Detailed Information on Publication Record
Rozhlas jako nová zkušenost vnímání, tvorby a výuky
BLAŽEJOVSKÁ, AlenaBasic information
Original name
Rozhlas jako nová zkušenost vnímání, tvorby a výuky
Name (in English)
Radio as a New Experience of Perception, Creation and Education
BLAŽEJOVSKÁ, Alena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Brno, Přednášky o divadle a umění 2, p. 309-317, 9 pp. 2018
Other information
Type of outcome
Chapter(s) of a specialized book
Field of Study
60403 Performing arts studies
Country of publisher
Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
Publication form
printed version "print"
Organization unit
Theatre Faculty
Keywords in English
radio genre; art education; student evaluation
Changed: 14/4/2019 23:44, doc. MgA. Jan Motal, Ph.D.
V originále
Text o výuce rozhlasových žánrů. Autorka popisuje koncepci oboru Rozhlasová a televizní dramaturgie a scenáristika a konkrétní úkoly, na nichž studenti pracují.
In English
Text on teaching radio genres. The author describes the concept of the field of radio and television dramaturgy and screenwriting and the specific tasks on which students work.