If an online lesson is scheduled for a student in one of the video conferencing programs and the teacher has entered this information into IS JAMU, the scheduled meeting will be visible in the calendar of the people it concerns:
1 Online lessons in the calendar. Upon clicking, the student is immediately connected to the videoconferencing session.
2Type of new event in the calendar.
The link to the scheduled online lesson can then be found directly on the Student page for each course that has an online lesson scheduled.
The Information system Student [selected course] Online Lessons
1 Link to the crossroad of the online lessons in the course, which has been scheduled using IS JAMU.
Only lessons that are scheduled using IS JAMU or lessons in other external systems that the teacher has manually entered into the online learning application will be displayed in this way. It may happen that a lesson will take place in a videoconferencing system but IS JAMU has not been informed about it. It should always be essential for the student to follow information provided to them directly by their teacher about the organisation of the course (e.g. by email with instructions at the beginning of the lesson or using the interactive syllabus).
Students can find information about online lessons in the Student agenda:
The Information system Student [selected course] Online Lessons
This page contains only online classes that are scheduled using IS JAMU. These may be events in various video conferencing solutions (ZOOM, MS Teams, Google Meet, Webex, etc.) that the course teacher has set to be displayed to students. Links lead to log in page to these online events.
1 Date and time of the next meeting in videoconferencing systems.