Participle Clauses (Přechodníky) I. Simultaneous actions Original: Bob walked through the park and talked on his cellphone. PC: Walking through the park, Bob talked on ….. II. Explaining the reason for something Original: Bob was dead tired, so he worked slowly. PC: (Being) dead tired, Bob worked slowly. Original: Bob did not know the way, so he got lost. Negative: Not knowing the way, Bob got lost. III. Previous action, substitute for předminulý čas Original: Since Bob had finished his phone calls, he went home. PC: Having finished his calls, Bob went home. OR: After finishing his calls, Bob went home. (OR: Before going home, Bob finished his calls.) Seeing the current situation, I think we should. (Colloquial: Seeing as he’s so grumpy, I wouldn’t ask him the question now.) Considering the weather, I want to stay home. Regarding the report, he said that… Knowing what I know now, I realize I have made a mistake. EXAMPLES: * Having heard that Bob collects butterflies, I asked him about it. * He sprinkled me with confetti. * (Being) drunk too quickly, coffee can give you hiccups. * Drinking coffee too quickly, you can get hiccups. * Crawling across the road, I saw a snake. * I saw a snake crawling across the road. * The war being over, he returned home to Prčice. * Considering our budget, I think that we should…. * Seeing how she reacted last time, we should… * Hearing the key being turned in the lock, I died of fear. I was scared to death. * I prepared some documents for the Sitko Festival. I visited the ruins of Hukvald. * Having prepared some documents for Sitko, I (then) visited the ruins. * Drinking coffee and Cabernet Moravia, I prepared the documents for Sitko. That’s why it came out square instead of circular J.