Number of results: 144 (z toho těch, které nemají práci v archivu: 11)

Faculty of Music
Field of Study/plan
HF - Art of Music: Violin
include only defended theses

Zajíc, Vojtěch

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Music, 2011

Programme: Art of Music
Bachelor's thesis: Sergei Prokofiev - Concerto for violin and orchestra No. 2 g minor, op. 63

Zajíc, Vojtěch

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Music, 2011

Programme: Art of Music
Bachelor's thesis: public concert from 3rd March 2011

Zavadilíková, Alena

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Music, 2011

Programme: Art of Music
Bachelor's thesis: Janáček´s string quartet n. 2 Intimate letters in expression of Janáček Quartet

Zavadilíková, Alena

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Music, 2011

Programme: Art of Music
Bachelor's thesis: public concert from 13th April 2011