Detailed Information on Publication Record
Actress forced to boring Motherhood and her Ascenscion to the Stage again
JEBAVÁ, KateřinaBasic information
Original name
Actress forced to boring Motherhood and her Ascenscion to the Stage again
vyžádaná přednáška, 2022
Other information
Type of outcome
Requested lectures
Field of Study
60400 6.4 Arts
Country of publisher
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit
Theatre Faculty
Keywords (in Czech)
akce; komunikace; situace; raná péče; děti se specifickými potřebami; mimesis; znak a znakový jazyk; performance
Keywords in English
action; communication; situation; early intervention; children with special needs; mimesis; sign and sign language; performance
International impact
Changed: 3/3/2023 10:00, doc. MgA. Hana Průchová, Ph.D.