d 2021

Lauter schwierige Patienten Einige Anmerkungen zum österreichisch-schweizerischen Literaturdreigestirn


Basic information

Original name

Lauter schwierige Patienten Einige Anmerkungen zum österreichisch-schweizerischen Literaturdreigestirn

Name (in English)

Difficult patients everywhere: A few comments on the Austrian-Swiss literary triumvirate



Brno, 2021


Ústav germanistiky, nordistiky a nederlandistiky, FF MU

Other information



Type of outcome

Popularizing texts and activities

Field of Study

60205 Literary theory

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Organization unit

Theatre Faculty

Keywords (in Czech)

Thomas Bernhard; Friedrich Dürrenmatt; Lukas Bärfuss

Keywords in English

Thomas Bernhard; Friedrich Dürrenmatt; Lukas Bärfuss
Changed: 23/4/2022 00:43, doc. MgA. Hana Průchová, Ph.D.


V originále

V devadesátiminutovém příspěvku pro posluchače Ústavu germanistiky, nordistiky a nederlandistiky se zabývám poetikou a recepcí děl Thomase Bernharda, Friedricha Dürrenmatta a Lukase Bärfusse.

In English

In a ninety-minute presentation for students of the Department of German, Scandinavian and Netherland Studies, I deal with the poetics and reception of works by Thomas Bernhard, Friedrich Dürrenmatt and Lukas Bärfuss.