Spring 2015 Musical Actors What we did in class J Pavlina: The name of my favourite movie is Gone Girl. It was filmed in 2014 by director David Fincher in the USA. The genre of the movie is drama/ thriller / mystery and the main roles are played by Ben Affleck and Rosamunde Pike. I’m glad that NPH acts in the movie as well. Filip!!!!!! : The name of the movie I chose is Exodus: Gods and Kings J. This movie [DEL: had opening night :DEL] was premiered last year. It’s based [DEL: by :DEL] on a story from the bible about Moses. This movie belongs to the action and adventure genre and the director of this movie is Ridley Scott. The main character is played by Christian Bale/ Christian Bale played the main role. Martina J Sweeney Todd Sweeney Todd is [DEL: as :DEL] a musical [DEL: performance :DEL] . The story was written by Stephen Sondheim, an American composer and lyricist. He is famous for his lyrics for the musical West Side Story. The plot is about the demon barber [DEL: from :DEL] Sweeney Todd, who comes back to London from prison. He feels innocent and swears revenge on everybody. The musical is performed at The Theater Na Orlí in Brno and directed by Hana Mikolášková. It lasts two hours and forty minutes. Students from the JAMU Academy, mainly from the fourth year of musical acting, play important roles in this drama. [DEL: Scene :DEL] The set and costumes are rich and imaginative. The performance has a lot of special effects. The Music and songs are very difficult to interpret. The role of Mrs. Lovett was interestingly portrayed by Katarína Mikulová. She was a very comic character. I was impressed by judge Turpin, a character played by David Janošek. David also designed the costumes and set. He is a student in JAMU, attending the fourth year of acting. I was thrilled and I highly recommend the performance to a discerning spectator. Set = kulisy Setting = místo a doba konání té hry Discerning = vybíravý Majka the girl from Blava J The name of the movie I chose is The Theory of Everything. The film is biographical and romantic, and it is about Stephen Hawking. It’s directed by James Mrtet. Felicity Jones and Eddy Redmyne played the main roles. J The Theory of Everything is about / tells the story of a man/scientist called Stephen Hawking. He is very clever but he is very sick and his muscles have stopped working. !!!!!!! 27.3.15 3 Magic Article Categories 1) Uncountable NO ARTICLE Liquids (water), some foods (sugar, corn), gas (helium), emotions (love, hate), nouns with –ing (running, swimming) 2) Unique THE The sun, the moon, the internet, the world, the President, the city centre a) ordinal numbers: the 1^st, the 5^th, the 20^th b) superlatives: the fastest, the most interesting c) the only, the last, the next, the right, the wrong, the whole d) defined immediately: the price of petrol the dog which bit Majka last week (using OF or WHICH/THAT/WHO) 3) One of many in the world A/AN Use A/AN the first time you mention something which is not unique. For example: I need A cup of coffee. !!!! The 2^nd time you mention it, use THE. 10.4.15 What I’m looking forward to next week J I’m looking forward to ________ ing I’m looking forward to seeing my mum, who is coming to Brno. We’re going to the theatre to see Flashdance. I’m looking forward to seeing several performances at Encounter. I’m looking forward to seeing my favourite actor Karel Roden at Reduta in SAM. Fifteen = 15 Fifty = 50 I’m looking forward to better days. I’m looking forward to going home to the Qanto in Sebranice J I’m looking forward to seeing a friend / my friend from Bratislava. I’m looking forward to attending my’ boyfriend’s friend’s wedding. I saw my mum’s hairdresser’s dog. My sister’s lawyer’s office. I’m looking forward to meeting crazy new theatre people at Encounter. I’m looking to going home to Ubla because my grandmother has a birthday. She will be 70 years old. Modal verbs in the past: She might have done it. = mozna to udelala. For speculation! Klara cannot concentrate today. Why? Well, she might have been at a party very late last night. She might have rehearsed until 2 am. Pavlina is very tired today. Why????? She might have run around Astorka for a long time. Run-ran-run Chat-chatted-chatted She might have chatted/ might have been chatting with an intelligent and handsome man all night. She might have been unable to go to sleep. She might have been at a club last night and she might have danced a lot. She might have been with her boyfriend until 3 am. She might have overslept. To fall asleep = usnout To oversleep = zaspat This morning= dnes rano [DEL: Today morning :DEL] [DEL: L :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] She might have spent a crazy night with her friends at Astorka. She might have studied into the night because she takes her history of theatre class VERY seriously. Pavlina is too tired today. She should have / She should not have She should not have sacrificed sleep. She shouldn’t have drunk that much. Drink-drank-drunk Pavlina should have relaxed last night. She should have gone to bed early/earlier. She shouldn’t have drunk coffee in the evening. She should have studied thoroughly. Must have - Might have - Should have - Can't have 1. John gone on holiday. I saw him this morning downtown. 2. Nobody answered the phone at the clinic. It closed early. 3. I revised more for my exams. I think I'll fail! 4. Sarah looks really pleased with herself. She passed her driving test this morning. 5. I didn't know you were going to Phil's party yesterday. You told me! 6. I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He caught the wrong train. 7. I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He caught the correct train. 8. Don't lie to me that you were ill yesterday. You been ill - Don said you were at the ice hockey match last night. 9. I don't know where they went on holiday but they bought Euros before they left so they gone to France or Germany. 10. His number was busy all night - he been on the phone continuously for hours. 11. It been Mickey I saw at the party. He didn't recognise me at all. I understand, but I speak differently. Pronunciation of song lyrics: Be careful with: S or z? Pronunciation rules for S at the end of a word: Samohlaska/znela souhlaska + Z Neznela souhlaska + S T’ not to N not AND Ing not ink T=d between vowels Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue We love all your words and music wordz Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue Singing songs for everyone songz / singing not sinkink He was blind from the first day and prayed there was some way A blind boy could play children’s games There was never a friend who poor Johnny could turn to The boys in the town called him names And teased him: Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue See the colors of the rainbow Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue How the children made him cry His guitar was an old one, a present from someone And no one could take it away He heard all kinds of music and learned how to use it To make a new song every day He told them: Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue Here’s a song about my rainbow Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue All the children sang along And in no time he found words to rhyme (Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue) Made for music created with help from above (We love all your words and music) Painting pictures, all in harmony (Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue) Follow happiness and love Because out of his darkness came beautiful sunshine To light up and touch everything Now his name is a legend and millions of people Will run to hear Johnny Blue sing Oh Johnny Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue We love you the whole world over Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue And it’s only just begun Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue We love all your words and music Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue Singing songs for everyone (Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue) And it’s only just begun 15.5.15 Actor and Text: from Directing a Play pp 78-9 Unfamiliar = neznamy To raise a question = polozit otazku Background = pozadi Encourage = povzbudit, podporovat Statement = prohlaseni Seldom = zridka, necasto Show up = ukazat/ upozornit Confusion = zmatek Cue = narážka To tend to = mit tendenci k ….. Cast = obsazeni Stage = etapa Beyond = za/dal nez Merely = pouze Starting point = zacatek Interplay = souhra Impressions = dojmy Comprised by = zahrnute v….. Results = vysledky To obtain = obdrzet To master = ovladat Rehearsal = zkouska To announce = vyhlasit To stick to = trvat na to Prompter = sufler Remind = pripomenout To supply = davat/zasobovat Disruptive = rusive Therefore = proto Unavoidable = nevyhnutelne Script = scenar Carrying = zvucny Alert = pohotovy/rychly Sufficient = dostatecny Audible = slysitelny Inexperienced = nezkuseny Shy = plachy Establish = zalozit To achieve = dosahnout To fake = predstirat Uncertain = nejisty To fidget = nervoznovat rukama 22.5.15 Improvements to reviews: Filip: Exodus.. What I really like about this movie is the fact that it is my favorite story from the Bible. The story starts when Moses is an adult. He is an adult. Christian Bale’s performance is believable. Plot: The story takes place in Chicago, where a young woman named Roxie Hart lives. Kde bydli nekdo 2 1 Another thing I really like about this movie is [DEL: the fact that :DEL] the part where the murderers tell monologues of their murders. Majka: The name of the movie I choose is the Theory of Everything. Skalnate hory Rocky Mountains Partially from the beginning and then increasingly, the Theory of Everything 1 turns into 2 a poignant and fairly standard romantic story 3. The musical is/was performed in the Theater Na Orli in Brno and H.M. is director. K.M portrayed the role of Mrs. Lovett very interestingly and comically. It is a romantic love story combined with comic and dramatic elements. Kombinace Kombinovat Prezentace prezentovat Informace informovat Combination to combine Liberation to liberate Presentation to present Obligation to oblige Location to locate Mystification to mystify Information to inform Vyvar broth is good for hangovers Gone Girl: The movie warns about the power of the media and shows how people are impressionable. Wear wore worn Warn