MEDEK, Ivo, Sára MEDKOVÁ and Vít ZOUHAR. Odniesienia do muzyki historycznej w czeskiej muzyce wspólczesnej (na przykladzie "Brneńskiej szkoly kompozytorskiej") (Historical music referenced in Czech contemporary music (focused on the "Brno Compositional School")). In Zbigniew Bargielski, Anna Nowak, Violetta Przech. Interpretacje dziela muzycznego W kontekście kultury. Bydgoszcz: Akademia muzyczna imienia Feliksa Nowowiejskiego w Bydgoszczy, 2017, p. 89-105. ISBN 978-83-61262-02-2.
Name (in English): Historical music referenced in Czech contemporary music (focused on the "Brno Compositional School")
RIV: Proceedings paper. Polish. Poland.
Medek, Ivo (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Medková, Sára (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Zouhar, Vít (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Contemporary music; Brno Compositional School
Changed by: doc. PhDr. Petr Lyko, Ph.D. et Ph.D., učo 5794. Changed: 13/3/2018 21:08. -
MEDEK, Ivo. The Musical (team)Work and its Contributors. Some musings on the Artistic and Pedagogical Elements of Teamwork. In Anna Nowak. The Musical Work and its Creators (10). Bydgoszcz: Akademia muzyczna im. Feliksa Nowowiejskiego w Bydgoszczy, 2015, p. 47 - 53. ISBN 978-83-61262-45-9.
Name in Czech: Hudební (team)work a jeho spolutvůrci. Několik úvah k uměleckým a pedagogickým aspektům teamworku
RIV: Proceedings paper. English. Poland.
Medek, Ivo (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: music; music composition; teamwork
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Changed by: prof. Ing. Ivo Medek, Ph.D., učo 5337. Changed: 30/10/2018 10:20. -
MEDEK, Ivo, Jaromír SYNEK and Vít ZOUHAR. Composing in the Classroom. Different Hearing: Experiences in Czech Music Education. Brno: Janáčkova akademie múzických umění v Brně, 2014, 142 pp. ISBN 978-80-7460-065-4.
English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: musical improvisation; music of 20th and 21st centuries; Different Hearing Programme; composing in the classroom; Music education
Changed by: prof. Ing. Ivo Medek, Ph.D., učo 5337. Changed: 30/10/2018 10:46. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Multimediální dílo - teorie a praxe (Multimedial Work - Theory and Practice). In Umění a nová média. Brno: Masarykova univerzita||#||Masaryk University, 2011, 12 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-5639-8.
Name (in English): Multimedial Work - Theory and Practice
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech.
Keywords in English: principles of construction; musical composition; multimedia
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:47. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Současné trendy v soudobé hudební kompozici cze (Current Trends in Contemporary Music Composition). Živá hudba, časopis pro studium hudby a tance. 2011, No 2, 2 pp. ISSN 0514-7735.
Name (in English): Current Trends in Contemporary Music Composition
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: current trends; contemporary musical composition; Music
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:47. -
MEDEK, Ivo. The Phenomenon of Chopin and Czech Music. In Traces and Echoes of Chopin´s Work. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uczelniane AMFN, 2011, 11 pp. ISBN 978-83-61262-84-8.
Name (in English): The Phenomenon of Chopin and Czech Music
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech.
Keywords in English: Medek; Janáček; Rejcha; Tomášek; Dusík; czech composers; Chopin; Music
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:47. -
MEDEK, Ivo. To the Teamwork Creativity. In Filosofické koncepcie v hudbe a umení. Banská Šťiavnica: Akadémia umení v Banskej Bystrici a HUAJA Banská Šťiavnica, 2010, 30 pp. ISBN 978-80-89078-77-6.
Name (in English): To the Teamwork Creativity
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. English.
Keywords in English: teamwork; creativity
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:47. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Výzkum post-indeterministických kompozičních metod (Research on Post-indeterminist Compositional Methods). 2010.
Name (in English): Research on Post-indeterminist Compositional Methods
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech.
Keywords in English: composition methods; music teaching
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:47. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Řád hudební kompozice a prostředky jeho výstavby (Order in Music Composition and Means of its Construction). In Řád hudební kompozice a prostředky jeho výstavby. Brno: JAMU, 2009, 78 pp. ISBN 978-80-86928-63-0.
Name (in English): Order in Music Composition and Means of its Construction
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech.
Keywords in English: Musical compositions; contemporary music creation
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:47. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Výzkum post-indeterministických kompozičních metod: komponování v hudebních animačních programech a v hudební výchově (Research on Post-indeterminist Compositional Methods: Composing within Animation Music Programmes and in Music Education.). 2009.
Name (in English): Research on Post-indeterminist Compositional Methods: Composing within Animation Music Programmes and in Music Education.
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech.
Keywords in English: Compositions methods; music education
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:47. -
DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Markéta and Ivo MEDEK. Několik poznámek ke tvorbě multimediálních děl z pohledu hudebního skladatele I (Several notes to the creation of multimedial works from the view of Composer I). Opus musicum. 2006, vol. 2006, 2,3, p. 58-63. ISSN 0862-8505.
Name (in English): Several notes to the creation of multimedial works from the view of Composer I
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: multimedial work; compositional principals
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 16/9/2015 18:38. -
DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Markéta and Ivo MEDEK. Několik poznámek ke tvorbě multimediálních děl z pohledu hudebního skladatele II (Several notes to the creation of multimedial works from the view of Composer II). Opus musicum. 2006, vol. 2006, No 4, p. 48-53. ISSN 0862-8505.
Name (in English): Several notes to the creation of multimedial works from the view of Composer II
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: multimedial work; compositional principals
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 16/9/2015 18:38. -
DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Markéta and Ivo MEDEK. Několik poznámek ke tvorbě multimediálních děl z pohledu hudebního skladatele III (Several notes to the creation of multimedial works from the view of Composer III). Opus musicum. 2006, vol. 2006, No 5, p. 34-39. ISSN 0862-8505.
Name (in English): Several notes to the creation of multimedial works from the view of Composer III
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: multimedial work; compositional principals
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 16/9/2015 18:38. -
DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Markéta and Ivo MEDEK. Několik poznámek ke tvorbě multimediálních děl z pohledu hudebního skladatele IV (Several notes to the creation of multimedial works from the view of Composer IV). Opus musicum. 2006, vol. 2006, No 6, p. 45-49. ISSN 0862-8505.
Name (in English): Several notes to the creation of multimedial works from the view of Composer IV
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: multimedial work; compositional principals
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 16/9/2015 18:38. -
MEDEK, Ivo and Alois PIŇOS. Řád hudební kompozice a prostředky jeho výstavby (Music Order and Means of Its Construction). In Řád hudební kompozice a prostředky jeho výstavby. Brno: JAMU Brno, 2004, 54 pp. ISBN 80-86928-00-4.
Name (in English): Music Order and Means of Its Construction
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech.
Keywords in English: musical order; compositional principles
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:49. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Slyšet jinak '03 (Different Hearing '03). In Slyšet jinak '03. Brno: JAMU Brno, 2004, 84 pp. ISBN 80-85429-94-2.
Name (in English): Different Hearing '03
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech.
Keywords in English: different; hearing
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:49. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Alois Piňos. Czech music. 2003, vol. 2003, No 2, p. 1-3. ISSN 1211-0264.
Name (in English): Alois Piňos
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Alois Piňos; portrait of composer
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:49. -
MEDEK, Ivo and Leoš FALTUS. An Order of Composition as a Basic Attribute of Perception. In Musica Nova VI. JAMU Brno: JAMU Brno, 2003, p. 44-51, 9 pp. ISBN 80-85429-91-8.
Name (in English): An Order of Composition as a Basic Attribute of Perception
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. English.
Keywords in English: Composition technique
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:49. -
DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Markéta and Ivo MEDEK. Ostravské dny nové hudby 2003 (Ostrava New Music Days 2003). Opus musicum. 2003, vol. 2003, No 5, p. 38-40. ISSN 0862-8505.
Name (in English): Ostrava New Music Days 2003
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: ostrava new music centre; janacek philharmonic orchestra; contemporary music; workshops
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 16/9/2015 18:38. -
MEDEK, Ivo. An Introduction to processuality. In An Introduction to processuality. JAMU - Brno: JAMU - Brno, 2002, 160 pp. Acta musikologica et theatrologica. ISBN 80-85429-74-8.
Name (in English): An Introduction to processuality
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. English.
Keywords in English: Theory of music composition
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:49. -
MEDEK, Ivo. An order of composition as an basic attribute of perception. In Beitrage zur elektronischen Music. Graz: Universitat fur Musik und Darstellende Kunst Graz, 2002, p. 62-65. ISSN 1024-5391.
Name (in English): An order of composition as an basic attribute of perception.
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. English.
Keywords in English: Theory of composition
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:49. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Neúplný protokol o elektronické invazi (Incomplete protocol concerning electronic invasion). HIS VOICE. 2002, vol. 2002, No 4, p. 5-7. ISSN 1213-2438.
Name (in English): Incomplete protocol concerning electronic invasion
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Theory of music composition
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Periférnost soudobé artificiální hudby v kontextu řádu díla. (Periferity of contemporary artifical music in the context of the order in the piece.). In In: O perifernosti troch inak. FF UKF Nitra: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre. Filozofická fakulta||#||Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. Faculty of Arts, 2002, p. 32-42. ISBN 80-8050-586-3.
Name (in English): Periferity of contemporary artifical music in the context of the order in the piece.
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech.
Keywords in English: Theory of music composition
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Phill Niblock. HIS VOICE. 2002, vol. 2002, No 1, p. 18-19. ISSN 1213-2438.
Name (in English): Phill Niblock
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Theory of composition
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. "Trstěnice pošesté" (6th Year of Trstěnice). HIS VOICE. 2002, vol. 2002, No 1, p. 19. ISSN 1213-2438.
Name (in English): 6th Year of Trstěnice
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Trštěnice; workshop for composers and parcussion players
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Yuri Kasparov - západní skladatel z východu (Yuri Kasparov - western composer from the East). HIS VOICE. 2002, vol. 2002, No 1, p. 11-12. ISSN 1213-2438.
Name (in English): Yuri Kasparov - western composer from the East
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Theory of composition
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Železný Jeff Beer (Iron Jeff Beer). HIS VOICE. 2002, vol. 2002, No 4, p. 5-7. ISSN 1213-2438.
Name (in English): Iron Jeff Beer
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Theory of music composition
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Brněnská multimediální tvorba 90. let (Brno Multimedia Scene). HIS VOICE. 2001, vol. 2001, No 1, p. 20. ISSN 1213-2438.
Name (in English): Brno Multimedia Scene
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: multimedial projects; Brno
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Medek,Ivo:Brněnská multimediální scéna 70.- 80.let (Brno multimedial scene of the 70s - 80s). HIS VOICE. 2001, vol. 2001, 2,3, p. 16-17, 20-21, 4 pp. ISSN 1213-2438.
Name (in English): Brno multimedial scene of the 70s - 80s
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: music, multimedial
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Setkávání evropské hudby Plus 2000 (Meetings of New Music Plus 2000). HIS VOICE. 2001, vol. 2001, No 1, p. 19. ISSN 1213-2438.
Name (in English): Meetings of New Music Plus 2000
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: review of festival; meetings of new music plus 2000
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Český přízvuk - portréty (Czech Accent). Bulletin H.I.S. 2000, vol. 2000, No 1, p. 4-5. ISSN 1212-4516.
Name (in English): Czech Accent
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: czech accent
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. DAMA DAMA - deset let (10 Years of DAMA DAMA). Bulletin H.I.S. 2000, vol. 2000, No 1, p. 4-6. ISSN 1212-4516.
Name (in English): 10 Years of DAMA DAMA
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: central european parcussion ensemble; dama dama
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Dvě moravské přehlídky nové hudby (Two Expositions of Moravian New Music). Bulletin H.I.S. 2000, vol. 2000, No 1, p. 7. ISSN 1212-4516.
Name (in English): Two Expositions of Moravian New Music
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: review of festival
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Fenomén Palinx (Phenomenum Palinkx). Bulletin H.I.S. 2000, vol. 2000, No 1, p. 7. ISSN 1212-4516.
Name (in English): Phenomenum Palinkx
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Hollands group Palinx
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Klavírní talent z Brna (Piano Talent from Brno). Bulletin H.I.S. 2000, vol. 2000, No 1, p. 1-2. ISSN 1212-4516.
Name (in English): Piano Talent from Brno
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: piano; talent; Brno
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Martin Opršál - cesta k marimbě (Martin Opršál a way to Marimba). Bulletin H.I.S. 2000, vol. 2000, No 1, p. 5-6. ISSN 1212-4516.
Name (in English): Martin Opršál a way to Marimba
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: parcussion player; marimba
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Miloslav Ištan - deset let od úmrtí skladatele (Miloslav Ištvan - 10 years since his Death). Bulletin H.I.S. 2000, vol. 2000, No 1, p. 3-4. ISSN 1212-4516.
Name (in English): Miloslav Ištvan - 10 years since his Death
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: portrait of composer
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Pavel Zemek. Bulletin H.I.S. 2000, vol. 2000, No 1, p. 3. ISSN 1212-4516.
Name (in English): Pavel Zemek
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: portrait of composer
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Premiéry mladých autorů (First Performances of Young Composers). Bulletin H.I.S. 2000, vol. 2000, No 1, p. 12. ISSN 1212-4516.
Name (in English): First Performances of Young Composers
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: young composers
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Stella Matutina Aloise Piňose (Stella Matutina by Alois Piňos). Bulletin H.I.S. 2000, vol. 2000, No 1, p. 2-4. ISSN 1212-4516.
Name (in English): Stella Matutina by Alois Piňos
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: comtemporary composition; Stella Matutina; Alois Piňos
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Tomáš Ondrůšek - sólo pro bicí nástroje (Tomáš Ondrůšek - Solo for percussion). Bulletin H.I.S. 2000, vol. 2000, No 1, p. 1-3. ISSN 1212-4516.
Name (in English): Tomáš Ondrůšek - Solo for percussion
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: parcussion player
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Česká experimentální scéna ve Vídni (Czech Experimental scene in Vienna). Bulletin H.I.S. 1999, vol. 1999, No 1, p. 14. ISSN 1212-4516.
Name (in English): Czech Experimental scene in Vienna
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Viena; Experimental
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Mezinárodní festival soudobé hudby Contrast 1999 (The International Festival of Contemporary Music - Contrast 1999). Bulletin H.I.S. 1999, vol. 1999, No 6, p. 14. ISSN 1212-4516.
Name (in English): The International Festival of Contemporary Music - Contrast 1999
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. No to Boredom! Czech music. 1998, vol. 8, No 3, p. 6;7. ISSN 1211-0264.
Name (in English): No to Boredom!
Art, architecture, cultural heritage.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Surface Music. Ticho (The Silence). 1998, vol. 6, No 10, p. 42;44.
Name (in English): Surface Music
Art, architecture, cultural heritage.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Úvod do procesuality jako komplexní kompoziční metody (Introduction into Complex Processuality). In Úvod do procesuality jako komplexní kompoziční metody. Brno: JAMU Brno, 1998, 130 pp. ISBN 80-85429-37-3.
Name (in English): Introduction into Complex Processuality
Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech.
Keywords in English: theory of composition; compositional principles; processuality
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. A Few Question for Peter Graham. Czech music. 1997, vol. 7, No 5, p. 6;7. ISSN 1211-0264.
Name (in English): A Few Question for Peter Graham
Art, architecture, cultural heritage.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Concentus Moraviae - for the First Time (Concentus Moravie - for the First Time). Czech music. 1997, vol. 7, No 1, p. 5;5. ISSN 1211-0264.
Name (in English): Concentus Moravie - for the First Time
Art, architecture, cultural heritage.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Leoš Faltus. Czech music. 1997, vol. 7, No 6, p. 10;11. ISSN 1211-0264.
Name (in English): Leoš Faltus
Art, architecture, cultural heritage.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. New Music Exposition. Czech music. 1997, vol. 7, No 1, p. 10;10. ISSN 1211-0264.
Name (in English): New Music Exposition
Art, architecture, cultural heritage.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:50. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Arnošt Parsch - Talking to the Composer. Czech music. 1996, vol. 6, No 6, p. 7;7. ISSN 1211-0264.
Name (in English): Arnošt Parsch - Talking to the Composer
Art, architecture, cultural heritage.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:51. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Concentus Moraviae poprvé (Concentus Moraviae for the First Time). Hudební rozhledy. 1996, vol. 3, No 2, p. 12;13.
Name (in English): Concentus Moraviae for the First Time
Art, architecture, cultural heritage.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:51. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Česká soudobá hudba v Holandsku (Czech Contemporary Music in Holland). Opus musicum. 1996, vol. 28, No 3, p. 15;15. ISSN 0862-8505.
Name (in English): Czech Contemporary Music in Holland
Art, architecture, cultural heritage.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:51. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Procesualita jako kompoziční metoda (Methodology of Composition). In Sborník z mezinárodní konference MUSICA NOVA I. Brno: Hudební fakulta JAMU, 1996, p. 13;17. ISBN 80-85429-41-1.
Name (in English): Methodology of Composition
Art, architecture, cultural heritage.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 6/1/2021 12:29. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Teatromusica. Czech music. 1996, vol. 6, No 1, p. 9;10. ISSN 1211-0264.
Name (in English): Teatromusica
Art, architecture, cultural heritage.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:51. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Alois S. Piňos. Czech music. 1995, vol. 5, No 6, p. 8;9. ISSN 1211-0264.
Name (in English): Alois S. Piňos
Art, architecture, cultural heritage.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:51. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Procesualita jako komplexní kompoziční metoda (Processuality as a Complex Composing Method). Opus musicum. 1995, vol. 27, No 3, p. 111;116. ISSN 0862-8505.
Name (in English): Processuality as a Complex Composing Method
Art, architecture, cultural heritage.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:51. -
MEDEK, Ivo. Portugalská soudobá hudba - známá neznámá (Portuguese Music - Known Unknown). Opus musicum. 1994, vol. 26, No 1, p. 13;16. ISSN 0862-8505.
Name (in English): Portuguese Music - Known Unknown
Art, architecture, cultural heritage.
Changed by: Michal Vala, učo 5416. Changed: 17/3/2014 13:51.
Displayed: 2/3/2025 20:34