DM 1 Spring 2015 So = tak So-so = nic moc Sow = sazet Sew = šít (sewed, sewn) Tailor = krejčí Katka! : I would like to go to France, the land of the short leaders, for Erasmus, so I started to study French last semestre. J Primarily, I want to gain some Zkušenost = to gain experience (UNCOUNTABLE!) Zážitky = to have experiences (countable) experience there and study the language. I hope I will (I hoped I would) find out how the French theatre works. Probably, I would go to Strasbourg but I would like to travel to other cities in France. Petra!!!! : I would like to go to France, the land of the short leaders, because I speak French. I would like to improve my French and get to know new places and people. My favorite town is Paris because there are a lot of possibilities to spend time. There is the possibility [DEL: to spend time with Bob. :DEL] I have the possibility of spending time with Bob J It will be possible to spend time with Bob. J Viking girl! : Most of all, I would like to travel to the Northern Countries, back to the home of my ancestors, like Sweden, Norway, Ireland, or Denmark, or perhaps even Iceland. But I am afraid it will be too expensive for me. Therefore I have to accept the challenge [DEL: to try :DEL] of trying another country. I heard that Slovenia, Belgium, or Article__________adjective________kind of state The Czech Republic The United States The United Kingdom The Nether lands the Netherlands are not supposed to be a bad idea. I will choose the country which is nearest to my heart and also to my brain, even though the criteria will be price, destination, language, culture, and university program. 1 criterion, 2 criteria Ivca! : The main reason why I would like to go to Spain for a work stint / an internship is to improve my Spanish. The other reason is that I love their style of life because they are lazy like me, and also the food and the short Spanish guys. They are so cute when they are short. And last but not least, because I fell in love with Barcelona. But I’m not sure if I will pass the admission exam because my Spanish is not on as high a level as the Erasmus committee can demand. That’s ok, they speak Catalan in Barcelona. Adamino! : For my Erasmus stay, I want to go to Spain. People there sleep after lunch, and young people don’t have jobs, so they can have fun all day long. I would be very happy to join them having a good time, and working only/just enough to keep my parents calm, making them think that I’m not such a loser and slacker. And I prefer brunettes and most of all, I love tapas. Martin: I would like to go to Sb or Vienna for Erasmus. The main reason is that I want to speak very good German in (the) future. Now it isn’t good. These cities are my favourites because I have been in Vienna a lot of times and Salzburg is a very pretty city. As Austria is situated near my town, isn’t a problem to go home for anything if I need it. Not a problem. I think more beautiful is Brno. L I would like to travel to some Northern country. Norway or Finland will be the best. The main reason is sales. I bought new winter clothes, including a very warm jacket, and in the Czech R winters aren’t very cold 1 2 3 1 2 3 In the CR very cold winters are rare. . And I like to build snowmen. I want to go to the Netherlands. I’ve never been there and I like the culture there. It means bicycles and parks everywhere and the river flows through the centre. I think it’s a peaceful place on a friendly student basis. I would even like making the journey to Benelux and to Bruges, where my favourite film was filmed. [DEL: was filmed my favourite film. :DEL] 25.3.15 Pronunciation of a Infect vs In fact, Lend vs land Bed vs bad Celery vs salary I played the sax(ophone) on the street for money. NSFW Sentences for film review What I really liked about Weddings in Benatky was Petra Hrebickova’s blond hair. What I really disliked about P in Studio Marta was the boring speech by Mr. Oslzly. What I liked the most about Chappie was the soundtrack and the two protagonists. What I really like about The Theory of E is the acting of Eddy R. What I really don’t like about the Municipal Theatre is the stupid humour. What I really like about Once is the soundtrack. What I really don’t like about the centre for Esperimental Theatre are the alternative performances. What I really like about the Great Beauty is the fact that the story is set in Rome. Ear E(a)r-li-er Film/Play Reviews: First Paragraph I saw the play “The GB Family” in the theatre at Vinohrady. Tomas S and Dagmar H played Mr. and Mrs. GB. The play is about Mr and Mrs GB and their big family. All the GBs are crazy and stressed. They are very well-off (=rich). The original Mrs. GB committed suicide. The new Mrs. GB was a nasty woman, but now is a golddigger and she wants to spend all GB’s money. The son of Mr. GB wants them to get divorced but his father is very stupid and blind and loves his wife very much. 1. nepocitatelny Son zadny clen 2. jeden z mnoha na svete a/an 3. unikatny the The film is inspired by the life of Stephen Hawking. The main characters are SH and his wife, played by ER and PJ. It is directed by JM. The story starts at the U in Cambridge where they meet each other and after a few days they deeply fall in love. S starts having big problems with his legs and the doctor realizes that he is seriously ill and tells him that he will be alive two more years. He is so depressed and his girlfriend wants to help him but he refuses/declines her help. 1.4.15 Russia 1. In his dramatic works, Marius von Mayenburg usually reflects on the problems of contemporary society, which he often presents as being cruel and sadistic. In The Cold Child, do you also find similar themes that the author often considers, such as sexual frustration, fear or rejection of fundamental human values? If so, do you consider these themes to be the key ones (within your version of the play)? 2. The Cold Child is a play by the contemporary German dramatist Mayenburg. Aren't you afraid that when it is staged outside of the German environment, the play may not be completely understood? Or do you consider the play in a more general context? 3. Have you ever worked on some of Mayenburg's other plays? Or plays by some other German dramatists? If so, what about their work do you find attractive? 4. The production designer, Sergei Kretenchuk, created special shoes for your actors that evoke the tradition of the ancient theatre. Is this association deliberate? If so, why? 5. According to your words, for the students (with whom you have worked on the play) the Cold Child was a demanding, but exciting task. In your opinion, which aspect of the drama represents those demands and that excitement? Names of punctuation marks! J . = full stop / period .com = dot com , = comma : = colon ; = semi-colon / = slash \ = back slash - = dash Self-made = hyphen Lithuania 6. Why did you choose Strindberg's “A Dream Play” in particular? 7. Why did you set Strindberg's drama in the school environment? 8. Is the figure of a sadistic teacher based on a real person, perhaps directly on some of your teachers? 9. “A Curse of Dreams” is your directorial debut. What was it like to work with actors or other team members? 10. What do dreams mean to you? The moral of the fable = ponaučení z bajky Srdecne Vas zveme na Setkani pedagogu v ramci festivalu S/E Velka skusebna Divadla na Orli Streda 15.4 od 15 do 1630 Na miste bude pro Vas pripraveno obcerstveni We have the pleasure of inviting you to a meeting of teachers as a part of the Int Th F S/E. We are pleased to invite you V ramci projectu = Within the framework of the project In the large rehearsal room at (of) the Theatre on Orli on Wednesday the 15^th of April from 15h to 16h30. Refreshments will be prepared for you at the theatre. I was at a/the gym. I was in Budapest vetting Sergio for Petra. To vet = lustrovat 8.4.15 Translation of synopsis for encounter: Salvador Dali and the Fly ? parts 15-16 15. Salvador dreams that he is being interrogated by mirror butterflies who ruthlessly demand a confession that his stories, syuzhets, and even his style are inspired by Dostoyevsky’s Idiot. Vyslychat = interrogate Vyžadovat = demand Nelitostně = ruthless|ly Přiznat = confess / admit Syžet = way of organizing a work Podvědomí = subconscious (Zalknutí = choking) They try to convict him OF copying Dostoyevsky. (They assert that all his work was born only thanks to D.) The butterflies prove that his fantasies are not his! Everything is plagiarized from Dostoyevsky. Dali does not accept this accusation. He looks for help from Gala. He wants her to confirm that everything that he has done is exclusively his own original work. However, Gala ignores him and leaves him at the mercy of the mirror butterflies. Plagiat nečeho = plagiarized from ….. Přijímat = to accept Obvinit = to accuse somebody of something Obvinění = accusation Obžalovat = to sue (somebody) for something Nechat na pospas = to leave someone at the mercy of She provokes him. She wants him to find his own way out. Dali remembers that Gala used to read the Idiot to him every evening, especially the scene where R murders NF. But it has nothing to do with the fantasies of his paintings! The butterflies continue with the interrogation. The author of the Idiot himself steps into the interrogation. Vzpomínat = to remember that… Mit neco společného s…. = to have something to do with……. Sam autor romanu = the author of the novel himself / in person 16. Dali admits that Gala has manipulated his thoughts, and forced them towards secrecy and the horrors of the subconscious. She forced him to inconsiderately accept Dost, who was her idol. She wanted Dali to do the same. He influence was so strong that there was no way to resist. (no way NOT to submit) Dali felt that he was losing his freedom, the freedom to choose. Manipulovat S něčím = to manipulate X something Upínat = cling Donutit = to force (something) to …… Hrůza = horror Podlehnout něčemu = submit (yourself) to something. Transitive verbs: I hit SOMETHING. Set raise Intransitive verbs: I sleep. Sit rise He behaved very badly towards Marketka. We journeyed towards Prague. Adrian’s very artistic contract (parts I & II): Contract for the production and use of artistic performance agreed (zavrena) according to law # Permanent address (trvale bydliste) Account number Henceforth (dale) referred to as the artist Producer (nabyvatel) With Headquarters (sidlo) in Na pankraci And a branch (pobocka) Represented by (zastoupena) DR, on the basis of (na zaklade) the power of attorney (plna moc) conferred (prenesena) on her by the producer. Henceforth referred to as the producer: Today agree to the following contract: Subject (predmet) of the contract: The subject of this contract is the artist’s permission (svoleni) to use the sound/audio recording of his/her artistic performance: Recording of the male (muzskeho) voice for the CD with the book #107/////////// - with the working title PS (henceforth referred to as AP) and the use of the AP to the extent (v rozsahu) of this contract. III Rights and obligations of the contracting parties Artist By this contract, the artist gives/grants permission to the user to make a sound and visual/video recording of his/her performance, to adjust/modify (upravovat) it freely, to share/publish and use it to this extent/ (under these terms): For a/the CD for a book and for advertisement (ing) exclusively relating to the product PS with the possibility of publishing the book in a printed and electronic version/form or for use as a self-standing /separate work. For the duration of the copyright – 15 years from the signing of the contract. For the entire world, but exclusively in combination with the Czech language.