RTDS + friends

Spring semester 2016

Udelam vse, co muzu J

There is nothing what I can tell you. L

There is nothing that I can do.

That is the steak (that) I didn’t want to eat.

Ucit                 teach

Ucit se             study (process)

Naucit se         learn (result)

e.g. = exemplae gratia = napr.

A Dutch tourist who survived a tiger attack in the jungles of south-west Nepal by climbing a tree
over the weekend said Monday he was lucky to be alive.

Gerard Van Laar, who has been travelling in Nepal since last month, said he was attacked by the
tiger when he and his Nepalese guide were hiking in Bardia national park on Saturday.

A Dutch tourist, who survived a tiger attack in the jungles of south-west Nepal by climbing a tree
over the weekend, said Monday he was lucky to be alive.

Gerard Van Laar, who has been travelling in Nepal since last month, said he was attacked by the
tiger when he and his Nepalese guide were hiking in Bardia national park on Saturday.

“I was super lucky to be alive. I would have been dead if it had not been for Krishna [his guide],”
Laar told the Associated Press by telephone from Bardia, about 400km (250m) south-west of the
capital Kathmandu.

“All of a sudden, I heard a roar and a growl, and the tiger was heading toward us at full speed,”
he said.

Laar was able to escape by climbing a tree, but his guide was attacked and slightly injured as he
ran away to draw the attention of the tiger.

The tiger returned and circled the tree, while Laar tried to stay as quiet as possible about six
metres above the ground. About two hours later the guide arrived back with help, and they shouted
and used sticks to drive away the tiger.

The guide was hospitalised for a day, but Laar was not hurt.

Bob ate fish, and his dog ate dog food.

Bob snedl rybu a sveho psa

Bob snedl rybu a jeho pes

Peter Ustinov went on a global tour.

Highlights of his global tour include encounters with Nelson Mandela, an 800-year-old demigod and a
dildo collector.


First world problems:

The train costs 108 crowns.

It was a 108-crown[DEL: s :DEL] train ride.

My 108-crown train ride in a heated carriage was 20 minutes late.


The plan lasted 5 years.

It was a 5-year plan.

I want a man who is at least 175 centimetres tall.

I want a 175-centimetre-tall man, MINIMUM!

All English girls want a man who is at least 6 feet tall.  (183)

All E. girls want a six-foot-tall man.

OR they want a six-footer J

Every time a start to dry my hair I realise that I forgot my fringe comb.

When I’m reading a book, I lose my bookmark and I can’t find where I stopped.

I have to drink my glass of juice already because I would have to make two trips to take all my
food to the tv room.

I hate it when I get all cozy in my sofa with my book and my tea and then I realise that my glasses
are too far away.

I use too much eye liner and in the end I look like a panda.

I’ve got so much food in my fridge, I can’t decide what to eat.

Pronunciation system, things to fix!

Consonants where Czechs write znele but say neznele L

Na prikla[DEL: d :DEL] t

D –t                      had            cleaned not klínt

B – p                     krab     (club       not klup)

G -  k                    grog     seeing   not see ink

Z – s                      mraz    realize   not realaiSS

D’ – t’                   lod’           nemáme J

H – ch                  snih           nemáme J

Ž -   Š                        lež               nemáme J

V -  f                         lev        I love you not I luff u

We like znele so much that we even assimilate the opposite way, from neznele to znele.

Every time we write S at the end of a word, and the s is because of

1)           Plural

2)           Possessive

3)           3^rd person verb ending,

And the previous sound is znele or a vowel,

We actually say Z.

When we write boys, we really mean boyz.

Girls – girlz

Phones – phonz

He sayz

It’s Adrian’z phone.

The s will only be pronounced S after k,t,p,f:






Education vocabulary: J

Master’s degree

Bachelor’s degree

Phd. (doctorate)

Trade licence                               zivnostnak

A self-employed person               zivnostnik

Freelancer                                    pracujici na volne noze

1 (hypo)thesis        2 (hypo)theses

Universal words for schools that EVERYBODY will know:

Infant school (UK) / preschool (US)  =   skolka

kindergarten                                       =   pripravka

primary school                                   = zakladka

secondary school                                = stredni skola

university                                            = vysoka skola

residence                                            = kolej

internship  / apprenticeship                = staz


First World Problems

I suggest (that) you buy another fringe comb.

I suggest that Martina (should) buy her own car.

I suggest that he move to another place.

I suggest that you find somebody who knows about taxes.

Prepositions of place

Use fewer nouns but more verbs.

Na dedine nejsou moznosti zabavy ani dopravy.

In the village you cannot have fun or travel easily.

I have a problem [DEL: how to find :DEL] finding a roommate.

I have a problem being concise when I am instructing actors.

Concise = strucny

Course description from the University of Ostrava:

Zobecneni problematiky zakazu diskriminace pracovniku

I would like to ask if there exists the possibility of our visit.

I would like to ask if we can visit.

I recommend that Adrian (should) wear headphones on the way to DIFA.

That you go earlier to work.

I recommend that A buy earplugs.

That A create his own world in his head.

I recommend That A find himself somebody to chat with even louder than the girls.

I demand that President Zeman be polite.

I demand that he NOT be elected again.

I demand that he be as quiet as possible.

Quite = docela

Speechless = nemy ale ze soku

Mute = nemy (normalne)

 Did you nominate a candidate for dean?

O. is asking whether I nominated a candidate for dean.

O asked whether I had nominated a candidate.

Did you see any interesting film last week?

M is asking whether I saw any int. film last week.

M asked whether I had seen any int. film the previous week.

(Do you see the beautiful bird in that tree?

M asked whether I saw the bird. )  = soucasne

(you are looking forward to s.)

Are you looking forward to spring?

(Are you eagerly awaiting spring?)

S. is asking whether you are looking forward to spring.

Did you have breakfast today?

M is asking whether I had b today?

M asked whether I’d had breakfast that day.

Did you take the bus today?

O asked whether I had taken the bus that day.

Did you go the theatre this weekend?

M asked if you had gone to the theatre that weekend.

Did you attend the elections?

O asked whether I had attended the elections.

What time did you get up today?

K asked what time I had got up that morning.

Fake it until you make it.


Hygiene reading ;)

Covert(ly)                                          = secret(ly)

             Covert operations

Covered                                      = pokryte

Droplets                                      = kapky

To set the bar                            = nastavit standart

To reach the bar                       = dosahnout standart

Service station                          = benzinka

Device                                         = zarizeni

(noun) The REsearch

(verb) To research

Banknote                                    = bankovka

Guideline                                    = smernice



Good                       vs.                      goon

Book                        vs.                      boot

Took                        vs.                      tool

Shook                      vs.                      shoot

Put                                                      putin



Wood  =  ůood


Another thing what was good was that……….. L

Another thing which was good was that………

Videl jsem toho muze, ktery nam ukradl auto.

Ukradl nam auto, ktere jsme koupili minuly tyden.

Delam vse, co muzu.

Potrebujeme neco, co by nam pomohlo s tim.

Nenasla nic, co by se ni libilo.

Did you know (that) you would be producing videos?

I didn’t know that(:) I would not be able to sleep at night.

He did not want to meet her.

Letter = Am. “ledder”



Another PIECE OF information is (that)…..

Another fact / thing is that

Czech republic: Where Noone Gives a Fuck,. Do we give a fuck? Hell no. And why should we?

I mean, caring about things that matter is one thing, but on the other hand, why waste energy on
some nonsense that doesn't even make a difference in the end? Yes, I must sound like a typical
Czech person described in the article. But it's not very far from the truth, really. I do not live
in Prague, but I find Brno just as suitable. The article starts with drugs and their ridiculous
regulations. But it goes much further than just that. We have some special pubs called Švanda or
Mýdlo and many others which allow you to smoke weed inside. Just as you would a regular cigarette.
And what might be even more shocking is that Švanda has a glass shop window. And a few times I've
seen a few cops passing by, just as I was lighting up my joint. They just looked away and continued
on their way. I've also been a part of a cycling trip around various pubs around the countryside.
And beer is my most frequent drink. I don't enjoy sports as much, though I can imagine how they go.
And it's pretty much on spot described in the article. So yeah, the article seems to spot these
things pretty well. Except one. The bonding between such a cynical people is the complete opposite
of the expected. We are the warmiest guys when it comes to friendship. We help out each other,
money doesn't matter and everything in general is shared. But that of course, you can't sense that
as a tourist.


Adrian’s 3-part system for Czechs (and cheeky people from the Tatras) to improve their
pronunciation J

1)           Voiced consonants at the ends of words, not unvoiced

a)            V not f, g not k, d not t, z not s

b)           Careful with written s at the end of a word. If it is from a plural, 3^rd person verb,
or possessive, it will sound like Z after a vowel or voiced consonant, e.g. he sayZ that he iZ

c)                     Of is pronounced OV

2)           Recognize longer vowels ;)

a)            Diphthong e.g. house, buy, neat, how

b)           Double vowels e.g. street, fool    ALE!  Bacha na book, good etc.

c)            A as in SAX not sex, sAlary not celery

d)           Silent E lengthens the previous vowel e.g. take, like

e)           Silent consonants e.g. walk, night, though (also r in British English e.g party)

3)           Individual problem sounds: Theta (th)  and  w (should be ů not v)