Theses on a related topic (having the same keywords):

mozart, hlas lesa, divadlo na orli, handel, janacek, myslivesek, ko jamu, tauber, verdi, sedlacek, bohuslav martinu, veselohra na moste, ucitel

Keywords ordered alphabetically | Keywords ordered by occurrence rate

Hampl, Karel
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Music Production
Master's thesis defence: Mládežnické symfonické orchestry v České republice | Theses on a related topic Display description

Master's thesis defence: Společný hudebně-dramatický večer Hudební a Divadelní fakulty JAMU v Divadle na Orlí – koncert Janáčkova akademického orchestru jinak | Theses on a related topic Display description

Harnošová, Kateřina maiden name: Stanislavová
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2019, studies terminated for failure to fulfill study requirements
Programme/field: Art of Music / Viola
Master's thesis defence: Béla Bartók – Koncert pro violu a orchestr | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Veřejný koncert ze dne 4. 1. 2017 | Theses on a related topic

Haščáková, Katarína maiden name: Ľašová
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2021, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Vocal studies
Bachelor's thesis defence: Opery Ch. Gounoda a V. Belliniho inspirované tragédií Romeo o Julie | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Absolventský koncert ze dne 15. 04. 2021 a absolventská role ze dne 13. 03. 2021 | Theses on a related topic

Hirono, Ryohei
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Violin
Master's thesis defence: Skladatel Akira Ifukube | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Veřejný koncert 6.4.2016 | Theses on a related topic

Hlavatá, Alina maiden name: Krejčová
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Violin
Bachelor's thesis defence: Výroba houslí v Čechách | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Veřejný koncert 14.3.2016 | Theses on a related topic

Hloušková, Kateřina maiden name: Dostálová
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Vocal studies
Bachelor's thesis defence: Jana z Arku v hudbě | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Operní role
Bachelor's thesis defence: Koncert 25. 2. 2013

Hlubuček, Pavel
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Tuba
Master's thesis defence: Cimbasso - historický kontext vývoje, konstrukce a využití | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Absolventský koncert 25.3. 2022 | Theses on a related topic

Holanová, Barbora
Faculty: Theatre Faculty
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Dramatic Arts / Theatre Management focusing on Production
Master's thesis defence: Implementace modelu strategického plánování do kulturní neziskové organizace v České republice | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Produkce inscenace Bůh je DJ v Divadle na Orlí | Theses on a related topic

Holíková, Kamila
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2023, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Piano
Bachelor's thesis defence: Dvanáct klavírních etud Clauda Debussyho a jejich interpretační problematika | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Absolventský koncert 18. 4. 2023 | Theses on a related topic

Horák, Ladislav
Faculty: Theatre Faculty
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Dramatic Arts / Theatre Management focusing on production management
Bachelor's thesis defence: České loutkářství - Situační analýza českého loutkářství ve vztahu k zápisu na Reprezentativní seznam nehmotného kulturního dědictví lidstva UNESCO | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Produkce inscenace Anna Kareninová v Divadle na Orlí | Theses on a related topic

Houšková, Anna maiden name: Kohoutková
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Historical interpretation (combination/specialization: Historical singing)
Master's thesis defence: Skladatelka Antonia Bembo a její sbírka Produzioni Armoniche (1701) | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Absolventský koncert (magisterské studium) 29. 3. 2022 | Theses on a related topic

Hoza, Roman
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Vocal studies
Master's thesis defence: Herecké pojetí postavy Evžena Oněgina metodou Michaila Čechova | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Absolventský projekt - role/ listopad 2013 | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Veřejný koncert ze dne 5. června 2014 | Theses on a related topic

Hoza, Tadeáš
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Vocal studies
Master's thesis defence: Erich Wolfgang Korngold a jeho písňová tvorba | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Absolventský koncert ze dne 16. dubna 2019 a absolventská role ze dne 18. listopadu 2018 | Theses on a related topic

Hrdlička, Marián
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2024, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: String Instruments / Violin
Master's thesis defence: Vývoj pedagogické práce v oblasti motivace studentů konzervatoří | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Magisterský koncert | Theses on a related topic

Hrdová, Natálie
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2024, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Clarinet
Bachelor's thesis defence: Louis Spohr a jeho Koncert pro klarinet a orchestr c moll č. 1 op. 26 | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Bakalářský koncert 30. 1. 2024 | Theses on a related topic

Hrivíková, Julie
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2024, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Piano
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza klavírního cyklu Taneční črty Bohuslava Martinů | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Bakalářský koncert 12. 4. 2024 | Theses on a related topic

Hrudová, Magdaléna
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Piano
Bachelor's thesis defence: Bohuslav Martinů: Koncert pro klavír a orchestr č. 1 D dur | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Veřejný koncert ze dne 2. 5. 2018 | Theses on a related topic

Hřebíčková, Daniela
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2024, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Organ
Master's thesis defence: Josef Blatný | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Magisterský koncert Daniely Hřebíčkové 7. 5. 2024 | Theses on a related topic

Hurníková, Andrea
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Music Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Pracovní motivace učitelů základních uměleckých škol | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Festival bicích nástrojů | Theses on a related topic

Husák, Martin
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2020, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Violin
Master's thesis defence: Život a dílo houslisty Jaroslava Štěpánka | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Absolventský koncert 9. 3. 2020 | Theses on a related topic

Charnavoki, Aliaksei
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Bassoon
Bachelor's thesis defence: Uplatnění fagotu v symfoniích č. 1 g moll op. 13 a č. 6 h moll op. 74 Petra Iljiče Čajkovského | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Bakalářský koncert 12. 01. 2022 | Theses on a related topic

Charvát, Vítězslav
Faculty: Theatre Faculty
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Dramatic Arts / Theatre Management focusing on Production
Master's thesis defence: Využití marketingové komunikace v kulturním/hudebním projektu financovaném pomocí Crowdfundingu | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Produkce inscenace Buchty a bohyně v Divadle na Orlí / Hudebně-dramatické laboratoři JAMU | Theses on a related topic

Chomaničová, Valérie
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Viola
Bachelor's thesis defence: Violisté v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Bakalářský koncert 21.3.2022 | Theses on a related topic

Chrenková, Barbora
Faculty: Theatre Faculty
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Dramatic Arts / Musical Acting
Master's thesis defence: Mé setkání s technikou Sanforda Meisnera. | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Postava Alexandra Schaunard | Theses on a related topic

Janda, Petr
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Trombone
Bachelor's thesis defence: Josef Matěj a jeho trombonová tvorba | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Veřejný koncert ze dne 4.4.2017 | Theses on a related topic

Jelínek, Jan
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2021, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Bassoon
Bachelor's thesis defence: Jan Racek - Život a práce | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Absolventský koncert | Theses on a related topic

Jelínková, Jana
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Vocal studies
Master's thesis defence: Slavné premiéry v dnešním Mahenově divadle | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Absolventská role - Donna Anna v opeře Don Giovanni | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Veřejný koncert ze dne 14.4.2015 | Theses on a related topic

Jeřábek, Tomáš
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2021, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Vocal studies
Master's thesis defence: K využití vybraných postupů pohybové herecké tvorby u operních herců dle Marie Mrázkové | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Magisterský absolventský koncert ze dne 9. února 2021 a absolventská role ze dne březen 2021 | Theses on a related topic

Jeřábek, Václav
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Vocal studies
Bachelor's thesis defence: Uplatnění sboru v oratoriu Saul HWV 53 | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Bakalářský absolventský koncert ze dne 7. března 2022 a absolventská role ze dne 20. listopadu 2021 | Theses on a related topic

Kába, Vojtěch
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Music Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Využití audiovizuální tvorby v propagaci symfonických orchestrů | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Rétoritéka: Soutěž a přednáškové odpoledne | Theses on a related topic

Kadaňka, Vojtěch
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2023, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Trumpet
Bachelor's thesis defence: Trombonista a skladatel Mojmír Bártek | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Absolventský koncert 14.12. 2022 | Theses on a related topic

Kadlčíková, Zuzana maiden name: Pirnerová
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Orchestral conducting
Master's thesis defence: Evžen Oněgin v roce 2011 na českých jevištích | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Evžen Oněgin v roce 2011 na českých jevištích | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: veřejný koncert ze dne 19. 5. 2011

Kadysheva, Diana
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Cello
Bachelor's thesis defence: Komparace interpretačních pojetí Variací na rokokové téma op.33 Petra Iljiče Čajkovského | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Veřejný koncert ze dne 14. 5. 2019 | Theses on a related topic

Kadysheva, Diana
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2021, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Cello
Master's thesis defence: Violoncello ve tvorbě Sergeje Prokofjeva | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Absolventský koncert (magisterské studium) 15.3.2021 | Theses on a related topic

Kalus, Jakub
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Music Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Merchandising vybraných českých symfonických orchestrů | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Oslavy 130 let od narození Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce | Theses on a related topic

Kalusová, Iva
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Cello
Master's thesis defence: Kusy pro violoncello od Antonína Dvořáka | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Veřejný koncert ze dne 18.4.2019 | Theses on a related topic

Kernová, Zuzana
Faculty: Theatre Faculty
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Dramatic Arts / Theatre Management focusing on Production
Master's thesis defence: Umělecký manažer v kontextu katalogu prací ČR | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Produkce inscenace Tanči nebo zemřeš v Divadle na Orlí | Theses on a related topic

Klecker, Jiří
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Violin
Master's thesis defence: Orchestr Janáčkovy opery Národního divadla Brno | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Veřejný koncert ze dne 20. 4. 2012

Klemensová, Marie
Faculty: Theatre Faculty
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Dramatic Arts / Drama in Education
Bachelor's thesis defence: Umělecko-vzdělávací činnost ostravských profesionálních divadel | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Eliáš a babička z vajíčka - inscenace pro děti mladšího školního věku | Theses on a related topic

Klimeš, Marek
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Orchestral conducting
Master's thesis defence: Opera Mirandolina Bohuslava Martinů z pohledu dirigenta | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Veřejný koncert ze dne 20. dubna 2017 | Theses on a related topic

Kočí, Anna
Faculty: Theatre Faculty
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Dramatic Arts / Theatre Management focusing on production management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Umění a zdraví z pohledu kulturní politiky | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Produkce inscenace Hrad v nitru v Divadle na Orlí | Theses on a related topic

Kollárová, Júlia
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Viola
Bachelor's thesis defence: Rebecca Clarke a jají Sonáta pro violu a klavír | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Bakalářský koncert 15.3.2022 | Theses on a related topic

Komínek, Ondřej
Faculty: Theatre Faculty
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Dramatic Arts / Musical Acting
Master's thesis defence: Opereta: muzeum nebo živý žánr | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Obhajoba absolventské role - Florián a Imaginární princ (Sněhurka a já) | Theses on a related topic

Kopečková, Barbora maiden name: Nováková
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Piano
Bachelor's thesis defence: Bohuslav Martinů: Motýli a Rajky H127 | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Bakalářský koncert dne 3. 6. 2016 | Theses on a related topic

Kopřivová, Kristýna
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Opera directing
Bachelor's thesis defence: Problematika překladu libret se zaměřením na Smetanovy opery Libuše a Dalibor | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Petr Hala: Mistrová aneb Když bolševici zrušili Vánoce, Miroslav Hába: Malý princ | Theses on a related topic

Kořínková, Aneta
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2021, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Flute
Bachelor's thesis defence: Leonardo De Lorenzo - flétnista, skladatel a pedagog | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Absolventský koncert 16.2.2021 | Theses on a related topic

Kožúriková, Katarína
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2023, studies completed, degree conferred: BcA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Violin
Bachelor's thesis defence: Hudební paměť a efektivní způsoby nastudování hudebního díla zpaměti | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Bakalářský koncert 30.3.2023 | Theses on a related topic

Kratochvílová, Nikol maiden name: Kotrnetzová
Faculty: Theatre Faculty
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Dramatic Arts / Musical Acting
Master's thesis defence: Vladimír Kloubek - Choreograf | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Postava Mimi | Theses on a related topic

Krausová, Alžběta
Faculty: Faculty of Music
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Art of Music / Piano
Master's thesis defence: Erwin Schulhoff (1894 - 1942). Interpretační analýza cyklu Cinq études de jazz (1926) | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Veřejný koncert ze dne 22. 3. 2019 | Theses on a related topic

Křenková, Eva
Faculty: Theatre Faculty
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: MgA.
Programme/field: Dance Arts / Dance Pedagogy
Master's thesis defence: Odkaz lidové kultury v hudbě Leoše Janáčka a Bohuslava Martinů, jako inspirace pro současnou taneční tvorbu | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Vyučovací hodina současného tance s využitím principů techniky Josého Limóna a kontaktní improvizace pro středně pokročilé ve vzdělávacím systému základních uměleckých škol. | Theses on a related topic