Detailed Information on Publication Record
Diabolus in musica Bohemica et Slovaka. The Reception of John Cage's music in the Cyech lands and Slovakia
ŠŤASTNÝ, JaroslavBasic information
Original name
Diabolus in musica Bohemica et Slovaka. The Reception of John Cage's music in the Cyech lands and Slovakia
Czech music, 2012, 1211-0264
Other information
Type of outcome
Article in a journal
Field of Study
Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Country of publisher
Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
Keywords in English
Carolyn Brown; John Cage; Merce Cunningham; Robert Rauschenberg; David Tudor; Petr Kotík; Musica viva pragensis
Changed: 16/9/2015 18:38, Michal Vala
V originále
The extensive text examine the changes of attitude to John Cage's music in the course of time - from a mockery and damnation to respect andadmiration.