Opera directing

Master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject, Czech, 2 years 
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The studies in this field aim to create highly qualified artists with an emphasis on the study of a wide repertoire of all stylistic periods in the field of opera and related genres of musical theatre, operetta, melodrama, possibly musical or cabaret, variety theatre shows, etc. The studies also prepare the graduates for professionally oriented employment in the field of pedagogy.

Applicant profile:

a graduate of a bachelor’s degree programme in a given or related field who demonstrates the talent prerequisites for studying opera direction in the entrance examination (personal artistic direction and practical directing experience, original reading of musical drama with a sense of capturing the essence of the work, creativity, ability to communicate with reflection on the events on stage), as well as serious interest in this field. Applicants are required to have knowledge of music theory and music history, a general knowledge of culture, as well as adequate personal maturity. An applicant shall be proficient in at least one global language at the university level with emphasis on musical terminology.

A graduate will:

– have deep knowledge in the field of Opera Direction and gain insight into the issues of related professions (dramaturgy, acting, singing, orchestra and choir management, production, scenography, choreography, light design, acoustics, video art, stage technology);

– have a high level of skills in the given field, including active knowledge of stage means of expression and mastery of various methods and procedures in working with an actor, mise-en-scène, space, light, movement, costume, tempo and rhythm, dynamics and music, working with his or her own developed creative imagination and fantasy;

– have deep knowledge of musical-dramatic production in the context of the history of music, literature, drama and the visual arts;

– have excellent proficiency in one foreign language, including professional terminology, as well as sufficient proficiency in another language;

– be sufficiently educated in the field of pedagogical work: methodology, didactics of pedagogy and psychology;

– have practical experience gained by working on productions of the Devítka studio and the Faculty of Music JAMU Chamber Opera, and possibly also on other extraordinary projects, or experience gained through a study stay abroad, or through meetings with various domestic and foreign experts from various fields related to the field in question.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • demonstrate broad expertise and professional knowledge of working procedures and tools, understand their meaning and function, have a broad knowledge of relevant literature, etc.;
  • use the acquired skills in creating a staging works on a larger scale within the publicly presented production of the Faculty of Music JAMU Chamber Opera or the professional scene, showing features of individuality and understanding of style, present his
  • apply general competencies in independent and responsible decision-making in new or changing contexts, define the assignment of professional activities and coordinate them based on evolving contexts and available resources, etc.

The graduate can work in the following characteristic professions:

– independent directing;

– director assistant;

– opera dramaturgy;

– teacher of art-related professional courses at primary art schools, specialised secondary schools and conservatories.

The graduate can work in the following relevant professions:

– artistic management of opera ensembles;

– independent creative activities and journalism;

– musical dramaturgy in various cultural institutions.


The study plan consists of compulsory, elective and optional courses and of compulsory artistic study outputs.


A student must obtain 60 credits for each year of studies and finish the studies with a state final examination in selected courses, graduation performance defence and diploma thesis defence.

Contents and scope of the final examination:

Defence of the graduation project, Defence of the diploma thesis, Opera Direction in History, Philosophy of Arts


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Opera directing
Abbreviation: OPREZIE
Code: 8201T076
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: MgA.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N8201 N-HUDUM Art of Music
Faculty of Music
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Music
Field guarantor:
doc. Mgr. MgA. Monika Holá, Ph.D.