Drama in Education

Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject, Czech, 3 years 
Bachelor's degree programme, combined form, single-subject, Czech, 3 years 
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Dramatic art has not yet found a space in the Czech education system where the pupils and students could get acquainted with this specific type of art (such as fine arts and music are represented by subjects of art and music education). The subject of literature partially addresses the dramatic art, but only with a few inputs and focus rather on the literary component of this synthetic kind of art. In the current concept of primary and secondary education (Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education (FEP BE) and Framework Educational Programme for Secondary General Education (FEP SGE), dramatic art is included in the form of complementary fields of drama education (FEP BE) and the subject of drama (FEP SGE). If schools lack regular teachers of drama, they can also include these subjects in the form of individual lessons, workshops, seminars and projects. FEP BE and FEP SGE also offer cross-sectional topics. These can also be prepared and offered to schools in the form of educational programmes, lessons, workshops, seminars and projects. The theatre offers procedures that have become the core of active learning methods based on acting in situations and possibly in accepted roles. These methods of social learning lead to a better understanding and mastery of communication means, to the development of the ability to handle certain situations and exercise the adequate behaviour, to empathise with others and understand the motivations behind their actions. The field of theatre and education is intensively engaged in their research and focuses on their practical use in education. Students get acquainted with their theoretical background in the field of theatre and social sciences and learn to use them in practice and process various topics in this way. The field of drama education is closely related to other fields offered at the Faculty of Theatre JAMU. These fields cooperate in finding their respective theoretical bases and in practical, hands-on education. Drama students gradually become involved in creative teams that prepare theatrical productions. They thus examine the practice of creating projects that prepare school children and young people for their first visit in a professional theatre, a practice common in theatres of Western Europe. It allows them to watch the performance with a greater understanding of the theme and the theatrical depiction of reality. The theatre and education field also includes a field called theatre in education. The Theatre and Education Studio constantly experiments with the procedures of Augusto Boal’s Forum Theatre and adapts them to the Czech conditions and the age of the participants (young people from 12 years of age). The results of practical projects are the subject of theoretical generalisation and the creation of a methodology for this work and they are confronted in international projects (cooperation with schools in Utrecht and Dartington). The Theatre and Education Studio develops its activities in the field of international cooperation and thus draws experience from countries where drama education has existed as a subject in schools for decades (Netherlands, Great Britain) and it in turn provides its experience in countries where this field is in its very infancy (e.g. joint project with a school in Lingen). Therefore, the field strives to be continuously developed at the university and to create graduates that will be able to conceptually develop the field and look for other possibilities for its application in the field of dramatic art education. The studies are realised in weekend complete blocks. These blocks are also offered individually for those interested in lifelong learning courses, such as teachers, secondary school students (as part of lifelong learning or as preparatory courses for studying at the Faculty of Theatre JAMU) and the general public.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • create and execute a lesson, education programme, workshop, seminar or project for complementary fields of drama education of the Framework Educational Program for Basic and Secondary General Education;
  • create and execute a lesson, education programme, workshop, seminar or project on cross-sectional topics of the Framework Educational Program for Basic and Secondary General Education;
  • create productions of the Forum Theatre for and with children and young people.

Characteristics of professions and institutions where the graduates can apply the acquired education

Primary and secondary general education

– Assistance in teaching the subject of drama education at primary schools and primary art schools

and grammar schools

– Offer of workshops, seminars, educational programmes, lessons and projects for complementary fields of FEP BE and FEP SGE

– Offer of workshops, seminars, educational programmes, lessons and projects for cross-sectional topics of FEP BE and FEP


– Training courses and seminars for teachers interested in using these procedures in their own subjects

– Forum Theatre

Extracurricular education

– leisure centres (organising drama education groups, one-time programmes)

– drama education centres (creation and implementation of workshops, programmes and projects for school classes)

– civic associations focusing on theatre and education

– implementation teams for the preparation of workshops, long-term training courses and amateur theatre festivals

Professional theatre

– creation of projects preparing school children and young people for their first theatre performance as spectators

– other projects, following up on the spectated performance

– the use of theatre procedures in education (especially Forum Theatre), creation of such productions with the actors

Other institutions that employ graduates of the Theatre Education field

– educational and care centres

– youth education facilities

– children’s hospitals

– retirement homes

– foster care centres


Compulsory school internship – 1st and 2nd grade of primary schools (continuous internship – 2 hours per week)

Projects and workshops: Project for primary schools, theatre workshop Cooperation forum at the Festival of the Theatre and Education Sítko, cooperation on regional shows of children’s and young theatre.


The final bachelor’s degree examination consists of the following parts:

Defence of the bachelor’s thesis

Defence of the bachelor’s project

Oral examination from the following subjects:

Theory and Didactics of Drama Education

History of Theatre

History of Czech Theatre

General Didactics



Theory of theatre


The study programme is followed by a full-time two-year master’s degree follow-up programme in the field of study Theatre and Education.


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Drama in Education
Abbreviation: DRAMVYCH
Code: 8203R007
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: BcA.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B8203 B-DRAUM Dramatic Arts
Theatre Faculty
Field of study guaranteed by:
Theatre Faculty
Field guarantor:
prof. PhDr. Silva Macková

Course catalogue