Tube (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
HF:H60101TUZ Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZZ Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60185DZ Chamber Play I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
HF:H60101TUL Instrument Playing I • 67 %
HF:H60149ZL Performing Seminar I • 67 %
HF:H60185DL Chamber Play I • 67 %
HF:H602431 Orchestra Play I • 67 %
HF:H60340FAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 67 %
HF:H60382L Fundamentals od Conducting I • 67 %
HF:H60382Z Fundamentals od Conducting I • 67 %
HF:H70080 Fundamentals of musical acoustics • 67 %
HF:H85041L Hra na kontrabasovou tubu (B nebo C) a cimbasso • 67 %
HF:H85041Z Hra na kontrabasovou tubu (B nebo C) a cimbasso • 67 %
HF:HF1002Z Introduction in Music Therapy • 33 %
HF:HF1003Z Mental and Physical Training of the Musician • 33 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 33 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 33 %
HF:HJ0017L Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 33 %
HF:HJ0017Z Selected aspects of language skills (for foreigners) • 33 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 33 %
HF:H60228TU Methodology I • 33 %
HF:H60367 Reed Adjustement I / Summer Semester - clarinet • 33 %
HF:H73022Z Introductory course • 33 %
HF:H75012L Baroque/Neo-classical chamber music • 33 %
DIFA:DERZX03 Czech for Foreigners I • 33 %
DIFA:DERZX06 Intensive Czech Language Course • 33 %
2nd term
HF:H60101TUL Instrument Playing I • 100 %
HF:H60149ZL Performing Seminar I • 100 %
HF:H60340FAL Repertoire Study with Piano I • 100 %
DIFA:DERLX03 Czech for Foreigners II • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
HF:HF1107AL Optional Piano I • 100 %
HF:HF1107AZ Optional Piano I • 100 %
HF:HF1504L Film music seminar • 100 %
HF:HF1505Z Theory and history of film music • 100 %
HF:HJX00AL English • 100 %
HF:HJX00AZ English • 100 %
HF:H30024 Dissertation Supervision • 100 %
HF:H60104TUL Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60104TUZ Instrument Playing II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZL Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60150ZZ Performing Seminar II • 100 %
HF:H60153A New Music Performance I • 100 %
HF:H60187ZL Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60187ZZ Chamber Play II • 100 %
HF:H60231TUL Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H60231TUZ Methodology II • 100 %
HF:H602441L Orchestra Play II • 100 %
HF:H60246TUL Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60246TUZ Orchestral Parts and Solos I • 100 %
HF:H60288L Psychology II • 100 %
HF:H60288Z Psychology I • 100 %
HF:H60343FAL Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60343FAZ Repertoire Study with Piano II • 100 %
HF:H60368 Introduction to Percussion Playing I • 100 %
HF:H70079L Alternative tunings and intonation • 100 %
HF:H70079Z Alternative tunings and intonation • 100 %
HF:H70090L Jazz Harmony I • 100 %
HF:H70090Z Jazz Harmony I • 100 %
HF:H70093L History of Jazz I • 100 %
HF:H70093Z History of Jazz I • 100 %
HF:H70096L History of Latin Music • 100 %
HF:H70096Z History of Latin Music • 100 %
HF:H81006L Training Choir • 100 %
HF:H81006Z Training Choir • 100 %

The information was preprocessed: 13/7/2024 11:21

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