LJ 29/2018 INTERNAL REGULATION OF THE JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS IN BRNO of 16 May 2018 Rules of Procedure of the Internal Evaluation Board Based on the proposal of the Rector, the Academic Senate approves this internal regulation of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno: PART ONE INTERNAL EVALUATION BOARD CHAPTER I LEGISLATION Art. 1 Laws and Regulations (1) The Internal Evaluation Board, pursuant to Section 7(1)(d) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendment to Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended, (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”), is a self-governing academic body of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (hereinafter also referred to as “JAMU”). In accordance with Section 12a(1) of the Act, the Internal Evaluation Board was established by the Statute of JAMU effective as from 1 November 2017. 1) (2) The composition and competence of the Internal Evaluation Board is governed, without limitation, by Section 12a of the Act and Section 9(1)(e) and (f) and Section 12(1)(i) and (j) of the Act. Art. 2 Subject Matter of the Regulation The Rules of Procedure of the Internal Evaluation Board summarizes the competence and composition of the Internal Evaluation Board, sets forth the details of membership in the Internal Evaluation Board and its procedure. CHAPTER II COMPETENCE OF THE INTERNAL EVALUATION BOARD Art. 3 Internal Regulations The Internal Evaluation Board approves, after discussion within the JAMU Arts Council, the draft of the Rules of the system for the assurance of the quality of educational, creative and related activities and internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities of JAMU submitted by the Rector. 1) Art. 73(1) of the JAMU Statute 464 LJ 29/2018 Art. 4 Internal Quality Evaluation The Internal Evaluation Board a) Manages the course of internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities of JAMU (hereinafter referred to as “the evaluated activities”), b) Compiles a report on internal evaluation of quality of the evaluated activities and any amendments thereto, c) Keeps continuous records of internal evaluation of quality of the evaluated activities. Art. 5 Study Programmes The Internal Evaluation Board a) Discusses an approved study programme draft, b) Preforms continuous and complex evaluation of the study programme quality, c) Sets measures to remedy any deficiencies in the study programme quality and corrective actions, if any. Art. 6 Assessment, Opinion and Statement The Internal Evaluation Board a) Assesses the aim of institutional accreditation application, b) Delivers its opinion on the proposal of the Evaluation Board members, c) Gives statements concerning other matters presented by the Rector. CHAPTER III CHAIRPERSON AND DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON Art. 7 Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson (1) The Rector is the Chairperson of the Internal Evaluation Board. The Chairperson manages the meetings and activities of the Internal Evaluation Board and represents the Board on the outside. (2) The Deputy Chairperson of the Internal Evaluation Board is appointed by the Rector (Art. 11(1)). The Deputy Chairperson stands in for the Chairperson at a time of the Chairperson's absence or busyness. Art. 8 Start and End of the Deputy Chairperson’s Term (1) The term of the Deputy Chairperson starts on the day of appointment, unless a later date is stated therein. (2) The term of the Deputy Chairperson ends a) Upon termination of their membership in the Internal Evaluation Board, b) Upon becoming the Rector or Chairperson of the JAMU Academic Senate. 465 LJ 29/2018 PART TWO MEMBERSHIP IN THE INTERNAL EVALUATION BOARD Art. 9 Number of Members The Internal Evaluation Board has 9 members. Art. 10 Ex Officio Members The Internal Evaluation Board members are the Rector and the Chairperson of the JAMU Academic Senate. Art. 11 Appointed Members (1) The Deputy Chairperson of the Internal Evaluation Board is appointed by the Rector from among the JAMU academic staff, i.e. JAMU professors and associate professors. The Deputy Chairperson is obliged to inform JAMU without delay if they are no longer a professor or associate professor. (2) The remaining appointed members of the Internal Evaluation Board are appointed by the Rector, divided into thirds a) Based on the JAMU Arts Council proposal, b) Based on the JAMU Academic Senate proposal; one Board member is appointed from among the JAMU students, c) At the Rector's discretion. Art. 12 Appointment and Removal (1) Appointment and removal of the Internal Evaluation Board members is subject to discussion by the JAMU Arts Council and a previous approval of the appointment or removal by the JAMU Academic Senate. (2) With persons appointed based on a proposal, the body that proposed their appointment or removal is deemed to have discussed and agreed to it. Art. 13 Non-Appointment If the Rector does not appoint the person proposed to be appointed member of the Internal Evaluation Board, the Rector is obliged to justify the decision to the proposer. Art. 14 Membership Start and End (1) Membership in the Internal Evaluation Board starts a) On the day of the term start for ex officio members, b) On the day of appointment for appointed members, unless a later date is stated therein. 466 LJ 29/2018 (2) For ex officio members, membership in the Internal Evaluation Board ends on the term end date and for the appointed members a) By resignation, b) By death, c) By the end of studies at JAMU for members appointed from among the JAMU students, d) At the moment when a member holding the office of the Deputy Chairperson stops being a professor or associate professor, e) By removal from the office. PART THREE PROCEDURE OF THE INTERNAL EVALUATION BOARD CHAPTER I PROCEDURE Part 1 General Provisions Art. 15 Form of Discussions (1) The Internal Evaluation Board holds its discussions at meetings or outside meetings (hereinafter referred to as “per rollam”). If at least one third of the Internal Evaluation Board members ask the Chairperson to discuss a matter at a meeting designated by the Chairperson to be discussed per rollam, the matter shall be discussed at a meeting. (2) The Internal Evaluation Board meetings are not open to the public, except for meetings whose publicity or partial publicity has been decided by the Internal Evaluation Board. Art. 16 Costs of Activities (1) The costs of the Internal Evaluation Board activities are borne by the Rectorate. (2) In duly justified cases, the Internal Evaluation Board is entitled to request, through the Rector, an opinion of an independent expert for its decision. Art. 17 Period Shortening If the matter in question is urgent, the Chairperson shall shorten the periods for convening a meeting or response in a per rollam meeting, as necessary. Art. 18 Member Notification Invitation to meetings, meeting agenda and materials, meeting minutes and other documents and information related to the activities of the Internal Evaluation Board shall be sent to the Internal Evaluation Board members 467 LJ 29/2018 to the e-mail addresses they provided as last; a message sent by e-mail shall be considered delivered upon sending. Art. 19 Derogation Procedure (1) If the Internal Evaluation Board derogates from Art. 16 to 18, Art. 21, Art. 23, Art. 24, Art. 28, Art. 29(3) or Art. 30, such a procedure shall be regarded as compliant with this section, unless a member of the Internal Evaluation Board raises a reasonable objection to the derogation in time. (2) An objection pursuant to paragraph 1 may be raised within 3 days of the day when the objecting party established the reasons for the objection; however, no later than 7 days of the day when the meeting or the response period of a per rollam meeting ended. The objection is filed with the Chairperson at the JAMU Rectorate office. Part 2 Meetings Art. 20 Convening Meetings (1) Meetings of the Internal Evaluation Board are convened by the Chairperson from time to time, at least once every half a year, including the proposed meeting agenda. (2) If at least one third of the Internal Evaluation Board members request, the Chairperson shall convene an extraordinary meeting of the Internal Evaluation Board so that it takes place within 3 weeks of the request delivery. Art. 21 Invitation to Meeting (1) The Chairperson shall inform the Internal Evaluation Board members of the meeting date no later than 2 weeks before the meeting date, stating the day, place and time as well as the proposed meeting agenda and shall provide the necessary materials. In justified cases, the materials may be provided at the start of the meeting. (2) A member may propose a matter to be included in the Internal Evaluation Board meeting agenda. If the matter in question requires written materials, these shall be provided to the Chairperson well in advance in order for the Chairperson to prepare materials for the Internal Evaluation Board meeting. Art. 22 Meeting Attendance (1) The members of the Internal Evaluation Board are obliged to be present at the meetings in person, unless serious reasons prevent them from doing so; presence by proxy is not allowed. (2) If required by the matter to be discussed, the Chairperson may invite other persons to attend the meeting. 468 LJ 29/2018 Art. 23 Course of Meetings (1) The Chair opens the meeting by announcing whether the meeting has been convened properly, verifies the Internal Evaluation Board quorum, appoints a minute taker and presents the meeting agenda for changes and amendments. If the Chair is entitled to do so, the Chair appoints a minute taker from among the JAMU Rectorate staff, otherwise from among the meeting participants. (2) The respective items of the agenda shall be presented one by one by the Chair or a person authorized by the Chair as a rapporteur. Then a discussion concerning a given item is opened, which any meeting participant may join by registering in advance or before its end. Art. 24 Meeting Closing (1) At the end of the meeting, the Chair shall read the wording of the adopted decisions and any other significant items of the minutes; any objections of the meeting participants against their wording that have not been withdrawn after the discussion shall be included in the minutes. (2) The meeting shall be closed by the Chair’s closing announcement. Part 3 Per Rollam Meetings Art. 25 (1) If a matter is discussed at a per rollam meeting, the Chair shall appoint a minute taker from among the JAMU Rectorate staff and through the minute taker, sends the required materials to the matter as well as any questions that need to be answered to resolve the matter to the Internal Evaluation Board members. (2) The members of the Internal Evaluation Board shall answer the questions through the minute taker within the set period, which shall be no shorter than a week, and may also make other comments concerning the discussed matter. CHAPTER II DECISION-MAKING Art. 26 Quorum The Internal Evaluation Board is quorate if a majority of all its members are present at the meeting or make their statements at a per rollam meeting. Art. 27 Conflict of Interests If there are grounds to believe, regarding the relationship of any member of the Internal Evaluation Board to a discussed matter or to persons affected by the matter, that the interests of such a member are in conflict with the interests of JAMU, the member of the Internal Evaluation Board is obliged to report such a fact immediately at the meeting or in the first reply at a per rollam meeting. 469 LJ 29/2018 Art. 28 Procedure Before Adopting a Decision Draft decisions are presented by the Chair. The vote is taken on draft decisions in the order in which they were presented. The vote on an amendment is taken before the amended decision. If any of the adopted decisions excludes any other decision, no vote is taken on such other decision. Art. 29 Adopting Decisions (1) For a decision of the Internal Evaluation Board to be adopted, the approval a) of a majority of all members is required for a per rollam meeting, b) of a majority of members present in other cases. (2) If a member does not express their approval, they are considered not to have agreed with the proposal. (3) The Chair shall announce whether a decision has been adopted immediately after ascertaining the result. Art. 30 Voting (1) Unless the Internal Evaluation Board decides otherwise, the vote is public. (2) The secret vote is performed by means of ballot papers with pre-printed options. Each member votes by circling the option of their choosing; otherwise the ballot paper shall not be valid. CHAPTER III MINUTES OF THE MEETING Art. 31 Minute Taking (1) The minutes of each meeting of the Internal Evaluation Board are taken by the minute taker and the same are then sent by the minute taker for verification and signature to the Chair of the meeting without undue delay after the meeting ends or, in the event of a per rollam meeting, after the last day for an answer. The Chair shall then send the verified minutes to the members of the Internal Evaluation Board. (2) The meeting minutes shall always indicate who and how convened the meeting, when and where the meeting took place, who was present in the meeting, who chaired the meeting, what was the approved meeting agenda, the result of the votes, exact wording of adopted decisions and the date of the minutes. Minutes of a per rollam meeting shall always include the questions asked, votes of the respective members, the result of the respective votes and date of the minutes. (3) The members of the Internal Evaluation Board are entitled for their opinions to be included in the minutes. 470 LJ 29/2018 Art. 32 Comments on the Minutes (1) The members of the Internal Evaluation Board who participated in the meeting have the right to make comments on the minutes without undue delay after the same has been sent. Such comments are presented to the Chair. (2) The Chair shall accommodate the comments if they are justified, otherwise they shall be rejected. Any comments and methods of dealing with them shall be included in an annex to the minutes. Art. 33 Final Wording of the Minutes (1) The Chair shall send the final wording of the minutes to the members of the Internal Evaluation Board without undue delay. The minutes shall also be signed by the minute taker. (2) The Chair shall archive the minutes in both formats and publish them in electronic format in the public section of the JAMU website without undue delay. PART FOUR FINAL PROVISIONS Art. 34 Force and Effect This internal regulation comes into force on the day of its registration by the Ministry and into effect on the first day of the calendar month following the month of its publication in the JAMU Sheet. Prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý The Rector doc. PhDr. Květoslava Horáčková, Ph.D. Chairperson of the JAMU AS 471 LJ 29/2018 Contents PART ONE INTERNAL EVALUATION BOARD CHAPTER I LEGISLATION Art. 1 Laws and Regulations Art. 2 Subject Matter of the Regulation CHAPTER II COMPETENCE OF THE INTERNAL EVALUATION BOARD Art. 3 Internal Regulations Art. 4 Internal Quality Evaluation Art. 5 Study Programmes Art. 6 Assessment, Opinion and Statement CHAPTER III CHAIRPERSON AND DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON Art. 7 Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson Art. 8 Start and End of the Deputy Chairperson’s Term PART TWO MEMBERSHIP IN THE INTERNAL EVALUATION BOARD Art. 9 Number of Members Art. 10 Ex Officio Members Art. 11 Appointed Members Art. 12 Appointment and Removal Art. 13 Non-Appointment Art. 14 Membership Start and End PART THREE PROCEDURE OF THE INTERNAL EVALUATION BOARD CHAPTER I PROCEDURE Part 1 General Provisions Art. 15 Form of Meetings Art. 16 Costs of Activities Art. 17 Period Shortening Art. 18 Member Notification Art. 19 Derogation Procedure Part 2 Meetings Art. 20 Convening Meetings Art. 21 Invitation to Meeting Art. 22 Meeting Attendance Art. 23 Course of Meetings Art. 24 Meeting Closing Part 3 Per Rollam Meetings Art. 25 CHAPTER II DECISION-MAKING Art. 26 Quorum Art. 27 Conflict of Interests Art. 28 Procedure Before Adopting a Decision Art. 29 Adopting Decisions Art. 30 Voting CHAPTER III MINUTES OF THE MEETING Art. 31 Minute Taking Art. 32 Comments on the Minutes Art. 33 Final Wording of the Minutes PART FOUR FINAL PROVISIONS Art. 34 Force and Effect 472