Rules for the use of the JAMU Information System

  • 1.What are the rules for using the system?
    1. The user may use the JAMU Information System (JAMU IS) in accordance with its academic, educational and research mission and primarily for the administrative and operational purposes of the school.
      The use of the JAMU IS for commercial activities unrelated to the school's activities, political, religious or racial agitation is considered a violation of the rules.
    2. The user works in the JAMU IS only under the user name assigned to him/her.
    3. He/She chooses a non-trivial password for his/hers username so that it cannot be guessed. The user must not disclose the password to any other person, not even to the system administrator. The user must handle the password in such a way that it cannot be compromised. The password must not be sent by e-mail, as this is an inherently insecure service (it can be intercepted, it can be delivered by mistake to another recipient, etc.).
    4. If a user accesses an absent user's session (e.g. by using a computer on which another user has started work but has not finished it so that new access to the JAMU IS requires password re-execution), the user must terminate the session without delay.
      The user is forbidden to take any action aimed at establishing a password other than his/her own. It is also forbidden to impersonate another or anonymous user or to falsify one's own identity in any way.
      Providing your account to a user who is not entitled to an account in the JAMU IS or whose account has been blocked is considered a particularly serious breach of the rules.
    5. Administrative agendas and files in the mail processing process are the private data of their owners and are entitled to the same privacy protections as other types of personally owned documents. Violations of this rule are considered particularly egregious.
      Staff members are responsible for personal data within the scope of the general legal standards (in particular 256/92 Coll.).
    6. The user must not burden the IS with bulk operations. If the user is found to be overloading the system with operations that are more frequent than the usual load generated by manual clicking, the user may be automatically blocked from accessing the IS for a limited period of time. The use of bulk operations is subject to the prior approval of the IS operators, who can be contacted at the e-mail address below.
    7. The network administrator, or computer administrator, has the right to perform all operations necessary to perform his or her function, including checking the content of files, monitoring user activity, etc. However, the information obtained in this way is strictly confidential.
    8. The user has the right to use only the software whose license allows the user directly or the school in general to do so. This includes software obtained in accordance with the law, including copyright. Copying of software and data (including audio, video files and graphics) is only permitted in accordance with the applicable licence conditions.
    9. A mailbox is primarily set up for users to ensure easy communication with the school. The user must not compromise the reliability and trustworthiness of mail delivery to his/her mailbox (e.g., by redirecting mail to unreliable machines, such as machines without adequate security or without permanent mail processing). In the event that problems with mail delivery caused by the recipient of a letter are detected, the administrator is obliged to immediately remedy the situation (cancel the redirection) and notify the recipient of the situation. In case of recurrence of problems caused by the recipient, the administrator is entitled to block the recipient's accounts.
    10. The administrators are not liable for any loss of data arising in any way. However, this does not relieve them of the obligation to regularly back up the contents of the disks of the main JAMU IS server.
    11. It is forbidden to send unsolicited letters to a large number of e-mail addresses. In case of violation of the rule, the user will be automatically blocked from accessing the mail for 12 hours. It is forbidden to send chain, pyramid, etc. letters.
    12. The use of vulgar and highly emotive language is prohibited in open communication. The user bears full responsibility for any defective content of his/her own letters or other publicly available information sources.
    13. All actions aimed at reducing safety or leading to possible violations of operating rules, both conscious and unconscious, are unacceptable. It is forbidden to distribute viruses, worms, glitches, Trojan horses, corrupted files, fake messages and other elements of a destructive or fraudulent nature.
    14. The user is obliged to follow and unconditionally comply with all operating instructions of the administrators (they are communicated electronically). The administrators are entitled to additionally respond to the current situation with operating instructions that do not contradict these rules.
    15. In case of any problems, the user has the right to contact However, the user must first study the available electronic manuals for the application. For problems of a technical nature in operating the computer or accessing the JAMU IS, the user should contact the local faculty computer administrator of the faculty concerned. Please formulate the query or problem specification in sufficient detail and attach any relevant error messages.
    16. In case of a gross or repeated violation of the rules, the user will be banned from the system or the service in question or disciplinary proceedings will be introduced for violation of the student regulations or the school's operating guidelines, with the possibility of expulsion from the school and the requirement for financial compensation for the damage caused.

Provided you have failed to find the information you were searching for, you can contact us at jamuis(zavináč/atsign)fi(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz.