Degree programme specification


The dramatic acting studies are organised in four separate studios.

While respecting the basic common line, each studio chooses a specific and distinctive path in the application of acting methods and their characters are determined by the personalities of their respective heads.

Nika Brettschneiderová’s Studio

Oxana Smilková’s Studio

Aleš Bergman’s Studio

Lukáš Rieger’s Studio


The Physical Theatre specialisation remains closed in the academic year 2022/2023.

When enrolling, it is necessary to submit a cover letter and a creative portfolio. The admission procedure consists of two rounds. The first round takes the form of a two-day workshop, where emphasis is placed on the applicants’ interpretive skills. The second round is an interview in which the applicants develop a concept of a hypothetical production based on the topic assigned simultaneously with the invitation to participate in this round. Emphasis is placed on the ability to think about a theatrical production and its practical implementation in a conceptual manner. Knowledge of physical theatre, the new circus and contemporary dance is also verified.


The admission procedure takes place in two rounds focusing on all three disciplines, i.e. acting, singing and dancing. The committee is not looking for great dancers and singers, rather for talented and open applicant who are capable of further education. The admission procedure determines the prerequisites for study, creativity, and movement and voice equipment of each applicant.

Study plans


  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates


    Professional areas in which the graduates can find employment based on the acquired education:

    – Actors in theatre ensembles

    – Actors in film, television and video production (new media)

    – Actors in radio and audio production (voiceover, audiobooks)

    – Presenters or anchors

    – Dubbers

    – Amateur ensemble managers

    – Teachers of courses focused on specific acting skills

    – University teachers

    – Doctoral studies

    Graduates of dramatic acting are able to use elements of various acting methods and theories in their own artistic work in a critical, original and practical way. They are familiar with the issues of professional analysis of theatre productions and acting performance and have the ability to independently analyse a professional text. They can determine a suitable method for the acting interpretation of a specific text and are able to perform such interpretation on a professional level. At the same time, they have advanced vocal and movement skills and are able to collaborate in a creative manner with actors as well as with a narrower staging team on a creation of a production. They build a line of their own opinion in their work and use it to participate in research into art.


    The Physical Theatre specialisation remains closed in the academic year 2022/2023.

    The graduates are also able to eruditely collaborate with artists from other disciplines and communicate with productions and managements of theatres or festivals. They are able to work independently under the guidance of other artists (directors or choreographers) and master their artistic and philosophical intention. After completing their studies, some of the graduates find employment in theatres and at the same time devote themselves to their own work. Others build their careers as independent stage designers in the fields of physical theatre, dance, the new circus and comedy theatre. Both in the Czech Republic and abroad.


    Jazmína Piktorová

    Ekaterina Plechková

    Viktor Cernický

    Pavol Seriš

    Alexandr Stankov


    Graduates of Musical Acting leave the university as comprehensively prepared artists who are able to combine several genres in their work – acting, movement and singing. Thanks to this combination, their work is more varied and they have a better chance to find interesting employment on the labour market.


    Roman Vojtek

    Jitka Cvancarová

    Daniela Šinkorová

    Dušan Vitázek

    Radka Coufalová

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan


    The studies aim to prepare highly qualified dramatic artists.

    Students will acquire the necessary skills for stage design at a professional level.

    The studies culminate in a graduation performance at the Theatre on Orlí Street or at the Marta Studio.

    During the studies, students acquire knowledge of the history and present of Czech and world theatre and the ability to reflect and analyse acting techniques, which they are ready to apply and further develop in a creative manner.

    Teaching takes place in four separate studios and their methodology is determined by the personalities of their respective heads.

    The first two years of studies include the acquisition of basic psychophysical abilities and skills with a gradual shift of focus to stage character creation.

    The second two years of studies develop these skills and move towards comprehensive team acting, including further strengthening of the theoretical background of such creation.

    Students are encouraged to master the internal and external acting techniques, they learn to deal with the issues of the character, situational context, motivation, acting, subtext, etc. During their studies they work not only with teachers but also with direction students to prepare dialogues, etudes and entire productions, the scope and complexity of which gradually increases. Through the work, they find their personal topics and formulate a common statement of the generation. The building of the ability to reflect and self-reflect on the process of acting, which ultimately relates to the starting points of the diploma thesis, plays a big role in the deepening of their creative individualities.

    The studies in this field aim create free creative personalities equipped with the right skills and knowledge for professional work in the field, individuals open to new approaches and stimuli and aware of the need for further continuous growth fuelled by education.

Basic information

Master's degree programme
Length of studies
4 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

estimated number of admitted
number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Theatre Faculty
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor