Detailed Information on Publication Record
Entrepreneurship in Performing Arts: Towards New Challenges in Higher Education
HAYASHI, Lucie, Lucie PEŠL ŠILEROVÁ and Ingeborg RADOK ŽÁDNÁBasic information
Original name
Entrepreneurship in Performing Arts: Towards New Challenges in Higher Education
Name in Czech
Podnikání v sektoru múzických umění: vstříc novým výzvám ve vysokoškolském vzdělávání
Name (in English)
Entrepreneurship in Performing Arts: Towards New Challenges in Higher Education
Paedagogia Musica, Plzeň, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2024, 2788-2039
Other information
Type of outcome
Article in a journal
Field of Study
60403 Performing arts studies
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit
Faculty of Music
Keywords (in Czech)
podnikání; múzická umění; pracovní trh; vysokoškolské vzdělávání; Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Keywords in English
entrepreneurship; performing arts; labor maket; higher education; Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Changed: 12/2/2025 12:31, doc. Ing. MgA. Lucie Pešl Šilerová, Ph.D.
V originále
There is a lack of suitable educational approach to Entrepreneurship in Performing Arts in the Czech Republic. In this paper, the authors describe the creation of a single-semester course in Performing Arts Management to target students at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, specifically non-management fields of study, musicians, dancers, artists, and film-makers who aim for an entrepreneurship career in the future. Methods: Theoretical background was acquired by comparing similar curricula and modules of major European and American arts education institutions. The local empirical background was secured from alums (two world café sessions) and pre-graduate students (three “project bourses” and “speed dating” sessions). Feedback from pilot lectures and one-on-one coaching was thoroughly evaluated. Results: Participating students identified and answered specific needs positively. Principles and professional fundraising and marketing methods were valued more than specific situation-solving. The theoretical background was reduced to the essentials. Nevertheless, the theories were implemented in practical task-solving, equivalent to music instrument routine rehearsals rather than music instrument theory. This approach enabled professionalization and successful implementation of individual projects with supervised coaching. Conclusion: A new educational approach was theoretically prepared, applied, and evaluated within a four-year project, ready for application in other institutions educating arts professionals.
In Czech
V ČR chybí vhodný vzdělávací přístup k podnikání v múzických uměních. V tomto příspěvku autorky popisují vznik jednosemestrálního předmětu "Performing Arts Management", který cílí na studenty Akademie múzických umění v Praze, konkrétně nemanažerské obory, tedy hudebníky, tanečníky, výtvarníky a filmaře kteří chtějí v budoucnu podnikat či působit na volné noze. Metody: Teoretický základ byl získán porovnáním podobných osnov a modulů významných evropských a amerických uměleckých vzdělávacích institucí. Místní empirické prostředí bylo zmapováno na základě několika kvalitativních přístupů. Byla realizován nultý semestr a následné koučování. Zpětná vazba z pilotních přednášek a individuálního koučování byla důkladně vyhodnocena. Výsledky: Zúčastnění studenti identifikovali a odpověděli na specifické potřeby pozitivně. Principy profesionálního fundraisingu a marketingové metody byly ceněny více než konkrétní řešení situací. Závěr: Teoreticky byl připraven, aplikován a zhodnocen nový vzdělávací kurz v rámci čtyřletého projektu připraveného pro uplatnění v dalších institucích vzdělávajících umělecké profesionály.
In English
There is a lack of suitable educational approach to Entrepreneurship in Performing Arts in the Czech Republic. In this paper, the authors describe the creation of a single-semester course in Performing Arts Management to target students at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, specifically non-management fields of study, musicians, dancers, artists, and film-makers who aim for an entrepreneurship career in the future. Methods: Theoretical background was acquired by comparing similar curricula and modules of major European and American arts education institutions. The local empirical background was secured from alums (two world café sessions) and pre-graduate students (three “project bourses” and “speed dating” sessions). Feedback from pilot lectures and one-on-one coaching was thoroughly evaluated. Results: Participating students identified and answered specific needs positively. Principles and professional fundraising and marketing methods were valued more than specific situation-solving. The theoretical background was reduced to the essentials. Nevertheless, the theories were implemented in practical task-solving, equivalent to music instrument routine rehearsals rather than music instrument theory. This approach enabled professionalization and successful implementation of individual projects with supervised coaching. Conclusion: A new educational approach was theoretically prepared, applied, and evaluated within a four-year project, ready for application in other institutions educating arts professionals.