Detailed Information on Publication Record
Glitche v očích
KAUPPINEN, OttoBasic information
Original name
Glitche v očích
Name in Czech
Glitche v očích
Name (in English)
Glitches in the Eyes
Other information
Type of outcome
Field of Study
60403 Performing arts studies
Country of publisher
Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit
Theatre Faculty
Keywords (in Czech)
Písek v očích; Rabih Mroué; Divadelní Flora; lecture performance
Keywords in English
Sand in the Eyes; Rabih Mroué; Theatre Flora; lecture performance
Changed: 14/4/2019 22:53, doc. MgA. Jan Motal, Ph.D.
V originále
Recenze performativní přednášky Rabiha Mroué Písek v očích, která se uskutečnila na festivalu Divadelní Flora 2018 v Olomouci.
In English
A review of a performative lecture Sand in the Eyes by Rabih Mroué that took place at Theatre Flora 2018 festival in Olomouc.