k 2024

The Maya Numerical Systems and Their Potential in New Technologies

ROJAS RUIZ, Edgar Omar

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The Maya Numerical Systems and Their Potential in New Technologies

Název česky

Mayské numerické systémy a jejich potenciál v nových technologiích


Hurricanes and Scaffolding- Symposium on Artistic Research in Umeå, Sweden, 2024

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není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Organizační jednotka

Hudební fakulta

Klíčová slova česky

Maya, numbers, music composition

Klíčová slova anglicky

Maya, čísla, hudební kompozice
Změněno: 20. 1. 2025 09:16, MgA. Edgar Omar Rojas Ruiz, Ph.D.


V originále

The Maya civilization is one of the cultures of Mesoamerica that has bestowed upon us vast riches in scientific and cultural realms. Among their achievements, they developed a numerical system based on twenty, enabling them to perform complex operations using only their hands. Additionally, they designed two calendars based on astronomical studies: the "Haab" or solar calendar, and the "Tzolkin" or lunar calendar for studying biocycles and predicting life events. Despite much of this knowledge being lost due to historical events, remnants persist, allowing us to study these fascinating numerical systems to this day. As part of my postdoctoral research at JAMU (CZ), I am collaborating on the development a software application based on the compositional systems I've designed based on these calendars: "Haab - Jun," aims to open up possibilities for implementing this system with new technologies, catering to any user interested in exploring it for composition.