Past Tense System 75% (UK) - 85% (US) Past Simple default tense (klasika / standardní nastavení) “Yesterday Bob ate 4 chocolate-covered cockroaches. Yum.” Use Past Simple unless you have a special situation. 3 special situations: 1. 5% Past continuous for the background (zákulisí) to an event in the Past simple. “While Bob was throwing up, his mum called.” 2. 5% Past Perfect together with Past simple to explain why a past event happened (due to something earlier in the past). Can also be předminulý průběhový. [DEL: “Bob felt sick because he ate 4 chocolate-covered cockroaches.” :DEL] = současně L “Bob felt sick because he had eaten 4 chocolate-covered cockroaches.” = nejdřív snědl, a pak mu bylo špatně J 3. 5-15% Present Perfect (US/UK) for timeframes which started in the past, and we are still in them (e.g. the event happened in the day/week/month that we are still in.) Can also be předpřítomný průběhový. “So far this month I have eaten 18 chocolate-covered cockroaches.” [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: I live in Brno for 4 years :DEL] L I have lived in Brno for 4 years. I have been living in B for 4 years.