WANKE, Otto. Ana-Maria Avram – Voices of the Desert. Eine Analyse im Kontext des rumänischen Spektralismus (Ana-Maria Avram - Voices of the Desert. An analysis in the context of Romanian spectralism). SCHRIFTEN ONLINE: MUSIKWISSENSCHAFT. 2024, vol. 12, No 3, p. 5-23. ISSN 1868-8896.Französisch-deutsche Musikerinnen-Forschung
Name (in English): Ana-Maria Avram - Voices of the Desert. An analysis in the context of Romanian spectralism
RIV: Article in a journal. German. Germany.
Wanke, Otto (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Ana-Maria Avram; aleatoric composition; spectral music
Changed by: Mgr.art. Otto Wanke, MA, PhD, učo 20770. Changed: 9/2/2025 14:12. -
WANKE, Otto. Gesättigte Klänge. Zu Franck Bedrossians Streichquartett Tracés d’ombres (Saturated sounds. On Franck Bedrossian's string quartet Tracés d'ombres). Musik & Ästhetik. 2024, vol. 28, No 3, p. 47-64. ISSN 1432-9425.Musik & Ästhetik
Name (in English): Saturated sounds. On Franck Bedrossian's string quartet Tracés d'ombres
RIV: Article in a journal. German. Germany.
Wanke, Otto (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: saturated music; Franck Bedrossian; spectral music;
Changed by: Mgr.art. Otto Wanke, MA, PhD, učo 20770. Changed: 9/2/2025 13:56. -
WANKE, Otto. Kolorierte Stille. Zum vierten Streichquartett von Jonathan Harvey. (Coloured silence. On the Fourth String Quartet by Jonathan Harvey). Notes Muzyczny. 2024, vol. 22, No 2, p. 27-71. ISSN 2353-9593. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0054.8484.Notes Muzycny
Name (in English): Coloured silence. On the Fourth String Quartet by Jonathan Harvey
RIV: Article in a journal. German. Poland.
Wanke, Otto (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Jonathan Harvey; spectralism; electroacoustic music; live electronics; string quartet
Changed by: Mgr.art. Otto Wanke, MA, PhD, učo 20770. Changed: 9/2/2025 13:43. -
WANKE, Otto. Mimesis als kompositorisches Modell. Zu Jonathan Harveys Speakings (Mimesis as a compositional model. On Jonathan Harvey's Speakings). ZAeB - Zeitschrift für Aesthetische Bildung. Leipzig, 2023, vol. 15, No 1, p. 1-26. ISSN 1868-5099.URL URL
Name in Czech: Mimesis jako kompoziční model. O kompozici Speakings Jonathana Harveyho
Name (in English): Mimesis as a compositional model. On Jonathan Harvey's Speakings
RIV: Article in a journal. German. Germany.
Wanke, Otto (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: spectralism instrumental resynthesis; jonathan harvey
Changed by: doc. PhDr. Petr Lyko, Ph.D. et Ph.D., učo 5794. Changed: 12/3/2024 11:28. -
WANKE, Otto. Spektrální analýza jako kompoziční model (Spectral analysis as a compositional model). In Mezinárodní konference HF JAMU 2023. 2023.URL
Name in Czech: Spektrální analýza jako kompoziční model
Name (in English): Spectral analysis as a compositional model
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: spectralism; instrumental resyntheses; post-spectralism
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
Changed by: doc. PhDr. Petr Lyko, Ph.D. et Ph.D., učo 5794. Changed: 12/3/2024 13:46. -
WANKE, Otto. Spektralmusik und Postspektralismus (Spectral music and Postspectralism). In Künstlergespräche I; Künstlerhaus Salzwedel. 2022.
Name (in English): Spectral music and Postspectralism
RIV: Presentations at conferences. German. Germany.
Wanke, Otto (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: spectralism; postspectralism; music
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
Changed by: doc. PhDr. Petr Lyko, Ph.D. et Ph.D., učo 5794. Changed: 28/3/2023 13:57. -
WANKE, Otto. The concepts of algorithmic composition. In Künstlergespräche II; Künstlerhaus Salzwedel. 2022.
Name (in English): The concepts of algorithmic composition
RIV: Presentations at conferences. English. Germany.
Wanke, Otto (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Algorithmic composition; live electronics
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
Changed by: doc. PhDr. Petr Lyko, Ph.D. et Ph.D., učo 5794. Changed: 27/3/2023 17:38.
Displayed: 19/2/2025 21:18