V originále
Workshop s teatroložkou, teoretičkou tance, tanečnicí a spoluautorkou kapitoly Divadelnost učebnice Theatrum.online. Design workshopu připravila lektorka Barbora Liška pod metodickým vedením řešitelky Kateřiny Jebavé.
In English
A workshop with a theatre scholar, dance theorist, dancer, and co-author of the Theatrum.online textbook's chapter on "Theatricality." The design of the workshop was prepared by instructor Barbora Liška, with methodological supervision by project leader Kateřina Jebavá. The workshop focused on developing participants' competencies for creative learning using methods and techniques from the field of dramatic arts, expanding their pedagogical portfolios with specific approaches to experiential and lived learning, techniques, and game-based activities for working with students. Participants were introduced to techniques and methods in an experiential way that develop the ability to engage in dialogue. During the workshop, they also enhanced their sensitivity to non-verbal communication, practiced analyzing situations and conflicts.