ŠIMKOVÁ, Monika. Rozhovor s Kateřinou Jebavou o projektu TAČR Divadelní umění, postupy a techniky jako trenažér komunikačních dovedností a občanských, sociálních a personálních kompetencí (JAMUNI) (Interview with Kateřina Jebava about the TAČR project Theatre Arts, Practices and Techniques as a Training tool for Communication Skills and Civic, Social and Personal Competences (JAMUNI)). Brno: Universitas - magazín vysokých škol, 2024, 10 pp. Leden 2024/ sekce Osobnosti.webová stránka s rozhovorem k projektu JAMUNI
Name (in English): Interview with Kateřina Jebava about the TAČR project Theatre Arts, Practices and Techniques as a Training tool for Communication Skills and Civic, Social and Personal Competences (JAMUNI)
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: theatre, web textbook, theatrality, narration, dialogue, mask
Changed by: Mgr. Monika Šimková, učo 19894. Changed: 19/1/2024 13:07. -
ŠIMKOVÁ, Monika. Cesty uměleckého výzkumu (Rozhovory o tom, kam směřuje umělecký výzkum) (Paths of artistic research ( Interviews on where artistic research is going)). Brno: Nakladatelství JAMU, Novobranská 3 662 15 Brno, 2023, 88 pp. N/A. ISBN 978-80-7460-215-3.URL
Name in Czech: umělecký výzkum; rozhovory; Fakulta výtvarných umění VUT; Divadelní fakulta JAMU; přístupy k uměleckému výzkumu
Name (in English): Paths of artistic research ( Interviews on where artistic research is going)
RIV: Special-purpose publication. Czech. Czech Republic.
Šimková, Monika (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: artistic research; interviews; Faculty of Fine Arts BUT; Theatre Faculty of JAMU; approaches to artistic research
Changed by: Mgr. Monika Šimková, učo 19894. Changed: 10/10/2023 10:09. -
ŠIMKOVÁ, Monika. Kolokvium CESTY UMĚLECKÉHO VÝZKUMU (Colloquium PATHS OF ARTISTIC RESEARCH). 2023.Kompletní záznam kolokvia Cesty uměleckého výzkumu
Name (in English): Colloquium PATHS OF ARTISTIC RESEARCH
RIV: Organization of a conference. Czech. Czech Republic.
Šimková, Monika (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: artistic research; colloquium; Faculty of Fine Arts BUT; Theatre Faculty of JAMU; approaches to artistic research
Changed by: Mgr. Monika Šimková, učo 19894. Changed: 16/6/2023 16:01. -
CHLÁDKOVÁ, Blanka, Hana PRŮCHOVÁ and Monika ŠIMKOVÁ. Přednáška Artistic Research: Umění a výzkum – jedno druhé nevylučuje (Lecture Artistic Research: art and research - one does not exclude the other). 2023.webová stránka s pozvánkou na přednášku
Name (in English): Lecture Artistic Research: art and research - one does not exclude the other
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: art; scientific knowledge; artistic research; current discourse
Type of participation: requested lecture
Changed by: Mgr. Monika Šimková, učo 19894. Changed: 16/6/2023 16:30. -
PRŮCHOVÁ, Hana, Šimon PETÁK, Naďa SATKOVÁ, Monika ŠIMKOVÁ, Lucia REPAŠSKÁ and Jan MOTAL. Theatre Conference JAMU 2023 - Balancing Conflicts/Conflicting Balance. 2023.Conference websites Book of Abstracts
Name (in English): Theatre Conference JAMU 2023 - Balancing Conflicts/Conflicting Balance
RIV: Organization of a conference. English. Czech Republic.
Průchová, Hana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Peták, Šimon (203 Czech Republic) -- Satková, Naďa (203 Czech Republic) -- Šimková, Monika (203 Czech Republic) -- Repašská, Lucia (703 Slovakia) -- Motal, Jan (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: theatre conference; Theatre Faculty; Janáček Academy of Performing Arts; performing arts; theatre; conflict
Changed by: doc. MgA. Hana Průchová, Ph.D., učo 5216. Changed: 23/11/2023 11:48. -
ŠIMKOVÁ, Monika and Blanka CHLÁDKOVÁ. Specifika divadelního lektorství ve Velké Británii (Paths of artistic research ( Interviews on where artistic research is going)). 2022.
Name in Czech: Cesty uměleckého výzkumu
Name (in English): Paths of artistic research ( Interviews on where artistic research is going)
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: artistic research; interviews; Faculty of Fine Arts BUT; Theatre Faculty of JAMU; approaches to artistic research
Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Pavla Musilová, učo 18711. Changed: 19/4/2024 10:50.
Displayed: 19/2/2025 21:17