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Graduates and Theses
Graduates and Theses
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Supervisor/a reader/observer
HF - Faculty of Music
DIFA - Theatre Faculty
Department under which the thesis has been written
HF - Composition and Multimedia Creation Department
HF - Conducting and Opera Directing Department
HF - Dean’s Office
HF - Doctoral studies FoM
HF - Faculty of Music
HF - Jazz Interpretation Department
HF - Keyboard Instruments Department
HF - Music Production Department
HF - Music Theory Department
HF - Organ and Early Music Department
HF - Percussion Instruments Department
HF - Piano Department
HF - Project Office
HF - String Instruments Department
HF - Vocal Studies Department
HF - Woodwind and Brass Department
DIFA - Aleš Bergman Dramatic Acting Department
DIFA - Audiovisual Media and Theatre Department
DIFA - Dance Pedagogy Department
DIFA - Dean’s Office
DIFA - Doctoral studies Department
DIFA - Dodo Gombár Musical Acting Department
DIFA - Drama and Education Department
DIFA - Drama Education for the Deaf Department
DIFA - Josef Morávek Dramatic Acting Department
DIFA - Lighting Design Department
DIFA - Lukáš Rieger Dramatic Acting Department
DIFA - Marek Horoščák Directing and Dramaturgy Department
DIFA - Media Laboratory
DIFA - Movement Education Department
DIFA - Music Education and Voice Training Department
DIFA - Nika Brettschneiderová Dramatic Acting Department
DIFA - Petr Oslzlý Directing and Dramaturgy Department
DIFA - Petr Štěpán Musical Acting Department
DIFA - Physical Theatre Department
DIFA - Project Office
DIFA - Public Relations
DIFA - Radio and TV Dramaturgy and Scriptwriting Department
DIFA - Science and Research Support Department
DIFA - Set and Costume Design Department
DIFA - Studio Marta
DIFA - Studio of Dance and Movement Theatre and Education
DIFA - Sylva Talpová Musical Acting Department
DIFA - The Department for Theatre Research
DIFA - Theater without Borders Department
DIFA - Theatre Faculty
DIFA - Theatre Management and Stage Technology Department
DIFA - Václav Cejpek Directing and Dramaturgy Department
DNO - Theatre on Orlí Street Operations
Rek - Computer and Information Services Department
Rek - Project Office
Rek - Studies and Quality Department
Person's academic degree
Year of defence
Field of Study/plan
HF - Art of Music: Bass
HF - Art of Music: Bassoon
HF - Art of Music: Bassoon Playing
HF - Art of Music: Cello
HF - Art of Music: Clarinet
HF - Art of Music: Composition
HF - Art of Music: Flute
HF - Art of Music: French Horn
HF - Art of Music: French Horn Playing
HF - Art of Music: Guitar
HF - Art of Music: Harpsichord Playing
HF - Art of Music: Historical interpretation
HF - Art of Music: Choral conducting
HF - Art of Music: Jazz interpretation
HF - Art of Music: Multimedial Composition
HF - Art of Music: Oboe
HF - Art of Music: Opera directing
HF - Art of Music: Organ
HF - Art of Music: Organ Playing
HF - Art of Music: Orchestral conducting
HF - Art of Music: Percussion Instruments
HF - Art of Music: Piano
HF - Art of Music: Piano Pedagogy
HF - Art of Music: Sacred Music
HF - Art of Music: Trombone
HF - Art of Music: Trumpet
HF - Art of Music: Trumpet Playing
HF - Art of Music: Tuba
HF - Art of Music: Viola
HF - Art of Music: Violin
HF - Art of Music: Vocal studies
HF - Art of Music: Music Management
HF - Art of Music: Piano Playing
HF - Historical Interpretation: Historical Interpretation
HF - Hra na varhany a duchovní hudba: Hra na varhany
HF - Music Production: Music Production
HF - Percussion Instruments and Jazz: Jazz Intepretation
HF - Percussion Instruments and Jazz: Percussion Instruments
HF - Piano pedagogy: Klavírní pedagogika
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: Bassoon
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: Clarinet
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: Flute
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: French horn
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: Oboe
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: Trombone
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: Trumpet
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: Tuba
HF - String Instruments: Cello
HF - String Instruments: Double bass
HF - String Instruments: Guitar
HF - String Instruments: Viola
HF - String Instruments: Violin
DIFA - Drama and Education: Dance and Movement Theatre and Education
DIFA - Drama and Education: Theatre and Education
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Audiovisual Creation and Theatre
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Dance and movement theater and education
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Physical Theater
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Theatre Management
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Theatre Management focusing on management and technology
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Theatre Management focusing on production management
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Drama Education for the Deaf
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Radio and TV Dramaturgy and Scriptwriting
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Stage Design
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Stage Technology
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Theatre Directing
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Theatre Dramaturgy
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Drama in Education
DIFA - Dramaturgy and directing: Theatre Directing
DIFA - Dramaturgy and directing: Theatre Dramaturgy
DIFA - Media and the Dramatic Arts: Audiovisual Media and Theatre
DIFA - Media and the Dramatic Arts: Radio and TV Dramaturgy and Scriptwriting
DIFA - Scenography: Set and Costume Design
DIFA - Theatre Management and Stage Technology: Stage Management and Technology
DIFA - Theatre Management and Stage Technology: Theatre Management
HF - Art of Music: Bassoon Playing
HF - Art of Music: Cello Playing
HF - Art of Music: Clarinet Playing
HF - Art of Music: Flute Playing
HF - Art of Music: French Horn Playing
HF - Art of Music: Music Management
HF - Art of Music: Oboe Playing
HF - Art of Music: Percussion Instruments Playing
HF - Art of Music: Piano Playing
HF - Art of Music: Violin Playing
HF - Art of Music: Voice
HF - Composition: Electroacoustic Music Composition
HF - Composition: Film and Scenic music Composition
HF - Conducting, Voice and Opera Directing: Opera directing
HF - Conducting, Voice and Opera Directing: Orchestral conducting
HF - Conducting, Voice and Opera Directing: Vocal studies
HF - Klavírní interpretace: Hra na klavír a klavírní pedagogika
HF - Klavírní interpretace: Hra na klavír a komorní hra
DIFA - Acting: Dramatic Acting
DIFA - Acting: Musical Acting
DIFA - Acting: Physical Theatre
DIFA - Dance Arts: Dance Pedagogy
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Drama in Education
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Radio and TV Dramaturgy and Scriptwriting
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Stage Design
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Theatre Directing
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Theatre Dramaturgy
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Theatre Management
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Dramatic Acting
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Musical Acting
HF - Art of Music: Bass
HF - Art of Music: Bassoon
HF - Art of Music: Cello
HF - Art of Music: Clarinet
HF - Art of Music: Composition
HF - Art of Music: Flute
HF - Art of Music: French Horn
HF - Art of Music: Guitar
HF - Art of Music: Harpsichord Playing
HF - Art of Music: Historical interpretation
HF - Art of Music: Choral conducting
HF - Art of Music: Jazz interpretation
HF - Art of Music: Multimedial Composition
HF - Art of Music: Music Production
HF - Art of Music: Oboe
HF - Art of Music: Opera directing
HF - Art of Music: Organ
HF - Art of Music: Organ Playing
HF - Art of Music: Orchestral conducting
HF - Art of Music: Percussion Instruments
HF - Art of Music: Piano
HF - Art of Music: Piano and Piano pedagogy
HF - Art of Music: Trombone
HF - Art of Music: Trumpet
HF - Art of Music: Tuba
HF - Art of Music: Viola
HF - Art of Music: Violin
HF - Art of Music: Vocal studies
HF - Historical Interpretation: Historical Interpretation
HF - Hra na varhany: Hra na varhany
HF - Music Production: Music Production
HF - Percussion Instruments and Jazz: Jazz Intepretation
HF - Percussion Instruments and Jazz: Percussion Instruments
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: Bassoon
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: Clarinet
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: Flute
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: French horn
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: Oboe
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: Trombone
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: Trumpet
HF - Playing Wind Instruments: Tuba
HF - String Instruments: Cello
HF - String Instruments: Double bass
HF - String Instruments: Guitar
HF - String Instruments: Viola
HF - String Instruments: Violin
DIFA - Drama and Education: Dance and Movement Theatre and Education
DIFA - Drama and Education: Theatre and Education
DIFA - Drama and Education: Theatre and Education for the Deaf
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Audiovisual Creation and Theatre
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Dance and movement theater and education
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Lighting Design
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Radio and TV Dramaturgy and Scriptwriting
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Stage Design
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Theatre Directing
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Theatre Dramaturgy
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Theatre Management focusing on Production
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Drama Education for the Deaf
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Theatre and Education
DIFA - Dramaturgy and Directing: Theatre Directing
DIFA - Dramaturgy and Directing: Theatre Dramaturgy
DIFA - Media and the Dramatic Arts: Audiovisual Media and Theatre
DIFA - Media and the Dramatic Arts: Radio and TV Dramaturgy and Scriptwriting
DIFA - Scenography: Lighting Design
DIFA - Scenography: Set and Costume Design
DIFA - Theatre Management and Stage Technology: Theatre Management
HF - Art of Music: Music Production
HF - Art of Music: Composition and Theory of Composition
HF - Art of Music: Interpretation and Theory of Interpretation
HF - Interpretation and Theory of Interpretation: Interpretation and Theory of Interpretation
HF - Music Production: Music Production
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Acting work
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Directing work
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Stage Design
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Theatre and Education
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Theatre Management
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Dramatic Arts
DIFA - Dramatic Arts: Dramaturgy and theater work
DIFA - Dramatická umění: Dramatická umění
DIFA - Lifelong Education: Theatre and Education
include only defended theses