Curriculum Vitae
- Person-Related Identification Information
- Born in China, studied with famous Chinese soprano Xingxing Wang. Bachelor degree obtained at the Jiujiang University in the Jiangxi province. For his subsequent studies in the Czech Republic at the Janacek Academy of Performing Arts (JAMU) he was prepared by Xingxing Wang and her husband, the renowned Czech pianist and JAMU alumni Richard Pohl. Later he studied a one year course at JAMU with baritone Roman Hoza, following with successful passing to the Master degree course at JAMU.
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor degree: Jiujiang University Lifelong learning programme: JAMU (2017/2018) Master degree: JAMU (currently studying)
Curriculum Vitae: MgA. Hang Bai (učo 19888), version: English(1), last update: 2018/08/04 09:52, H. Bai
Another Variant: Czech(1)