Spring 2015 Stage Tech and Scenographers What we did in class J 6.3.15 Film Reviews: FCE Result 54-5 Kristína: What I like about this film is the fact that the main actor is seven years old but he was very professional. Another thing I like about this film is the retrospective story, plus I like the fact that the movie doesn’t have a happy ending. But what I really don’t like about this film is the fact that the movie was very boring and for me it was a never-ending story. Honza the Viking L I’m a great fan of the director Christopher Nolan and Sci-fi movies. So I really enjoyed Interstellar. This film is a 3-and-a-half-hour-long space adventure. The main theme of this movie is travelling between stars and worlds. Coat of paint = vrstva Layer = vrstva (not for paint) Adelka from Znojmo YUPI! What I really like about the film is the fact that the main actor died at the end. Another thing is that Rose always had a really nice dress, but what I don’t like is the fact that in reality the story never happened. Another thing I don’t like is the fact that the movie takes so much time. J The main actor died at the end. J Rose always had a really nice dress. The story never happened in reality. 27.3.15 First World Problems: I wanted to wear my expensive gold necklace, but I was too lazy to find it among all my other jewelry. When I woke up, my inconsiderate roommate Iveta who studies history was cleaning my room for me - under my bed with a roller. Matej: Anicka: I just peed and there’s no toilet paper! Standa: I have t’ go t’ school, but I cannot decide which one. Pronunciation of “to” T’ + place T’ + person T’ + verb I am so sad, I have nobody t’ talk TO. I wanted to cook my dinner but the microwave was in another room. Pronunciation of “oo” Kook vs. cook Shoot vs. shook Goon vs. good Tool vs. took Room vs. rook I was going to my car this morning but I forgot my keys back at my house. It’s too hot in my house but I’m too lazy to turn off the heater. Anicka’s review: Mad max II The post-apocalyptic sci-fi film = genre - 1^st paragraph 2^nd paragraph. It’s about the man who has lost his family and now he’s a lonely pilgrim in an empty desert world. There isn’t a lot of petrol in this world so there is a never-ending war between the tribes living in the desert. And then the drama starts. Tough = drsné 10.4.15 Translation: Dali and the Fly Ocitnout = to turn up Kolebka = cradle Ukolebavka = lullaby Urážet = to insult Všímat si = to notice Nevšímat si = to Igore Rozdělit = To divide/separate Utěšovat = to calm down Vyšlechtit = to ennoble Šlechtic / čna = a noble Picasso, Gala, and Dali turn up at the cradle of art, on Montmartre. MM is a place where all the creative people and musicians meet. Gala and Dali are happy! Paul Eluard comes to Montmartre. He cannot forgive Dali for stealing his wife. A scandal begins. Paul wants Gala back and he starts to insult her vulgarly. Gala ignores the insults, but Dali answers that the woman of a genius has to be the object of the whole society’s desire, and he adds: “I have waited 27 years for her! She’s mine! We are inseparable! We are SalvadorGalaDali!” And that’s the way he gets Gala for the second time. Picasso calms Eluard down, and leads him away. Dali and Gala promise faithfulness to each other forever. 13. Celebration They celebrate their love with the Gordian Knot dance in the Parisian heaven. 14. The wedding at the chicken market Picasso chooses the chicken market for their wedding and creates a surrealistic picture from it. Dali also gets Eluard to the celebration. He chooses carefully the kinds of hens and roosters. Among them there are perfect pieces, for example Rembrandt’s hen, ennobled by the master Rembrandt himself. All Paris is filled with chicken clucking…..clouds of feathers….Picasso opens all the cages and lets the hens and roosters out: “Freedom, freedom!” The hens celebrate their newly won hen rights. The wedding-show-battle-bullfight “of the grooms and brides” – well done! Dali and Gala kiss each other until they choke. Zalknout = to choke. Rembrandtem samotnym = by R himself I ate salad and my dog ate dog food. 24.4.15 Eighteenth Century Costume Vocabulary: Periwig = wig around the whole head Gradual = postupný Fitted = vypasovaný/obtažený Pleats = sklady Waistcoat = vesta Ruffs and frills To persist = vytrvat Stomacher = covers the hole in a woman’s gown Embroidery = výšivka Bows Bodice-ripper Cage (skirt) = Pannier (only to the sides) Parted Frock Chintz Burlap Canvas Cashmere Flannel Felt Satin Terry cloth Velvet Navstivit/navstevovat You VISIT Paris or your Grandma. You ATTEND a class or an event. This time next week I will be attending a photo festival in Uničov. Nephew = synovec Niece = neter Cavity = kaz This time next year, I will be commiting suicide. J Anicka: This time next year, I will be going mad about my Bachelor’s thesis. 15.5.15 TTH = trying too hard (to be beautiful) Modals in the past: Let’s talk about your mistakes and what you SHOULD HAVE DONE instead. I should NOT have I shouldn’t have had sex with those 2 fertile ovulating girls at the same time. I lost every one of my arrows from my bow. I shouldn’t have done this. I should have watched tv instead of shooting my bow and arrow. I should have bought a ticket to the hockey game. I should have gone to sleep earlier. Adelka from Znojmo J I should have bought yellow thread for my bag. Standa is totally out of it today. Why???? What did he do yesterday? Let’s speculate. Standa might have had sex with two ovulating girls. S. might have gone to sleep late. S. might have had ten beers. S. night have watched tv. Adrian thinks he is funny, but he isn’t. What happened? A. might have come from another country where they have no sense of humor. A. might NOT have eaten enough calcium. A. might have smoked marijuana. A. might have played badminton. A. might not have had enough coffee.