Number of results: 150 (z toho těch, které nemají práci v archivu: 2)
Results of 2 selected fields/plans of studyAgelová, Tereza
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2020
Programme: Dramatic ArtsField of Study: Theatre and Education
Master's thesis: Object as an integral part of the rehearsing process
Agelová, Tereza
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2020
Programme: Dramatic ArtsField of Study: Theatre and Education
Master's thesis: two.lines.
Antlová, Petra
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2022
Programme: Dramatic ArtsField of Study: Theatre and Education
Master's thesis: Carpe diem?
Antlová, Petra
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2022
Programme: Dramatic ArtsField of Study: Theatre and Education
Master's thesis: How to speak music
Blažková, Jordana
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2020
Programme: Dramatic ArtsField of Study: Theatre and Education
Master's thesis: Staging a Children’s Play as the Performance of Preschool Children for Their Parents
Blažková, Jordana
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2020
Programme: Dramatic ArtsField of Study: Theatre and Education
Master's thesis: Stromík got talent - nonprofessional performace
Blumaierová, Berit
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2009
Programme: Dramatic ArtsMaster's thesis: Některé možnosti užití masky u neprofesionálních divadelních skupin
Blumaierová, Berit
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2009
Programme: Dramatic ArtsMaster's thesis: Příprava a realizace autorské inscenace Hořký kruh, inspirované koespondencí J. Ortena a V. Fingerové
Bravencová, Marie
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2017
Programme: Dramatic ArtsField of Study: Theatre and Education
Master's thesis: Nomadic Theatres with non-professionals : the summer theater workshops Chotěborky
Bravencová, Marie
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2017
Programme: Dramatic ArtsField of Study: Theatre and Education
Master's thesis: Unwelcome return
Břundová, Markéta
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2022
Programme: Dramatic ArtsField of Study: Theatre and Education
Master's thesis: Author's theatre with a non-professional ensemble - theory, practice and methodology
Břundová, Markéta
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2022
Programme: Dramatic ArtsField of Study: Theatre and Education
Master's thesis: tao now! Inc.
Coufal, Petr
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2014
Programme: Dramatic ArtsMaster's thesis: Puppet theatre in Polná
Coufal, Petr
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2014
Programme: Dramatic ArtsField of Study: Theatre and Education
Master's thesis: Script creating and its application on the stage with children from Primary school of art in Polná and theatre amateur actors from Polná
Čechová, Tereza
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2009
Programme: Dramatic ArtsMaster's thesis: Scénografie jako podaná ruka neprofesionálním divadelním souborům
Čechová, Tereza
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2009
Programme: Dramatic ArtsMaster's thesis: Tvorba programu divadla ve výchově zaměřená na scénografii výsledného programu
Čermáková, Terezie
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2022
Programme: Dramatic ArtsField of Study: Theatre and Education
Master's thesis: The Willow
Čermáková, Terezie
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2022
Programme: Dramatic ArtsField of Study: Theatre and Education
Master's thesis: The Analysis of Theatre for Children Creative Work Based on the Practice of Theatre Groups in Brno
Dalová, Radka
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2013
Programme: Dramatic ArtsMaster's thesis: Lililinda Superhvězda and her best friends
Dalová, Radka
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Theatre Faculty, 2013
Programme: Dramatic ArtsMaster's thesis: Search for Topics for a Female Amateur Theatre Group: Inspired by Documentary Theatre