Dance and movement theater and education

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The follow-up master’s degree field of study Dance and Movement Education and Theatre is conceived as a studies in a combined form. It follows up on the same field of the bachelor’s degree programme and deepens the students’ knowledge of dramatic arts with respect to the individual direction of individual students, mainly in terms of knowledge of pedagogical work in the field of dance and movement education or dance arts or independent creative activities in the field of dance and movement theatre and also in the field of movement cooperation with directors and creators of productions of theatre genres with a movement component. In both of these directions, it strives to create professionals, capable of independent and free expression, qualified and critical view of their field and able to react on any new stimuli therein. This also opens up the possibility for students of other related bachelor’s degree fields of study in dramatic arts to continue their master’s degree studies in a combined form. As is the case with the bachelor’s degree studies in the field, the master’s degree studies are carried out in weekend-long blocks (with regard to the need to gain practical experience in in the field), 10 times per academic year. Workshops taking place in blocks, always outside the semester, are also planned.

Studies in the master’s degree level of the Dance and Movement Theatre and Education field mainly aim to lead the graduates towards becoming a teacher-creator personality and an independent creative individual in the field of dance and movement theatre and education.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • they are able to independently teach the field of dance and movement education at all levels of primary and secondary education;
  • they can find employment in the field of leisure activities related to artistic disciplines, mainly to the field of dance and movement theatre;
  • work as a teacher-creator in the field of primary and secondary education and meet the goals set by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
  • they are able to cooperate with the director (creator of the theatrical production) as members of creative teams utilising their own individual pedagogical or artistic direction;
  • they can continue to work on the development of the field of dance and movement theatre and respond to the current situation in the field of dramatic arts;
  • they demonstrate the ability to independently express their personality in their own creative activities or to demonstrate the ability to cooperate and participate in the vision of the project leader – director;
  • they accentuate and develop topics connected with dance and movement art according to their own perception and feeling, and their personal conception of dance and movement expression of an individual or a group.
Teacher of dance in art schools

Teacher of dance and movement in primary schools

Leisure educator

Lecturer of dance and movement

Theatre lecturer for dance and movement

Students must enrol in and complete courses marked as the field basics. They supplement their study plan with personal specialisation courses from the offer of their studio.
Successful completion of all courses marked as the field’s basic courses.

Acquisition of at least 120 credits.

Contents and scope of the final examination

Pedagogy of Dance – classical, contemporary and folk dance

Theory of Dance and Movement

Defence of the diploma project

Defence of the diploma thesis


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Dance and movement theater and education
Abbreviation: TAPDAV
Code: 8203T088
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: MgA.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N8203 N-DRAUM Dramatic Arts
Theatre Faculty
Field of study guaranteed by:
Theatre Faculty
Field guarantor:
doc. Mgr. Hana Halberstadt