INTERNAL REGULATION OF JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS IN BRNO Of 21 August 2017 Statutes of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno The Academic Senate approved upon the proposal of His Magnificence Rector prof. Ing. MgA. Ivo Medek, Ph.D. this internal regulation of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno: PREAMBLE Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (JAMU) is a society of scholars and students who recognize academic freedoms and rights as a prerequisite of their common path to knowledge on which they are guides to each other. The main mission of JAMU is to develop artistic talents of its students and to link education in arts, artistic creation and research and arts as diverse forms of learning and developing society. The objective of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno is to bring up artists who will define the direction of Czech, European and global music and drama on a large scale of applications—from work in professional theatres and musical institutions to free creative forms in all artistic disciplines and genres. In addition, Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno also offers other forms of education and the opportunity to acquire, extend, deepen or refresh knowledge in various areas of scholarship and culture. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno is the promoter of knowledge and ethical, aesthetic and general social values which it expands, develops and amplifies either by itself or in cooperation with partners in the Czech Republic as well as abroad and which it passes as a reliable and stable partner onto those who are willing to listen. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno is involved in and accepts the responsibility for the quality and free development for the traditional university-level arts education in the Czech Republic. PART ONE LEGAL PROVISIONS Article 1 Legal Regulations and Statutes (1) The Statutes and its essentials are defined in particular in Section 17(2) of Act no. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendment and Supplement to Some Other Acts (Act on Universities), as amended by later regulations. (2) The Statutes specify the basic information about Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (“JAMU”) and in relation to JAMU define the student admission process, the requirements for studies of foreigners, information about the academic community, details about the bodies, the organization structure, procedures, lifelong learning requirements, fees and payments and the JAMU information system. - 2 PART TWO BASIC INFORMATION Article 2 Legal Personality JAMU, as a public law corporation, is a legal person. Article 3 Name, its Translations (1) The abbreviated name of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno is JAMU. In legal acts the school always uses is unabridged name. (2) JAMU uses the following translations of its name in the following languages a) in English Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno, b) in French Académie de musique et d’arts dramatiques de Janáček de Brno, c) in German Janáček-Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst Brno, d) in Russian Академия музыкальных искусств имени Яначека в Брно, e) in Spanish Academia Janáček de Música y Artes Escénicas en Brno, f) in Latin Academiae atrium musicarum Janáčkianae Brunensis. Article 4 Registered Office JAMU has its registered office at Beethovenova 650/2, 662 15 Brno. Article 5 University Type JAMU is a public university of arts. Article 6 Establishment and Predecessor (1) JAMU was established by Act no. 168/1947 Coll., on the Establishment of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno. (2) JAMU does not have a legal predecessor. The actual predecessor of JAMU was the State Conservatoire of Music and Drama which built its activity on the Organ School of Leoš Janáček. - 3 Article 7 Main Activities of JAMU (1) The main focus of JAMU is educational and creative activities in Arts1 and related borderline and interdisciplinary areas. JAMU cultivates and develops its main activities primarily in connection with the creation of works of arts, artistic interpretation performances and theoretical reflection of these artistic activities in close connection with art sciences. JAMU views artistic creation as a full-fledged method of understanding the world equivalent to sciences and research. (2) Education takes place primarily in degree programmes or lifelong learning programmes; the degree programmes at JAMU are prepared and implemented at faculties. Creative activities are realized in all forms chosen to that end. Article 8 Support for Main Activities To support its main activities, JAMU in particular a) creates conditions for education and creative activities under and in connection with the degree programmes, b) builds libraries, study rooms and information networks, c) takes care for the social conditions to the extent of its capabilities, including in particular student accommodation and catering for its employees, d) carries out editorial and publishing activities, e) ensures the effective use of its assets, f) promotes scholarships, organizes national and international conferences, seminars, contests, festivals and workshops, g) creates conditions for international cooperation, participation in national university and professional institutions, for mobility of students, academic employees and other employees, h) develops relationships with other higher education and professional institutions, JAMU graduates and public authorities, i) carries out activities to fulfil the mission ensuing for JAMU from Section 1 of Act on Universities, the traditions of JAMU and academic practices, j) to the extent of fulfilling its main objectives, JAMU supports the activity of artistic, scientific, professional and student societies. Article 9 Supplementary Activity (1) Supplementary activity is an activity performed for consideration which is linked to the main activity or an activity which is to achieve a more effective use of human resources and assets. 1 Government Order no. 275/2016 Coll., on Fields of Education in Higher Education - 4 (2) The supplementary activity must not jeopardize the quality, scope and availability of the activities the implementation of which is the objective for which JAMU has been established. PART THREE ACADEMIC FREEDOMS AND ACADEMIC RIGHTS Article 10 The following academic freedoms and academic rights are guaranteed at JAMU: a) the freedom of science, research and artistic creation and publication of the results, b) the freedom of education, involving in particular its openness to various scientific opinions, scientific and research methods and artistic trends, c) the freedom to learn, including the freedom to choose the field of study within the degree programmes and the freedom to express one's opinion in classes, d) the right of academic community members to elect representative academic bodies, e) the right to use academic insignia and perform academic ceremonies. Article 11 It is inadmissible to set up and organize the activity of political parties or political movements at JAMU. Article 12 Within its accreditation JAMU has the right to award academic degrees, perform habilitation procedure and professor appointment procedure. Article 13 Academic Insignia and Academic Ceremonies (1) The academic insignia of JAMU and the rules for their use are laid down in Appendix no. 1 to this internal regulation. (2) The academic ceremonies of JAMU and the rules for their performance are laid down in Appendix no. 2 to this internal regulation. PART FOUR ADMISSION TO STUDIES TITLE I FRAMEWORK ADMISSION CONDITIONS Article 14 Talent and Personal Requirements - 5 Education at JAMU is available to all applicants who demonstrate talent in the relevant field and personal traits for its development. Article 15 Previous Education (1) The prerequisite for the admission to studies a) in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme is the achievement of secondary education with graduation exam, b) in a long-cycle Master’s degree programme is due completion of studies in any type of degree programme, c) in a doctoral degree programme is due completion of studies in a Master’s degree programme and the achievement of an academic degree for the admission to arts programmes. (2) Admitted to studies under clause (1) letter a) or b) in arts programmes may also be applicants with a higher vocational education at conservatoire or exceptionally also applicants without a secondary education with graduation exam or without a higher vocational education at conservatoire. Article 16 Additional Conditions for Admission (1) A faculty may lay down additional conditions for admission to studies a) regarding certain knowledge, abilities or talents, b) regarding the results achieved in a secondary school, higher vocational school or university, c) in a long-cycle Master’s degree programme, conditions regarding the relevance of degree programmes and the number of credits obtained during the studies in selected types of courses, d) regarding applicant’s physical fitness for studies, if required by the nature of the degree programme. (2) A faculty may specify the highest possible number of admitted applicants who have met the prescribed requirements; should there be more applicants that have met these requirements, their admission is based on the order of the best applicants. The decision on the number of the applicants admitted to studies by a faculty is made by the dean of the faculty upon prior approval by the rector. Article 17 Different Conditions for Admission A faculty may stipulate different conditions for the admission of applicants who have completed a degree programme or a part thereof or who study in some other degree - 6 programme at a higher education institution in the Czech Republic or abroad or who have completed an accredited educational programme or a part thereof at a higher vocational school or who study an accredited educational programme at a higher vocational school in the Czech Republic or abroad. Article 18 Approval of Admission Conditions The conditions for admission to studies in the degree programmes offered by a faculty are approved by the academic senate of the faculty. Article 19 Conditions Fulfilment Verification The fulfilment of additional or different conditions is verified as a rule by an entrance examination. TITLE II ADMISSION PROCEDURE Division 1 First-instance Procedure Article 20 Announcement of Information on Admission Procedure (1) A faculty shall announce sufficiently in advance, however not later than four months before the actual event, a) the number and the title of the degree programme, b) the deadline for the submission of entrance applications, c) the manner of submission of entrance applications, d) the required annexes to the applications, e) additional or different conditions for admission, f) the date and method for verifying the satisfaction of the conditions for admission, g) where the verification requires an entrance examination, also the form and the general content of the examination and the criteria for its evaluation, h) where the condition for admission to studies is the applicant's physical fitness for the studies, also the physical fitness requirements to study in the relevant degree programme, i) the highest number of applicants admitted to studies in the relevant degree programme, j) the amount, form of payment and payment terms of the fees for the acts relating to the admission procedure, k) reference to the provisions on the admission procedure in the JAMU Statutes. - 7 (2) The facts under clause (1) must be announced in the public section of the faculty website. In cases defined by law the deadline for the announcement may be shortened. Article 21 Opening of Admission Procedure The admission procedure begins with the delivery of the entrance applications to JAMU in the electronic form. Article 22 Participant in Admission Procedure Only the applicant whose application is considered is regarded as the participant in the procedure. Article 23 Application Essentials (1) In the application the applicant shall always state a) his or her first name(s) and surname, b) the birth certificate number, if any, c) the address of his or her permanent residence on the territory of the Czech Republic or the place of residence outside the Czech Republic, d) delivery address and electronic address, e) the degree programme in which the applicant wants to be enrolled. (2) A foreign student shall also state his or her date of birth, sex, place of residence in the Czech Republic and citizenship in the application. Article 24 Submission of Application (1) The application is submitted in the electronic form by completing and sending the relevant form, including the insertion of all required attachments, in the JAMU Information System. (2) A faculty may specify that the applicant is obligated to deliver to the faculty the application printed from the JAMU Information System and signed, together with the print of all required attachments. (3) An application shall not be considered a) if it is not possible to find out who the applicant is b) if it was not submitted in the electronic form. Article 25 - 8 Defects of Application Where an application has any defects, the dean shall call on the applicant to remove the defects and shall grant the applicant for this purpose an adequate time limit, however, not more than 10 days from the delivery of the call; in the call the applicant must be warned that unless the defects are removed within the stipulated time limit, the procedure will be terminated. Article 26 Invitation to Entrance Examination The faculty shall deliver to the applicant an invitation to the entrance examination within no later than 20 days before the date of the examination and 3 days in advance in the case of an alternate examination date. Article 27 Entrance Examination Committee (1) The dean shall appoint the examination committee for the entrance examination, in the case of a doctoral degree programme upon the proposal of the doctoral board. The examination committee shall have an odd number of members, one of them being the chair. The chair manages the activity of the examination committee and may delegate the managerial authority to another member. (2) For a decision of the committee to be adopted the approval of the majority of the committee members is required. If a member does not express his or her approval, it is assumed that such member disagrees with a proposal. During the written parts of the entrance examination the committee does not have to be present. (3) Immediately after the result of the vote is known, the chair shall announce to the present persons whether the decision was adopted. Article 28 Entrance Examination (1) As a rule the admission procedure involves an entrance examination, usually practical. (2) The entrance examination is written, oral, practical or combined. An entrance examination may have one or more parts, may take place on one or several days and in one or several rounds. (3) Before the start of the entrance examination or a part thereof, the identity of the applicants is verified. Article 29 Alternate Examination Date (1) If an applicant was not able to take the entrance examination at the standard date for serious and substantiated reasons, in particular for medical reasons, he or she may within 3 - 9 days from the standard examination date apply to the dean for an alternate entrance examination date. The applicant is not entitled to an alternate examination date. If the request is accepted, the dean shall determine an alternate date for the entrance examination; if the request is dismissed, the dean shall briefly state the reasons. The applicant shall be informed on the decision on the application. No appeal against the decision is admissible. (2) If any circumstances occur on the part of JAMU for which the entrance examination could not take place at the standard date, the dean shall determine an alternate date for the entrance examination. (3) The alternate entrance examination date must be scheduled within no later than 3 weeks from the last day on which the standard examination took or was supposed to take place. Article 30 Report The examination committee shall draw up a report on the progress, result and material circumstances of the entrance examination which the members of the examination committee shall sign. Article 31 First-instance Body The decision on the admission to studies in a degree programme in the first instance is made by the dean. Article 32 Time Limit for Decision (1) The decision must be made within 30 days from the verification of the conditions for admission to studies. (2) Before the decision on the merits is made, the faculty is not obligated to inform the applicant on the possibility to make a statement on the ground of the decision. Article 33 Decision (1) The decision is given in the written form with the stamp of JAMU and the signature of the person who made the decision. The decision contains the operative part, the grounds and instruction on the possibility of filing for appeal. (2) The operative part shall state whether the applicant is admitted, specify the legal provision based on which the decision was made and the first name, surname, date of birth and the permanent residence of the applicant. (3) The grounds shall contain the reasons for the verdict of the decision, the materials for such verdict, the reasoning during the assessment of the materials and the interpretation of the legal and internal regulations. No grounds for the decision are required if the dean fully upholds the applicant’s proposal. - 10 (4) The instruction shall state that the decision may be appealed within the time limit of 30 days from the day of its announcement, that the decision on the appeal is made by the rector and that the appeal is submitted to the rector through the dean. Article 34 Inspection of File The applicant has the right to inspect the file after the announcement of the decision. Instead of inspecting the file the faculty may provide the applicant with a copy of the file. Article 35 Termination of Admission Procedure (1) The admission procedure shall be terminated by resolution if a) the application was submitted after the deadline, b) the applicant has withdrawn the application, c) the applicant failed to remove the defects of the application within the granted deadline, d) the applicant failed to pay the fee for the acts connected with the admission procedure, e) the applicant failed to appear for the entrance examination or an application for an alternate examination date was dismissed, f) another admission procedure for the admission of the same applicant to the same studies has been commenced or decided, g) the applicant committed fraud during the admission procedure, h) the applicant has died. (2) The provisions on a decision shall apply mutatis mutandis to a resolution; the resolution under clause (1)h) shall only be recorded in the file. Article 36 Obstacles to Admission Procedure (1) The commencement of an admission procedure precludes the commencement of another admission procedure for the admission of the same applicant to the same studies. (2) Only a person who is not a student or a graduate of the same studies may be admitted to the studies. Article 37 New Decision If an applicant was not admitted to studies based on the order of the best applicants and subsequently it turns out that the applicant may be admitted, in particular if any of the admitted applicants looses the right to be enrolled, the dean may by no later than the beginning of the study period in the next academic year re-open such applicant's admission - 11 procedure and render a new decision which will cancel the original decision and uphold the application to studies which had been dismissed. Division 2 Appellate Procedure Article 38 Submission of Appeal (1) The applicant may file an appeal against the decision within 30 days from the announcement of the decision unless he or she has waived this right in writing after the announcement of the decision. The failure to file the appeal within the deadline may not be excused. (2) The appeal may contest the operative part of the decision. An appeal against the grounds for the decision only is inadmissible. (3) The appeal must state a) the first name, surname, date of birth and the permanent residence of the applicant, b) the matter to which it relates, c) the decision which is appealed, the scope to which the decision is contested and why the decision is deemed to be in conflict with legal or internal regulations or why the decision or the prior procedure is considered incorrect. If the appeal does not specify the scope to which the decision is contested, it is assumed that the appellant seeks the cancellation of the entire decision. Article 39 Appeal Submission Procedure (1) The dean may cancel or change the decision challenged by the appeal if the appeal is fully upheld by such procedure. This decision may be appealed. (2) If the dean does not find that the conditions for the procedure under clause 1 have been satisfied, the dean shall pass the file with his or her statement to the rector within 30 days from the day of the delivery of the appeal. Article 40 New Facts New facts or proposals for producing new evidence specified in the appeal or in the course of the appellate procedure shall be taken into account only if the applicant was not able to use such facts or evidence earlier. Where the applicant objects that he or she was not allowed to perform a certain act during the first-instance procedure, such act must be made together with the appeal. Article 41 Appellate Body - 12 The appellate body is the rector. Article 42 Scope of Review (1) The rector shall review the compliance of the contested decision and the procedure preceding the issue of the decision with legal and internal regulations and the conditions for the admission to studies laid down by the faculty. (2) Procedural errors which may not be reasonably believed to have influenced the compliance of the contested decision with legal and internal regulations and the conditions for the admission to studies laid down by the faculty or its correctness shall not be taken into account. Article 43 Decision on Appeal (1) The rector shall issue the decision on the appeal within the time limit of 30 days. The time limit starts to run on the day when the file is delivered to the rector for decision. (2) If the rector reaches the conclusion that the contested decision made by the dean is in conflict with legal or internal regulations, the conditions for the admission to studies laid down by the faculty or if it is incorrect, a) the rector shall cancel the contested decision or part thereof and 1. shall stay the procedure, or 2. refer the matter back to the dean for reconsideration; in the ground of this decision the rector shall specify the legal opinion by which the dean is bound during the reconsideration, or b) the rector shall change the contested decision or part thereof. (3) If the rector finds out that there exists a fact which gives reason for termination of the procedure, the rector shall automatically cancel the contested decision and terminate the procedure. Late or inadmissible appeal shall be dismissed by the rector. (4) If the rector does not find any reason to proceed pursuant to clause (2) or (3), he shall dismiss the appeal and uphold the contested decision. If the rector changes or cancels the contested decision partially, he shall uphold the remaining parts of the decision. (5) Applicable to a decision in an appellate procedure is Article 33(1) and (3). The operative part shall specify the manner in which the decision was reached and the instruction shall state that there is no appeal admissible against the decision in an appellate procedure. Division 3 Joint Provisions Article 44 Principles - 13 The basic principles of the activity of administrative bodies2 also apply to the admission procedure. Article 45 Delivery (1) In the admission procedure JAMU delivers written communications to applicants for studies using its own capacities or via a postal operator. (2) If a decision rendered in the admission procedure accepts the application of an applicant for admission to studies, the decision may be delivered to the applicant through the JAMU Information System, provided that the applicant consented in advance to this manner of delivery in the application; regarded as the day of the delivery and announcement of the decision in such case is the first day following the day when the decision is made accessible for the applicant in the JAMU Information System. Article 46 Progress Report Within 15 days from the end of the admission procedures of all applicants for studies the faculty shall publish a report on the progress of the admission procedure.3 If the admission procedure involves written entrance examination as well, the report shall state the basic statistical characteristics of all parts of the examination. PART FIVE STUDY CONDITIONS FOR FOREIGN CITIZENS Article 47 (1) The conditions for admission of foreign citizens to studies in a degree programme must enable the fulfilment of the obligations ensuing from international treaties which are binding on the Czech Republic. Unless a special reason requires otherwise, the same conditions for admission to studies shall apply to foreign citizens as are applicable to Czechs; however, foreign citizens may only be admitted to studies in a degree programme implemented in the Czech language only if they demonstrate a sufficient knowledge of the Czech language for the studies. (2) Foreign citizens may participate in the studies at JAMU also on the basis of a) an international treaty, b) international mobility programmes, c) cooperation agreements between JAMU and some other higher education institution, d) an agreement on participation in a part of a degree programme at JAMU. 2 Sections 2 to 8 of Administrative Procedure Code 3 Decree no. 343/2002 Coll., on the Procedure and Conditions of Announcements during Admission Procedure and Universities, as amended by Decree no. 276/2004 Coll. - 14 PART SIX ACADEMIC COMMUNITY TITLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 48 Academic Community The JAMU academic community consists of JAMU academic employees and students. Article 49 Status of Academic Community Members (1) A member of the academic community has the right to a) elect and be elected in the Academic Senate under the conditions laid down by the electoral code of the Academic Senate, b) participate at the meetings of the Academic Senate and the meetings of other JAMU bodies, if they are public, c) have access to the minutes of meetings of JAMU bodies, d) address academic self-government bodies of JAMU, e) participate in meetings of academic community members, f) the adoption of necessary and available measures to ensure equal opportunities. (2) A member of the academic community is obligated to a) respect freedom, equality and human dignity, b) act honestly and fairly towards himself or herself, JAMU as well as other persons, c) fulfil the obligations ensuing from the legal order and the JAMU Code of Ethics, d) maintain collegial relationships with other members of the academic community, e) respect JAMU internal code, including in particular compliance with internal regulations of JAMU and its units and other standards of JAMU, f) refrain from abusing the voting right to the detriment of JAMU as a whole, g) protect good reputation of JAMU. TITLE II STUDENTS Article 50 Enrolment in Studies A person becomes a student on the day of his or her enrolment in studies. The enrolment procedure takes place at the faculty. The right to be enrolled for studies arises - 15 a) to an applicant upon the delivery of the decision on the admission to studies, b) to other person on the day of the entry into effect of the decision on the invalidity of the state examination prescribed for the completion of studies in a degree programme or a part of such examination or doctoral thesis defence, if so decided by the rector in the given decision. Article 51 Deadline for Enrolment in Studies (1) Persons must enrol in studies within the deadline specified by the faculty. If they fail to do so, their right for enrolment in studies ceases to exist. (2) If a person fails to enrol in studies within the specified deadline, he or she may within 7 days after the expiry of the deadline request remission of the failure to enrol with specification and substantiation of the reason. A person is not entitled to the remission of the failure to enrol. If the dean accepts the request, he shall grant the person an extraordinary time limit for the enrolment in studies; if the request is dismissed, the dean shall briefly state the reasons. The person shall be notified on the clearance of the request. No appeal is admissible against the notification. Article 52 Student Rights (1) A student has the right to a) study in one or several degree programmes, b) choose courses and create a study plan according to the rules of the degree programme, c) choose the teacher of a certain course taught by several teachers, d) take examinations under the conditions specified by the degree programme or the Study and Examination Regulations, e) enrol in the next part of the degree programme after fulfilling the duties defined by the degree programme or the Study and Examination Rules. f) propose topics for his or her Bachelor’s, Master’s or doctoral thesis, g) use the devices and information technologies necessary for the studies in the degree programme in compliance with the rules determined by JAMU, h) elect and be elected in the academic senate, i) a scholarship from JAMU funds if the student meets the conditions set out in the Scholarships and Bursary Regulations, j) interruption of studies if allowed by law or the Study and Examination Regulations, k) right to suitable measures for studies during parental leave under the conditions set out in the Study and Examination Regulations, l) a decision on his or her rights and obligations which is fair and without undue delay, m) certificates of studies. Article 53 Student Obligations - 16 (1) The study obligations of a student follow from the degree programme and the Study and Examination Regulations. A student is obligated to respect the internal regulations of JAMU and its units. (2) A student is further obligated to a) pay the fees connected with the studies and disclose facts relevant for their amount, b) report via the Information System of JAMU or the JAMU unit in which the student is enrolled the address for deliveries or the address of his or her data box and changes in the first name, surname and place of permanent residence, c) report to JAMU the loss of physical fitness for studies if such fitness was a condition for admission to the studies, d) appear upon an invitation of the rector, the dean or a JAMU employee authorized by them to discuss issues regarding the progress or termination of studies. (3) Intentional or negligent non-fulfilment of an obligation specified in clause (2) gives rise to student’s obligation to compensate JAMU for the expenses caused by such act. Article 54 Certificates of Studies The certificates of studies the sample of which was prescribed by the rector are unified for the entire JAMU. Article 55 Study file (1) A separate study file is kept for each studies of a student, which file always includes a) certificates on the admission procedure, b) certificate on the enrolment in studies or part thereof, c) certificates on the decisions on the rights and obligations of a student, d) other certificates on the progress of studies, e) certificates on the completion of studies. (2) A study file may be kept entirely or partially in the electronic form. TITLE III ACADEMIC EMPLOYEES Article 56 Academic Employees JAMU academic employees include professors, associate professors, adjunct professors, assistant professors, instructors, lecturers and scientific, research and development workers - 17 involved as employees in labour-law relationships with JAMU and conducting pedagogical and creative activities according to the agreed type of work. Article 57 Pedagogical Activities Pedagogical activities of academic employees include in particular a) direct participation at the implementation of degree programmes in the forms defined by the Study and Examination Regulations and faculty deans, b) acting as supervisors and reviewers of Bachelor’s and Master’s theses, c) acting as supervisors or reviewers in doctoral degree programmes, d) participation in the development of degree programmes and membership in the doctoral boards of doctoral degree programmes, e) preparation of newly introduced courses or modernization of existing courses, f) preparation of study materials and documents. Article 58 Creative Activities Creative activities of academic employees include in particular a) acting as investigators and co-investigators of projects, b) participation in project investigation teams based on the results of public tenders, c) participation in the design and implementation of significant artistic or scientific works, d) acting as reviewers in habilitation procedures and professor appointment procedures, e) artistic and reviewed publishing activities. Article 59 Selection Procedure Academic employee positions are filled strictly on the basis of selection procedures according to the Selection Procedure Regulations for Filling Academic Employee Positions, except for cases where it is possible to refrain from the selection procedure. Article 60 Habilitation and Professor Appointment The details of the habilitation procedure and the professor appointment procedure are specified in the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure Regulations. Article 61 Visiting Professors (1) A visiting professor is an academic employee - 18 a) whose admission as a visiting professor is approved by the relevant artistic board, b) whose scope of activity corresponds to that of an associate professor or a professor, c) with an employment contract for a definite period of time from the minimum of 4 months to the maximum of 2 years, and d) who is a professor or an associated professor or has a comparable position abroad or is a recognized artist or specialist. (2) The employment of a visiting professor at JAMU may last in total for the maximum of 6 years. Article 62 Professors Emeritus (1) Professor emeritus is an honorary degree. JAMU professors emeritus are appointed by the rector after discussing the JAMU Artistic Board. Only a person who worked at JAMU as an academic employee on the position of a professor for the minimum period of 10 years may be appointed professor emeritus. (2) JAMU may present JAMU affairs to the professor emeritus with his or her consent for comments, objectives and statements. For such activity JAMU shall create adequate conditions for the professor emeritus and enable him or her to use JAMU facilities based on agreement. (3) Appointment as professor emeritus does not give rise to the membership in the academic community; however, professor emeritus has the right to participate in the meetings of academic community members. Article 63 Remuneration for Work The remuneration for work is regulated by the Internal Wage Regulation. Article 64 Creative Leave (1) An academic employee is entitled to be granted upon his or her request a sixmonth creative leave once in seven years unless precluded by serious circumstances regarding the fulfilment of the educational objectives of JAMU. The creative leave is intended to be used for work on extraordinary tasks therefore the academic employee is entitled to salary over the period of the creative leave. (2) The application for the creative leave is filed with the dean of the faculty where the academic employee works or with the rector in other cases. Reasons must be given if the application is dismissed. PART SEVEN BODIES - 19 TITLE I SELF-GOVERNMENT ACADEMIC BODIES Division 1 JAMU Academic Senate Article 65 (1) The number of the members of the JAMU Academic Senate, the incompatibility of the membership in the JAMU Academic Senate with the performance of other offices, the election of the members of the JAMU Academic Senate, the creation of membership in the JAMU Academic Senate, the term of office of the JAMU Academic Senate members and the reasons for and the day of loss of the membership in the JAMU Academic Senate are specified in the JAMU Academic Senate Electorate Code. (2) The scope of the competence of the JAMU Academic Senate is summarized and the election of the chair, vice-chairs and the secretary of the JAMU Academic Senate and the manner of acting of the JAMU Academic Senate are provided for by the JAMU Academic Senate Rules of Procedure. (3) Upon the proposal of the JAMU Academic Senate the rector may give the members of the senate remuneration for the performance of the office of a member of the JAMU Academic Senate; the remuneration offered by the JAMU Academic Senate to the individual members must correspond to the scope and quality of the performance of the office. Article 66 Date of Sending The day of the transmission of the proposals for which after their approval by the JAMU Academic Senate the approval by the Management Board is required under Section 15(2)b) and c) of the Act on Universities is the 7th day following the day then the rector sends the proposal to via the JAMU Information System.4 Division 2 Rector Article 67 (1) JAMU is headed by the rector who acts and decides on the affairs of JAMU unless stipulated otherwise by law. Where a special regulation assumes the capacity of a statutory body, it is the rector who acts in such capacity. (2) The rector’s term of office is four years. The office of the rector may be performed at JAMU by the same person for two consecutive terms of office at the maximum. Article 68 Vice-rectors 4 Section 14(5) of Act on Universities - 20 Rector is represented by vice-rectors in the activity segments designated by the rector; the rector shall appoint a vice-rector who shall represent the rector in full. Vice-rectors are appointed and dismissed by the rector after the JAMU Academic Senate has given its statements on the intention to do so. Division 3 JAMU Artistic Board Section 1 Competence and Acting Article 69 The competence of the JAMU Artistic Board is summarized and the manner of acting is regulated by the JAMU Artistic Board Rules of Procedure. Section 2 Membership in JAMU Artistic Board Article 70 Number of Members and Composition of Artistic Board (1) The JAMU Artistic Board has 21 members; at least one third of the members of the JAMU Artistic Board are persons other than members of JAMU academic community. (2) The JAMU Artistic Board is headed by the rector. Upon prior approval by the JAMU Academic Senate the rector appoints and dismisses the other members of the JAMU Artistic Board from among the important representatives of the disciplines in which JAMU carries out its educational and creative activities. Article 71 Acquisition of Membership Other members in the JAMU Artistic Board acquire membership on the day of appointment unless a different date is specified in the appointment. Article 72 Termination of Membership Membership in the JAMU Artistic Board becomes terminated on the day of a) resignation, b) death, c) dismissal, d) the acquisition of membership in the JAMU Artistic Board by a person from the JAMU academic community if such membership results in a situation when the number of JAMU Artistic Board members from among persons other than members of the JAMU academic community is below the required minimum. Division 4 Internal Evaluation Board - 21 Article 73 (1) Established is the Internal Evaluation Board. The Internal Evaluation Board has competences defined by Act on Universities and a) evaluates the objective of an application for institutional accreditation, b) gives statement on the proposals of the evaluation committee members, c) performs continual and summary evaluation of the quality of a degree programme, d) considers an approved degree programme proposal, e) defines measures to remove the deficiencies in the quality of a degree programme or, if necessary, corrective measures, f) gives statement on other matters submitted by the rector. (2) The competence of the Internal Evaluation Board is summarized, the membership in the board and the manner of acting are regulated by the Internal Evaluation Board Rules of Procedure. Division 5 JAMU Disciplinary Committee Article 74 (1) The JAMU Disciplinary Committee deals with the disciplinary offences of JAMU students who are not enrolled with any of JAMU faculties (“non-faculty student”) and submits proposal for decision to the rector. (2) The disciplinary rules for students define the liability of non-faculty students for a disciplinary offence, the position, composition and manner of acting of the JAMU Disciplinary Committee and the disciplinary procedure in matters of non-faculty students. Article 75 Non-establishment The JAMU Disciplinary Committee is not established. TITLE II OTHER BODIES Division 1 Management Board Article 76 The mission and the competence of the Management Board are summarized in the Management Board Statutes which also specify the details of the membership in the Management Board and regulate the election of the chair and vice-chairs and the manner of acting of the Management Board. - 22 Division 2 Bursar Article 77 (1) The bursar is responsible for the management and internal administration of JAMU and represents JAMU to the extent delimited by rector’s measure. (2) The bursar further a) prepares and submits to the rector a draft budget and mid-term outlook, b) prepares and submits to the rector materials relating to financial management for the meetings of the Management Board, c) monitors the use of the budget funds and notifies the rector if there is a risk of budget overrun and proposes necessary measures, d) methodically manages the finances and internal administration of JAMU and its units by directives and is responsible for their correctness. (3) The bursar is appointed and dismissed by the rector. TITLE III COMMON PROVISIONS ON BODIES Article 78 Common Objective (1) The bodies of JAMU and its units aim to fulfil the preamble of this internal regulation, protect the academic freedoms and academic rights and protect the status of the members of the academic community. (2) When performing their office the members of JAMU bodies a) within the limits of the legal regulations and internal regulations of JAMU are bound by their conscience only, b) are obligated to promote the interests of JAMU as a whole, not interests of their own or partial interests of certain JAMU units. Article 79 Rectification of Errors Should it turn out that a body of JAMU or any of its units acted in conflict with legal regulations or the internal regulations of JAMU, JAMU bodies have the obligation to rectify the situation. Article 80 Incompatibility of Offices The following offices are mutually incompatible: rector, vice-rector, bursar, dean, vicedean, faculty secretary and director of a unit. - 23 PART EIGHT ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE TITLE I DIVISION OF JAMU Article 81 Units (1) JAMU is divided into units. Units do not have legal personality. (2) The basic units of JAMU are faculties which include a) the Faculty of Theatre, b) the Faculty of Music. (3) other units of JAMU are a) other workplaces for educational and creative activity or for the provision of information services or transfer of the technologies, which include 1. Orlí Street Theatre, 2. publishing house, 3. library. b) Facilities for cultural activities and sports, accommodation and catering services in particular for the members of the academic community or for the operation of JAMU, which include 1. Astorka centre, 2. Rector’s Office. Article 82 Establishment of Joint Workplaces of Units For the purposes of the decision-making on the establishment of joint workplaces of JAMU units the persons heading the facilities concerned shall be regarded as the managers of JAMU. TITLE II FACULTIES Article 83 Faculty Activities (1) A faculty implements at least one accredited degree programme and carries out creative activity. A faculty may perform supplementary activity. (2) The dean is responsible to the rector for due activity of the faculty. Article 84 Rights of Faculties - 24 (1) Faculty bodies have the right, unless otherwise stipulated by law, to decide or act for JAMU in the following matters concerning the faculty a) appointment of self-governing academic bodies of the faculty, b) internal organization of the faculty, c) habilitation procedure and professor appointment procedure, d) management of the finances allocated to the faculty, e) labour-law relationships. (2) Faculty bodies also have the right, unless otherwise stipulated by law, to fully decide or act for JAMU in the following matters concerning the faculty a) preparation and implementation of degree programmes, b) strategic focus of creative activity, c) foreign relations and activities, d) supplementary activity and management of the finances obtained through this activity. (3) Faculty bodies decide on the following additional matters of JAMU a) on the conditions for admission to studies in a degree programme implemented by the faculty; the number of the applicants admitted to studies after prior approval by the rector, b) on the procedure for admission to studies in a degree programme implemented by the faculty, in the first instance, c) on the rights and obligations of the students enrolled at the faculty in the first instance, except for 1. charging fees for prolonged studies, 2. awarding scholarship by the rector in a procedure initiated of the rector’s own motion. d) on the cooperation with other higher education institutions and persons, e) on other matters of JAMU where they have been given the decision-making authority on such matters by this internal regulation. (4) Material changes in the matters mentioned in clause (2) letters a) to c) are subject to prior discussion with the rector. (5) In matters not specified in clauses (1) to (3) faculties are subordinated to the rector. Article 85 Faculty Academic Insignia and Academic Ceremonies A faculty has the right to use its own academic insignia and perform academic ceremonies; the rules for the use of academic insignia and for the performance of academic ceremonies are laid down in faculty statutes. Article 86 Discussion of Labour-law Relationships - 25 Labour-law relationships shall be discussed in advance by a faculty body with the rector. The rector and the faculty body may agree on the limitation of the scope of the matters to be discussed in this manner. Article 87 Faculty of Theatre (1) The core of the educational and creative activities of the Faculty of Theatre is dramatic arts, particularly in the following areas5 a) theatre arts, b) radio, television and multi-medial production, c) organization and management of artistic performances, and d) pedagogy and didactics of arts. (2) The Faculty of Arts uses the JAMU building located at Mozartova 647/1, Brno and is responsible for its usual operation. Article 88 Faculty of Music (1) The core of the educational and creative activities of the Faculty of Music is musical arts, particularly in the following areas5) a) musical arts, b) multi-medial production, c) organization and management of artistic performances, and d) pedagogy and didactics of arts. (2) The Faculty of Music uses the JAMU building located at Komenského náměstí 609/6, Brno and is responsible for its usual operation. TITLE III OTHER UNITS Article 89 Joint Provision Other units are headed by directors who are appointed by and who are subordinated to the rector. The director decides and acts for JAMU within the scope delimited by the organizational regulations of the relevant unit. Article 90 Orlí Street Theatre 5 Government Order no. 275/2016 Coll., on Fields of Study in Higher Education - 26 (1) Orlí Street Theatre is a musical and dramatic laboratory of JAMU with state-ofthe-art stage and recording technologies. It gives JAMU students the opportunity to practice and prepare for their professional careers in an environment meeting the current global trends. (2) Orlí Street Theatre uses the JAMU building located at Orlí 522/19, Brno and is responsible for its usual operation. Article 91 Publishing House (1) The publishing house provides for the publication activities of JAMU. (2) The publishing house uses spaces in the Astorka centre. Article 92 Library (1) The library provides library and information services. (2) The library uses spaces in the Astorka centre. Article 93 Astorka (1) Astorka is an information, educational, and accommodation facility of JAMU. (2) Astorka uses the JAMU building located at Novobranská 691/3, Brno and is responsible for its operation. Article 94 Rector’s Office (1) The Rector’s Office is responsible for a) the operation of JAMU, in particular by performing the decision-making, organization, coordination, consultation, recording and controlling activities in the areas of accreditation, studies, creative activities, external relations, foreign relations, finance, human resources, law, administration, information technologies and investments. b) the material and administrative aspects of the activities of JAMU bodies and vice- rectors. (2) The Rector’s Office is headed by the rector. The Rector’s Office uses spaces in the JAMU registered office and is responsible for its operation. PART NINE JAMU MANAGEMENT TITLE I DECISION-MAKING AND ACTING FOR JAMU Article 95 - 27 Deciding and Acting for JAMU (1) The bodies which decide and act for JAMU are a) a faculty body in matters delegated to the faculty by law or a JAMU internal regulation, b) the rector in other matters, unless stipulated otherwise by law or a JAMU internal regulation. (2) Other persons may only decide and act for JAMU to the extent delimited by law or a JAMU internal regulation. (3) Where the consent of the Management Board is required by the Act on Universities6 for a legal act on behalf of JAMU, it is always the rector who decides for JAMU based on a statement given by the JAMU Academic Senate. Article 96 Announcement of Decision (1) If necessary, the person who made a decision shall announce it to those who are affected by it. (2) The announcement may be made individually or by way of publishing the decision in the form of a measure or a communication in the JAMU Journal. A measure defines the procedure in a certain matter, a communication communicates some other information. Article 97 Financial Management Rules The financial management rules are set out in Appendix no. 3 to this internal regulation. Article 98 Signing for JAMU The person who signs for JAMU shall attach his or her signature, office or job position and, if required, the stamp of JAMU next to the name of JAMU. Article 99 Use of the Coat of Arms (1) The coat of arms of the Czech Republic is attached to the university diploma and the diploma supplement. (2) The small coat of arms of the Czech Republic7 may only be used on decisions and other deeds certifying important facts issued during the exercise of state power which was consigned to JAMU by law or on the basis of law.8 6 Section 15(1) of Act on Universities. 7 Section 2 of Act 3/1993 Coll., on the National Symbols of the Czech Republic, as amended by later regulations. 8 Act no. 352/2001 Coll., as amended by later regulations. - 28 (3) The stamp that bears the small coat of arms, has round shape, with the diameter of 20 mm, 25 mm or 36 mm; the small coat of arms appears in a circle with the name of JAMU and possibly also the name of the unit and the registered office written on its circumference (hereinafter the “official stamp”). If JAMU uses several official stamps, these stamps must also contain serial numbers. The official stamp is a single-colour stamp.9 TITLE II ADVISORY COUNCILS AND WORKING GROUPS Division 1 Advisory Councils Article 100 (1) Advisory councils are established for regular and long-term work. (2) An advisory council is chaired by the founder of the council or a person appointed by the latter. Article 101 Establishment of Advisory Councils (1) Permanent advisory councils include a) JAMU management b) rector’s council c) JAMU editorial council. (2) Other advisory councils with university-wide competence may be established by the rector, a vice-rector or the bursar. Article 102 JAMU Management The management of JAMU consists of the rector, who chairs the management, and vicerectors, the bursar and other persons designated by the rector. Article 103 Rector’s Council The rector’s council consists of the rector, who chairs it, and vice-rectors, the bursar, deans and other persons designated by the rector. Article 104 JAMU Editorial Council 9 Section 6 of Act no. 352/2001 Coll., as amended by later regulations. - 29 (1) The JAMU editorial council is composed of deans, the Publishing House director and other persons designated by the rector. (2) The JAMU editorial council coordinates the editorial activities of JAMU. Division 2 Working Groups Article 104 (1) Working groups are set up for conceptual and important tasks where it can be assumed that the solution will not require the setting up of an advisory council. (2) A working group is chaired by its founder or a person appointed by the latter. Article 106 Setting up of Working Groups Working groups may be set up by the rector and a vice-rector, the bursar and the managers of JAMU within the scope of their competences. Division 3 Joint Provision Article 107 The activity in advisory councils and working groups constitutes part of the work obligations of the JAMU employees who are the members of these councils and groups. TITLE III NORMATIVE ACTS Division 1 Internal Regulations Article 108 Internal Regulations of JAMU (1) Under the Act of Universities JAMU is obligated to have the following internal regulations in place a) JAMU Statutes, b) JAMU Academic Senate Electoral Code, c) JAMU Academic Senate Rules of Procedure, d) Internal Wage Regulation, e) JAMU Artistic Board Rules of Procedure, f) Selection Procedure Regulations for Filling Academic Employee Positions, g) Study and Examination Regulations, h) Scholarships and Bursary Regulations, - 30 i) Disciplinary Rules for Students, j) Rules for assurance of the quality of educational, creative and related activities and internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities of a public higher education institution. (2) Other internal regulations of JAMU include a) Internal Evaluation Board Rules of Procedure, b) Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure Regulations. Article 109 Internal Regulations of Faculties (1) Under the Act of Universities a faculty is obligated to have the following internal regulations in place a) Faculty Statutes, b) Faculty Academic Senate Electoral Code, c) Faculty Academic Senate Rules of Procedure, d) Faculty Artistic Board Rules of Procedure, e) Disciplinary Rules for Students, (2) Other internal regulations of a faculty are those which are specified in the Faculty Statutes. Article 110 Approval of Internal Regulations Internal regulations are approved by the JAMU Academic Senate. Division 2 Internal Standards Article 111 (1) Internal standards of JAMU include a) directives applicable to the entire university, b) decrees applicable to units, (2) Directives are issued within the scope of JAMU internal regulations by the rector, a vice-rector and the bursar. Decrees are issued within the scope of internal regulations and internal directives by the head of a unit. (3) A decree of a unit always is the Organizational Rules of the unit issued by the head of the unit after approval by the rector. Division 3 JAMU Journal Article 112 - 31 (1) The JAMU Journal is a platform for the publishing of the binding texts of those acts the publication of which is required by an internal regulation of JAMU or its unit. (2) The JAMU Journal is kept in the electronic and documentary form; both forms have the same effects. (3) The JAMU Journal is issued by the JAMU Rector’s Office. Article 113 Published Acts (1) The following acts are published in the JAMU Journal a) internal regulations of JAMU, b) JAMU directives, c) internal regulations of JAMU units, d) decrees of JAMU units. (2) The following additional acts are also published in the JAMU Journal a) the announcement and the results of the election in the JAMU Academic Senate, b) decisions in the form of a communication or a measure (Article 96), 1. on the schedule of the academic year, 2. on the schedule of the academic year of a faculty, 3. other decisions if the JAMU body that has made the decision decides on its publication, c) other acts the publication of which is required by an internal regulation of JAMU or its unit. Article 114 Citation In citations of published acts the abbreviation “LJ” is used. Article 115 JAMU Journal Administration (1) The JAMU Journal is published in files. Each file contains one published act. (2) The Rector’s Office keeps a print of a file in documentary form. Article 116 Reference to File and Act (1) The header of a file contains a) words “JAMU Journal”, b) JAMU logo, c) the serial number of the published act, - 32 d) the date when the file is published in the public section of the JAMU website. (2) Acts are numbered from the start of a calendar year with Arabic numerals in a continuous series which ends with the end of each calendar year. Article 117 Manner of Publication of an Act (1) Acts are published in the Czech language. (2) If the published act is an amendment, text of the act after the amendment shall be published in an annex to the file. (3) The signature of the person who signed the act shall be substituted in a file with the abbreviation “v.r.” (in his/her on hand) coming after the name of such person. Article 118 Validity and Effectiveness of an Act (1) An internal regulation of JAMU becomes valid upon registration; other acts become valid upon publication. (2) Unless a later effectiveness date is specified, a published act becomes effective at the beginning of the fifteenth day following the day of its publication. If required by an urgent interest, an earlier effectiveness date of an act may be stipulated which, however, may fall on the beginning of the day following the day of its publication, at the earliest. (3) Where the effectiveness date falls on a day that comes before the day of the validity of a published act, such act becomes effective on the beginning of the fifteenth day following the validity date. (4) Where one act was published first and the other acts has become effective first, the rule is that the act which was published later is regarded as more recent and therefore, depending on the will expressed in such act, it is necessary to decide whether the changes introduced by this act are only intended until such time as the first act becomes effective or whether they are supposed to survive. Article 119 Publication of an Act (1) The publication of an act in the JAMU Journal means giving access to the file containing the act in the public section of the JAMU website. (2) If there is an obstacle preventing the publication of an act pursuant to clause (1) and if the act has to be published without delay, files are issued in documentary form. The Rector's Office shall send the file to JAMU units and shall make it accessible to the public in a suitable manner. (3) The Rector’s Office shall ensure without delay after the obstacle preventing the publication of the act pursuant to clause (1) has disappeared the publication of the files issued in documentary form in the public section of the JAMU website; this shall not be regarded as official publication of the act. Article 120 Legislative and Technical Processing - 33 (1) The Rector’s Office shall ensure the legislative and technical processing of the text of the act which does not make any material changes in the content of the act. (2) The text of an act processed under clause (1) shall be presented for review to the person who submitted the act for publication. Article 121 Correction of Errors (1) If the publisher finds an error in the publication of an act, such person shall without delay after such finding publish a correction by a communication on the correction of an error. (2) The communication on the correction of an error shall be presented for review to the person who submitted the act for publication. Article 122 Inspection of JAMU Journal The members of the JAMU academic community and JAMU employees have the right to inspect the JAMU Journal in its documentary form at the Rector’s Office for the duration of an obstacle precluding the publication of acts in the public section of the JAMU website. PART TEN CONDITIONS FOR LIFELONG LEARNING Article 123 Lifelong Learning Programmes (1) Within the scope of its educational activities JAMU may provide for free or for a fee lifelong learning programmes focused on professional or special-interest education. Lifelong learning programmes give opportunity to obtain, extend, deepen or renew the knowledge in various areas of scholarship and culture. (2) The approval of a lifelong learning programme is defined by the Rules for assurance of the quality of educational, creative and related activities and internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities. Article 124 Form A lifelong learning programme is implemented in the form of full-time or distance studies or a combination thereof. Article 125 Promoter (1) The promoter of a lifelong learning programme is JAMU or its faculty or in cooperation with some other unit of JAMU or person. The promoter - 34 a) appoints the guarantor of the lifelong learning programme, b) defines the description and the conditions of the programme, including also the maximum number of participants and the amount of the fee, the manner of and the time allowed for its payment, c) may reduce or waive the payment in justified cases, d) is responsible for due course of the programme in all its aspects. (2) The promoter keeps record of the description and the conditions of a lifelong learning programme and the material facts and documents relating to the implementation of the lifelong learning programme; the records are kept in the JAMU Information System. Article 126 Applicant and Participant (1) Persons interested in participating in a lifelong learning programme must be made familiar with this part of the JAMU Statutes. (2) Participant in a lifelong learning programme is a person who has expressed interest in the programme and who has fulfilled the conditions laid down for the participation in a given lifelong learning programme. Article 127 Rights and Obligations of Participant (1) Under the stipulated conditions a participant in a lifelong learning programme has the right to a) use the services of the Library, b) use other information services and equipment of JAMU. (2) A participant in a lifelong learning programme has the obligation to a) respect the conditions laid down by the given lifelong learning programme, b) pay duly and in time the prescribed fee for the participation in the given lifelong learning programme; the fee once paid is non-refundable, c) refrain from breaching the obligations laid down by legal or internal regulations. (3) Education in a lifelong learning programme is based on a contract and does not give its participants the status of a student under Act on Universities. Article 128 Termination of Participation A participant may be expelled from a lifelong learning programme if he or she violates regardless of the fault some of the obligations of a participant in a lifelong learning programme. - 35 Article 129 Graduate (1) A participant who has successfully completed the prescribed minimum scope of a lifelong learning programme is a graduate of the lifelong learning programme. (2) JAMU shall issue certificates to the graduates on the completion of the studies in a lifelong learning programme. PART ELEVEN STUDY-RELATED FEES AND PAYMENTS TITLE I STUDY-RELATED FEES Division 1 Amount, Form and Term of Payment Article 130 Base for Determining Fees The base for determining the amount of the study-related fees is announced by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (hereinafter the “Ministry”) by the end of January of a calendar year; the base is applicable for the academic year that has commenced in that calendar year. Article 131 Admission Procedure Fees (1) An admission procedure fee amounts to 20% of the base rounded down to tens of CZK. (2) An admission procedure fee is payable before the last day of the deadline for the submission of the entrance application. Article 132 Fees for Extension of Study (1) If a student studies in a degree programme for a period longer than the standard duration of studies increased by one year in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme, JAMU shall charge a study fee; added to the duration of time spent studying in the current degree programme shall be the duration of time spent in all previous Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes terminated otherwise than in accordance with Section 45(3) or Section 46(3) of Act on Universities, unless these studies constitute previous studies after which the student successfully completed a degree programme of the same type. The period for which a student was enrolled in such degree programmes or simultaneously in such degree programmes and in the current degree programme shall be added only once. However, at first it is necessary to subtract recognized parental leave from the total duration of studies calculated according to this paragraph. - 36 (2) The fee for the extended study amounts for each additional commenced six months of studies to four and a half times the base rounded down to CZK hundreds. The fee for the extension of the studies of a student whose only requirement to successfully complete the studies in the given degree programme as of the first day of the additional six-month period is to take the final state examination or a part thereof amounts for each additional commenced six months of studies to one and a half times the base rounded down to CZK hundreds. (3) The fee for extended study is due by 91st day following the day when the decision charging the fee was issued. Article 133 Fees for Studies in a Foreign Language (1) The fee for the studies in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme conducted in a foreign language amounts to thirty times the base for a commenced academic year rounded down to CZK thousands. The fee for the studies in a doctoral degree programme conducted in a foreign language amounts to eight times the base for a commenced academic year rounded down to CZK thousands. (2) JAMU may waive the fee for the studies conducted in a foreign language entirely or partially in case of an exceptionally talented student; the decision on the waiver is made by the rector based on dean’s proposal. JAMU shall waive the fee for the studies conducted in a foreign language if charging such fee is in conflict with the obligations of JAMU. (3) The fee for the studies in a foreign language is payable before the enrolment in studies and for each additional commenced academic year in which the studies are continued before the beginning of the academic year. Article 134 Assessment and Announcement of Fees JAMU shall assess and announce the amount of the study-related fees for the upcoming academic year in the public section of its website by no later than the last day of the time limit prescribed for the submission of entrance applications; if JAMU assesses and announces the amount of the fees for the upcoming academic year at a later time, the applicants admitted to studies commencing with the upcoming academic year may not be charged for their studies in the upcoming academic year any study-related fee which is higher than the amount that was applicable for the academic year in which the entrance application was filed. Article 135 Joint Provisions on Study-related Fees (1) The study-related fees shall be paid by wired transfer to the bank account of JAMU. (2) The study-related fees are non-refundable. Division 2 Procedure for Assessment of Fee for Extended Studies Section 1 First instance procedure - 37 Article 136 Authority Competent in First Instance The authority competent in the first instance to decide on matters of assessment of the fee for extended study is the rector, represented as a rule by a vice-rector. Article 137 Participant in Procedure The participant in the procedure for the assessment of the fee for extended studies can only be the student whose studies are the subject-matter of the procedure. Article 138 Initiation of Procedure (1) The procedure for the assessment of the fee for extended studies is initiated ex officio if JAMU finds out that the conditions for the assessment of the fee have been met. (2) Decision is the first act made by JAMU within the procedure for the assessment of the fee for extended studies. Article 139 Decision (1) Decision is given in the written form with the stamp of JAMU and the signature of the person who made the decision. The decision contains the operative part, the grounds and instruction on the possibility of filing for appeal. (2) The operative part shall state whether and in what amount the fee for extended studies is charged, specify the legal provision based on which the decision was made and the first name, surname, date of birth and the permanent residence of the student. (3) The grounds shall contain the reasons for the verdict of the decision, the materials for such verdict, the reasoning during the assessment of the materials and the interpretation of the legal and internal regulations. (4) The instruction shall state that the decision may be appealed within the time limit of 30 days from the day of its publication, that the decision on the appeal is made by the rector and that the appeal is submitted to the rector. Suspensive effect of an appeal cannot be ruled out. Article 140 Termination of Procedure The rector shall terminate a procedure by resolution if the reason for the procedure has ceased to exist, in particular in the event of the death of the participant. This resolution shall only be noted in the file. Section 2 Appellate Procedure Article 141 - 38 Submission of Appeal (1) A student may file an appeal against the decision within 30 days from the announcement of the decision unless he or she has waived this right in writing after the announcement of the decision. The failure to file the submission within the deadline may not be excused. (2) The appeal may contest the operative part of the decision. An appeal against the grounds for the decision only is inadmissible. (3) The appeal must state a) the first name, surname, date of birth and the permanent residence of the student, b) the matter to which it relates, c) the decision which is appealed, the scope to which the decision is contested and why the decision is deemed to be in conflict with legal or internal regulations or why the decision or the prior procedure is considered incorrect. If the appeal does not specify the scope to which the decision is contested, it is assumed that the appellant seeks the cancellation of the entire decision. Article 142 Appeal Submission Procedure (1) The first instance authority may cancel or change the decision challenged by the appeal if the appeal is fully satisfied by such act. This decision may be appealed. (2) If the first instance authority does not find that the conditions for the procedure under clause (1) have been satisfied, it shall pass the file with its statement to the appellate body within 30 days from the day of the delivery of the appeal. Article 143 New Facts New facts or proposals for producing new evidence specified in the appeal or in the course of the appellate procedure shall be taken into account only if the student was not able to use such facts or evidence earlier. Where the student objects that he or she was not allowed to perform a certain act during the first-instance procedure, such act must be made together with the appeal. Article 144 Appellate Body The appellate body is the rector. Article 145 Scope of Review (1) The appellate body shall review the compliance of the contested decision and the procedure preceding the issue of the decision with the legal and internal regulations and its correctness. - 39 (2) Procedural errors which may not be reasonably believed to have influenced the compliance of the contested decision with the legal and internal regulations or its correctness shall not be taken into account. Article 146 Right of Adjustment (1) When deciding on an appeal against the decision on the assessment of a studyrelated fee the appellate body may reduce or waive the assessed fee or postpone the payment deadline in particular with regard to the study results or the social situation of a student. (2) The use of the right of adjustment shall be subject to the following principles a) if the assessed fee seems with regard to the circumstances like harshness of law, the appellate body shall either waive or reduce the fee to an amount which is fair and adequate with regard to the circumstance of the case, b) the appellate body shall waive the fee if the student receives benefits in material need, c) the appellate body may reduce the fee by as much as 50%, if student’s social situation does not allow him or her to pay the assessed fee, in particular in the case of an adverse financial situation of his or her family, d) if the student commits a selfless act of civic courage, the appellate body may reduce the assessed fee by as much as 50%, e) in other cases, if there is a reason, the appellate body shall postpone the payment deadline. Article 147 Decision on Appeal (1) The appellate body shall issue the decision on the appeal within the time limit of 30 days. The time limit starts to run on the day when the file is delivered to the rector for decision. The appellate body may not change the contested decision to the detriment of the appellant unless the contested decision is in conflict with legal regulations or internal regulations. (2) If the appellate body reaches the conclusion that the contested decision is in conflict with legal or internal regulations of JAMU or a faculty or if the appellate body uses its right of adjustment, a) the appellate body shall cancel the contested decision or part thereof and 1. shall stay the procedure, or 2. refer the matter back to the first instance body for reconsideration; in the grounds of this decision the rector shall specify the legal opinion by which the first instance body who had issued the contested decision is bound during the reconsideration of the matter, or b) the appellate body shall change the contested decision or part thereof. (3) If the appellate body finds out that there exists a fact which gives reason for termination of the procedure, the appellate body shall automatically cancel the contested decision and terminate the procedure. Late or inadmissible appeal shall be dismissed by the appellate body. (4) If the appellate body does not find any reason to proceed pursuant to clause (2) or (3), he shall dismiss the appeal and uphold the contested decision. If the appellate body - 40 changes or cancels the contested decision partially, he shall uphold the remaining parts of the decision. (5) Applicable to a decision in an appellate procedure is Article 139(1) and (3). The operative part shall specify the manner in which the decision was reached and the instruction shall state that there is no appeal admissible against the decision in an appellate procedure. Article 148 Follow-up Measures If needed, bodies of JAMU or of a faculty shall adopt in connection with the decision of the appellate body such measures which will ensure that the rights of the student are restored and the consequences caused by the defective decision are removed or at least mitigated. Section 3 Joint Provisions Article 149 Delivery (1) The decision in the procedure for assessment of the fee for extended studies may be delivered to the student in person. If the student has reported a data box address, the decision shall be delivered to the data box. If the student has reported a postal address only, the decision shall be delivered for his or her attention to the postal address. (2) If a written communication in the procedure for assessment of the fee for extended studies is not delivered because the student failed to fulfil the obligation to report his or her postal address or data box address or if the written communication is not delivered to the postal address reported by the student, the written communication shall be delivered in the form of an announcement; JAMU is not obligated to appoint a custodian for the student. (3) Non-fulfilment by a student of the obligation to report a postal address or a data box address gives rise to such student’s obligation to compensate JAMU for the costs incurred by the non-fulfilment. Article 150 Principles The basic principles of the activity of administrative bodies10 shall be also applied in the procedure for the assessment of the fee for extended studies. Division 3 Collection of Other Study-related Fees Article 151 Collection of Fee Associated with Admission Procedure 10 Sections 2 to 8 of Administrative Procedure Code - 41 If an applicant fails to pay the fee associated with the admission procedure in time, the faculty shall call on the applicant to do so within 5 days from the day when the faculty made the call; together with the call the faculty shall warn the applicant that if he or she fails to pay the fee, the admission procedure will be terminated. Article 152 Collection of Fee for Studies in a Foreign Language If a person fails to pay the fee for studies in a foreign language in time, JAMU shall call on the person to do so within 5 days from the day when the call was made; together with the call JAMU shall warn the person that if the fee is not paid the person shall not be enrolled in the studies or the next part thereof. TITLE II PAYMENTS FOR STUDY-RELATED SERVICES Article 153 The rector may stipulate payments for the study-related services which students are not entitled to receive for free by law or on the basis of an internal regulation. PART TWELVE FEE FOR ACTS ASSOCIATED WITH PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION FOR RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS Article 154 (1) The fee for acts associated with the procedure for application for the recognition of foreign university education and qualifications is prescribed by Section 90a of Act on Universities. (2) The fee for acts associated with the procedure for application for the recognition of foreign university education and qualifications is an income of JAMU, is paid by wired transfer to the bank account of JAMU, is non-refundable and is payable upon request. (3) If the applicant fails to pay the fee for acts associated with the procedure for application for the recognition of foreign university education and qualifications in time, JAMU shall call on the applicant to do so within 5 days from the day when the call was made; together with the call JAMU shall warn the application that if the fee is not paid, the procedure shall be terminated. PART THIRTEEN JAMU INFORMATION SYSTEM Article 155 - 42 (1) JAMU Information System means the electronic information system providing for the information services required for the activities and management of JAMU and its units. (2) JAMU Information System ensures in particular a) the processing of information required for the performance of activities of JAMU and its units, b) mutual communication of the members of academic community and the members of the bodies of JAMU and its units via the university electronic mail, electronic notice boards and possibly also in other ways, c) the access for the employees and students to information necessary for the performance of their rights and obligations, in particular through study rooms, the library, local and global information networks and sources, d) provision of information about JAMU to the public. Article 156 Security When using the JAMU computer system, all the units and their workplaces are obligated to follow the standards and security measures defined by an internal directive. Article 157 Mutual Communication Employees, students and members of the bodies of JAMU and its units are obligated to make themselves familiar with the content of their electronic mail box in the JAMU Information System at least once in a week. PART FOURTEEN JOINT, INTERIM AND FINAL PROVISIONS Article 158 Joint Provisions (1) Relevant faculty means the faculty that implements the relevant degree programme. (2) Appointed as a member of the review committee under Section 47c(6) or Section 74a(6) of Act on Universities must not be a person who was a) a member of the committee for the relevant state examination or any part thereof, b) a member of the committee for the defence of the relevant doctoral thesis, c) the reviewer or the supervisor of a person whose state examination or any part thereof or doctoral thesis defence is at issue, d) a member of the relevant habilitation committee, or e) the reviewer of the relevant habilitation thesis. Article 159 - 43 Interim Provisions (1) Where information on admission procedures was published before the effectiveness of this internal regulation, such admission procedures shall be finished pursuant to the previously applicable regulations. (2) Persons who became members of JAMU bodies before the effectiveness of this internal regulation shall continue to be members under this internal regulation as well; their term of office is not affected. (3) The publishing house under this internal regulation means the Editorial Centre under the previous regulations; the publishing house shall adapt to this internal regulation by 31 December 2017. (4) Faculties shall submit to the JAMU Academic Senate for approval the drafts of their internal regulations modified according to the internal regulations modified under Act no. 137/2016 Coll. by no later than 30 April 2018. Should any of the provisions of a faculty internal regulation be in conflict with legal regulations or JAMU internal regulations, such provision is ineffective. Article 160 Repeal Provisions (1) The Statutes of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno of 28 March 2012, registered by the Ministry on 11 April 2012 under ref. no. 14 466/2012-30, are hereby abolished. (2) As of 31 December 2018 all existing normative acts of JAMU and its units which have not been published in the JAMU Journal shall be repealed, regardless of their designation. Article 161 Effectiveness This internal regulation becomes valid on the day of its registration by the Ministry and effective on the first day of the second month following the month in which it has become valid. prof. Ing. MgA. Ivo Medek, Ph.D., in his own hand Rector prof. PhDr. Silva Macková, in her own hand Chair of the JAMU Academic Senate - 44 Appendix no. 1 to JAMU Statutes JAMU Insignia Article 1 List of JAMU Insignia JAMU insignia include the rector’s mace and rector’s chain of Leoš Janáček, the chains of František Kudláček, Jiří Mahen, Jan Skácel and Ferdinand Vach and gowns. Article 2 Rector’s Mace The rector’s mace has a unique visual design by academic sculptor Otmar Oliva. The mace has a distinctly decorated base, central ring and head. The core idea of these components is a system of metal plates forming twists and spatial overlaps. Mace length 147 cm, base width 15 cm, ring 15 cm, head 11 cm. Metal: stainless steel, palladiated and gilded bronze, the head features golden letters JAMU. The author of the leather sheath with abstract ornament is Ladislav Vyskočil. The mace is chiselled by Jiří Severin. All works completed in 2000. Article 3 Rector’s Chain The rector’s chain has the shape of a wide decorative leather collar, total height 48 cm and width 37 cm, with a central opening 31 cm by 21 cm. Its length is increased with a leather square-shaped sling with a brass engraving of the portrait of Leoš Janáček. The design and drawings of the portraits by Eduard Milén, crafted by Jindřich Svoboda. The engraving of the portrait made by Jindřich Svoboda in 1960. Placed above the engraving is the national coat of arms of the Czechoslovak Republic used in 1960. On the reverse side of the engraving in the centre of a green field in a golden frame 6.7 cm by 33.2 cm is the inscription JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS IN MEMORY OF LEOŠ JANÁČEK. The words of this inscription are each placed separately one under the other. Above and below the inscription are golden squares, 6 x 6 cm. The central green field is edged both lengthwise and breadthwise with a golden stripe 1 cm in width, with oblong fields on each side, 1.5 cm wide, decorated with golden horizontal lines, 7 and 7 against each other, with a golden triangle in the centre. The collar is made of marocain. On the obverse it is richly decorated with stylized music-related ornaments in the central part and on edges it is delimited with decorative stripes. The predominating colour is red with finely contrasting areas of golden, green, blue and black. The collar is fastened at the top with two metal clips in a metal buckle. The reverse side of the collar is made of pure natural leather, red-hemmed along the circumference. Glued at the bottom is a red-leather tag 3.2 cm by 2.5 cm featuring the inscription: Portrait design and drawings by EDUARD MILÉN Crafted by JINDŘICH SVOBODA Portrait engravings by FRANTIŠEK SIGMUND BRNO 1960. Article 4 - 45 Other Chains (1) The “Chain of František Kudláček” has the shape of a wide decorative leather collar with a brass engraving of František Kudláček. Designed by Eduard Milén, crafted by Jindřich Svoboda, Brno 1979. Portrait drawing by Vojtěch Štolfa 1991. Placed above the engraving in a red field are two golden triangles, one bigger, one smaller. On the reverse side of the engraving in the centre of a red field 6.7 cm by 4.8 cm in a golden frame is the inscription: IN MEMORY OF JIŘÍ MAHEN. The words of this inscription are each placed separately one under the other. The collar is made of marocain, total length 48 cm and width 37 cm, with a central opening 31 cm by 21 cm, richly decorated on the obverse with stylized music-related ornaments which are hemmed on edges with decorative stripes. The predominating colour is green with finely contrasting areas of golden, red, blue and black. The collar is fastened at the top with two metal clips in a metal buckle. The reverse side of the collar is made of pure natural leather, green-hemmed along the circumference. Glued at the bottom is a green-leather tag 3.9 cm by 3.7 cm featuring the inscription: Designed by EDUARD MILÉN Crafted by JINDŘICH SVOBODA BRNO 1979 Portrait drawing by VOJTĚCH ŠTOLFA 1991. (2) The “Chain of Jiří Mahen” has the shape of a wide decorative leather collar with a brass engraving of Jiří Mahen. Design and drawings of portraits by Eduard Milén, crafted by Jindřich Svoboda. Portrait engraving by František Sigmund Brno 1960. On the reverse side of the engraving in the centre of a red field 6.7 cm by 4.8 cm in a golden frame is the inscription: JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS IN MEMORY OF FRANTIŠEK KUDLÁČEK. The words of this inscription are each placed separately one under the other. The collar is made of marocain, total length 48 cm and width 37 cm, with a central opening 31 cm by 21 cm, richly decorated on the obverse with stylized music-related ornaments which are hemmed on edges with decorative stripes. The predominating colour is green with finely contrasting areas of golden, red, blue and black. The collar is fastened at the top with two metal clips in a metal buckle. The reverse side of the collar is made of pure natural leather hemmed along the circumference. Glued at the bottom is a green-leather tag 3.2 cm by 2.6 cm featuring the inscription: Portrait design and drawings by EDUARD MILÉN Crafted by JINDŘICH SVOBODA Portrait engravings by FRANTIŠEK SIGMUND BRNO 1960. (3) The “Chain of Jan Skácel” has the shape of a wide decorative leather collar with a brass engraving of Jan Skácel. Designed by Eduard Milén, crafted by Jindřich Svoboda, portrait drawing by Vojtěch Štolfa, Brno 1991. The collar is made of marocain, total length 48 cm and width 37 cm, with a central opening 30 cm by 19 cm, richly decorated on the obverse with stylized music-related ornaments which are hemmed on edges with decorative stripes. The predominating colour is green with finely contrasting areas of golden, red, blue and black. The collar is fastened at the top with two metal clips in a metal buckle. The reverse side of the collar is made of pure natural green-impregnated leather hemmed along the circumference. Glued at the bottom is a dark green-leather tag 4 cm by 3.6 cm featuring the inscription: Designed by EDUARD MILÉN Crafted by JINDŘICH SVOBODA Portrait drawing by VOJTĚCH ŠTOLFA BRNO 1991. (4) The “Chain of Ferdinand Vach” has the shape of a wide decorative leather collar with a brass engraving of Ferdinand Vach. Design and drawings of portraits by Eduard Milén, crafted by Jindřich Svoboda. Portrait engraving made by Jindřich Svodoba in 1960. Placed above the engraving in a red field is a symbolically stylized eighth note with stem and hook in gold. On the reverse side of the engraving in the centre of a red field 6.7 cm by 4.8 cm in a golden frame there is the inscription: JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS IN MEMORY OF FERDINAND VACH. The words of this - 46 inscription are each placed separately one under the other. The collar is made of marocain, total length 48 cm and width 37 cm, with a central opening 31 cm by 21 cm. On the obverse it is richly decorated with stylized music-related ornaments which are hemmed on edges with decorative stripes. The predominating colour is green with finely contrasting areas of golden, red, blue and black. The collar is fastened at the top with two metal clips in a metal buckle. The reverse side of the collar is made of pure natural leather, green-hemmed along the circumference. Glued at the bottom is a green-leather tag 3.2 cm by 2.6 cm featuring the inscription: Portrait design and drawings by EDUARD MILÉN Crafted by JINDŘICH SVOBODA Portrait engravings by FRANTIŠEK SIGMUND BRNO 1960. Article 5 Gowns (1) The rector’s gown—the primary colour is claret. Straight cut with press studs in front and a pocket in the side seam. Shoulders are covered with a firmly sown black squareshaped cape with a stand-up neck. Attached to the cape on both sides are firmly sown black oblong pieces covering the sleeves from the back side, inserted in the seam of the sleeves. (2) Vice-rector’s gown—the primary colour is claret with streaked with black. Placed on the basic straight cut with shoulder darts and a stand-up collar are asymmetrical black semi-gowns, firmly sown onto one shoulder and fastened with four press studs to the other. The gown is lined with black fabric. (3) The bursar’s gown—the primary colour is light grey. Primary straight cut, fastened on the inside with buttons in front, with an inner pocket on the right seam. The rear piece has a vent at the bottom. The gown includes an atypical scarf-like square-shaped collar. The gown is lined with black fabric. (4) Academic Senate Chair’s gown—the primary colour is black. Primary straight cut, fastened on the inside with buttons in front, with an inner pocket on the right seam. (5) Bedel’s gown—a three-quarter-length gown in claret colour with streaks. Widened cut towards the bottom with inner folds, pulled over the head. The gown includes a separate stand-up collar and three press studs, pulled over the head. The entire gown is lined with black fabric. (6) Accessories of the gown include caps. The rector’s cap is in black and vicerector’s caps are in velvet and claret colours, round in shape with sharp edges and flat roof. The bursar’s cap and the academic senate chair’s cap have the shape of a beret. The bedel’s cap has a cone-shaped roof and is in velvet and claret colours. Article 6 The Use of JAMU Insignia (1) The insignia are used during academic ceremonies and exceptional festive occasions. (2) The rector’s mace, the rector’s chain and the rector’s gown may only be used by the rector; they are always used together. Vice-rectors, deans and vice-deans use their chains and gown always together. The bursar, faculty secretaries and the chairs of academic senates use gowns only. The bedel uses the gown and is the guard of the rector’s mace during its use. A gown may be lent to a person who is awarded an honorary doctoral degree. Other persons may not use the insignia. (3) The insignia may not be used if their use is degrading. - 47 Appendix no. 2 to JAMU Statutes Article 1 Academic Ceremonies (1) Academic ceremonies are attended by the rector, deans, vice-rectors, vice-deans and during graduation ceremonies by the promoter. (2) Academic ceremonies include in particular the inauguration of the rector and a dean, matriculation, graduation, doctoral graduation, award of an honorary doctoral degree, festive meeting of the Artistic Board, festive gathering of the academic community and festive completion of studies in a life-long learning programme. (3) Matriculation is an academic ceremony during which students ceremonially confirm their enrolment in studies and their admission to the academic community by taking the matriculation oath. (4) Graduation is an academic ceremony during which the graduates of degree programmes after taking an oath receive their university diplomas and diploma supplements. (5) Doctoral graduation is an academic ceremony during which the graduates of doctoral degree programmes after taking an oath receive their university diplomas and diploma supplements. (6) Honorary doctoral degree (“doctor honoris causa”; abbreviated as “Dr.h.c.”) may be awarded by the JAMU rector to an important Czech or foreign figure who has contributed to a significant degree to the enrichment of culture in the field of music and dramatic arts; the award of an honorary doctoral degree requires the prior approval by the JAMU Artistic Board. (7) The text of the oath is provided in the statutes of the relevant faculty; in other cases the text is prescribed by rector’s measure, if necessary. Article 2 Addressing during Academic Ceremonies During academic ceremonies and graduations the traditional Latin addresses of academic officials are used: a) Address of the rector is “Your Magnificence”, b) Address of a vice-rector is “Maiestas” (dignified), c) Address of a dean is “Spectabilis” (respectable), d) Address of a vice-dean is “Honorabilis” (honourable). Article 3 Language of Academic Ceremonies Academic ceremonies are held in Czech; the honourable doctoral degree award ceremony may be held in a foreign language as well. - 48 Appendix no. 3 to JAMU Statutes JAMU Management Rules Article 1 Initial Provision The management of JAMU is governed primarily by Act on Universities, internal regulations and standards of JAMU and the conditions laid down in the decisions of the Ministry on the provision of contributions and subsidies from the national budget. Article 2 General Rules of Management (1) JAMU is obligated to use its assets for the fulfilment of tasks in educational and creative activities; the assets may also be used for supplementary activities in compliance with Act on Universities. (2) JAMU shall manage its assets with the care of due manager and, as regards controls, is obligated to manage its assets correctly, reasonably, efficiently and purposefully. (3) Responsible to the minister for an efficient use of contributions and subsidies and for the settlement of subsidies with the national budget and for proper management of JAMU assets is the rector. Article 3 Prohibition of Certain Legal Acts (1) JAMU may not a) stand surety for a monetary debt of another person, b) set up lien over real estate, c) become a partner in a general partnership or a limited partner in a limited partnership, d) alienate the academic insignia. (2) JAMU may not invest into a corporation or a cooperative a) movable assets acquired into ownership from the state, b) received contribution from the national budget for educational and creative activities, or c) received subsidy from the national budget. Article 4 Conditions for Investments in Legal Entities (1) The conditions for investments in legal entities include a) a prior written approval by the JAMU Management Board, b) the line of business of the legal entity is directly related to the activity of JAMU, c) the investment will not jeopardize activities of JAMU. - 49 (2) The activity and management of the legal entity into which JAMU has invested is monitored by the rector or an employee designated by the latter. Article 5 Economic Management (1) JAMU’s economic management is based on its budget of expenses and revenues prepared for a calendar year; the budget must not be prepared with a deficit. After the end of a calendar year JAMU performs the accounting of its profits or losses and the settlement of its financial relationships with the national budget and shall submit these documents within the deadlines laid down by the Ministry. (2) Until the approval of the budget JAMU works with a provisional budget; the provisional budget is proposed by the rector, in the first quarter of a calendar year the limit for expenditures is set at one quarter of the contribution and subsidy from the national budget for the previous calendar year and subsequently in each additional calendar month at one twelfth of the contribution and subsidy from the national budget for the previous calendar year. (3) Responsible to the rector for a reasonable, efficient and purposeful use of funds and proper management of assets are deans and the heads of the other JAMU units. Article 6 Limits on Use of Funds (1) The funds from the JAMU budget are only used to finance the activities for which JAMU has been established and to finance supplementary activities. (2) JAMU is obligated to ensure that a) the funds generated by the transfer of the balance from the state budget contribution for educational and creative activities are used in accordance with the rules of the European Union for the provision of public support so that there is no disruption and no risk of disruption of economic competition, b) the funds obtained from the profit generated by basic research, applied research or experimental development and the dissemination of its results through education, publishing activities or technology transfer which were supported from public funds are used retrospectively for these activities only or for the dissemination of their results or for education. Article 7 Sources of Funds (1) The sources of current funds to finance the activities of JAMU include in particular a) contribution from the national budget for educational and creative activities, b) support for research, experimental development and innovations from public funds c) subsidies from the national budget, d) study-related fees, e) revenues from assets, - 50 f) revenues or contributions other than those listed in letter (a) from the national budget, state funds, the National Fund and from the budgets of regions and municipalities and the budget of the European Union, g) revenues from supplementary activities, h) revenues from main activity, i) income from donations and inheritance, j) income from foundations and endowment funds, k) income from deposition of financial means, l) credits and loans from financial institutions unless their acceptance gives rise to entitlement towards to the national budget. (2) The sources of capital funds to finance the activities of JAMU include a) individual and system capital transfers (capital subsidies) from the national budget, b) public budgets, state funds, budgets of municipalities and regions and the budget of the European Union, c) capitalized portion of a contribution or subsidy from the national budget, d) repayable financial assistances from the national budget, e) aggregated financial means, f) credits and loans from financial institutions unless their acceptance gives rise to entitlement towards the national budget, g) financial donations intended for the acquisition of fixed assets, h) internal sources from the investment assets reproduction fund, i) transfers between individual funds. (3) The capital funds obtained from individual and system capital transfers from the national budget or other financial means from public budgets and state funds are provided to JAMU on the basis of a decision on the provision of a contribution and a subsidy from the national budget or a subsidy contract; these are funds assigned to a special purpose and are subject to annual settlement. Article 8 Sources of Funds JAMU creates these funds a) reserve fund, b) investment assets reproduction fund, c) scholarships fund, d) salary fund, e) purpose assigned fund, f) social fund, g) operating fund. Article 9 General Provision on Funds - 51 (1) The decision on the allocation of the profit to the funds is made by the JAMU Academic Senate. Profit after tax may be distributed to the funds only if any loss for past period has been covered. (2) Mutual transfers between funds may be made on the instruction of the bursar at any time during a calendar year; this is without prejudice to the rules for the transferability of the financial means. (3) The balances of the funds as of 31 December of a current year shall be transferred to the next budget year. Article 10 Reserve Fund (1) The sources of the reserve fund include a) allocations from profit after tax, b) means transferred from the investment assets reproduction fund, the salary fund and the operating fund. (2) The resources on the reserve fund may be used in particular to a) cover losses from previous accounting periods, b) pay penalties and cover temporary lack of financial means, c) cover damages caused to JAMU by its employees or third parties if decided by the bursar, in particular if the compensation of the damage is hardly collectible or not at all. (3) The resources on the reserve fund may be transferred to a) the investment assets reproduction fund, b) salary fund, and c) the operating fund. Article 11 Investment Assets Reproduction Fund (1) The sources of the investment assets reproduction fund include a) allocations from profit after tax, b) balance of the contribution for educational and creative activity from the national budget as of 31 December of a current year, c) from depreciations of tangible and intangible assets which were not acquired from a national budget contribution or subsidy, d) revenues from the sale and liquidation of fixed assets which were not acquired from a national budget contribution or subsidy, up to the residual value, e) means transferred from the reserve fund, the salary fund and the operating fund. (2) The resources on the investment assets reproduction fund may be used in particular to a) acquire fixed assets, - 52 b) provide funds to other persons under a signed contract on associated investment activity, c) pay instalments on investment loans and credits used for the acquisition or technical improvement of fixed assets, d) as a supplementary source for financing extensive repairs and maintenance of fixed assets. (3) The use of the investment assets reproduction fund for repairs of fixed assets is accounted to the debit of this fund and credited to JAMU revenues and value added tax. (4) The resources on the investment assets reproduction fund may be transferred to a) the reserve fund, b) salary fund, and c) the operating fund. Article 12 Scholarships Fund (1) The sources of the scholarships fund include a) the transfers of the fees for extended studies under Section 58(3) of Act on Universities, b) the transfers of tax-recognizable expenses under a special legal regulation.11 (2) The resources on the scholarships fund may be used for the payment of scholarships under the Scholarships and Bursary Regulations. Article 13 Salary Fund (1) The sources of the salary fund include a) allocations from profit after tax, b) means transferred from the reserve fund, investment assets reproduction fund and the operating fund. (2) The resources on the salary fund may be used to a) to pay salaries and thereto related statutory insurance in accordance with the Internal Wage Regulation, b) as a supplementary source of financing salaries and thereto related statutory insurance in accordance with the Internal Wage Regulation, (3) The resources of the salary fund may be transferred to a) the reserve fund, b) investment assets reproduction fund, and c) the operating fund. 11 Section 24(2)zr) of Act no. 586/1992 Coll., on Income Tax, as amended by later regulations. - 53 Article 14 Purpose Assigned Fund (1) The sources of the purpose assigned fund include a) purpose assigned donations, except for donations for the acquisition and technical improvement of fixed assets, b) purpose assigned funds from abroad, c) purpose assigned public funds, including means of special-purpose and institutional support of research, experimental development and innovations from public funds which could not be used by JAMU during the budget year in which they were provided to JAMU. (2) The resources on the purpose assigned fund may only be used by JAMU for the purpose for which they were provided, unless stipulated otherwise. Article 15 Transfers of Purpose Assigned Resources (1) The purpose assigned resources under Article 14 (1) c) may be transferred to the purpose assigned fund a) up to the amount of 5% of the volume of the assigned public funds granted to JAMU for individual research, experimental development and innovation project in a given calendar year; b) as regards other support from public funds, up to the amount of 5% of this support granted to JAMU in a given calendar year, c) as regards subsidy for the development of JAMU under Section 18(5) of Act on Universities without a limit. (2) JAMU shall announce the transfer of purpose assigned resources to their provider. Article 16 Social Fund (1) The basic source for the social fund is an allocation of 2% of the annual volume of the costs of JAMU accounted for salaries, salary compensations and remuneration for on-call time. (2) The social fund resources may be used in particular for the payment of the costs of the catering services for JAMU employees, supplementary pension insurance or payment of costs connected with maintaining or improving the health of employees. The amount and the use of the funds for a given calendar year are determined by JAMU budget. Article 17 Operating Fund - 54 (1) The sources of the operating fund include a) allocations from profit after tax, b) balance of the unused contribution from the national budget as of 31 December of a current year, c) means transferred from the reserve fund, investment assets reproduction fund and the salary fund. (2) The resources on the operating fund may be used a) as a supplementary fund to finance the needs of JAMU, b) for transfers to the reserve fund, the investment assets reproduction fund and the salary fund. Article 18 Bookkeeping, Accounting Vouchers (1) JAMU is obligated to comply with generally binding accounting regulations and the internal regulation applied by JAMU to its accounting. JAMU acts as a single accounting unit. Responsible to the rector for the factual and formal correctness of accounting vouchers and their timely submission for accounting are the heads of JAMU units, except for the Rector's Office. (2) JAMU’s accounting books are prepared collectively and in a unified manner in the accounting department of the Rector’s Office for all units of JAMU. Accounting records are kept, stored and archived in the accounting department of JAMU Rector’s Office. (3) In its accounting JAMU is obligated to systematically separate the costs and revenues connected with supplementary activities as well as economic and non-economic activities. Article 19 Supplementary Activity of JAMU The supplementary activity in a calendar year for each JAMU unit must not generate a loss. Article 20 Provision of Contributions to Employees JAMU may pay its employees contributions to boarding and a supplementary pension insurance; if possible, the contribution is paid to employees as a tax expense (cost). - 55 - Contents PREAMBLE PART ONE ............................................................................................ LEGAL PROVISIONS Article 1...................................................................................Legal Regulations and Statutes PART TWO......................................................................................... BASIC INFORMATION Article 2........................................................................................................Legal Personality Article 3................................................................................................Name, its Translations Article 4........................................................................................................Registered Office Article 5..........................................................................................................University Type Article 6...................................................................................Establishment and Predecessor Article 7...........................................................................................Main Activities of JAMU Article 8........................................................................................Support for Main Activities Article 9..............................................................................................Supplementary Activity PART THREE...................................ACADEMIC FREEDOMS AND ACADEMIC RIGHTS Article 10 Article 11 Article 12 Article 13........................................................Academic Insignia and Academic Ceremonies PART FOUR.............................................................................. ADMISSION TO STUDIES TITLE I ......................................................... FRAMEWORK ADMISSION CONDITIONS Article 14........................................................................... Talent and Personal Requirements Article 15...................................................................................................Previous Education Article 16...................................................................... Additional Conditions for Admission Article 17.........................................................................Different Conditions for Admission Article 18..........................................................................Approval of Admission Conditions Article 19.......................................................................... Conditions Fulfilment Verification TITLE II ........................................................................................ ADMISSION PROCEDURE Division 1 .......................................................................................... First-instance Procedure Article 20.........................................Announcement of Information on Admission Procedure Article 21............................................................................ Opening of Admission Procedure Article 22......................................................................... Participant in Admission Procedure Article 23.............................................................................................. Application Essentials Article 24....................................................................................... Submission of Application Article 25..............................................................................................Defects of Application Article 26..........................................................................Invitation to Entrance Examination Article 27............................................................................Entrance Examination Committee Article 28...............................................................................................Entrance Examination Article 29..................................................................................... Alternate Examination Date Article 30....................................................................................................................... Report Article 31...................................................................................................First-instance Body Article 32...........................................................................................Time Limit for Decision Article 33....................................................................................................................Decision Article 34......................................................................................................Inspection of File Article 35.......................................................................Termination of Admission Procedure Article 36...........................................................................Obstacles to Admission Procedure Article 37........................................................................................................... New Decision Division 2 ................................................................................................ Appellate Procedure Article 38...............................................................................................Submission of Appeal Article 39..................................................................................Appeal Submission Procedure - 56 Article 40................................................................................................................. New Facts Article 41.........................................................................................................Appellate Body Article 42.......................................................................................................Scope of Review Article 43.................................................................................................. Decision on Appeal Division 3 ....................................................................................................... Joint Provisions Article 44.................................................................................................................. Principles Article 45.................................................................................................................... Delivery Article 46........................................................................................................ Progress Report PART FIVE............................................. STUDY CONDITIONS FOR FOREIGN CITIZENS Article 47 PART SIX .................................................................................ACADEMIC COMMUNITY TITLE I .............................................................................................GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 48..............................................................................................Academic Community Article 49...............................................................Status of Academic Community Members TITLE II ...................................................................................................................STUDENTS Article 50................................................................................................ Enrolment in Studies Article 51........................................................................... Deadline for Enrolment in Studies Article 52.......................................................................................................... Student Rights Article 53.................................................................................................. Student Obligations Article 54...............................................................................................Certificates of Studies Article 55.................................................................................................................. Study file TITLE III........................................................................................ ACADEMIC EMPLOYEES Article 56............................................................................................... Academic Employees Article 57..............................................................................................Pedagogical Activities Article 58....................................................................................................Creative Activities Article 59..................................................................................................Selection Procedure Article 60..................................................................Habilitation and Professor Appointment Article 61....................................................................................................Visiting Professors Article 62..................................................................................................Professors Emeritus Article 63............................................................................................Remuneration for Work Article 64..........................................................................................................Creative Leave PART SEVEN................................................................................................................BODIES TITLE I ............................................................SELF-GOVERNMENT ACADEMIC BODIES Division 1 ......................................................................................... JAMU Academic Senate Article 65 Article 66........................................................................................................ Date of Sending Division 2 ...................................................................................................................... Rector Article 67 Article 68.............................................................................................................. Vice-rectors Division 3 .............................................................................................. JAMU Artistic Board Section 1.............................................................................................Competence and Acting Article 69 Section 2....................................................................... Membership in JAMU Artistic Board Article 70........................................Number of Members and Composition of Artistic Board Article 71......................................................................................Acquisition of Membership Article 72.....................................................................................Termination of Membership Division 4 ........................................................................................Internal Evaluation Board Article 73 Division 5 ...............................................................................JAMU Disciplinary Committee Article 74 - 57 Article 75....................................................................................................Non-establishment TITLE II .......................................................................................................... OTHER BODIES Division 1 ..................................................................................................Management Board Article 76 Division 2 ...................................................................................................................... Bursar Article 77 TITLE III.....................................................................COMMON PROVISIONS ON BODIES Article 78...................................................................................................Common Objective Article 79.............................................................................................. Rectification of Errors Article 80........................................................................................ Incompatibility of Offices PART EIGHT........................................................................ ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE TITLE I .................................................................................................... DIVISION OF JAMU Article 81......................................................................................................................... Units Article 82............................................................ Establishment of Joint Workplaces of Units TITLE II ..................................................................................................................FACULTIES Article 83......................................................................................................Faculty Activities Article 84....................................................................................................Rights of Faculties Article 85...........................................Faculty Academic Insignia and Academic Ceremonies Article 86..................................................................Discussion of Labour-law Relationships Article 87.....................................................................................................Faculty of Theatre Article 88.......................................................................................................Faculty of Music TITLE III............................................................................................................OTHER UNITS Article 89..........................................................................................................Joint Provision Article 90.................................................................................................... Orlí Street Theatre Article 91......................................................................................................Publishing House Article 92...................................................................................................................... Library Article 93..................................................................................................................... Astorka Article 94......................................................................................................... Rector’s Office PART NINE ........................................................................................ JAMU MANAGEMENT TITLE I ..................................................... DECISION-MAKING AND ACTING FOR JAMU Article 95............................................................................... Deciding and Acting for JAMU Article 96...................................................................................... Announcement of Decision Article 97................................................................................... Financial Management Rules Article 98.................................................................................................... Signing for JAMU Article 99...........................................................................................Use of the Coat of Arms TITLE II ...............................................ADVISORY COUNCILS AND WORKING GROUPS Division 1 ...................................................................................................Advisory Councils Article 100 Article 101......................................................................Establishment of Advisory Councils Article 102............................................................................................... JAMU Management Article 103.....................................................................................................Rector’s Council Article 104.........................................................................................JAMU Editorial Council Division 2 ...................................................................................................... Working Groups Article 104 Article 106................................................................................Setting up of Working Groups Division 3 .........................................................................................................Joint Provision Article 107 TITLE III...................................................................................................NORMATIVE ACTS Division 1 .................................................................................................Internal Regulations Article 108............................................................................... Internal Regulations of JAMU - 58 Article 109............................................................................Internal Regulations of Faculties Article 110........................................................................... Approval of Internal Regulations Division 2 ....................................................................................................Internal Standards Article 111 Division 3 ......................................................................................................... JAMU Journal Article 112 Article 113........................................................................................................Published Acts Article 114................................................................................................................... Citation Article 115............................................................................... JAMU Journal Administration Article 116.......................................................................................Reference to File and Act Article 117............................................................................ Manner of Publication of an Act Article 118......................................................................Validity and Effectiveness of an Act Article 119..............................................................................................Publication of an Act Article 120.....................................................................Legislative and Technical Processing Article 121................................................................................................Correction of Errors Article 122...................................................................................Inspection of JAMU Journal PART TEN........................................................CONDITIONS FOR LIFELONG LEARNING Article 123..............................................................................Lifelong Learning Programmes Article 124....................................................................................................................... Form Article 125................................................................................................................. Promoter Article 126....................................................................................... Applicant and Participant Article 127.....................................................................Rights and Obligations of Participant Article 128...................................................................................Termination of Participation Article 129..................................................................................................................Graduate PART ELEVEN ................................................STUDY-RELATED FEES AND PAYMENTS TITLE I .............................................................................................STUDY-RELATED FEES Division 1 ......................................................................Amount, Form and Term of Payment Article 130..................................................................................... Base for Determining Fees Article 131..................................................................................... Admission Procedure Fees Article 132................................................................................... Fees for Extension of Study Article 133................................................................. Fees for Studies in a Foreign Language Article 134................................................................ Assessment and Announcement of Fees Article 135...................................................................Joint Provisions on Study-related Fees Division 2 ..........................................Procedure for Assessment of Fee for Extended Studies Section 1.........................................................................................First instance procedure Article 136................................................................... Authority Competent in First Instance Article 137..........................................................................................Participant in Procedure Article 138............................................................................................Initiation of Procedure Article 139..................................................................................................................Decision Article 140.......................................................................................Termination of Procedure Section 2.............................................................................................. Appellate Procedure Article 141.............................................................................................Submission of Appeal Article 142................................................................................Appeal Submission Procedure Article 143............................................................................................................... New Facts Article 144.......................................................................................................Appellate Body Article 145.....................................................................................................Scope of Review Article 146............................................................................................... Right of Adjustment Article 147................................................................................................ Decision on Appeal Article 148............................................................................................... Follow-up Measures Section 3..................................................................................................... Joint Provisions - 59 Article 149.................................................................................................................. Delivery Article 150................................................................................................................ Principles Division 3 ................................................................... Collection of Other Study-related Fees Article 151...................................... Collection of Fee Associated with Admission Procedure Article 152.............................................Collection of Fee for Studies in a Foreign Language TITLE II ...................................................PAYMENTS FOR STUDY-RELATED SERVICES Article 153 PART TWELVE .................... FEE FOR ACTS ASSOCIATED WITH PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION FOR RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS Article 154 PART THIRTEEN .......................................................... JAMU INFORMATION SYSTEM Article 155 Article 156...................................................................................................................Security Article 157..........................................................................................Mutual Communication PART FOURTEEN......................................... JOINT, INTERIM AND FINAL PROVISIONS Article 158...................................................................................................... Joint Provisions Article 159.................................................................................................. Interim Provisions Article 160................................................................................................... Repeal Provisions Article 161...........................................................................................................Effectiveness