Words which have a different pronunciation depending on whether they are verbs or nouns L NOUN VERB ALly alLY INcrease vs. inCREASE DEcrease vs. deCREASE IMport imPORT EXport exPORT PREsent preSENT PERmit perMIT CONflict conFLICT CONtrast conTRAST DEfect deFECT OBject obJECT to s.th SUBject subJECT(oneself) to REject reJECT s.thing REfuse [s] reFUSE[z] to do PROgress proGRESS PROject proJECT REcord reCORD reCORDing REfund reFUND TRANSport(ation) transPORT SUSpect susPECT TRANSfer transFER REsearch reSEARCH DIScharge disCHARGE IMpact imPACT REbel reBEL UPset upSET "I didn't want to subject him to such a long journey."