Spring 2015 Dramatic Actors What we did in class J Starat se o in English To take care OF someone or something Examples: Bara will take care of small friendly children. I will take care of 5 little cats. (Pronunciation of “OF”: aV Different from OFF) I will take care of small children at camp. I will take care of some really crazy house. House-sitting. Cat-sitting. Baby-sitting. Dog-sitting. (Grandma-sitting) I will take care of my sister. I will take care of my plants. I will take care of myself the best that I can with deodorant and regular showers. Placement of prepositions: The house in/at which she was born. J The house (which) she was born in/at. J Zapping Me too! = Ja taky ANO! Me neither! = Ja taky NE! I do NOT have a tv EITHER. False = falešný Falsehood = lež 20.3.15 Bacteria in cities Pronunciation of hoot/hook, boot/book, shoot/shook, goon/good The 27^th of March 2015 First World Problems L I can’t stay at home even though I’m still drunk. I have to go to my free post-secondary education paid for by the Czech government. F**k them. Tuition fees = školné I want to go the toilet but I can’t. I’m in bed. I have to write my essay but I can’t because my computer is too slow. The Bory Mall was (and still is) a nasty place. Finding out someone else ate the food you were looking forward to. To scroll up or down. Who am I? Where am I? And what year is it? How is it possible that it’s 8 o’clock already. Already = už Yet = ješte ne I’m not ready yet. Ještě nejsu ready. = už v otázkách Are you ready yet? Už jsi ready? I wanted to buy a new pair of fluffy socks for sleeping but my memory and laziness prevented me from doing it. Now I have to wear the same socks for sleeping as I wear to English. I don’t have soap so I have to stink at home, alone. 1) I don’t have either enough sleep or quality coffee. 2) I have neither enough sleep nor quality coffee. Not either = neither Pronunciation of “a” – enjoy the A for longer J Infect = infikovat In fact, ……. I played sex on the street for money. I played the sax on the street for money. I have a question about my celery. salary. Pronunciation of “to” T’ home (a place) T’ you (a person) T’ eat (a verb) Na náměstí I’m so sad, I have nobody t‘ talk TO. Flight attendants, prepare for lending. L Flight attendants, prepare for lAnding. J 15.5.15: Erasmus Where and Why I want to go to Ireland for Erasmus because Ireland has very nice countryside, beer, and whiskey. I think it would be very pretty to spend time. I also think that Irish people might be like me. Priroda do Ang: L Environment zivotni prostredi The country(side) venkov Mountains hory Scenery = beautiful view Landscape krajina “The outdoors” Nature biology (Domestic cats live 15 years, but in nature, wild cats live only 10.) I would really like to visit Georgia (the country), because when I saw thein performance at Encounter, I was absolutely amazed even if it lasted three hours. There wasn’t an empty seat, but the truth is that they worked on that for more than _a__ year, so the Erasmus program would not be enough. 22.5.15 Regarding J awesome universal word He told us a story REGARDING Marketa’s laundry. My opinion REGARDING gay marriage is that I don’t care. My opinion regarding gay men is that I want there to be as many as possible. J I don’t mind seeing girls kiss, but (WITH BOYS)/ REGARDING BOYS, it’s different. Autor and Text: Seldom málokdy / ne často Background pozadí/zákulisí/kontext Rather less so to platí méně To encourage povzbudit Statement tvrzení To show up ukazat /zveřejnit In terms of ve smyslu čeho To tend to mít tendenci k Cue narážka Stage etapa Starting point počáteční bod Merely (2 syllables) pouze Merrily (3 syll.) vesele Interplay souhra Comprised of… vytvořený z… To obtain obdržet To master ovládat To stick to s.th neustale se věnovat něčemu Prompt napověda Remind připominout Supply dat/zasobovat Disruptive rušivý Trouble UNCOUNTABLE! To avoid vyhnout se Unavoidable nevyhnutelný Script scenař Therefore proto Alert v pohotovosti Sufficient dostatečný Audible slyšitelný Stifle udusit To achieve dosahnout