7 Prepositions of TIME How to say OD- DO (desde-hasta) in English If you know the start AND the end, you can say: FROM June TO September, I will be in Brno. FROM when I arrived TO when I left, it rained. If you only know the start, say: I will be there STARTING at 4 o ‘clock (future) FROM on December 15^th. I will be on holiday starting in July. I will be making a trailer for the Orli theatre starting in January. I will be reading a book by Stan the man starting this evening. He has/had been here SINCE 4 o ‘clock. (past) I have been playing the violin since I was 6. If you only know the end, say: She will be there UNTIL/(TIL) midnight. He can talk until the cows come home. Problems with deadlines (lhůty/plazos): He will finish the report WITHIN a week. Dasha will finish reading the book within 2 months. The doctor gave him medicine, and he felt better within a few days. He has to find a flat BY the end of the month. WITHIN a period of time BY a precise time/date By mid-May 1 Thesis 2 Theses I have been in Brno SINCE 2007. We have been in this classroom since 8:30 (or maybe 8:45 for Agata). I have to finish my homework by Monday night.