75 %
HF:H60153ZZ Performing Seminar II • 75 %
HF:H60187NDZ Chamber Play II • 75 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 75 %
HF:H60343NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 75 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 75 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 50 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 50 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 50 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 25 %

Piano and Piano pedagogy (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 80 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 80 %
HF:H70001L Analysis of Piano Works • 80 %
HF:H70001Z Analysis of Piano Works • 80 %
HF:H70002L The history of piano play and pedagogy • 80 %
HF:H70002Z The history of piano play and pedagogy • 80 %
HF:H70003L Game instructive Literature I • 80 %
HF:H70003Z Game instructive Literature I • 80 %
HF:H70005L Performing Seminar I • 80 %
HF:H70005Z Performing Seminar I • 80 %
HF:H70006L Piano Playing I • 80 %
HF:H70006Z Piano Playing I • 80 %
HF:H70008L Teaching Methodology Seminar I • 80 %
HF:H70008Z Teaching Methodology Seminar I • 80 %
HF:H70007L Piano Methodology • 60 %
HF:H70007Z Piano Methodology • 60 %
HF:H70009L Chamber Play I • 60 %
HF:H70009Z Chamber Play I • 60 %
HF:HXX001 Zablokovani ucebny • 20 %
HF:H62011L Contemporary Piano Literature I • 20 %
HF:H62011Z Contemporary Piano Literature I • 20 %
HF:H70013L Methodology pianoplay • 20 %
HF:H70013Z Methodology pianoplay • 20 %
HF:H80046L Introduction to contemporary composition • 20 %
HF:H80046Z Introduction to contemporary composition • 20 %
DIFA:DXX001 Zablokovani ucebny • 20 %
2nd term
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H70007Z Piano Methodology • 100 %
HF:H70012Z Game instructive Literature II • 100 %
HF:H70014Z Analysis of Piano compositions • 100 %
HF:H70015Z Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H70016Z Piano Playing II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H70017Z Teaching Methodology Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H70012L Game instructive Literature II • 100 %
HF:H70014L Analysis of Piano compositions • 100 %
HF:H70015L Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H70016L Piano Playing II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H70017L Teaching Methodology Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 90 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 90 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 90 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 80 %
HF:H70012Z Game instructive Literature II • 80 %
HF:H70013L Methodology pianoplay • 80 %
HF:H70013Z Methodology pianoplay • 80 %
HF:H70014Z Analysis of Piano compositions • 80 %
HF:H70015Z Performing Seminar II • 80 %
HF:H70016Z Piano Playing II - graduation project • 80 %
HF:H70017Z Teaching Methodology Seminar II • 80 %
HF:H70020L Chamber Play II • 50 %
HF:H70020Z Chamber Play II • 50 %

Double bass (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H40086KOL History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H40086KOZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60102KOL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60102KOZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H601654NL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601654NZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601853NL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H601853NZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433L Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433Z Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H6034NL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H6034NZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
2nd term
HF:H60102KOL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H601654NL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601853NL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433L Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H6034NL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
DIFA:DERLX03 Czech for Foreigners II • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H60023KOL History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60023KOZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60107KOL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60107KOZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H601072AL Instrument Playing II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601072AZ Instrument Playing II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H6035NL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H6035NZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H60191L Chamber Play II • 50 %
HF:H60191Z Chamber Play II • 50 %

Guitar (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %

Guitar (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H40079L History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H40079Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H601024L Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H601024Z Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H601654NL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601654NZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601853NL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H601853NZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 67 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 33 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 33 %
HF:HJ0017L Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 33 %
HF:HJ0017Z Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 33 %
HF:H51543L Physical training • 33 %
HF:H51543Z Physical Training • 33 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 33 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 33 %
2nd term
HF:H50092Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H601072AZ Instrument Playing II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601072Z Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H50092L History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H601072AL Instrument Playing II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601072L Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 100 %

French Horn (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H40088LRL History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H40088LRZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60105AL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105AZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105LRL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105LRZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60343NAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60343NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %

French horn (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H40082LRL History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H40082LRZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60102LRL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60102LRZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433L Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433Z Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
2nd term
HF:H40088LRZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60105AZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105LRZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NZZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60343NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H40088LRL History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60105AL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105LRL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NZL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60343NAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %

Trombone (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H40082TRZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60102TRZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433Z Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H40082TRL History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 67 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 67 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 67 %
HF:H60102TRL Instrument Playing I • 67 %
HF:H60152ZL Performing Seminar I • 67 %
HF:H60185NDL Chamber Play I • 67 %
HF:H602433L Orchestra Play I • 67 %
HF:H60340NAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 67 %
HF:H75004Z Playing the alto trombone II • 33 %
2nd term
HF:H40088TRZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60105AZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105TRZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60343NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H40088TRL History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60105AL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105TRL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60343NAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %

Trumpet (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H40082TBL History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H40082TBZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60102TBL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60102TBZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433L Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433Z Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:HF1014Z Základy jazzové interpretace a frázování • 67 %
HF:HF1014L Základy jazzové interpretace a frázování • 33 %
HF:H60185NZL Chamber Play I • 33 %
HF:H60185NZZ Chamber Play I • 33 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H40088TBL History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H40088TBZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60105AL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105AZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105TBL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105TBZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60343NAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60343NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %

Tuba (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H40082TUL History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H40082TUZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60102TUL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60102TUZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60152ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60185NDZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433L Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433Z Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60340NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H40088TUL History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H40088TUZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60105AL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105AZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105TUL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60105TUZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60153ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60187NDZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60343NAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60343NAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %

Organ (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
HF:H40085L History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H40085Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60103L Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60103Z Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H601651NL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601651NZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0338Z Organologie I • 50 %
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 50 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 50 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 50 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 50 %
HF:H602433Z Orchestra Play I • 50 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H40090L History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H40090Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H601061L Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H601061Z Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 25 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 25 %
HF:H40734L Performing Seminar II • 25 %
HF:H40734Z Performing Seminar II • 25 %

Hra na varhany (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0326L Hra na nástroj I • 100 %
HF:HF0326Z Hra na nástroj I • 100 %
HF:HF0328L Dějiny a literatura nástroje I • 100 %
HF:HF0328Z Dějiny a literatura nástroje I • 100 %
HF:HF0330L Interpretační seminář I • 100 %
HF:HF0330Z Interpretační seminář I • 100 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 100 %
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 100 %

Cello (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H60023VCL History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60107VCL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %

Cello (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H60023VCL History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60023VCZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60107VCL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60107VCZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H601072AL Instrument Playing II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601072AZ Instrument Playing II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H6035NL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H6035NZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 50 %

Viola (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H40086VIL History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H40086VIZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60102VIL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60102VIZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H601654NL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601654NZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601853NL Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H601853NZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433L Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H602433Z Orchestra Play I • 100 %
HF:H6034NL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H6034NZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 67 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 67 %
HF:HF1506Z Smyčcové nástroje v soudobé hudbě I • 33 %
HF:HF1507L Smyčcové nástroje v soudobé hudbě II • 33 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H60023VIL History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60023VIZ History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60107VIL Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H60107VIZ Instrument Playing - graduation project II • 100 %
HF:H601072AL Instrument Playing II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H601072AZ Instrument Playing II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H6035NL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H6035NZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:HJX00IL Italian • 50 %
HF:HJX00IZ Italian • 50 %

Music Production (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
HF:H51513 Cultural Management III - Graduation Work • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H61545Z Public relations • 100 %
HF:H80011Z Seminar Management and musical production • 100 %
HF:H85020 Participation in the conference or professional meeting • 100 %
HF:H85033 Magisterský diplomní seminář pro hudební produkci I • 100 %
HF:H85035 Organizace provozu vícesouborového divadla • 100 %
HF:H85036Z Dokumentace absolventského projektu • 100 %
DIFA:DDMZ511 Law - seminar II • 100 %
HF:H85043Z Fundraising • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H61545L Public relations • 100 %
HF:H61548 Cultural Management IV • 100 %
HF:H75020 Participation in the conference or professional meeting • 100 %
HF:H80011L Seminar Management and musical production • 100 %
HF:H85036L Dokumentace absolventského projektu • 100 %
HF:H51513 Cultural Management III - Graduation Work • 60 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 60 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 60 %
HF:H61545Z Public relations • 60 %
HF:H80011Z Seminar Management and musical production • 60 %
HF:H85020 Participation in the conference or professional meeting • 60 %
HF:H85033 Magisterský diplomní seminář pro hudební produkci I • 60 %
HF:H85035 Organizace provozu vícesouborového divadla • 60 %
HF:H85036Z Dokumentace absolventského projektu • 60 %
DIFA:DDMZ511 Law - seminar II • 60 %

Music Production (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H51130 Psychology for Managers • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60206 Cultural Management I • 100 %
HF:H61545L Public relations • 100 %
HF:H61545Z Public relations • 100 %
HF:H61547 Kulturní management II hudba: průmysl, média, společnost • 100 %
HF:H70052L Media Theory - Introduction • 100 %
HF:H70052Z Media Theory - Introduction • 100 %
HF:H75017L Marketing Communications in the musical arts • 100 %
HF:H75017Z Marketing Communications in the musical arts • 100 %
HF:H75019L Work placement • 100 %
HF:H75019Z Work placement • 100 %
HF:H82050L Online marketing • 100 %
HF:H82050Z Online marketing • 100 %
HF:H85033A Magisterský diplomní seminář pro hudební produkci I • 100 %
HF:H85034 Jevištní technologie pro hudební produkce • 100 %
DIFA:DDML411 Law - seminar I • 100 %
HF:HF0182Z Video a poslechový seminář pro hudební produkci • 50 %
HF:HF0186Z Projektové řízení pro hudební produkci • 50 %
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 50 %
HF:H72002L Jazz ensemble • 50 %
HF:H85020 Participation in the conference or professional meeting • 50 %
HF:H85035 Organizace provozu vícesouborového divadla • 50 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF0180L Symposium umění, hudba, management • 100 %
HF:HF0184L Exkurze - koncertní a operní provoz • 100 %
HF:HF0185L Absolventský projekt • 100 %
HF:HF0185Z Absolventský projekt • 100 %
HF:HF0186Z Projektové řízení pro hudební produkci • 100 %
HF:H51513 Cultural Management III - Graduation Work • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H61548 Cultural Management IV • 100 %
HF:H72002L Jazz ensemble • 100 %
HF:H80011L Seminar Management and musical production • 100 %
HF:H80011Z Seminar Management and musical production • 100 %
HF:H85020 Participation in the conference or professional meeting • 100 %
HF:H85033 Magisterský diplomní seminář pro hudební produkci I • 100 %
HF:H85035 Organizace provozu vícesouborového divadla • 100 %
HF:H85036L Dokumentace absolventského projektu • 100 %
HF:H85036Z Dokumentace absolventského projektu • 100 %
DIFA:DDMZ511 Law - seminar II • 100 %

Jazz interpretation (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 100 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 100 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H70098L Bigband II • 100 %
HF:H70098Z Bigband II • 100 %
HF:H70101L Interpretation Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H70101Z Interpretation Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H80046Z Introduction to contemporary composition • 100 %
HF:H80053L History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H80053Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory II • 100 %
HF:H80054L Introduction to Law and Economics • 100 %
HF:H80054Z Introduction to Law and Economics • 100 %
HF:H80055L Graduation instrumental project • 100 %
HF:H80055Z Graduation instrumental project • 100 %
HF:H85022 Master's seminar • 100 %
HF:H85022A Master's seminar • 100 %

Jazz Intepretation (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0187L Bigband I • 100 %
HF:HF0187Z Bigband I • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H70028 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H70086L Interpretation Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H70086Z Interpretation Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H80042L Instrumental project • 100 %
HF:H80042Z Instrumental project • 100 %
HF:H80043AL Playing the instrument I • 100 %
HF:H80043AZ Playing the instrument I • 100 %
HF:H80044L History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H80044Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory I • 100 %
HF:H80045L Introduction to Music Management • 100 %
HF:H80045Z Introduction to Music Management • 100 %
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 50 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 50 %
HF:HF1520L The Persuasive Role of Music in the Commercial • 50 %
HF:HF1520Z The Persuasive Role of Music in the Commercial • 50 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 50 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 50 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 50 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 50 %
HF:H80046L Introduction to contemporary composition • 50 %
HF:H80046Z Introduction to contemporary composition • 50 %
HF:H82144L Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 50 %
HF:H82144Z Interdisciplinary ensemble (fusion of jazz and contemporary music, composition and improvisation) • 50 %

Composition (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
HF:H51174Z Composition Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60290Z Electroacoustic Music Creating II • 100 %
HF:H60356NZ Theory of Composition II • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H51174L Composition Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60198L Composition II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H60198Z Kompozice V • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60290L Electroacoustic Music Creating II • 100 %
HF:H60356NL Theory of Composition II • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %
HF:H75013L Reading texts on the theory of multimedia • 100 %
HF:H75013Z Reading texts on the theory of multimedia • 100 %
HF:H51174Z Composition Seminar II • 50 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 50 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 50 %
HF:H60087L Harpsichord Playing II • 50 %
HF:H60087Z Harpsichord Playing II • 50 %
HF:H60200L Multimedia Performace Composition I • 50 %
HF:H60200Z Multimedia Performace Composition I • 50 %
HF:H60290Z Electroacoustic Music Creating II • 50 %
HF:H60356NZ Theory of Composition II • 50 %
HF:H70079L Alternative tunings and intonation • 50 %
HF:H70079Z Alternative tunings and intonation • 50 %
HF:H73023 Základy rétoriky a hlasové výchovy • 50 %
HF:H80025L Historical improvisation • 50 %
HF:H80025Z Historical improvisation • 50 %
DIFA:DAALX81 Účast v projektech DF a HF • 50 %

Opera directing (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF0100L Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno I • 100 %
HF:HF0100Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno I • 100 %
HF:HF0118L Základy herectví • 100 %
HF:HF0118Z Basics of Acting • 100 %
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60241L Opera Directing in History I • 100 %
HF:H60241Z Opera Directing in History I • 100 %
HF:H60297L Direction I • 100 %
HF:H60297Z Direction I • 100 %
HF:H60301L Opera Analysis and Dramaturgy I • 100 %
HF:H60301Z Opera Analysis and Dramaturgy I • 100 %
HF:H60310Z Stage Design I • 100 %
HF:H60317NL Opera Direction Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60317NZ Opera Direction Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 100 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 100 %
DIFA:DAALX50 Lighting design • 100 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H60242L Opera Directing in History II • 100 %
HF:H60242Z Opera Directing in History II • 100 %
HF:H60299L Direction II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H60299Z Direction II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %
HF:HF0101Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno II • 50 %
HF:H60312Z Stage Design II • 50 %

Vocal studies (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60068L Aesthetics I • 100 %
HF:H60069L Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60069Z Philosophy of Arts I • 100 %
HF:H60138NL Staging Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60138NZ Staging Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601655NL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H601655NZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60241L Opera Directing in History I • 100 %
HF:H60241Z Opera Directing in History I • 100 %
HF:H60262ML Movement Training I • 100 %
HF:H60262MZ Movement Training I • 100 %
HF:H60339NL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60339NZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60378NL Role Creating I • 100 %
HF:H60378NZ Role Creating I • 100 %
HF:H60387L Voice I • 100 %
HF:H60387Z Voice I • 100 %
HF:H61411L Pedagogy Intership II • 100 %
HF:H61411Z Pedagogy Intership II • 100 %
HF:H60068Z Aesthetics I • 67 %
HF:HF1003L Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 33 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 33 %
HF:H602291 Methodology I • 33 %
DIFA:DAALX36 Russian • 33 %
DIFA:DAAZX36 Russian • 33 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H60071L Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60071Z Philosophy of Arts II • 100 %
HF:H60141NL Staging Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60141NZ Staging Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60221Z Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H603434NL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H603434NZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60388NL Voice II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H60388NZ Voice II - graduation project • 100 %
HF:H75011L Opera Ensembles and Recitatives • 100 %
HF:H75011Z Opera Ensembles and Recitatives • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 83 %
HF:H60242L Opera Directing in History II • 83 %
HF:H60242Z Opera Directing in History II • 83 %
HF:H70125 Diplomní seminář • 83 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 83 %
HF:H603791L Role Creating II • 50 %
HF:H603791Z Role Creating II • 50 %
HF:H60379L Role Creating II • 33 %
HF:H60379Z Role Creating II • 33 %
HF:HF0071L Methodology III • 17 %
HF:HF0071Z Methodology II • 17 %
HF:HF0100Z Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno I • 17 %
HF:HF0102L Collaboration with the National Theatre Brno III • 17 %
HF:HJX00NL German • 17 %
HF:HJX00NZ German • 17 %
HF:H60259L Teaching Methodology • 17 %
HF:H60259Z Teaching Methodology • 17 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 17 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 17 %
4th term
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H70125B Formulation of an academic text • 100 %

Music Production (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
HF:HPHX07L Pokročilé nástroje a techniky PR pro hudební produkci II • 100 %
HF:HPHX07Z Pokročilé nástroje a techniky PR pro hudební produkci I • 100 %
HF:HPH004AZ Studium odborných textů I • 100 %
HF:HPH004BL Studium odborných textů II • 100 %

Music Production (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HF1024L Practical music dramaturgy • 100 %
HF:HPHAA1BL Angličtina A pro odbornou praxi II • 100 %
HF:HPH001BL Hudební produkce II • 100 %
HF:HPH002BL Základy vědecké a pedagogické práce II • 100 %
HF:HPH003BL Doktorandský seminář II • 100 %
HF:HPH004BL Studium odborných textů II • 100 %
HF:HPH006BL Účast na konferenci II • 100 %
HF:HPH007AL Disertační práce I • 100 %
HF:HPH008BL Pedagogická praxe II • 100 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 100 %
HF:HPHAA1CZ Angličtina A pro odbornou praxi III • 100 %
HF:HPH001CZ Hudební produkce III • 100 %
HF:HPH002CZ Základy vědecké a pedagogické práce III • 100 %
HF:HPH003CZ Doktorandský seminář III • 100 %
HF:HPH006AZ Účast na konferenci I • 100 %
HF:HPH008CZ Pedagogická praxe III • 100 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:HPHX04AZ Pokročilé nástroje online marketingu a marketingové komunikace • 100 %
HF:HPHX04BL Pokročilé nástroje online marketingu a marketingové komunikace • 100 %
HF:HPH001EZ Hudební produkce V • 100 %
HF:HPH001FL Hudební produkce VI • 100 %
HF:HPH002EZ Základy vědecké a pedagogické práce V • 100 %
HF:HPH003EZ Doktorandský seminář V • 100 %
HF:HPH003FL Doktorandský seminář VI • 100 %
HF:HPH004AZ Studium odborných textů I • 100 %
HF:HPH004BL Studium odborných textů II • 100 %
HF:HPH007CL Disertační práce III • 100 %
HF:HPH008EZ Pedagogická praxe V • 100 %
HF:HPH008FL Pedagogická praxe VI • 100 %
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
HF:HF1602Z International Semester of Performance, Composition and Music Production at the JAMU Faculty of Music • 100 %
HF:HPH001GZ Hudební produkce VII • 100 %
HF:HPH001HL Hudební produkce VIII • 100 %
HF:HPH003GZ Doktorandský seminář VII • 100 %
HF:HPH003HL Doktorandský seminář VIII • 100 %
HF:HPH005B Producentský výkon II • 100 %
HF:HPH006AZ Účast na konferenci I • 100 %
HF:HPH006BL Účast na konferenci II • 100 %
HF:HPH007DL Disertační práce IV • 100 %
HF:HPH008GZ Pedagogická praxe VII • 100 %
HF:HPH008HL Pedagogická praxe VIII • 100 %
HF:HPH009AZ Zahraniční stáž či zahraniční výzkumný projekt I • 100 %
HF:HPH010AZ Publikační aktivita I • 100 %
HF:HPH055Z Metody výuky se zaměřením na VŠ vzdělávání I • 100 %
HF:H72002L Jazz ensemble • 100 %

Interpretation and Theory of Interpretation (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:DH1011L Publicistické žánry • 100 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:DH1015L Interpretační symbióza při studiu skladby • 100 %
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
HF:DH1001L Theoretical reflection of the study field • 100 %
HF:DH1003L Pedagogická praxe • 100 %
HF:DH1004L Umělecký/produkční výkon • 100 %
HF:DH1005L Doktorandský seminář • 100 %
HF:DH1006L Dissertation • 100 %
HF:DH1013L Studium a interpretace odborného textu • 100 %
HF:H60221L Masters Dissertation • 100 %

Interpretation and Theory of Interpretation (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HPHAA1AZ Angličtina A pro odbornou praxi I • 100 %
HF:HPHAA1BL Angličtina A pro odbornou praxi II • 100 %
HF:HPH050L Teoretická reflexe oborového studia II • 100 %
HF:HPH050Z Teoretická reflexe oborového studia I • 100 %
HF:HPH054L Metodologie vědecké práce II • 100 %
HF:HPH056L Umělecký výkon II • 100 %
HF:HPH060L Doktorandský seminář II • 100 %
HF:HPH060Z Doktorandský seminář I • 100 %
HF:HPH063L Disertační práce II • 100 %
HF:HPH063Z Disertační práce I • 100 %
HF:HPH069Z Pedagogická praxe I • 100 %
HF:HPH054Z Metodologie vědecké práce I • 83 %
HF:HPH056Z Umělecký výkon I • 83 %
HF:HPHNB1AZ Němčina B pro odbornou praxi I • 67 %
HF:HPHNB1BL Němčina B pro odbornou praxi II • 67 %
HF:HPH069L Pedagogická praxe II • 67 %
HF:HPH075L Publicistické žánry • 33 %
HF:HPH075Z Publicistické žánry • 33 %
HF:HPHFB1AZ Francouzština B pro odbornou praxi I • 17 %
HF:HPHFB1BL Francouzština B pro odbornou praxi II • 17 %
HF:HPH074L Artistic research • 17 %
HF:HPH074Z Artistic research • 17 %
HF:HPH076L Interpretační symbióza při studiu skladby • 17 %
HF:HPH080L Pedagogická praxe • 17 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HPHAA1CZ Angličtina A pro odbornou praxi III • 100 %
HF:HPHAA1DL Angličtina A pro odbornou praxi IV • 100 %
HF:HPH051L Teoretická reflexe oborového studia IV • 100 %
HF:HPH051Z Teoretická reflexe oborového studia III • 100 %
HF:HPH055L Metody výuky se zaměřením na VŠ vzdělávání II • 100 %
HF:HPH055Z Metody výuky se zaměřením na VŠ vzdělávání I • 100 %
HF:HPH057L Umělecký výkon IV • 100 %
HF:HPH057Z Umělecký výkon III • 100 %
HF:HPH061L Doktorandský seminář IV • 100 %
HF:HPH061Z Doktorandský seminář III • 100 %
HF:HPH064L Disertační práce IV • 100 %
HF:HPH064Z Disertační práce III • 100 %
HF:HPH070L Pedagogická praxe IV • 100 %
HF:HPH070Z Pedagogická praxe III • 100 %
HF:HPHNB1CZ Němčina B pro odbornou praxi III • 67 %
HF:HPHNB1DL Němčina B pro odbornou praxi IV • 67 %
HF:HPHFB1AZ Francouzština B pro odbornou praxi I • 33 %
HF:HPHFB1BL Francouzština B pro odbornou praxi II • 33 %
HF:HPH056Z Umělecký výkon I • 33 %
HF:HPH076Z Interpretační symbióza při studiu skladby • 33 %
HF:HPH078L Studium a interpretace odborného textu • 33 %
HF:HPH078Z Studium a interpretace odborného textu • 33 %

Composition and Theory of Composition (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H70056A Visual composition in time • 50 %
HF:H70056B Visual composition in time • 50 %
HF:H70082L Creation of artificial sound processing and management • 50 %
HF:H70082Z Creation of artificial sound processing and management • 50 %

Composition and Theory of Composition (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:HPHAA1AZ Angličtina A pro odbornou praxi I • 100 %
HF:HPHAA1BL Angličtina A pro odbornou praxi II • 100 %
HF:HPHNB1AZ Němčina B pro odbornou praxi I • 100 %
HF:HPHNB1BL Němčina B pro odbornou praxi II • 100 %
HF:HPH031L Hudební sémiotika • 100 %
HF:HPH031Z Hudební sémiotika • 100 %
HF:HPH036L Studium odborných textů • 100 %
HF:HPH036Z Studium odborných textů • 100 %
HF:HPH074L Artistic research • 100 %
HF:HPH074Z Artistic research • 100 %
HF:HPH077L Psychologické aspekty umělecké tvorby • 100 %
HF:HPH077Z Psychologické aspekty umělecké tvorby • 100 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HPHAA1CZ Angličtina A pro odbornou praxi III • 100 %
HF:HPHAA1DL Angličtina A pro odbornou praxi IV • 100 %
HF:HPHNB1CZ Němčina B pro odbornou praxi III • 100 %
HF:HPHNB1DL Němčina B pro odbornou praxi IV • 100 %
HF:HPH033L Dějiny výtvarného umění 20. století • 100 %
HF:HPH033Z Dějiny výtvarného umění 20. století • 100 %
HF:HPH034L Základy vědecké a pedagogické práce • 100 %
HF:HPH034Z Základy vědecké a pedagogické práce • 100 %
HF:HPH038L Účast na konferenci • 100 %
HF:H70079L Alternative tunings and intonation • 100 %
HF:H70079Z Alternative tunings and intonation • 100 %

Piano Pedagogy (Bachelor's degree programme, combined form, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
HF:H70115L Playing the piano • 100 %
HF:H70115Z Playing the piano • 100 %
HF:H70116L Game instructive literature • 100 %
HF:H70116Z Game instructive literature • 100 %
HF:H70118L Methodology piano • 100 %
HF:H70118Z Methodology piano • 100 %
HF:H70119L Educational seminar • 100 %
HF:H70119Z Educational seminar • 100 %
HF:H70138L Performing Seminar • 100 %
HF:H70138Z Performing Seminar • 100 %
HF:H70150L Music pedagogy • 100 %
HF:H70150Z Music pedagogy • 100 %
HF:H70110L Chamber Music • 50 %
HF:H70110Z Chamber Music • 50 %
HF:H70111L Piano accompaniment • 50 %
HF:H70111Z Piano accompaniment • 50 %
HF:H70112Z Improvisation • 17 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 89 %
HF:H70117L Teaching experience • 89 %
HF:H70117Z Teaching experience • 89 %
HF:H70120L Music psychology • 89 %
HF:H70120Z Music psychology • 89 %
HF:H70140L Performing Seminar • 89 %
HF:H70140Z Performing Seminar • 89 %
HF:H70141L Educational seminar • 89 %
HF:H70141Z Educational seminar • 89 %
HF:H70143L Playing the piano • 89 %
HF:H70143Z Playing the piano • 89 %
HF:H70144L Game instructive literature • 89 %
HF:H70144Z Game instructive literature • 89 %
HF:H70145L History of the Instrument and its Repertory • 89 %
HF:H70145Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory • 89 %
HF:H70146L Methodology piano • 89 %
HF:H70146Z Methodology piano • 89 %
HF:H70112L Improvisation • 33 %
HF:H70112Z Improvisation • 33 %
HF:H70110Z Chamber Music • 22 %
HF:H70111L Piano accompaniment • 22 %
HF:H70111Z Piano accompaniment • 22 %
HF:H70110L Chamber Music • 11 %
HF:H70135Z History of Piano Playing and Teaching • 11 %
HF:H70136Z Theory of Piano interpretation • 11 %
HF:H70147Z Performing of Instructive Piano Repertoire • 11 %
HF:H70148Z Methodology piano • 11 %
HF:H70149Z Teaching experience • 11 %
HF:H85042Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory • 11 %
4th term
HF:H70135Z History of Piano Playing and Teaching • 100 %
HF:H70136Z Theory of Piano interpretation • 100 %
HF:H70147Z Performing of Instructive Piano Repertoire • 100 %
HF:H70148Z Methodology piano • 100 %
HF:H70149Z Teaching experience • 100 %
HF:H85042Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
HF:H60002P Bachelors Dissertation • 100 %
HF:H70135L History of Piano Playing and Teaching • 100 %
HF:H70136L Theory of Piano interpretation • 100 %
HF:H70147L Performing of Instructive Piano Repertoire • 100 %
HF:H70148L Methodology piano • 100 %
HF:H70149L Teaching experience • 100 %
HF:H85042L History of the Instrument and its Repertory • 100 %
HF:H70135Z History of Piano Playing and Teaching • 25 %
HF:H70136Z Theory of Piano interpretation • 25 %
HF:H70147Z Performing of Instructive Piano Repertoire • 25 %
HF:H70148Z Methodology piano • 25 %
HF:H70149Z Teaching experience • 25 %
HF:H85042Z History of the Instrument and its Repertory • 25 %

Klavírní pedagogika (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
HF:H70115L Playing the piano • 100 %
HF:H70115Z Playing the piano • 100 %
HF:H70116L Game instructive literature • 100 %
HF:H70116Z Game instructive literature • 100 %
HF:H70118L Methodology piano • 100 %
HF:H70118Z Methodology piano • 100 %
HF:H70119L Educational seminar • 100 %
HF:H70119Z Educational seminar • 100 %
HF:H70138L Performing Seminar • 100 %
HF:H70138Z Performing Seminar • 100 %
HF:H70150L Music pedagogy • 100 %
HF:H70150Z Music pedagogy • 100 %
HF:H70110L Chamber Music • 50 %
HF:H70110Z Chamber Music • 50 %
HF:H70111L Piano accompaniment • 50 %
HF:H70111Z Piano accompaniment • 50 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 25 %

Interpretation and Theory of Interpretation (doctoral degree programme, combined form)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
HF:DH1013L Studium a interpretace odborného textu • 100 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
HF:HF1029L Artistic research • 100 %
HF:HF1029Z Artistic research • 100 %
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
There is no data available.
8th term
HF:DH1011L Publicistické žánry • 100 %

The information was preprocessed: 19/10/2024 11:12