RTDS 1st Semester Ends of Words Pronunciation Shorter and Longer Vowels How to find the accent in longer words Vocabulary "Core 80%: Clothes, Communication, Education, Media" Theatre General Vocabulary: Concepts Specialty Vocabulary: FILM Grammar 1. Articles 2. Word Order 3. Past Tense Readings Superstition in Theatre The Problem of Comedy The War of the Worlds Panic Was a Myth Written assignment CV (structured) Brief reflection essay "Motivation Letter (Erasmus, Internship)" RTDS 2nd Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Food, Health, Hobbies, Environment, Home" Theatre General Vocab.: Objects and Parts of a Theatre Specialty Vocabulary: Shooting a Film Grammar 4. Commas 5. Future Tense 6. Prepositions of Time and Place 7. Future Clauses + Conditionals Readings Sick Cities Who is Oscar? How to Write a Movie Written assignment Paragraph (How to write/ How to summarize) Blurb of a Performance / Film / Radio Program "Synopsis / Annotation / Abstract (Film, Radio)" RTDS 3rd Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Language, Feelings, Places, Services, Sport" Theatre General Vocabulary: People Specialty Vocabulary: Radio Grammar 8. Cleft Sentences 9. Modals of Obligation 10. Presenting Materials + Linking Words and Phrases 11. Gerund or Infinitive? Readings Resistance - Anne Bogart HYMIM - The latest show to fail in the search for a perfect ending Objectivity in Documentary Film Presentation Written assignment Director's Note Presentation of My Film / Radio Project RTDS 4th Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Nature, Time, Travel, Weather, Work" Theatre General Vocab.: Literary Terms and Verbs Specialty Vocabulary: TV Grammar 12. Indirect Speech and Questions 13. Participle Clauses 14. Verbs of Suggestion 15. Advanced Prepositional Phrases Readings Fanfiction Midnight in Paris Review On the Undeniable Benefit of a Live Read Written assignment "Review (film, radio)" Translation Extracts Creative Purpose of My BA Project ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### Directors and Dramaturgs 1st Semester Ends of Words Pronunciation Shorter and Longer Vowels How to find the accent in longer words Vocabulary "Core 80%: Clothes, Communication, Education, Media" Theatre General Vocabulary: Concepts Specialty Vocabulary: Concepts Grammar 1. Articles 2. Word Order 3. Past Tense Readings Superstition in Theatre "Cheating Out, ""Breaking Curtain"" and More Curious Theatre Jargon" Blocking a Play Written assignment CV (structured) Brief reflection essay "Motivation Letter (Erasmus, Internship)" Directors and Dramaturgs 2nd Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Food, Health, Hobbies, Environment, Home" Theatre General Vocab.: Objects and Parts of a Theatre Specialty Vocabulary: People Grammar 4. Commas 5. Future Tense 6. Prepositions of Time and Place 7. Future Clauses + Conditionals Readings Sick Cities Eroticism - Anne Bogart Casting Written assignment Paragraph (How to write/ How to summarize) Blurb of a Performance "Synopsis / Annotation / Abstract (Encounter, Monodrama, Salon)" Directors and Dramaturgs 3rd Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Language, Feelings, Places, Services, Sport" Theatre General Vocabulary: People Specialty Vocabulary: the Stage Grammar 8. Cleft Sentences 9. Modals of Obligation 10. Presenting Materials + Linking Words and Phrases 11. Gerund or Infinitive? Readings Resistance - Anne Bogart Choose the Right Setting for Your Play Murder Mystery Comedy Plays Presentation Written assignment Director's Note Presentation (Theatre) Directors and Dramaturgs 4th Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Nature, Time, Travel, Weather, Work" Theatre General Vocab.: Literary Terms and Verbs Specialty Vocabulary: Verbs Grammar 12. Indirect Speech + Questions 13. Participle Clauses 14. Verbs of Suggestion 15. Advanced Prepositional Phrases Readings Fanfiction Suspense Thrillers "The American Dream in ""Death of the Salesman""" Written assignment Review (play) Translation Extracts Creative Purpose of my BA Project ##### Sheet/List 3 ##### Stage Tech / ADT 1st Semester Pronunciation Ends of Words Shorter and Longer Vowels How to find the accent in longer words Vocabulary "Core 80%: Clothes, Communication, Education, Media" Theatre General Vocabulary: Concepts Specialty Vocabulary: Light Grammar 1. Articles 2. Word Order 3. Past Tense Readings Superstition in Theatre Backstage Stage Ground Plan Written assignment CV (structured) Brief Bio / Intro / Blurb of Myself Stage Tech / ADT 2nd Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Food, Health, Hobbies, Environment, Home" Theatre General Vocab.: Objects and Parts of a Theatre Specialty Vocabulary: Rigging and Practical Matters Grammar 4. Commas 5. Future Tense 6. Prepositions of Time and Place 7. Future Clauses + Conditionals Readings Sick Cities What to Wear on a Stage Crew Written assignment "Letter of Motivation (Erasmus, Internship)" "Synopsis/Annotation (technical) of a performance (Encounter, Salon)" Stage Tech / ADT 3rd Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Language, Feelings, Places, Services, Sport" Theatre General Vocabulary: People Specialty Vocabulary: Design Grammar 8. Cleft Sentences 9. Modals of Obligation 10. Presenting Materials + Linking Words and Phrases Readings Resistance - Anne Bogart So What is Theatrical Sound Stage Lighting Then and Now Writing / Presentation Paragraph (How to Write / How to Summarize) Presentation (instead of Christmas Exam) Stage Tech / ADT 4th Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Nature, Time, Travel, Weather, Work" Theatre General Vocab.: Literary Terms and Verbs Specialty Vocabulary: Sound Grammar 11. Indirect Speech + Questions 12. Participle Clauses 13. Verbs of Suggestion Readings Fanfiction Art Meets Tech - Lighting Design Appreciating the Art of Foley (sound) Written assignment Review Description of This Year's Production Project ##### Sheet/List 4 ##### Scenography 1st Semester Pronunciation Ends of Words Shorter and Longer Vowels How to find the accent in longer words Vocabulary "Core 80%: Clothes, Communication, Education, Media" Theatre General Vocabulary: Concepts Specialty Vocabulary: Stage I Grammar 1. Articles 2. Word Order 3. Past Tense Readings Superstition in Theatre Backstage Stage Ground Plan Written assignments CV (structured) Brief Bio / Intro / Blurb of Myself Scenography 2nd Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Food, Health, Hobbies, Environment, Home" Theatre General Vocab.: Objects and Parts of a Theatre Specialty Vocabulary: Stage II Grammar 4. Commas 5. Future Tense 6. Prepositions of Time and Place 7. Future Clauses + Conditionals Readings Sick Cities What to Wear on a Stage Crew Written assignments "Letter of Motivation (Erasmus, Internship)" "Synopsis/Annotation (technical) of a performance (Encounter, Salon)" Scenography 3rd Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Language, Feelings, Places, Services, Sport" Theatre General Vocabulary: People Specialty Vocabulary: Clothes and Makeup Grammar 8. Cleft Sentences 9. Modals of Obligation 10. Presenting Materials + Linking Words and Phrases Readings Resistance - Anne Bogart Working with Stage Blood Scene Painting Brush Techniques Writing/Presentation Paragraphs (How to Write / How to Summarize) Presentation (instead of Christmas Exam) Scenography 4th Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Nature, Time, Travel, Weather, Work" Theatre General Vocab.: Literary Terms and Verbs Specialty Vocabulary: Painting and Sewing Grammar 11. Indirect Speech + Questions 12. Participle Clauses 13. Verbs of Suggestion Readings Fanfiction That Hair! That Face! The Art of the Hair and Makeup Designer Theatrical Cosmetics Written assignments Review Description of this Year's Production Project ##### Sheet/List 5 ##### Drama in Education 1st Semester Pronunciation Ends of Words Shorter and Longer Vowels How to find the accent in longer words Vocabulary "Core 80%: Clothes, Communication, Education, Media" Theatre General Vocabulary: Concepts Specialty Vocabulary: Institutions and Teaching Grammar 1. Articles 2. Word Order 3. Past Tense Readings Superstition in Theatre Stop Penalizing Boys for Not Being Able to Sit Still at School 5 Rehearsal Problems...and Solutions! Written assignment CV (structured) Brief Bio / Intro / Blurb of Myself Drama in Education 2nd Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Food, Health, Hobbies, Environment, Home" Theatre General Vocab.: Objects and Parts of a Theatre Specialty Vocabulary: Characteristics and Verbs Grammar 4. Commas 5. Future Tense 6. Prepositions of Time and Place 7. Future Clauses + Conditionals Readings Sick Cities Prepare Middle School Students to Perform Monologues Written Assignments "Letter of Motivation (Erasmus, Internship)" "Synopsis / Annotation / Abstract (Encounter, Monodrama, Salon)" ##### Sheet/List 6 ##### "Dramatic, Musical Acting and Physical Theatre" 1st Semester Pronunciation Ends of Words Shorter and Longer Vowels How to find the accent in longer words Vocabulary "Core 80%: Clothes, Communication, Education, Media" Theatre General Vocabulary: Concepts Acting Vocabulary: the Theatre Grammar 1. Articles 2. Word Order 3. Past Tense Readings Superstition in Theatre How Theatre For Young People Could Save the World An Actor's Guide to Laughing on Stage Written assignment CV (structured) Brief Bio / Intro / Blurb of Myself "Dramatic, Musical Acting and Physical Theatre" 2nd Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Food, Health, Hobbies, Environment, Home" Theatre General Vocab.: Objects and Parts of a Theatre Acting Vocabulary: Acting and Rehearsing Grammar 4. Commas 5. Future Tense 6. Prepositions of Time and Place 7. Future Clauses + Conditionals Readings Sick Cities Audition Tips Written assignment Letter of Motivation (Erasmus) "Synopsis / Annotation / Abstract (Encounter, Monodrama, Salon)" "Dramatic, Musical Acting and Physical Theatre" 3rd Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Language, Feelings, Places, Services, Sport" Theatre General Vocabulary: People Acting Vocabulary: body language Grammar 8. Cleft Sentences 9. Modals of Obligation 10. Presenting Materials + Linking Words and Phrases Readings Resistance - Anne Bogart Performing a Monologue Presentation (for Christmas Exam) Written assignment Description/Psychological Profile of My Character in a Performance "Dramatic, Musical Acting and Physical Theatre" 4th Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Nature, Time, Travel, Weather, Work" Theatre General Vocab.: Literary Terms and Verbs Acting Vocabulary: Music in the Theatre and Musical Notation Grammar 11. Indirect Speech and Questions 12. Participle Clauses 13. Verbs of Suggestion Readings Fanfiction Cold Reading During an Audition Written assignment Review of a Play or other Performance Translation of a Scene for Performance ##### Sheet/List 7 ##### Theatre Management 1st Semester Pronunciation Ends of Words Shorter and Longer Vowels How to find the accent in longer words Vocabulary "Core 80%: Clothes, Communication, Education, Media" Theatre General Vocabulary: Concepts Specialty Vocabulary: Planning 1-29 Grammar 1. Articles 2. Word Order 3. Past Tense Readings Superstition in Theatre 10 Commandments for Stage Managers The Role of Stage Management Written assignments CV (structured) Brief Bio / Intro / Blurb of Myself "Motivation Letter (Erasmus, Internship)" Theatre Management 2nd Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Food, Health, Hobbies, Environment, Home" Theatre General Vocab.: Objects and Parts of a Theatre Specialty Vocabulary: Planning 30-end Grammar 4. Commas 5. Future Tense 6. Prepositions of Time and Place 7. Future Clauses + Conditionals Readings Sick Cities The Production Week Finances and Budgeting Written assignments Paragraph (How to Write / How to Summarize) Blurb of a Performance / Film / Radio Program "Synopsis / Annotation / Abstract (Encounter, Monodrama, Salon)" Theatre Management 3rd Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Language, Feelings, Places, Services, Sport" Theatre General Vocabulary: People Specialty Vocabulary: Management and Theatre 1-26 Grammar 8. Cleft Sentences 9. Modals of Obligation 10. Presenting Materials + Linking Words and Phrases 11. Gerund or Infinitive? Readings Resistance - Anne Bogart Venue How technology is transforming the theatre box office Presentation Written assignments Managerial Correspondence Brief Report Theatre Management 4th Semester Vocabulary "Core 80%: Nature, Time, Travel, Weather, Work" Theatre General Vocab.: Literary Terms and Verbs Specialty Vocabulary: Management and Theatre 27-end Grammar 12. indirect Speech and Questions 13. Participle Clauses 14. Verbs of Suggestion 15. Advanced Prepositional Phrases Readings Fanfiction Review Grand Budapest Hotel Fake Money in Film Written assignments Encounter Corespondence Report on Encounter Presentation of My Project Theatre Management 5th Semester Vocabulary Specialty Vocabulary: Official Language 1-45 Grammar Inversions Advanced Adjective Problems Readings Theatre - The New Audience Adrian's Recording Contract Drafting a Commercial Contract Written assignments Encounter Correspondence Contract Creative Purpose of my BA project Theatre Management 6th Semester Vocabulary Specialty Vocabulary: Official Language 46-end Grammar "Make, Do, Take, Get" Transitive / Intransitive Verbs Readings Breach of Contract "Royalties, Law and Legal Definition" Writing/Presentation Abstract of My BA Thesis Oral Presentation of My BA Thesis (as final exam)