Basic Word Order for English Sentences Core (jádro) Extra info. 1 (adv.) 2 3 Extra info. 1 2a (adv.) 2b 2c 3 The dog has just eaten all her food 1) subject/podmět (some adverbs e.g. never, often, also….) Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Often Almost always Frequently Always Invariably Seldom Infrequently Also Even Still Already 2) verb/sloveso 3) object/předmět or predicate/přívlastek Examples 1. I am looking forward to Christmas, although 1) it probably 2) is going to be 3) very short this year. 2. Even though I should study during the holidays, I would like to ski in the mountains. 3. In spite of the fact that we are supposed to relax during the Christmas holidays, I will have to study hard. 4. Díky tomu, že mi holky na fakultě moc pomáhají, už mluvím líp. Thanks to the fact that the girls at the faculty help me, I already speak better. 5. Despite not having so much time, I’m really going to enjoy it. 6. Despite the fact that I was shopping yesterday, I only have 1 present. 7. Hlavní roli hral Boleslav Gulaš. 3. 2. 1. The main role played Boleslav Gulas. Hlavní role hrala Boleslava Guláše. 8. Nejsem tak často na Astorce. Extra info: So often, 1) I 2) am not 3) at Astorka. 9. Měl jsem tam dobrý zážitek. I had there L a great experience there J. 10. Hlavní roli hrál Bob Novotný. 1) Bob N. 2) played 3) the main role.