Mr. Hundhausen’s NEW MAGIC J article system In English, you must put every singular thing into one of three categories: Category I: Uncountable NO ARTICLE emotions (love, hate, anger) foods and powders (garlic, sugar, flour, sand, dust, soil) liquids (wine, water, Kofola) gases (oxygen, air) activities based on a verb (swimming, running, thinking) academic subjects (geography, history, Physical Education) Category II: Unique THE The world, the sun, the moon, the queen, the President of the CR, the internet, the boss 1) Ordinal numbers: the 1^st, the 5^th, the 20^th 2) Superlatives: the funniest, the fastest, the most intelligent 3) The last, the next, the only, the right, the wrong 4) Defined immediately: the price OF petrol, the dog THAT bit my cat (using OF or a relative pronoun) Category III: One of many A/AN 1) expressions of quantity or containers: a pack of cigarettes, a tube of toothpaste, a majority of Slovaks (are cute), a series of problems, a lot of time, a bit of sugar, a flock of sheep, a herd of cows !!!!!! Careful! When you mention it the 2^nd time, it moves to Category II. Plurals: The first time you talk about a plural, use NO ARTICLE. The second time, use THE. If you define which things, use THE: The students of DAMU think that they are very important.