V originále
Workshop navazující na kapitolu Maska, rozvíjí neverbální komunikaci a pohybovou paměť. Na workshopu se účastnice seznámily s procesem práce s maskou pod vedením lektorky MgA. Martiny Krátké, Ph.D., která je také spoluautorkou několika konkrétních aktivit kapitoly Maska. Design workshopu připravila lektorka Martina Krátká pod metodickým vedením řešitelky Kateřiny Jebavé. Aktivity, které přímo navazují na metodické materiály učebnice Theatrum.online jsme pro účastnictvo připravili i v tištěné formě. Tyto materiály máme v archivu.
The workshop, building upon the chapter "Mask," focuses on developing non-verbal communication and movement memory. During the workshop, participants were introduced to the process of working with masks under the guidance of the instructor, MgA. Martina Krátká, Ph.D., who is also a co-author of several specific activities from the "Mask" chapter. The workshop design was prepared by Martina Krátká, with methodological supervision from project leader Kateřina Jebavá. Activities that directly follow the methodological materials from the Theatrum.online textbook were also prepared for the participants in printed form. Participants were introduced to the phenomenon of the mask, techniques, and methods of working with masks in an experiential way. During the workshop, they developed their sensitivity to non-verbal communication, movement memory, and the ability to improvise in a given situation. They were introduced to the concept of movement score and the ethics of working with masks. Instructor Kateřina Jebavá introduced the participants to the environment of the Theatrum.online web-based textbook, with an emphasis on activities and methodological materials related to the "Mask" workshop.