Composition and Theory of Composition – Field of study catalogue JAMU
Composition and Theory of Composition |
The doctoral studies in the field of Composition and Composition theory are intended for graduates of the master’s degree studies in this field who can meet the demanding conditions of the admission procedure.
The graduates demonstrate above-average general knowledge of the historical and cultural context;
– have an overview of the current development of scientific research at the international level;
– have mastered scientific research working methods and can apply them to the principles of their own creation.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- carry out publishing activities in the professional press, create scripts, monographs and scientific works;
- they are prepared for demanding artistic activities and the sum of their knowledge predestines them to become highly professional and qualified educators at university-type higher education institutions.
The graduates have multifaceted opportunities to find employment in the field of demanding artistic creation at the international level, as well as in the field of scientific work and teaching at university-type higher education institutions.
The study plan consists of compulsory, elective and optional courses and of compulsory artistic study outputs.
The student must acquire 60 credits for each year of studies and finish the studies with a state doctoral examination in selected courses and by defending his or her doctoral thesis.
Contents and scope of the final examination:
Defence of the dissertation thesis, state doctoral examination