Degree programme specification

Admission requirements – the applicant must demonstrate in the entrance examination in particular the following: (a) theoretical knowledge (history of music, history of culture, aesthetics, philosophy of arts); (b) deep insight into and knowledge of the field of music production in the Czech Republic and abroad; (c) the ability to reflect on the field; (d) adequate results of his or her previous work in the field of music production and music (cultural) management (portfolio); (e) language proficiency (English and another language); (f) capacity of the topic of the considered dissertation. The applicant shall submit a written literature search for the intended dissertation (20 to 40 citations), which are relevant to the content of the dissertation (2–4 pages), which must include content characteristics and a proposal for its method, including a preliminary description of relevant practical and study materials and selected research procedures. The applicant shall also submit a proposal for the intended practical project and pedagogical activities.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The doctoral studies of music production purposefully develop the student’s independent creative personality to be capable of both concentrated and continuous development of his or her skills and talents, as well as of reflections on artistic and production work through the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and their creative application.

    Aim of the study programme:

    The programme expands the competencies of master’s degree graduates and leads students towards their own scientific, publishing and pedagogical activities and towards the implementation of demanding and extensive music projects on an international stage.

    It mainly focuses on the education of academics and researchers, creative music producers or managers, and directors of music institutions. It also aims to enable further, highly specialised artistic and scientific education for graduates, especially in the fields of music management and music production at the Faculty of Theatre JAMU and related study programmes.

    The studies aim to create graduates who:

    – are prepared to explore music institutions and the related live arts, music and music entertainment industries;

    – are prepared to lead and organise theoretical teaching;

    – can implement model musical events in all their links to production, financing, implementation, promotion, public relations and marketing communication;

    – are prepared for applied research activities;

    – know how to search for new artistic and production methods in their field, are ready to explore these methods, to analyse and reflect on the results achieved, and retroactively use them to influence their activities.

    The graduate can work mainly in the following professions:

    – university teacher or teacher of music management, music production or artistic management at a conservatory or art grammar school;

    – researcher;

    – manager of music institutions, primary art schools or their own art projects and activities;

    – state administration or self-government employee;

    – specialist in the field of media, PR and marketing (especially in connection with music).

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates
    Knowledge – the graduate: – has a deep knowledge of the history of Czech and world music and music aesthetics, as well as of the field of music and music entertainment industry; – demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of all forms of music operation, namely individuals, ensembles and music institutions and their respective management, including interdisciplinary overlap; – is acquainted with the principles of pedagogical work at universities (education of adults) and is familiar in detail with the current trends in teaching methodology of his or her specialisation; – is familiar with primary and secondary literature, including foreign sources specialising in the selected topic; – is familiar with the trends of international music production in the context of foreign educational institutions, masters the quantitative and qualitative methods of research activities and develops research and artistic practices in the production of musical outputs; – is familiar with the legislative environment and has a deep knowledge of copyright; – is familiar with the marketing and economic environment and is able to use this knowledge in his or her own production activities; – demonstrates deep knowledge of the principles of artistic project management, its economic aspects, project documentation, project management tools and evaluation of results, as well as their analysis and interpretation. Skills – the graduate: – masters the professional vocabulary, including two foreign languages with focus on musical and managerial terminology; – is able to initiate, perform, publish and present original research or theoretical work; – is able to create his or her own production work, both in its theoretical intentions and as an applied project, acceptable at the international level; – is able to collaborate with artistic personalities and ensembles of various musical genres and forms; – is well versed in the use of technologies necessary for the implementation of demanding music projects; – is able to use modern marketing communication tools with a focus on the use of social networks and online environment; – uses all of his or her knowledge, creative approach and leadership in education (of BcA., MgA., lifelong and other students). General competence – the graduate: – is capable of abstract thinking, specialised analysis, synthesis and application of quantitative and qualitative methods of own research projects; – masters the adequate principles of creating scientific work and application of scientific methods; – can read and understand professional text in a foreign language; – is aware of the ethical dimension of academic and artistic cognition and discovery and is able to take it into account in his or her activities; – respects the general ethical principles; – has the ability of structured verbal expression and lecturing; – can use his or her creative potential with the ability of self-reflection; – can work and communicate in a team, assume management positions and simultaneously coordinate the work of other team members and provide feedback; – can search sources and literature on a given topic; – has excellent writing skills.
  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The ECTS system is used to create the study plans. A teaching unit is 45 minutes and regular courses are usually taught in two teaching units, i.e. 90 minutes. The study system is designed so that a total of at least 240 credits is achieved in the four years of studies. We create the study plan so that a student can acquire 30 credits per semester as a standard from the courses (60 credits for one year of studies) with a minimum requirement of 15 credits per semester.

    The system is set up as a predominantly flexible credit system (e.g. the student’s publishing activity is evaluated in the range of 1 to 6 credits depending on the type of publication output. The student can enrol in a course repeatedly with a set minimum requirement.). The student creates an individual study plan, which he or she consults with the supervisor and submits to the field council; students can use the flexible credit system to accentuate the relevant study obligations in various phases of study.

    Optional courses are aimed at expanding the specialised knowledge in the field of music production. Students can also enrol in external courses subject to approval by the field council in agreement with the supervisor (e.g. specialised courses organised by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic).

  • Access to Further Studies
    Doctoral studies follow up on the master’s degree programmes. The studies are designed primarily for graduates of music management and production, but graduates of cultural management, musicology and interpretation disciplines and other disciplines may also apply, if they present a relevant topic and demonstrate a deep interest in the field, as well as adequate level of knowledge; they must meet the conditions of the admission procedure. Further links of the studies lie in cooperation with other departments and studios at the faculty and academy and also within the Czech Republic and abroad, where it provides specific courses to other workplaces (e.g. lifelong learning, basics of music management for interpretation disciplines, etc.).

Basic information

doctoral degree programme
Length of studies
4 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Music
Programme guaranteed by