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    1. ROJAS RUIZ, Edgar Omar. Field Recording as a Structural Element and Sonic Catharsis in Music Composition. In XII. Medzinárodné sympózium Jána Albrechta: Filozofické koncepcie v hudbe a umení. 2024.
      Name in Czech: Terénní nahrávání jako strukturální prvek a zvuková katarze v hudební kompozici
      Name (in English): Field Recording as a Structural Element and Sonic Catharsis in Music Composition
      English. Slovakia.
      Keywords in English: Field recording, music composition, electroacoustic music
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)

      Changed by: MgA. Edgar Omar Rojas Ruiz, Ph.D., učo 5717. Changed: 20/1/2025 09:17.
    2. ROJAS RUIZ, Edgar Omar. “La Condesa” y la grabación de campo cómo elemento estructural de una obra mixta ó paisaje urbano (“La Condesa” and the field recording as an element structural of a mixed work or urban landscape). Ideas Sonicas. Mexico: Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras, 2024, vol. 15, No 29, p. 6 - 12, 6 pp. ISSN 2317-9694.
      Ideas Sónicas 29
      Name in Czech: „La Condesa“ a terénní nahrávka jako strukturální prvek smíšeného díla nebo městské krajiny
      Name (in English): “La Condesa” and the field recording as an element structural of a mixed work or urban landscape
      Spanish. Mexico.
      Keywords in English: Field recording; mixed works; La Condesa; urban landscape; multimedia
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: MgA. Edgar Omar Rojas Ruiz, Ph.D., učo 5717. Changed: 15/10/2024 16:14.
    3. ROJAS RUIZ, Edgar Omar. Las Series de Fibonacci y Lucas Aplicadas en la composición musical (Fibonacci and Lucas sequences applied to musical composition). 2024.
      Las Series de Fibonacci y Lucas Aplicadas en la composición musical
      Name in Czech: Fibonacciho a Lucasovy řady aplikované na hudební kompozici
      Name (in English): Fibonacci and Lucas sequences applied to musical composition
      Spanish. Mexico.
      Keywords in English: Fibonacci sequence, Lucas sequence, music and math, numerical systems

      Changed by: MgA. Edgar Omar Rojas Ruiz, Ph.D., učo 5717. Changed: 15/10/2024 21:53.
    4. ROJAS RUIZ, Edgar Omar. Los números de Fibonacci y su uso estructural en la composición (Fibonacci numbers and their structural use in musical composition). In Festival de Música y Nuevas Tecnologías Visiones Sonoras 20. 2024.
      Recorded lecture: Fibonacci numbers and their structural use in musical composition
      Name in Czech: Fibonacciho čísla a jejich strukturální využití v hudební kompozici
      Name (in English): Fibonacci numbers and their structural use in musical composition

      Keywords in English: Fibonacci sequence, Musical Structures, Music and Math, Numerical Systems
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
      International impact: yes

      Changed by: MgA. Edgar Omar Rojas Ruiz, Ph.D., učo 5717. Changed: 15/10/2024 15:19.
    5. ROJAS RUIZ, Edgar Omar. Pre-Hispanic Numerical Systems in New Media Musical Design. Mend, Blend, Attend: Advancing Artistic Research; 13th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research. SAR Research Catalogue, 2024, p. 320 - 331, 11 pp.
      Mend, Blend, Attend: Advancing Artistic Research; 13th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research
      Name in Czech: Předhispánské numerické systémy v hudebním designu nových médií
      Name (in English): Pre-Hispanic Numerical Systems in New Media Musical Design
      English. Germany.
      Keywords in English: Mayan numbers, Mayan calendars, Tzolkin, Haab, music soft - ware, music, math

      Changed by: MgA. Edgar Omar Rojas Ruiz, Ph.D., učo 5717. Changed: 9/10/2024 18:36.
    6. ROJAS RUIZ, Edgar Omar. The Maya Numerical Systems and Their Potential in New Technologies. In Hurricanes and Scaffolding- Symposium on Artistic Research in Umeå, Sweden. 2024.
      Name in Czech: Mayské numerické systémy a jejich potenciál v nových technologiích
      Name (in English): The Maya Numerical Systems and Their Potential in New Technologies
      English. Sweden.
      Keywords in English: Maya, čísla, hudební kompozice
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)

      Changed by: MgA. Edgar Omar Rojas Ruiz, Ph.D., učo 5717. Changed: 20/1/2025 09:16.
    7. ROJAS RUIZ, Edgar Omar. The Numeric Music Composition in New Media Design. In Sonic Visions Academy. 2024.
      Name in Czech: Numerická hudební kompozice v designu nových médií
      Name (in English): The Numeric Music Composition in New Media Design
      RIV: Presentations at conferences. English. Mexico.
      Rojas Ruiz, Edgar Omar (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Fibonacci Sequence; Lucas Sequence; Mayan Numbers; Haab; Tzolkin
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
      International impact: yes

      Changed by: MgA. Edgar Omar Rojas Ruiz, Ph.D., učo 5717. Changed: 15/10/2024 16:11.


    1. ROJAS RUIZ, Edgar Omar. A 30 años de la llegada de MTV Latino (30 years after the arrival of MTV Latino). In Nieve Azul 360. Mexico City, 2023. Nieve Azul 360.
      Name in Czech: 30 let od příchodu MTV Latino
      Name (in English): 30 years after the arrival of MTV Latino
      Spanish. Mexico.
      Keywords in English: MTV Latino; popular music; Latin America

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Petr Lyko, Ph.D. et Ph.D., učo 5794. Changed: 25/4/2023 11:03.
    2. ROJAS RUIZ, Edgar Omar. Componer desde el corazón de Europa para la amada Ciudad de México (Composing from the heart of Europe for the beloved Mexico City). In Radio Prague International. Czech Republic: Radio Prague International, 2023.
      Article about Omar Rojas
      Name in Czech: Skládání ze srdce Evropy pro milované Mexico City
      Name (in English): Composing from the heart of Europe for the beloved Mexico City
      Spanish. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: Fibonacci, Lucas, Mayans, Guitar, Mexico City

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Petr Lyko, Ph.D. et Ph.D., učo 5794. Changed: 13/3/2024 20:33.


    1. ROJAS RUIZ, Edgar Omar. “Haab – Jun” - Los sistemas numéricos mayas y las nuevas tecnologías (“Haab – Jun” - Mayan number systems and new technologies). In Festival de Musica y Nuevas Tecnologias, Visiones Sonoras 18. 2022.
      Name (in English): “Haab – Jun” - Mayan number systems and new technologies
      RIV: Presentations at conferences. Spanish. Mexico.
      Rojas Ruiz, Edgar Omar (484 Mexico, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Number systems; mayans; the new technologies; History of Mexican Music; Mathematics applied to musical composition
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Petr Lyko, Ph.D. et Ph.D., učo 5794. Changed: 25/3/2023 22:41.
    2. ROJAS RUIZ, Edgar Omar. ¡Hasta pronto Meat Loaf!. (See you soon Meat Loaf!). In Nieve Azul 360. Mexico City, 2022.
      Name (in English): See you soon Meat Loaf!
      Spanish. Mexico.
      Keywords in English: Meat loaf; rock music; memory

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Petr Lyko, Ph.D. et Ph.D., učo 5794. Changed: 26/3/2023 19:34.
    3. ROJAS RUIZ, Edgar Omar. The Prehispanic Numerical Systems in New Media Musical Design. In 13th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research. 2022.
      Name (in English): The Prehispanic Numerical Systems in New Media Musical Design
      RIV: Presentations at conferences. English. Czech Republic.
      Rojas Ruiz, Edgar Omar (484 Mexico, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Music; prehispanic numerical systems; media; musical design
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Petr Lyko, Ph.D. et Ph.D., učo 5794. Changed: 8/9/2022 09:44.
Displayed: 18/2/2025 06:25