• 1.I'm new here, how do I find my way around quickly?

    We have prepared a series of video tutorials to help students navigate the system:

    Freshmen – Tips for MU Information System not only for incoming students

    Preview of the video tutorials page

  • 2.I find IS JAMU rather complicated. How can I learn to work with it?
    • Please read through this text. While reading, go over the corresponding references in IS to get a better idea of the purposes they serve.
    • Important: Make sure you are familiar with the duties you have as a student. These are described in the Help section. To get there, use the following path:

      The Information System Help Student Student's Duties and Basic Terms

    • Read through the main page of the Student section:

      The Information System Student

      Test the individual applications while browsing their help documentation.

    The sections mentioned above are intended to make you familiar with all the important terminology and operations you will perform in the future. As regards the other references on the main IS JAMU page, you will learn about these later.

  • 3.Fundamentals and Information on Accessing the System
    To log into the system, which you can do from anywhere on the Internet, you need to have your personal identification number (učo) and primary password. To enter the System for the first time, go to is.jamu.cz. You will be prompted to enter your user name (use your personal identification number) and your primary password.

    1 Enter your personal identification number (učo) or user name.

    2 Enter your (primary) password (not to be shared!).

    3 Click on “Log in” to enter the System.

    If you do not know your primary password, please contact your faculty access rights administrators. For their contact information, please go to:

    https://is.jamu.cz/ access rights administrators

    If you're having trouble signing in, read the Help.

    The Information System is protected against overloading by automatic click repeats, in case of exceeding the operation limit the user's access to the system will be blocked. More on Protecting the system from overloading.

    Orientation in the system is described in this Help.

  • 4.IS JAMU Structure
    The contents of IS JAMU pages as they are displayed to you depend on your position within JAMU. The individual sections consist of forms for you to fill in with various information (e.g. when you are enrolling in courses, editing your home address, selecting a dormitory you want to be accommodated in, etc.) , which you subsequently upload into a central computer. Apart from allowing you to enter the information, the System provides you with lots of important data related to courses, people at the school, statistics, etc. It also enables you to receive messages from your teachers.


    All the operations performed within IS JAMU have the same value and validity as the official acts corresponding to these done in paper form.

  • 5.Main Applications for Students, Introductory IS Page
    The main IS JAMU page lists links to all the important sections and applications enabling you to find all you need to start using IS JAMU. You should find everything you need to use the system. The links displayed in the left column can later be customized.

    1 Main Page – simple layout.

    Registration for and Enrollment in Courses
    You can access the registration and enrollment application directly from the IS JAMU homepage via:
    The Information System Registration and Enrolment
    Registration is an expression of your interest in studying the subject in the following semester. The easiest way is to check the subject in the registration template of your industry and click on "Save Changes" to confirm the form. You can find registration templates in:
    The Information System Student Start of Term Course Registration and Enrolment Add courses
    When exactly can you register:
    The Information System Student Start of Term Course Registration and Enrolment When can I register for courses?
    You can register any subject, but it is necessary to check whether you have met the conditions specified in the Course Catalog application. Problematicly registered subjects are added in the table of registered / enrolled subjects with a red report on the problem. Solve these red registrations with the study department or ask the teacher for an exception (see My registration record is marked red. How can I apply for the enrollment permission/exception?). During the enrollment period and changes to the enrollment, subjects can still be registered and canceled, but there is also confirmation – enrollment of problem-free subjects. Only at the moment of enrollment do you acquire the right and obligation to study the subject. If the subject is not enrolled, the teacher cannot communicate with you and evaluate you. If you are studying for the 1st semester, it is possible that, exceptionally, the Study Department has conducted an electronic registration for you. Check your apps in:

    The Information System Student End of Term Grades obtained

    Or directly from the IS JAMU homepage:

    The Information System My Grades

    Term Calendar

    If you are not sure when the course registration period or course enrollment period, etc. start, please browse term-related information using the following path:

    The Information System Studies Browse term-related information (details)


    To go to the list of the courses you have enrolled in, please use the following path:

    The Information System My timetable

    Checking Personal Data

    It is crucial that you check and confirm your personal data in Student Registry. To do so, please use the following path:

    The Information System Personal Check and change your personal data

    For some further information on the individual applications, go to the Help section:

    The Information System Help

    Provided you encounter a problem, feel free to contact our development team at jamuis@fi.muni.cz.

  • 6.Communication, Addresses
    The Information System facilitates the communication within the University. Every user has his/her own mailbox with the address of 23347@post.jamu.cz. The mail in the mailbox can be retrieved from it with the aid of a Web interface (like in Web Mail). The System uses the mailbox as a destination for the messages notifying the user of his/her newly entered grades, teachers' announcements, faculty announcements, etc. Provided you use a reliable e-mail account outside the Information System, the IS mailbox can be configured to forward your mail to this account. It is every student's duty to read the messages delivered to the mailbox and follow the instructions they contain.
    Important Addresses
    Provided you experience some problems, have an IS-related suggestion to make or a question to ask, feel free to contact the IS development team. To do so, use the following address jamuis@fi.muni.cz. In the event of any problems, however, try to differentiate between the ones related directly to the System itself and those stemming from the incomplete data it contains. That is, the latter are usually caused by the IS JAMU users who have entered the data into the System. Hence, provided there is a course missing from the Course Catalogue, the System does not contain any information on when the registration period starts or if there are some other problems of a similar kind, please contact your Office for Studies https://is.jamu.cz/studijni/. You might as well want to contact your teachers. Providing you wish to send someone e-mail and you do not know his/her address, you can look it up using the People section:

    The Information System People

    The application allows its users to access the personal page of the person searched for. The Profile tab enables you (apart from other things) to see the time the person last logged into the System, which gives you an idea of whether there is any point in getting in touch with him/her by e-mail (applies to, for instance, part-time staff, etc.). For the information on IS JAMU at your faculty, you can also contact your faculty IS administrator listed at https://is.jamu.cz/spravci/.

    1 E-mail addresses.

    2 Link to the user's homepage.

    3 Information about when the user last retrieved his/her e-mail or whether he/she is having it forwarded to another location.

    4 User's photo.

    It is every IS JAMU user's duty to read the messages of high importance posted on the Noticeboard. The System displays these automatically on the main IS JAMU page.
    Personal Page
    If you are not particularly familiar with Web design, you will probably find a use for your personal page, which can be easily edited as well as fitted with your own material and accessed over the Internet. To find out more about the personal page options, read through some other sections of this Help page.

    To search for someone's personal page, go to the People section:

    The Information System People

    You can access your personal page by clicking on your name and učo in the header of the Information System.

    1 Link to your personal page.

    To edit your personal page, use the editing application at the following location:

    The Information System People My Personal Page (tab Profile) change

  • 7.Obligations and Security
    The system brings a number of interesting services to the academic community. In order to work as it should, it is necessary to assume its responsibility for the data contained in the system. Please consider the IS-related instructions issued by Dean's Offices of JAMU. Also, pay attention to the safety of the system. It is inadmissible to disclose another person's password to the IS JAMU or, on the contrary, to pass on another person. If you do, you violate the Information System Rules of Use.


    When you first sign in to your system, immediately change your primary password using the following links:

    The Information System System Change password

    Please make sure you do not select the password which is easy to guess.Provided someone misuses the Information System using your personal identification information, you will be held liable for such an act as well. If you suspect that your password has been misused, check where and when the system thinks you were last connected:

    The Information System System My is.muni.cz access log

    Provided you find an extra record there indicating someone else has logged into the System under your identity, please inform the System administrators of the fact immediately.

    1 Check out the history of your logging in the System.

    To be able to access the computers in computer-equipped classrooms, you need to have a secondary password, which you have probably obtained together with the is.jamu.cz password. If you want to change this secondary password, please use the following path:

    The Information System System Change password

  • 8.Common Problems
    Forgotten password:
    If you do not know your primary password, you can have a new one created by one of the people listed at https://is.jamu.cz/spravci/.

    Terms – selecting and switching between these
    Courses are offered for enrollment every term. Almost each IS JAMU page contains information about the faculty and term you last selected. As long as you are registering for courses, reserving slots on examination dates, or performing any other similar operation related to your studies, pay attention to the currently selected faculty and, most importantly, term. You can always switch between the faculties and terms using the icons situated at the top of the page.

    1 Switching between terms.

    Ending work with IS JAMU:
    Important: After you enter your password for logging in the System, your browser keeps it in its memory for the purpose of sending it to the server with each of your requests. This is to ensure the person sending the request is really you. Therefore, providing you want to end your work with the System, i.e. to log out, please click on the Log out icon situated in the top right-hand corner of the page.

    1 logging out of IS JAMU.

    Otherwise, the browser keeps your password in its memory and the person working with the computer after you left it can pass himself/herself off as you. More in this Help.

  • 9.Additional Information – Getting Started with the Internet
    Please read this section unless you are familiar with how to work with the Internet.

    • To be able to access the Information System, you need to have an Internet browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.) installed on your computer.
    • Use the text field in its upper part for entering the IS address, which is https://is.jamu.cz/.
    • The blue text on the newly loaded page represents references to other pages.
    • Move the cursor over the 'Personal Administration' sign and click on it.
    • If you have never used your computer to access the Information System before, you will be prompted to install the IS security certificate (to do so, follow the instructions displayed).
    • To log in to the System, you have to enter your user name (use your personal identification number - učo) and password.
    • After entering the System, click on the underlined references to access the individual applications. Any time you fill in a form with some information, remember to send it to the server by clicking on the button titled as 'Save', 'Enter', or others of a similar kind. Filling in the form only will not cause the information entered to be saved.
    • Each page you will be taken to also contains a link to the one you have previously visited (or to the main IS page), which is usually situated at its bottom.
    • When you decide to end your work with the System, please click on the Log out icon situated in the top right-hand corner of the page.

    Electronic mail:
    At JAMU, the electronic mail is preferred to other modes of communication. Each time you decide to send an e-mail message to your Dean's Office, your teacher, IS administrators, etc., you should keep to the following rules:

    • First, remember to fill in the subject field of your message with some meaningful information specifying what the message concerns.
    • Second, provided you want to find a solution to a technical problem, describe it clearly (this proves to be an asset since IS houses more than 100 different applications) and, if possible, enclose the address of the page in question.
    • Finally, it is advisable to enclose your personal identification number as well.

    Following the aforementioned rules speeds up the reply process considerably.

  • 10.Summary
    The address from which you can enter the Information System is https://is.jamu.cz/

    Please ensure that you:

    • retrieve your mail from your mailbox regularly,
    • contact your Office for Studies whenever you encounter a problem related to your studies (go to "https://is.jamu.cz/studijni/),
    • use the following address to contact the right person in the event of an IS access problem (applies to situations where you, for instance, forget your password): https://is.jamu.cz/spravci/",
    • know during which periods the appropriate IS applications become accessible in order to be able to perform all the necessary operations (e.g. register for courses, check the list of courses you have enrolled in, check the grades your teachers uploaded into the System, reserve slots on examination dates, etc.).

    NB: The result of any operation performed via the Information System is binding and it has the same validity as if it had been achieved in paper form or by contacting the appropriate staff member. Anyone misusing the System will become subject to disciplinary action, which may eventually lead to expulsion.

Provided you have failed to find the information you were searching for, you can contact us at jamuis(zavináč/atsign)fi(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz.