Spring 2016 RTDS 2 + friend(s) What we did in class 30.3.16 Various miscellaneous vocabulary: Fragile krehky To decide TO DO s.th The swing of the pendulum (from one extreme to another) His popularity His poll numbers procent v ankete Conspiracy theories 6.4.16 Trapped in your aunt’s house L Petr in his grandmother’s house J There are a lot of beautiful things. The living room is filled with of books of all kinds. Grandfather used to collect graphic art, so | in Grandmother’s flat are a lot of artworks. | On the walls, even hidden in special boxes G. made. The kitchen is very small but always extremely clean. In g’s flat THERE are artworks. Podmet sloveso podmet/privlastek Dasa J Always when I’m at my aunt’s house, I have to get all her curtains and put them into the washing machine. It’s in her garden because it’s broken and the water always leaks. Next to her w m stands a huge robot (mixer). Actually it’s a humanoid and he helps me wash the dirty curtains. I usually sit in the shower or on the curb after a/the long day, because she doesn’t have any chairs or beds. Inversion: Next to her washing machine stands a huge robot. !!!! Adverb of place verb (stand/sit/lie) subject. Inversion does not happen with the verb TO BE, so: In g’s flat THERE are artworks. My aunt Jarmila is an interesting species of human being. She weighs about 200 pounds, and she’s also very aggressive and dangerous. She lives in a very big house with her poor husband and two kids, spending all day sitting on the sofa and watching tv. [DEL: I don’t remember when it was the last time I visited her. :DEL] [DEL: L :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] I don’t remember the last time (that) I visited her. It’s been a long time since I visited her. Perhaps on some birthday of one of those two sons. There is a big hole after you enter the house, with stairs and the entrance to the garage. If you turn right and go straight on, you will arrive in a big kitchen with a dining room, connected to a modern living room with sofa. Some kind of bar and a gigantic tv. Behind her red sofa there is a French window which is gives/leads onto terrace. On the first floor there are some rooms I was never in. L Rooms I have never been in. Sasa J My aunt’s house was built in 1930. I don’t know by who. In fact, it’s a big old building in Blava in the neighbourhood/quarter called the old town. The flat is a beautiful place with a specific atmosphere. In the flat there are 3 int. rooms, the living room, the b, and the kitchen. All the rooms are furnished in her own style, based on old and sometimes historical pieces of furniture. My fav. Room is the living room where there is a big black sofa from the 19^th century in the middle of the room, red carpet, and under the window there is a piano, also black. She hasn’t got a tv, but there is a gramophone on a small table in the corner. She collects old photos and postcards, so every room is filled with them. Furniture = nabytek Furnishings = ozdoby a mensi veci A furnished flat = byt uz zarizeny