česky | in English
Name (in English): Theater education in educational institutions in Great Britain
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: theatre;theatre education;The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama;The Edinburgh Academy;Stagecoach Performing Arts;The Belfast School of Performing Arts;Northen Ireland Screen
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 26/4/2024 10:20.
Name in Czech: Divadelní soubory herců s mentálním handicapem v zahraničí - studie různorodosti jejich provozu, potažmo přístupů k tvůrčí práci
Name (in English): Theatrical troupes of actors with mental handicaps abroad - a study of the diversity of their operation, i.e. approaches to creative work
Czech. Czech Republic.
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 19/4/2024 10:37.
Name in Czech: Divadlo a výchova jako cesta ke vzdělávání žáků se sluchovým postižením a dalšími vzdělávacími potřebami
Name (in English): Theater and education as a way to educate pupils with hearing impairment and other educational needs
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: theatre; education; hearing impairment
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 19/4/2024 10:32.
Name (in English): Drama and documentary podcasts at international festivals
Keywords in English: podcast, international festivals, radio, documentary, drama, audio
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 19/4/2024 10:35.
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 19/4/2024 10:41.
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 19/4/2024 10:45.
Name (in English): Current dramaturgical trends in film and television production for children and youth from the perspective of film festivals in Zlín and San Diego
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: film for children and youth, film festival, dramaturgical trends, Zlín Film Fest, San Diego International Kids Film Festival, death in film, perception of death, dramaturgy, psychology, pedagogy
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 19/4/2024 10:34.
Name in Czech: Specifika a možnosti dramatické výchovy v mezigenerační skupině Neslyšících
Name (in English): Specifics and possibilities of drama education in an intergenerational group of people with hearing impairment
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Intergenerational group;seniors;children; drama in education; hearing impairment; sign language
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 19/4/2024 10:36.
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 19/4/2024 10:49.
Name in Czech: Rozvoj dítěte s hluchoslepotou pomocí tvorby knižního představení
Name (in English): Development of a child with deafblindness through the creation of a book performance
Czech. Czech Republic.
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 19/4/2024 10:51.
Name in Czech: Cesty uměleckého výzkumu
Name (in English): Paths of artistic research ( Interviews on where artistic research is going)
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: artistic research; interviews; Faculty of Fine Arts BUT; Theatre Faculty of JAMU; approaches to artistic research
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 19/4/2024 10:50.
Name in Czech: Specifika divadelního vzdělávání ve vzdělávacích institucích ve Velké Británii
Name (in English): The specifics of drama education in educational institutions in the United Kingdom
Keywords in English: drama education; London; Edinburgh; Belfast; institution
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 19/4/2024 10:43.
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: 3d model ; digitization of theaters ; 3D model of set design
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 19/4/2024 10:47.
Name (in English): Processing of local themes in the South Bohemian Theater and the Municipal Theater of Zlín
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 19/4/2024 10:38.