Spring 2015 DM 3 II. Objects entrusted to employees and duties concerning them With his or her signature the employee confirms that 1) he or she has received the objects mentioned in article I, which he or she needs for the performance of his or her work, and that 2) they are in good condition, unless article I states otherwise. He or she also confirms that he or she has been informed of the proper way to use them and of the safety rules concerning them, and that he or she is aware that in case of loss or damage of the objects, he or she is responsible for the cost of replacement or repair unless he or she can prove that he or she did not cause said loss or damage. The employee further promises that he or she will take proper care of the objects entrusted to him or her, and that he or she will do everything possible to prevent their loss, theft, destruction or damage, and that he or she will use them only for fulfilling work-related duties and that he or she will not allow other persons to use the objects. Erasmus Paragraph: Míša: I’d like to go to the United Kingdom on Erasmus, specifically to Falmouth. I really like the country and the culture. It could also offer/provide me a great opportunity to improve my English. Their educational programme will allow me to gain experience, especially (considering the fact that they have a large department). in light of the fact that they have a different approach to theatre. Experience (uncount.) = zkusenost Experiences (count.) = zazitky Pája: Erasmus is a great opportunity to try living abroad for a longer time and to learn more about living on my own in a different country. I would like to go to Winchester in Great Britain because of the chance of improving my English. What is more/In addition, I would like to get to know the background of the English theatre, which could be really interesting. Winchester is located near London, so I will have the opportunity to visit interesting places nearby. There is a chance of snow tonight. I will have a chance TO DO SOMETHING Anna from Prague J : If I am accepted in the Masters’ program, I will go to the Czech Center in Paris, an organization which promotes Czech culture abroad. That’s an internship, not study. I hope I will gain new experience, good for my future job. In addition, I’ll meet interesting people. I will love to live in Paris, too. Study exchange Internship = work [DEL: Anna from Gottwaldov :DEL] [DEL: J :DEL] [DEL: : :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] Bára: I would like to do a 3-month internship at the Czech Center in Holland. I don’t want to go on a study exchange because I would like to try practice my skills in an international environment. And I would like to improve my English. On the other hand, Holland is a nice, modern, Western country with a stable economy and politics which foster culture. Karolína: Because I have already been on an Erasmus internship, I would choose another kind of internship. I would like to go to Brasil ON an internship with Aiesec. I would like to live and work in Sao Paolo because it is the business center of the country. I would like to speak Port. And I would like to visit Rio and see the architecture in the capital of the country designed by Oscar Niemeyer. The internship lasts 3 months. [DEL: Nikola from Brno :DEL] [DEL: L :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] Monča!!!! : I chose / have chosen two schools for my possible future Erasmus, and they were the Univ of Arts in Helsinki and ENSATT in Lyon. I have chosen the first one because it was the only that impressed me just by its website. I like the fact that since 2013, it is one big university of Arts which encompasses three separate universities. So there could be a nice cultural environment. The reason why I put it in first place was the fact that I need to improve my E maybe more than my Fr. On the other hand, I really like Fr and the Fr language, and Lyon impressed me a lot in the same way as the people from ENSATT did when they were here last year for the festival. 2.4.15 Imunna = I’m going to Imunna borrow a book from the library. In case L If J it has already been borrowed, I will commit suicide because I won’t manage to read it in time. Imunna write my master’s thesis. Imunna have a coffee with my friends. Immuna go shoplifting with my friends. Immuna go to Gottwaldov. Imunna kick my sister’s ass in bowling this weekend. Bowling alley. Imunna color eggs this weekend. Take tissues with you to the performance in case you start crying. Take an umbrella in case it rains. Preventivni opatreni + In case (kdyby nahodou neco spatneho) + present simple Is this the first time you have worked together? It IS the FIRST TIME + predpritomny Was that the first time you had worked together? It WAS the FIRST TIME + predminuly He [DEL: cares about :DEL] the texts. L I don’t care about football. He takes care OF those texts. Past Participle (used as an adjective) BEFORE the noun = permanent characteristic e.g. Used clothing Past Participle (used as an adjective) AFTER the noun = temporarily used e.g. The clothing used in the performance. 14.5.15 To malinger A malingerer Anna’s abstract: