1) Uncountable NO ARTICLE Liquids (water), some foods (sugar, corn), emotions (love, hate), nouns with –ing (running, swimming) 2) Unique THE The sun, the moon, the internet, the world, the President, the city centre a) ordinal numbers: the 1^st, the 5^th, the 20^th b) superlatives: the fastest, the most interesting c) the only, the last, the next, the right, the wrong, the whole d) defined immediately: the price of petrol the dog which bit Majka last week (using OF or WHICH/THAT/WHO) 3) One of many in the world A/AN Use A/AN the first time you mention something which is not unique. For example: I need A cup of coffee. !!!! The 2^nd time you mention it, use THE. Use A for expressions of quantity or containers: A few, a lot, a majority, a series, a bit A tube of toothpaste, a pack of cigarettes