MgA. Pavel Zarodňanský

učo 18793


Dramatická umění, Theatre Faculty
Programme DIFA Draum:D Dramatická umění, doctoral degree programme
Supervisordoc. MgA. Jan Motal, Ph.D.
Study Modefull-time, single-subject
Statusenrolment after change
Research topicObyčejný život v hledáčku neobyčejných očí – Televizní film Karla Kachyni
PlanDIFA DRAMA Dramatická umění
7th term, 4th year
Study groupPHD
Programme DIFA N-DRAUM Dramatic Arts, Master's degree programme
Statusstate examination passed and studies completed, degree conferred: MgA., in 2020
Thesis/dissertation:Hope in Movies of Adrei Tarkovsky, A Rainy Week
Field of StudyDIFA RTDS Radio and TV Dramaturgy and Scriptwriting
Referent Mgr. Darina Daňková, učo 19177
Record of Study Results

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