Janáček Academy of Performing Arts © Janáček Academy of Performing Arts (JAMU), 2021 ISBN 978-80-7460-184-2 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 3 Table of Contents 1. A Word from the Rector / 4 2. Studies at JAMU in a new structure for students and the public / 10 3. Internal Quality Assurance System / 18 4. Festivals and Competitions / 20 5. JAMU School Stages / 24 6. Science, Research, Publications / 32 7. Internationalisation / 36 8. Congratulations / 38 9. Ensuring of activities from a material and technological point of view / 42 4 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 5 In 2020, the universities as well as the society as a whole have been exposed to a situation that none of us have experienced before. And just like its affiliated academy in Prague, our academy has begun to undergo a completely new experience in the teaching of music and drama study programmes. The beginning year was set so that everything could be realised in the necessary continuity of the continued activity and successful development of the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in Brno (hereinafter referred to as JAMU). The long-awaited international external evaluation of JAMU was prepared and preparatory steps were initiated for the evaluation of scientific and research activities by an international evaluation panel. Discussions were initiated on new strategic materials, especially JAMU Strategic Plan 2021+. The Theatre Faculty and the Faculty of Music carefully prepared both important international events, which place JAMU in the European and world context – the 30th anniversary year of the Mezinárodní festival divadelních škol SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER (International Festival of Theatre Schools Encounter) and the 26th year of the Mezinárodní soutěž Leoše Janáčka (Leoš Janáček International Competition), as well as other events of international dimension. The award of honorary doctorates to two world music personalities – singer Magdalena Kožená and conductor Simon Rattle – was in full preparation, and the intention was to award an honorary doctorate to the eminent Norwegian and European playwright Jon Fose before the end of the year. Last but not least, the respective Academic Senates began preparations for the elections of the deans of both faculties, which needed to be held in the first and second half of 2020. A long series of these and other ambitious goals have been set to be achieved in various spheres of JAMU life and activities... But then in March, the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic arrived and it was necessary to respond promptly to the critical situation, which affected all the school's activities. The restrictive measures have hit hardest the vital area of personal contact learning for the art schools of our programming, and for the most part, the artistic outputs of our students – especially the graduate ones –, that depend entirely on collective contact work. Unlike non-art schools, it was very difficult to convert a system of study primarily based on individual or studio teaching into any alternative forms. Nevertheless, it was necessary to take this path, which was a really emergency one for art universities, and to convert teaching to online mode within the limits of the possibilities. This was most feasible for theoretical subjects and partly for other methodological subjects of artistic creation, while for all practical subjects based on and dependent on artistic interpretation it was extremely difficult to the point of impracticability. Teachers were faced with questions about how to teach, for example, playing an instrument, acting or dancing at distance, and they had to search for answers with all their experience, creative and mental energy. For many of them – life experienced and renowned artists – the necessity of online teaching was a considerable frustration. What was particularly complicated was the situation with the conclusion of studies as the vast majority of JAMU students complete a specific level of their studies with a public performance, which includes a commission evaluation. With the enormous efforts of both faculties, this task was eventually successfully accomplished thanks to the involvement of technology, the commitment of academic staff and, last but not least, the administrative and organisational forces of both faculties. With the extraordinary efforts of all, the Faculty of Music managed to realise 60 concerts in two weeks. Thus, even in a state of emergency, continuity and completion of studies was maintained, although undoubtedly the realisation of these concerts in front of empty halls with only opponents or committees in the auditoriums brought considerable frustration to the performing students because the live reaction of the audience, usually emotionally underlined by the presence of families, friends and potential employers, simply cannot be replaced. Even though their operation was limited, the Theatre Faculty managed to stage 40 theatre performances in both school theatres, the premiere of a remarkable student-authored production having to be postponed from March to September and eventually being given only two performances. Even other productions had a limited number of performances and the graduation festival had to be rescheduled from May to September, but even on this alternative date it was only half realised due to the newly emerging pandemic. Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 6 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 7 All of this has thus had a significant impact on the most visible sphere of JAMU's activities from the point of view of the general public – the public presentation of the artistic outputs of both faculties in concert halls and theatres (not only on the territory of the school). In 2019 JAMU held more than 250 concerts and over 170 theatre performances per year, whereas in 2020, musical events with public access were practically impossible to hold and the number of theatre performances open to the public was reduced to a quarter, thus greatly weakening the otherwise very prestigious third role of JAMU. In addition, for graduating students of both the Theatre Faculty and the Faculty of Music, the public concerts and performances, which are also attended by representatives of the professional sphere of both art forms, are a gateway to artistic practice and an opportunity to obtain offers for professional engagements. The pandemic situation changed a number of other ambitious plans – after the March restrictions initiated after the outbreak of the epidemic, the traditional April International Festival of Theatre Schools Encounter, which was supposed to celebrate its 30th anniversary with a well-prepared international cast, had to be cancelled just a few weeks before it was due to take place at the Theatre Faculty, and later even the Leoš Janáček International Competition and the 53rd Mezinárodní mistrovské interpretační kurzy (International Musical Interpretation Masterclasses), two prestigious events of the Faculty of Music, had to be cancelled. The same fate befell the Ceremonies for the Awarding of Honorary Doctorates planned for the end of October and November, the autumn Festival bicích nástrojů (International Percussion Festival) and other events presenting mainly the artistic activities of both faculties of JAMU. While the above-mentioned prestigious public events had to be cancelled, the planned activities ensuring the continuity of the school's functioning continued. Associate Professor Mgr. Petr Francán, Ph.D. defended his position at the Theatre Faculty and will be heading the faculty for the next four years. At the Faculty of Music, after Prof. Jindřich Petráš finished his work as dean after two terms, Prof. Barbara Maria Willi, Ph.D., a leading Czech harpsichordist with German roots, an expert in the interpretation of historical music and head of the Department of Historical Interpretation, was newly elected as dean and in mid-November picked up the "imaginary baton". However, due to government regulations, both ceremonial acts, the confirmation for a second term of the current dean of the Theatre Faculty and the inauguration of the new dean of the Faculty of Music, had to take place only in a private chamber version. However, in a number of areas – such as the handling of operational projects – work has continued successfully despite the complicated situation. JAMU has been implementing two individual ERDF projects within the framework of OP RDE (Operational Programme Research, Development and Education) for the fourth year: “Zkvalitnění infrastruktury studijního programu Hudební umění na JAMU” (Improvement of the Infrastructure of the Study Programme Musical Arts at JAMU) and the project “Zkvalitnění infrastruktury studijního programu Dramatická umění na JAMU” (Improvement of the Infrastructure of the Study Programme Dramatic Arts at JAMU) at the Theatre Faculty. Another project of the Theatre Faculty – “Další rozvoj vzdělávací infrastruktury na Divadelní fakultě JAMU s ohledem na praxi” (Further Development of the Educational Infrastructure at JAMU Theatre Faculty with Regard to Practice) – was added. In 2020, a total of CZK 33,933,580 of investment funds was invested, of which the ERDF share amounted to CZK 32,236,910. JAMU was also successful, as it has been regularly in recent years, in competing in centralised projects of the Ministry of Education and Science based on cooperation with other, mostly art universities. As an example of all the projects, we can mention the joint activity of selected art faculties consisting in the presentation of the outputs of their studies in public space. The main result of the project was a large joint exhibition with accompanying events in the entire space of the Brno House of the Lords of Kunštát in November 2020. It is a shame that although it was installed in a physically high design quality, it could only be available to viewers online. Even so, it provided a remarkable insight into the artistic activities of the participating faculties. Other projects have been affected by the epidemiological situation more dramatically. In particular, projects Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 8 based on internationalisation or on public presentations by students and teachers had to be reduced or converted to alternative forms of solutions. In 2019, after several years of school-wide discussions and working meetings at various levels, the new visual style of JAMU was successfully completed and, according to the plan, it was followed by the creation of a completely new website design and its gradual launch in 2020. After a demanding preparation at the faculty level as well as school-wide and preparatory international communication, the international external evaluation of JAMU was carried out by two different evaluation agencies "MusiQue" on the AEC platform for music and EQ-Arts on the ELIA platform for theatre, due to the specificities of both faculties of JAMU. Both final reports were overwhelmingly positive and provided a number of important suggestions for immediate decisions and the future direction of the school. They became one of the important bases for the preparation of JAMU Strategic Plan 2021+, the Institutional Plan and other fundamental documents of our university. While the stay of the international external evaluation teams took place from 1st to 4th March, i.e. at the time just before the first attack of the pandemic in the Czech Republic, and the joint working retreat of the three JAMU colleges (the Rector's and both faculties), very important for the internal preparation of JAMU Strategic Plan 2021+, took place between the two epidemic waves on the first weekend in September at the MENDELU facility in Křtiny (besides other things an example of a good cooperation at the level of Brno universities), another important event in the quality verification process of JAMU, the evaluation under the new methodology of research organisations International Evaluation Panel from 22nd to 26th October already had to take place fully online. As an example of the investment actions of the year under review, we can undoubtedly mention the completion of the reconstruction of the premises for the scenography studio on Bayerova Street. Even in the difficult conditions of the "coronavirus" year, the students and teachers of both faculties of JAMU achieved a number of successes, a brief recapitulation of which can be found in the chapter "Congratulations". A significant award went to Prof. MgA. Alena Štěpánková Veselá, the first rector of JAMU after 1989, who was awarded the Medal of Merit (for the state in the field of art and education) by the President of the Republic on the occasion of the national holiday on 28th October 2020. Among the outstanding personalities from many fields of human activity, the prestigious Brno City Award for 2020 was also awarded to Prof. Jindřiška Bártová, Professor of the Faculty of Music at JAMU. In order to ensure the teaching and studying process in the extremely difficult conditions of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting restrictions in practically all JAMU activities, extreme efforts were necessary. In order to preserve the basic functions of the school, to ensure the teaching and quality of graduating classes and not to completely impede further development, it required extraordinary work commitment and creative ingenuity of all academic staff and school’s employees as well as active cooperation of the students. A big thank you to everyone for their work in the difficult conditions of 2020. Prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý Rector of JAMU Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 9 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 10 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 11 Teaching and its quality is the main task which is the focus of all JAMU activities. Almost three quarters of a century have passed since its foundation. The system of fields of study was gradually created and then gradually stabilised and supplemented with new study programmes and specialisations from the 1990s onwards. In this continuous development, if it is to have a clear positive progression, it is necessary to pause at certain regular intervals and allow not only an ongoing internal evaluation of the whole school but also an independent external view, preferably of an international nature. And this is what happened in 2020, when an international external evaluation of JAMU was successfully carried out by two different European evaluation agencies, "MusiQue" on the AEC platform for music and EQ-Arts on the ELIA platform for theatre, due to the specifics of both faculties of JAMU. The final reports of both institutions were overwhelmingly positive and provided a number of important suggestions, not only for the study area. The year 2020 also completed the process of gradual transformation of individual fields of study into study programmes and specialisations, with dozens of original fields of study gradually transformed into fourteen study programmes at the Faculty of Music and six programmes at the Theatre Faculty. During this process, the current state and development in the artistic, artistic-teaching and artisticmanagement professions in the field of theatre, music and audio-vision was fully taken into account and the fundamental structure of studies at JAMU for the next strategic period 2021+ was fixed for a longer period of time, which was also fully reflected in JAMU Strategic Plan 2021+ and other related documents. The role of study programme guarantors has been clarified and emphasised – in particular, they coordinate the content preparation of the study programme, supervise the quality of its implementation, evaluate the study programme and further develop it. Applications for new accreditations and reaccreditations of study programmes and specialisations were submitted at both faculties. At the Theatre Faculty, the application concerned accreditation of the study programme Drama and Education with the specialisations Theatre and Education, Theatre and Education for the Deaf and Movement Theatre and Education with the guarantor Prof. PhDr. Veronika Broulíková and the application was submitted as an output of the ESF II project “Prohloubení kvality vzdělávání na Divadelní fakultě JAMU a jeho relevance pro potřeby praxe” (Enhancing the Quality of Education at JAMU Theatre Faculty and its Relevance for the Needs of Practice). The project focused mainly on the work of the students of the artistic-teaching programme and cooperation with school institutions in the design and implementation of the practice. Accreditation for this study programme was granted in 2020. During 2020, the Faculty of Music has successively obtained accreditation for the study programmes Percussion and Jazz and String Instruments at the bachelor's and follow-up master's degree levels. It has also received accreditation of the study programme Music Production at the bachelor's and follow-up master’s degree levels and accreditation of two non-sequential five-year Master’s degree programmes Conducting, Singing and Opera Direction and Composition. In the academic year 2020/21, the latter study programme was opened for the first time in a newly accredited form with three specialisations: Composition, Electronic Music and Film Music. While Composition continues the intentions of the former field of study of the same name, the other two specialisations are completely new and their creation took into account not only the common standard in this field at prestigious music universities worldwide but also the application of graduates on the labour market. In 2020, JAMU’s Faculty of Music has in addition submitted an application for accreditation of the study programme Historical Interpretation at the bachelor's and follow-up master’s degree levels (teaching in Czech) and the study programme Wind Instruments at the bachelor's degree level. Until the end of 2021, applications for accreditation of these bachelor's, follow-up master's and doctoral programmes, as well as one five-year master's programme, remain to be submitted: Multimedia Production, Organ Playing and Sacred Music, Piano Interpretation, Piano Pedagogy. As far as the doctoral degree is concerned, it is: Interpretation and Theory of Interpretation, Composition and Theory of Composition. Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 12 The creation of new study programmes was supported by two multi-year projects of the OP RDE: — Improvement of the Infrastructure of the Study Programme Musical Arts at JAMU (CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002246) The aim of the project is to improve the quality of teaching in the field of musical instruments, scenic, lighting, video and audio technology through the artistic production of students of the Faculty of Music. – Improvement of the Infrastructure of the Study Programme Dramatic Arts at JAMU (CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002469) The aim of the project is to improve the quality of teaching in the field of spatial conditions and scenic, lighting, video, audio and IT technology through the artistic creation of students of the Theatre Faculty. and in the harsh conditions of the pandemic... In mid-March 2020, about a third ow the way through the summer term, the universities were closed and it became necessary to start teaching online. Towards the end of the term, the graduating classes were allowed to return to practical teaching. Thus, at least the graduation performances were completed and the study of the graduating classes was duly concluded. Online teaching in this period can be described by the new term "emergency Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 13 teaching", when, with all the efforts of teachers and students in a completely new and unfamiliar situation, teaching took place in various forms (from real online teaching to self-study assignments) and students concluded their studies of the respective year. The situation is completely different in the academic year 2020/21. The problem is that the situation has evolved so rapidly, dramatically and chaotically over the course of the year that it has not been possible to test any workable system of combining distance and contact learning. The rapidly changing governmental decisions on the conditions of teaching at universities brought complete chaos to the creation of any teaching strategy. For example, the model where theoretical teaching was to be taught at a distance and practical teaching could be done in contact (for which a completely new timetable was immediately created) did not take off at all because the practical contact teaching was immediately abolished by another government decision... The other model, which was based on online theoretical teaching and online preparation of art projects and envisaged a possible return to practical teaching in January (again, a new timetable was created, this time with the allocation of whole blocks of several days for work on art projects), became inapplicable already during Christmas season. Above all, however, distance learning at the Theatre Faculty made it impossible to carry out any practical teaching, which forms the absolute basis of study at an art school. Skills training and artistic creation cannot be replaced by distance learning. Therefore, only the theory and preparatory phases of artistic projects (script development, dramaturgical and directorial concept, etc.) were taught. In line with the announced government measures, teaching has been continually adjusted with several postponements of the start of the summer term, the creation of new timetables for contact teaching of practical subjects and online theory teaching, special timetables for the possible return of graduating classes to contact teaching and proposals for block teaching of art projects and skill disciplines should the possibility of contact teaching of practical subjects occur towards the end of the academic year. At the Faculty of Music, even very strict governmental measures allowed for one-on-one tutorials in the main fields of study to prepare students for the realisation of artistic outputs from their studies, which were, however, consistently conducted without an audience. It is certainly not a fully-fledged form but it has enabled the faculty to implement the most important things throughout the term and, hand in hand with the online theoretical teaching, to ensure a proper end of the term and the entire academic year. At the Theatre Faculty, this teaching in the form of individual consultations did not allow students and teachers to work on artistic projects, which are always a team affair in the field of theatre. Even the skill disciplines at JAMU’s Theatre Faculty require, with a few exceptions, partner and group interaction, and individual consultations do not make this possible. After the spring experience, both faculties have already prepared a detailed analysis of the possibilities of distance learning down to the level of individual study programmes and individual subjects taught. It is quite obvious that distance learning cannot replace: – a continuous and systematic training of professional skills such as playing an instrument (not to mention that in case of some instruments, the student cannot even have them at home), singing, voice and movement training and other disciplines that require correction by a teacher (and even if online teaching was considered, none of the students currently have such professional transmission equipment that would not distort their performance) – most of the taught subjects are based on artistic creation and presentation of its results within the department, studio, school, but also to a wider audience. The results of artistic creation can only be verified in communication with the audience. Moreover, much of the work is team-based. This most important part of the teaching cannot be done online. – most of the research carried out at art schools is of the nature of "Artistic Research", now recognised as full-fledged research. This cannot be realised without creation (and it is not "only" about reflection and analysis of creation, but about "discoveries" Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 14 during the creation, not only for creation itself, but for the search for answers to the fundamental questions of human existence, the functioning of human society in a social and historical context). It turned out that theoretical subjects can be successfully taught at a distance, but there is also a lack of face-to-face meetings, which create a more stimulating atmosphere for mutual discussion. Even though the possibility of tutorial allows very limited contact, teaching in this way is very complicated and highly inefficient. Both faculties of JAMU have prepared statistical reports on the percentage of courses that cannot be taught online and those which can be taught online but only for a certain period of time and provided that the studies are finished in contact form. The situation at the faculties and in the individual study programmes is monitored throughout the period of the need to switch to distance learning on the basis of: – information from teachers (regular meetings at the level of JAMU, faculty management, heads of departments and studios and within individual study programmes and specialisations). Due to the small number of study programmes and teachers, it is possible to discuss the course of teaching and problems related to distance learning at regular and extraordinary (if the situation requires it) online meetings. – information from students – due to the number of students in individual study programmes and specialisations (the number of students in one study programme or study programme specialisation in a year is usually less than ten), we obtain very detailed information from students in the online teaching not only about the course and quality of distance learning, but very often we also discuss with them their personal experiences of the whole current social situation. Most often, these are problems related to artistic creation, which distance education allows only in an unbearably reduced form or not at all. In some study programmes, students do not own the necessary musical instruments and are not equipped with the necessary technology, making it difficult for them to prepare at home if government measures do not allow access to the faculty building. Many of the artistic subjects are also by their nature based on direct communication between the student and the teacher, and the implementation of this contact at a distance can lead to the development of poor movement and other habits and ultimately to injuries. These subjects are also based on frequency and regularity of instruction; without these attributes, performance only stagnates or declines. Thus, teachers and students are faced with strong feelings of frustration at the impossibility of artistic creation and at the limitations of consistent skill-based artistic training. Due to the described situation, in September 2020 JAMU decided to join the Centralised Development Projects 18+ which are related to distance learning: - Distanční vzdělávání jako nástroj rozvoje vysokých škol (Distance Education as a Tool for the Development of Universities), researcher Prof. PhDr. Silva Macková - Rozvoj standardů pro zajišťování kvality vzdělávací činnosti pro různé formy studia s ohledem na aktuální metody a zkušenosti se vzděláváním na dálku (Development of Standards for Quality Assurance of Educational Activities for Various Forms of Study with Regard to Current Methods and Experience in Distance Education), researcher Prof. PhDr. Silva Macková - Analýza potenciálu virtuálních mobilit a možností jejich rozvoje na vysokých školách (Analysis of the Potential of Virtual Mobilities and Their Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 15 Development at Universities), researcher Associate Professor MgA. Vít Spilka - Posilování akademické integrity studujících vysokých škol se zaměřením na rizika a příležitosti distančních metod vzdělávání a hodnocení (Strengthening Academic Integrity of University Students with a Focus on the Risks and Opportunities of Distance Learning Methods and Assessment), researcher Associate Professor MgA. Marek Hlavica, Ph.D. We consider participation in these projects to be quite crucial, given that they are focused on or related to the possibility of distance learning at universities, which is nevertheless only minimally applicable to art schools. It is therefore extremely important to explain and advocate the specific position of art schools in these projects so that the project outputs take these specificities into account. ... and even for the public whether professional, eager for further training, potential applicants or even the general public interested in interesting information, JAMU creates a whole range of activities in the field of education that fulfil the so-called third role of the university. In cooperation with the Department of Theatre Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University, the Theatre Faculty is organising the #buďjamák (“be a JAMU student”) programme. It is aimed at high school students and young people aged 15–20 and includes 6 sessions over the course of one school year. The meetings take place at JAMU Theatre Faculty or at other exceptional venues (theatre rehearsal rooms, etc.). In the half-day programme, the time is spent together in intensive reflection on specific topics. The theoretical part of the programme includes a lecture on the forms and contexts of theatre art, while the practical part of the programme, taking place on the same day, provides creative workshops led by professional theatre practitioners or students of higher years of the faculty. Participants experience the theory and practice of artistic creation in an immediate dialogue. This leisure programme is also a "laboratory" in which we look into ways of thinking and dialoguing about theatre, and how theatre can be explored through one’s own creative action. Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 16 This encourages the development of critical thinking, the formulation of one's own ideas, as well as the flowering of imagination and the opportunity to find one's way into creative fields. In addition to the main programme, participants are offered the opportunity to visit selected activities of both faculties – we inform about opportunities to attend lectures, courses, workshops, festivals and conferences which are also accessible to the public. In cooperation with the Brno theatres, there is also an audience programme. The University of the Third Age has a growing reputation at both faculties of JAMU. At the Theatre Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 17 Faculty, the aim of the programme is not only to provide its audience with a way to learn about the sources of theatre art in different historical periods, but also to connect it with the issue of the search for and fulfilment of the meaning of theatre in modern society. In 2020, only one course was implemented, a one-semester course called Jak vzniká divadlo X (How Theatre X is Made), subtitled Kapitoly z dějin světového a českého divadla (Chapters from the History of World and Czech Theatre), which in 11 lectures offered the audience a cross-section of the most interesting things that the history of theatre has to offer. Here, too, it was necessary to adapt to the covid pandemic. Out of the planned 11 lectures, only four were held in the lecture hall. The remaining 7 were converted to an online format and were enthusiastically watched (and actively participated in the debate) via the MS Teams app by 28 dedicated individuals out of the original 75 registered participants. In the past, the Theatre Faculty regularly held summer schools of acting and musical theatre at the beginning of the summer holidays, but – mainly due to anti-epidemiological measures – it was not possible to organise them in 2020. The Faculty of Music has two activities directed towards the wider professional public – the Methodology Centre accredited in accordance with Section 27 of Act No. 563/2004 Coll. on pedagogical staff, which enables the implementation of educational programmes aimed at further training of pedagogical staff (in 2020, it adapted to the covid situation and was held online) and International Musical Interpretation Masterclasses held every summer in a number of disciplines, led by the teachers of JAMU’s Faculty of Music and open especially to the most advanced students of art and music schools and conservatories (in 2020 they were cancelled due to the pandemic). In 2020, the Faculty of Music held lifelong learning courses – the University of the Third Age – for the sixth year. This year the courses Básníci klavíru IV (Poets of the Piano IV, summer term of 2019/2020) and Paní hudba na Moravě (Mrs Music in Moravia, summer term of 2019/2020) were offered. There was great interest in the courses, especially in the course Poets of the Piano IV, which was held in two groups. In the context of the covid-19 pandemic, only four lectures (out of the planned ten) were taught in each course in the summer term. The remaining six lectures were to be subsequently delivered in contact form in the autumn of 2020. However, due to the worsening epidemiological situation, they were eventually cancelled altogether. The course Poets of the Piano IV, under the guarantee of the Department of Piano Interpretation, is a continuation of the successful courses Poets of the Piano I, II and III. It focuses not only on Czech and international piano composers (D. Scarlatti, J. L. Dusík, F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, W. A. Mozart, etc.), but also, for example, urtext editions and their meaning, the interpretation styles of the composers themselves, the creation of the first piano pieces for children and the interpretation of Beethoven's five piano concertos. The lectures were led by: Prof. MgA. Jan Jiraský, Ph.D., Mgr. Helena Weiser and Associate Professor MgA. Daniela Velebová. The course was attended by 64 students. The lessons of the course Mrs Music in Moravia, under the guarantee of the Department of Music and Humanities, introduce the history of some important musical institutions (e.g. the Music Theatre in Opava, Brno theatres and schools) or specific personalities (e.g. Jaromír Podešva, Vlastimil Lejsek) in various towns in Moravia. The focus of interest is logically mainly Brno, but interesting activities in Kroměříž, Opava, Krnov and other places were also to be presented. The lectures were led by Mgr. Jana Michálková Slimáčková, Ph.D., PhDr. Petr Lyko, Ph.D. et Ph.D., Prof. PhDr. Jindřiška Bártová and Associate Professor Mgr. Monika Holá, Ph.D. The course was attended by 39 students. 18 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 19 External Evaluation of JAMU A public tender for an external evaluation of JAMU was announced already in 2018. The subject of the public contract was an external evaluation of the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in Brno. The main objective was to assess the educational and creative (artistic) activities of JAMU and activities related to them according to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, ENQA (hereinafter referred to as "ESG 2015"), taking into account the fundamental specifics and differences of education in the field of arts, and to assess the quality system of these activities at JAMU in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic and the National Accreditation Authority for Universities of the Czech Republic. The agency MusiQue was selected in the tender. It approached the agency EQ-Arts, which deals with the evaluation of theatre schools. Both the faculties prepared Self Evaluation Reports as per the syllabus sent by the agencies. Both reports were translated into English and sent to the agencies. Along with the reports, additional annexes were translated into English and sent to the agencies. The evaluation team of the EQ-Arts agency who worked at JAMU’s Theatre Faculty consisted of: Anthony Dean (Chair) – Emeritus Professor of Performing Arts at the University of Winchester, UK Paula Crabtree – Vice-Chancellor at Stockholm University of the Arts, Sweden Anton Rey – Research Institute for the Performing Arts and Film, Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland Tereza Pavelková – PhD student in Theory and Practice of Theatrical Art at the Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (HAMU), Prague, Czech Republic Laura Witt (Secretary) – Deputy Registrar (Quality Assurance and Enhancement) at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, UK The evaluation team of the MusiQue agency who worked at JAMU Faculty of Music consisted of: Jacques Moreau (Chair) – Director of Cefedem Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Lyon, France Rolf Bäcker (Review team member) – Head of Studies, ESMUC, Barcelona, Spain Iñaki Sandoval (Review team member) – Director, University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy, Estonia Miranda Harmer (Review team member) - Masters student, Cello Performance and Composition Master Programme at Leeds College of Music, UK Ingrid Maria Hanken (Review team member and Secretary) – Professor Emeritus, Norwegian Academy of Music, Norway Apart from the opening and closing meetings at JAMU level, all the meetings were held separately at the faculties. The external evaluation resulted in external evaluation reports (a separate report was prepared for each faculty): – Report Quality Enhancement Review Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts (JAMU) (Brno, Czech Republic), Site-visit: 01–04 March 2020 – Theatre Faculty – Report Quality Enhancement Review Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts (JAMU) (Brno, Czech Republic), Site-visit: 01–04 March 2020 – Faculty of Music In October 2020, JAMU faculties received the final version of the reports. The faculties will send their opinions on the reports by June 2021. The results of the external evaluation were a valuable resource in the development of JAMU Strategic Plan 2021+ for both the whole university and the two faculties. 20 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 21 At the Faculty of Music, due to the arrival of the covid pandemic in March 2020 and the setting of measures by the Czech government, international mobility of teachers and students has been significantly reduced. Several traditional major international events organised at JAMU Faculty of Music have been cancelled, including the summer International Musical Interpretation Masterclasses, the International Percussion Festival, and the Interpretační kurzy pro studenty z japonského Kyota (Interpretation Courses for Students from Kyoto, Japan). The international festival Setkávání nové hudby Plus (Meetings of New Music Plus) took place in an online form, during which a number of exceptional artists performed and provided professional tutorials and workshops to the students of JAMU Faculty of Music: Oskar Varga (Hungary), Balász Rumy (Hungary), Peter Kiss (Hungary), Jonathan Powell (UK/Poland), Andrea Neumann (Germany), Anette Krebs (Germany), Riccardo Marogna (Italy/Netherlands), Marek Choloniewski (Poland), Tristain Murail (France). From 14th to 19th September 2020, young performers from all over the world were to come to Brno to compete in the violin and string quartet disciplines at the Leoš Janáček International Competition in Brno. In cooperation with the Leoš Janáček Foundation, JAMU Faculty of Music was to organise the 26th year of this prestigious interpretation competition in 2020. However, due to the situation surrounding the global pandemic covid-19, the competition was also cancelled this year without a replacement. The competition was to be held in three rounds in each discipline and take place at JAMU Faculty of Music and at the Theatre on Orlí Street. The third round in violin was to take place at the Besední dům in Brno in cooperation with the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra Olomouc and conductor Robert Kružík. In the discipline of string quartet, a concert of the laureates was planned at the end of the competition in the Concert Hall of JAMU Faculty of Music. The winner among the young performers was to be chosen by prominent Czech and foreign juries. In the violin category, there was a seven-member jury headed by Bartosz Bryła (Poland) and his counterpart in the string quartet category was Adolf Sýkora (Czech Republic). Other members of the violin jury were to be: Tatiana Liberova (Russia), Shizuka Ishikawa (Japan), Jurgis Dvarionas (Lithuania), Eszter Perényi (Hungary), Peter Michalica (Slovakia) and František Novotný (Czech Republic). The function of juries for string quartets was accepted by: László Mezõ (Hungary), Mikael Ericsson (Sweden), Ján Slávik (Slovakia) and Jana Vlachová (Czech Republic). The 26th year of the competition was announced under the auspices of the Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic PhDr. Lubomír Zaorálek, the Governor of the South Moravian Region JUDr. Bohumil Šimek, the Mayor of the Statutory City of Brno JUDr. Markéta Vaňková, the Janáček Quartet and the President of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic JUDr. Pavel Rychetský, dr. h. c. Due to the development of the situation regarding the spread of the covid-19 virus and the declaration of a state of emergency by the Government of the Czech Republic on 12th March 2020 for a period of thirty days, it was unfortunately necessary for the Theatre Faculty to take drastic measures, which made it necessary to revise most of the planned events. One of them had to be the cancellation of the International Festival of Theatre Schools Encounter 2020, scheduled from 31st March to 4th April 2020. Since the cancellation of the festival took place just before the planned implementation, most of the performances were ready. The students who participated in the preparation of the festival during the previous months under the guidance of the teachers wrote their experiences with the preparation and cancellation of the festival in their graduation documentation. All the outputs that managed to be implemented in the preparation process (e.g. the new festival website – www.encounter.cz) were handed over to the incoming year. In addition, existing contacts with JAMU alumni and representatives of the professional sphere were also used. JAMU Honorary Doctor Mrs. Emília Vašáryová accepted the challenge to become an ambassador even for the 31st year of the festival. And in preparation for the next year, a podcast platform "ENC: LISTEN!" was created, where former JAMU students share their experiences with the festival and studying at JAMU in general, and which is available via social networks and the festival's website. Subsequent events that were supposed to at least partially replace the unrealised festival (opening parade and Meeting Point Party/Open Air Stage, 30th September 2020) were cancelled a few days before the realisation due to further tightening of government measures towards the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The Salón původní tvorby 2020 (Salon of Original Works 2020) took place from 6th to 7th March. As a result, a collection of texts was published and is available at JAMU Publishing House. Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 22 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 23 Other events such as the festival of the Drama and Education Studio Sítko and the festival of audiovisual production JAMŮví could not take place due to the persisting anti-pandemic measures. After the successful online symposium organised by the Prague DAMU in cooperation with students and teachers of the Theatre Management Studio, JAMU followed up with the symposium „(NE)RISKUJ! EKOLOGIE, CROWD MANAGEMENT A IT ŘEŠENÍ PRO FESTIVALY” ((DON’T) TAKE RISKS! ECOLOGY, CROWD MANAGEMENT AND IT SOLUTIONS FOR FESTIVALS), which was also held online on 4th December 2020 for students of JAMU, DAMU and VŠMU. The symposium focused on selected topics related to the organisation of festivals. In the individual blocks, Tomáš Fiala for Brutal Assault, Martin Královič for the Pohoda festival, Martin Zavadil for Dramox and many others performed. More than 200 spectators watched the whole symposium. Due to the global pandemic of covid-19 disease, the Theatre Faculty could not participate in any international festivals and shows in 2020. Many of the venues where faculty students were selected to present their performances and projects were cancelled or moved to online space due to coronavirus measures – e.g.: ENCATC Digital Congress (3rd – 11th November 2020) and ELIA Biennial Conference: Expanding the Arts (17th – 20th November 2020). 24 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 25 Another characteristic feature of the art university is its ability to carry out art projects in its own premises. This means two stages with professional parameters, which are used for drama and musical projects. The historically older stage, focusing mainly on drama, is Studio Marta, which was founded already in 1952 and underwent extensive modernisation of stage technology in 2018. On the other hand, the newer opera and musical Theatre on Orlí Street bears the "subtitle" Musical and Dramatic Laboratory of JAMU, which describes the purpose of the space with its main hall, rehearsal rooms, costume production, managerial spaces, as well as a state-of-the-art recording studio in the building's basement. The performances, which are more in the nature of final exams or projects, are realised directly in the buildings of both faculties. At the Faculty of Music, concerts and other events are held in three venues – the Concert Hall, the Chamber Hall and the Vaulted Hall. Larger chamber concerts are also held in the theatre hall of the Theatre on Orlí Street, which has the possibility of special acoustic modification for these cases by means of an acoustic shell above the stage. The JAMU Chamber Opera has a tradition of more than sixty years and has brought – under several historical names – and still brings productions of operas of the Faculty of Music, both for the Theatre on Orlí Street and for its own small stage – Devítka Studio. The stage for contemporary music is the Fórum nové hudby (Forum of New Music), which, among other things, takes patronage over the Studio soudobé hudby (Studio of Contemporary Music) with a history of more than fifty years, presenting mainly new works by students and teachers of study programmes Composition and Multimedia Composition. Students of jazz interpretation often use the premises of MusicLab, a music club located in the basement of the Faculty of Music building, for their performances. In addition to the abovementioned stages, other, non-traditional locations in JAMU buildings are used for specific projects. In 2020, 132 concerts were held at the Faculty of Music, including three orchestral concerts with the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra Olomouc and two multimedia concerts. Concerts by the Janáček Academic Orchestra did not take place. Until March 2020, the concerts were held in the normal way, but from March onwards the students' performances were held in accordance with the applicable government regulations and under strict hygiene measures. As every year, the premieres of drama, opera and musicals were among the most watched events. In the case of the JAMU Theatre Faculty, 40 theatre performances took place in 2020. Each year, one of the biggest events is the premiere of the graduating classes' productions. In 2020, the JAMU Faculty of Music staged two productions at the Theatre on Orlí Street: W. A. Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro Original Plan: Premiere: Saturday 21/03/2020, II. Premiere: Sunday 22/03/2020, Repeat performances: 23/03/2020, 24/03/2020, 25/03/2020, 26/03/2020 The original plan was to perform the opera with the participation of the JAO – Janáček Academic Orchestra of JAMU Faculty of Music. In accordance with the Czech government regulation, the production was not staged on the above mentioned dates. Implementation limited by the measures of the Czech government, due to the epidemic situation: The production was realised in an economy mode with three performances. These performances were carried out only as final exams without the presence of the public, only in the presence of pedagogical opponents of graduate performances on the dates: Friday 29/05/2020, Saturday 30/05/2020, Sunday 31/05/2020. At the same time, the performance took place without JAO, accompanied only by piano and harpsichord. For students and teachers of JAMU it was possible to watch via stream and non-public YouTube channel. Daniel Šimek / Otto Kauppinen: S.A.M.P.O. The opera S.A.M.P.O. is the first opera work created on the basis of cooperation between JAMU Faculty of Music and the Theatre Faculty. Original Plan: Preparation and staging of the opera in June, July, September 2020, Premiere: Thursday 15/10/2020, II. Premiere: Friday 16/10/2020 during the Janáček Brno International Festival 2020. Repeat performances: Saturday 17/10/2020, Sunday 18/10/2020, Tuesday 20/10/2020, Wednesday 21/10/2020. In the original plan, the opera was to take place with the participation of the JAO and guests. In accordance with the Czech government regulation, the production was not staged on the above mentioned dates. Implementation influenced by the measures of the Czech government, due to the epidemic situation: The dress rehearsal week and the premieres with the repeat performances were postponed several times to later dates in October, November, December 2020 and the last scheduled postponement of the completion of the production was to January 2021. Unfortunately, due to the worsening epidemic situation and the consequent restrictive measures of the Czech government, the Dramaturgical Board of JAMU Faculty of Music decided to terminate the project in February 2021. Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 26 A total of 21 performances and 2 premieres were staged in Studio Marta. The productions were attended by a total of 1,289 spectators, which means an average attendance rate of 86.8%. Productions of two graduating drama classes, the class of Associate Professor Aleš Bergman (academic year 19/20) and the class of Associate Professor I. Dostálek (academic year 20/21), were realised. Unfortunately, the coronavirus epidemic interfered with their implementation, when a government decree banned the presence of students at universities as well as the holding of mass cultural events. During these periods, it was not only impossible to perform repeat performances of already rehearsed projects, but also to rehearse new productions. The first closure by government decree was from March to June, and the second from October to December. In the meantime, a production of Raději zešílet v divočině (Better to Go Mad in the Wild) with students of Associate Professor Aleš Bergman was rehearsed, which had its premiere postponed until 13th September (instead of the original premiere in March), followed by only two repeat performances. This project was the first theatrical adaptation of Aleš Palán's bestselling book Better to Go Mad in the Wild, which became the publication of the year 2018 and one of the most commercially successful books according to the Lidové noviny poll. Another premiere was the project of Associate Professor Igor Dostálek's class, Hády – Pokusy o minulost (Hády – Attempts on the Past), with its premiere on 3rd September and repeat performance on 4th September. The author's production based on Sylvia Richter's novel “Každá věc ať dospěje na své místo” (Let Every Thing Grow to Its Place) tells a story that is and is not about living in the past regime. Once again, this is the first theatrical adaptation of this book by an acclaimed author. The theatre also hosted the Zvukařský workshop 2020 (Sound Workshop 2020) for students of the Theatre Management and Technology Studio, which ended on 9th January with a public concert Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 27 by the bands Tajná Myškavěc, Laokoon and Šamanovo zboží. February also saw the traditional evening of readings by young authors with musical accompaniment by LITERAUT. On 24th February, the class of Associate Professor A. Bergman gave a guest performance of Opilí (Drunk) at the DISK Theatre of the DAMU in Prague. On 15th and 17th September, Studio Marta hosted part of the traditional Graduation Festival, which was rescheduled from its original May date. As part of this event, which is usually a showcase of all the productions of the season in question, we played performances of Better to Go Mad in the Wild (15/09) and Drunk (17/09). Unfortunately, the remaining two performances of Mejerchold and Poprask na laguně (The Chioggia Scuffles) had to be cancelled for epidemiological reasons. In mid-February, the Theatre on Orlí Street staged a drama production of The Great Gatsby. With students of Associate Professor A. Bergman's studio, Jiří Liška staged it as his graduation production. Together with dramaturge Michael Sodomka, they worked with the current dramatisation of the contemporary German author Rebecca Kricheldorf. Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 28 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 29 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 30 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 31 The performance impressed the audience not only with great acting performances, but also with an impressive scene by Andrea Mužíková. Another unusual project in February was the concert evening Pojď se mnou do světa (Come with Me to the World) from the songs of Jiří Bulis, which was created as part of Radka Kulichová's student research project. Students of musical acting from Associate Professor M. Zetel’s studio were complemented on stage by students from the Theatre and Education for the Deaf studio, who performed individual songs in Czech sign language. An integral part of the 4 evenings during which the concert could be performed was a questionnaire survey with the audience and filming, which are to be made into a comprehensive publication. The graduating class of P. Štěpán's studio presented the premiere of David Yazbek and Jeffre Lane's musical comedy based on Pedro Almodóvar's film Ženy na pokraji nervového zhroucení (Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown) at the Theatre on Orlí Street. The brisk and musically lively production provided the students with plenty of acting opportunities, but unfortunately had to wait until 2021 to receive its audience response. In 2020, 19 performances took place at the Theatre on Orlí Street, none of which had the opportunity to be staged outside of JAMU home stage. The productions were attended by a total of 2,275 spectators, which represents an average attendance of 95%. Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 32 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 33 The most significant event of 2020 in the field of science and research at JAMU was the evaluation by an international evaluation panel within the new methodology for evaluating research organisations (the so-called Methodology 17+). It was a great success and honour for JAMU that we managed to get really important and often world-famous and respected personalities on our panel: American musicologist Paul Christiansen, French theatre scholar Patrice Pavis, English visual artist Paul Fryer, English director of EQ-Arts, an evaluation agency for arts universities, John Butler, and Norwegian vicepresident of the Society for Artistic Research Johan Haarberg, as well as their three Czech colleagues, musicologist Lubomír Tyllner, film scholar Petr Bilík, and representative of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Jan Buriánek. The members of the panel studied our self-evaluation report in detail and were especially looking forward to a personal visit directly at JAMU, where they planned to conduct indepth interviews with all staff working in the field of research. However, due to the coronavirus epidemic, the so-called "on-site visit" first had to be postponed from spring to autumn, and eventually cancelled altogether, or more precisely replaced by a series of video conferences from 22nd to 26th November. We will know the results of the entire evaluation within the framework of Methodology 17+ in mid-2021, but already now we can consider it a great appreciation of the quality of research at JAMU that these world figures were willing to devote their valuable time and their rich experience to our evaluation. Apart from the evaluation by the international evaluation panel, the most important evaluation element of the Methodology 17+ for JAMU is the so-called Module 1, which consists in the evaluation of the quality of selected outputs by experts who, on the basis of their deep knowledge of the context of a given field, are to assess the contribution of a given output (a monograph, a study, etc.) to the development of knowledge or society. So far, there have been three years of the evaluation and JAMU has submitted a total of 10 publications, which have usually been evaluated with a grade of "3" or "4" on a five-grade scale, where "1" means world-leading and "5" below average. It is positive that none of our monographs has been rated as "below average" so far, however, our goal is undoubtedly to achieve even "1" and "2" ratings, i.e. to have it confirmed by the professional community that our publications are first-rate and compare favourably even in comparison with foreign countries. In this context, it is very positive that the results of the third year of the evaluation, published in October 2020, brought JAMU a "2" (excellent) rating for the first time, for the monograph by Marek Hlavica Dramatická tvorba ostravského studia Československé televize (1955– 1991) (Dramatic Production of the Ostrava Studio of Czechoslovak Television (1955–1991)). The coronavirus epidemic has also affected our traditional conferences. The Theatre Studies Conference at the Theatre Faculty did not take place because of the epidemic, while the doctoral research conference at the Faculty of Music had to be moved from its original date in April 2020 to 29th October 2020 and to be conducted online. In spite of these complications, however, it confirmed its very good standard, which is also evidenced by the participation of foreign guests representing the German Franz Liszt Universität Weimar and the Polish Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Szymanowskiego w Katowicach. On the other hand, despite the ongoing epidemic, our publishing activities continued successfully and brought a number of remarkable and very high quality publications across the whole spectrum of our editorial activities, ranging from specialised monographs (Hana Slavíková: Cine Teatro Saura or Miloš Schnierer: Baletní divadlo z pohledů dramaturgie (Ballet Theatre from the Perspective of Dramaturgy)) through scripts (Petr Janda: Pět základních pilířů profesionální hry na trombón (Five Basic Pillars of Professional Trombone Playing)) or David Šlechta: Dějiny a literatura nástroje viola (History and Literature of the Viola)), sheet music (Leoš Černý: Smyčcový kvartet č. 2 Listy důvěrné Leoše Janáčka (String Quartet No. 2 Intimate Letters by Leoš Janáček)) and essays (Andrea Jochmanová: Rekonstrukce historie divadla jako tvůrčí proces (Reconstruction of Theatre History as a Creative Process)) to publications reflecting the history of JAMU (Naďa Satková et al: Osobnosti Divadelní fakulty (Personalities of the Theatre Faculty), Jindřiška Bártová et al.: Osobnosti Hudební fakulty JAMU II. (Personalities of JAMU Faculty of Music II) or Jindřiška Bártová: Co střeží karyatidy aneb Průvodce Hudební fakultou Janáčkovy akademie múzických umění v Brně (What the Caryatids Guard or Guide to the Faculty of Music of the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in Brno)). Proof of the high quality of research at JAMU is the fact that we are very successful in grant competitions of large national grant agencies. Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 34 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 35 Although no new project was supported in 2020, three projects funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and realised at the Theatre Faculty continued to be successfully implemented: Komplexní skríningový diagnostický systém GIS (Comprehensive Screening Diagnostic System GIS, researcher Marek Hlavica for JAMU; a joint project with MUNI), Umělecký výzkum tvorby divadelních inscenacı́ s herci s Downovým syndromem jako účinného prostředku sociálnı́ inkluze (Artistic Research on the Creation of Theatre Productions with Actors with Down Syndrome as an Effective Means of Social Inclusion, researcher Jitka Vrbková) and Rozvoj komunikačních kompetencí novou vzdělávací metodikou, vycházející z objektivního hodnocení biosignálů performera a recipienta (Development of Communication Competences by a New Educational Methodology Based on Objective Assessment of Performer’s and Recipient’s Biosignals, researcher Lucia Repašská for JAMU; a joint project with VUT and MUNI). The internal project competition of the Research Activities Development Fund entered its third year of existence, and in 2020 the implementation of four new research projects and four projects supporting qualification growth were supported, with a total amount of CZK 1,151,300 allocated to support ongoing and new projects in 2020. Within the Student Grant Competition, 19 new projects were supported with the amount of CZK 1,459,450 and it was confirmed that both of these project competitions play a crucial role in supporting the development of research at JAMU. 36 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 37 International exchanges of artistic and pedagogical experience are an important aspect of improving the quality of studies and further creative activities and are also an important element in benchmarking. Mobility of students and teachers is an integral part of studying at JAMU. In 2020, a total of 46 students travelled abroad and 53 students arrived back into the Czech Republic. The figures show that, despite the pandemic situation, there has not yet been a significant decline in student mobility. However, the overall situation was not easy: several foreign partner institutions announced their decision not to accept foreign students and many students decided to postpone their study visits abroad. The reasons for this decision were often related to travel complications and quarantine measures, but also due to the assumption that students at a foreign institution would not be able to complete the full scope of their stay, including the added value of language and social integration in an international environment. Some of the students who already were on a study visit at the time of the pandemic outbreak completed their studies abroad properly, while others, after considering the situation, decided to return and complete their studies by distance learning (so-called blended mobility). Teaching mobilities allow for bringing in world-class personalities – this is also helped by the attention paid to funding these mobilities – where money is pooled from several sources, e.g. Centralised Development Projects, Specific Research Projects, the Fund for the Development of Scientific Activities (FRVČ), the Fund for the Development of Educational and Artistic Activities (FRVUČ) and the so-called Indicator D funds. In 2020, 25 foreign guests came to JAMU and 6 JAMU teachers travelled abroad. There is unfortunately a noticeable drop compared to the statistics of previous years, which was caused by the pandemic situation and subsequent regulations of the rector with regard to the implementation of foreign trips of JAMU teachers. Due to these limitations, virtual mobility gradually increased during the year, especially in connection with participation in online events of international networks and in connection with the temporary need to transfer teaching and some learning outcomes to a virtual environment. Therefore, other planned visits of foreign teachers were postponed or transformed into distance learning forms such as online lecture, workshop or musical performance. The pandemic of covid-19 caused a drastic reduction in other international activities – the 30th International Festival of Theatre Schools Encounter was cancelled, as was the 26th Leoš Janáček International Competition, which was to be held in the fields of violin and string quartet. The same fate befell the organisation of the 53rd International Musical Interpretation Masterclasses. The implementation of these and other projects was affected by the impossibility of international travel due to their nature based on the activities of the visiting participants. On the other hand, the organisation of the international festival Meetings of New Music Plus was efficiently transferred to the online environment – all concerts and workshops were streamed and the festival presented itself in the virtual environment with high quality artistic performances. 38 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 39 A significant award went to Prof. MgA. Alena Štěpánková Veselá, the first rector of JAMU after 1989, who was awarded the Medal of Merit (for the state in the field of art and education) by the President of the Republic on the occasion of the national holiday on 28th October 2020. This year again, outstanding personalities from many fields of human activity were awarded the City of Brno Prizes. The prestigious award for 2020 was awarded to Prof. Jindřiška Bártová, professor of JAMU Faculty of Music. A great pleasure, however, is especially the annual publication of the achievements of JAMU students. Let us mention at least the most outstanding ones – laureates of international and most important Czech competitions. Despite the difficult situation, the students of the JAMU Faculty of Music participated in international competitions with excellent results: David Šimeček (clarinet, category Chamber music – wind quintet) 1st prize (ODIN International Online Competition) Vendula Galdová (piano) 2nd prize (The "EMIL ROTUNDU" Canto & Piano International – Online – Contest, Romania) Vendula Galdová (harpsichord) Certificate of merit (Bohuslav Martinů Foundation Competition, Prague) Ivan Gulai (guitar) Certificate of merit (International Guitar Competition GUITARTALENT, Brno) Lukáš Handrych (guitar) 2nd prize (international competition Golden Strings, Nikolaev, Ukraine) Kateřina Potocká (piano) 1st prize (Yamaha Music Foundation Europe Competition) 1st prize (International Performance Competition Vienna-Klosterneuburg) Daria Savvateeva (harpsichord) Zorka and Jaroslav Zich Award (Bohuslav Martinů Foundation Competition, Prague) Aleš Tvrdík (clarinet) 3rd prize (Silverstein Global Clarinet Contest) 3rd prize (International Clarinet Competition Sava Dimitrov, Sofia) Matej Veselka (clarinet in a trio of clarinet, cello and piano) 2nd prize (Wiener Danubia Talents International Music Competition) Barbora Zonová (harpsichord) 2nd prize (Bohuslav Martinů Foundation Competition, Prague) Teachers and students of the JAMU Theatre Faculty have also achieved significant success: The winner of the Thalia Award for 2020 is Petr Štěpán for his outstanding performance as "Satan" in the production Ztracený ráj (Zpráva o člověku) (Paradise Lost (The Report on Man)) directed by Dodo Gombár and in the dramaturgy by Miroslav Ondra at the Municipal Theatre Brno. Eva Jelínková was awarded the Senior Prix 2020 for her long-term artistic activity by the LIFE OF THE ARTIST FOUNDATION. Prof. Alena Blažejovská's documentary Muž, který sází stromy (The Man Who Plants Trees) was included in the programme of the prestigious International Feature Conference 2020, which took place in September 2020 in an online form. Pavel Jirásek's documentary Joachim Barrande – ztracená moře (Joachim Barrande – The Lost Seas) won the award for the best Czech and Slovak popular science documentary at the Academia Film Olomouc 2020 international festival. 40 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 41 In 2020, several students of the Theatre Faculty succeeded in national and international competitions. Monika Řeháková, a student of the Audiovisual Media and Theatre master's programme, was awarded in the Czech Press Photo competition in the CANON AWARD (Single Winner) category. Two students of the study programme Audiovisual Media and Theatre were awarded in the Czech Theatre Photography Showcase 2020. In the student category "Free Work with Theatrical Themes", Nikola Minářová won second place with her photographs from the productions Nivó (Studio Marta 2019) and Scheherazade (When the King is Not at Home, Studio Marta 2019). The third place in the same category went to Vendula Hlaváčková for her photographs from the production And Suddenly He Simply Was There (JAMU Theatre Faculty 2019). Among the international awards won by Theatre Faculty students we can mention Filip Gažo (Radio and TV Dramaturgy and Scriptwriting), who won the 2nd prize for his short play A Suicide Note in The International One-Minute Play Contest for Students 2020 organised by The Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television at the University in Ljubljana, Slovenia. MgA. Tereza Reková (study programme at the doctor’s degree) was nominated for the international awards Prix Bohemia Radio (Best Documentary of the Year category) and Prix Europa (Current Affairs category) in 2020 for her radio documentary Soudní lidé národa českého (Reasonable People of the Czech Nation). In 2020, Mgr. Ela Lehotská (study programme at the doctor’s degree), was nominated for the national film award Sun in the Net for 2019 in the category Best Actress in a Leading Role, awarded by the Slovak Film and Television Academy, for her role of Zuzana Benková in Ostrym nožom (By a Sharp Knife). The students were equally successful in the Evald Schorm Awards 2020, which are awarded annually by DILIA. The first place went to Tereza Agelová, a student of the Drama and Education Studio, and Marie Mlatečková, a student of Theatre Dramaturgy, for their original play asi.milování (Assimilation / Maybe Love), while the second place went to Tereza Agelová for her original play dvě čárky (Two Lines). 42 Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 43 It is one of the basic conditions for continuous improvement of the quality of all JAMU activities. Just as research universities cannot do without state-of-the-art laboratories, instrumentation and audio, video, and stage technology is crucial for art schools. In order to keep pace with the professional scene, especially in technology, continuous investment in renewal in all these areas, as well as in the maintenance and repair of assets, is necessary. JAMU uses funding from several sources. The development and improvement of the material, technical and informational resources of JAMU is based on the fulfillment of the objectives of the Long-term Plan 2016–2020 and subsequent strategic materials for the next periods. In 2020, the area of asset acquisition, replacement and repair was funded: – from the state budget under the new programme No. 133 220 “Rozvoj a obnova materiálně technické základny veřejných vysokých škol” (Development and Renewal of the Material and Technical Base of Public Universities) – from the European Structural and Investment Funds under the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education – from the Centralised Development Project – from the Institutional Plan – from the contribution to capital expenditure outside programme funding – from its own investment resources, which is the capital asset reproduction fund Programme 133 220 “Rozvoj a obnova materiálně technické základny VVŠ” (Development and Renewal of the Material and Technical Base of Public Universities) Two projects were implemented from programme 133 220 from subtitle 133D 22I “Rozvoj a obnova materiálně technické základny Janáčkovy akademie múzických umění v Brně” (Development and Renewal of the Material and Technical Base of the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in Brno"): Project EDS 133D22I000002 “JAMU – Stavební úpravy prostor ateliéru scénografie” (JAMU Building Modifications of the Scenography Studio) was implemented in 2019 and 2020. Total costs amounted to CZK 8,430,620, of which the capital subsidy from the state budget amounted to CZK 5,983,880 and the non-investment subsidy to CZK 653,180. JAMU contributed to the total costs with capital funds in the amount of CZK 1,751,820 and with non-investment funds in the amount of CZK 41,740. In the current year 2020, a total of CZK 4,189,780 has been spent, of which CZK 2,821,560 came from the state budget. In 2020, JAMU contributed to the costs with the amount of CZK 1,368,220. This includes a contribution to capital expenditures in the amount of CZK 1,315,700. The subject of the project is the layout and construction modifications of the scenography studio including reconstruction of water supply, sewerage, heating, implementation of air ventilation in areas without natural ventilation and complete reconstruction of power and light wiring including lighting fixtures. The project includes the reconstruction of the low-current electrical wiring common to the scenography studio and the Marta theatre studio, i.e. the electronic fire alarm system, structured cabling network, alarm security system with electronic access control and camera system. Project preparation began in 2015, with actual implementation taking place from November 2019 to February 2020. The building was approved in April 2020. Project EDS 133D22I000003 “JAMU – Rozvoj a obnova technologií 2020” (JAMU – Development and Renewal of Technologies 2020) in the total amount of CZK 2,477,600, of which CZK 2,105,960 was covered from the capital funds of the state budget. JAMU contributed to the costs with the amount of CZK 371,640 paid from the contribution to capital expenditures. The aim of the project is to replace and upgrade technically and morally obsolete information and communication technologies that are necessary for maintaining and improving the quality of teaching and school operation. The project provided three servers for the central server room of the university at the Theatre on Orlí Street as a replacement of the existing morally and technically obsolete servers, six 1Gb network active elements as a replacement of technically and morally obsolete active elements located at the Theatre Faculty, Astorka and the rector's office and 29 new Wi-Fi connection points located in various locations of the school for uniform coverage of JAMU premises by wireless connection. Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 44 Operational Programme Research, Development and Education Within the framework of the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, JAMU implements three individual projects financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): Project “Zkvalitnění infrastruktury studijního programu Hudební umění na JAMU” (Improvement of the Infrastructure of the Study Programme Musical Arts at JAMU), project registration number CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/00 02246, in the total amount of eligible expenditure CZK 79,373,000, of which CZK 69,868,000 come from investment funds and CZK 9,505,000 from non-investment funds. JAMU contributes to the costs by 5% of its own resources. In 2020, a total of CZK 7,119,570 was invested, of which the ERDF share amounted to CZK 6,763,590. The project was used to purchase historical musical instruments (a hammer piano, a Renaissance lute), lighting equipment, video technology and projectors for the Theatre on Orlí Street. Project “Zkvalitnění infrastruktury studijního programu Dramatická umění na JAMU” (Improvement of the Infrastructure of the Study Programme Dramatic Arts at JAMU), project registration number CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_ 016/0002469, in the total amount of eligible expenses of CZK 78,135,000, of which CZK 68,122,000 come from investment funds and CZK 10,013,000 from non-investment funds. JAMU contributes to the costs by 5% of its own resources. In 2020, a total of CZK 9,468,460 was invested from investment funds, of which the ERDF share amounted to CZK 8,995,040. The project was used to purchase velvet coverings for classrooms at the Theatre Faculty and Astorka, lighting technology for the Theatre on Orlí Street, technological equipment for musical studios, audiovisual equipment for classrooms and studios, and photographic technology. Project “Další rozvoj vzdělávací infrastruktury na Divadelní fakultě JAMU s ohledem na praxi” (Further Development of the Educational Infrastructure at JAMU Theatre Faculty with Regard to Practice), project registration number CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/18_057/0013294, in the total amount of eligible expenditures of CZK 56,960,000, of which CZK 44,131,000 come from investment funds and CZK 12,829,000 from non-investment funds. JAMU contributes to the costs by 5% of its own resources. In 2020, a total of CZK 17,345,550 of investment funds was spent, of which the ERDF share amounted to CZK 16,478,280. The project was used to purchase: a set of active elements for the student computer network, a central online storage, a set of multimedia workstations, video technology in classrooms 106 and 107 at the Theatre Faculty, HW technology for the lighting design studio, projectors for graduate performances and video mapping, photographic technology, technological equipment for the scenography classrooms, equipment for the production and maintenance of costumes for the Theatre on Orlí Street, a set of e-publications. Centralised Development Projects In 2020, a capital subsidy of CZK 570,000 was provided from the chapter of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for the centralised development project “Udržitelný rozvoj EIS v síti vysokých škol” (Sustainable Development of EIS in the Network of Universities), which is being solved together with 25 other public universities. The project coordinator is ČVUT in Prague. The project included the purchase of user rights to the SAP ERP information system and disks for the SAP ERP data backup. Institutional Plan In 2020, a subsidy of CZK 7,494,000 was provided from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for the implementation of the institutional plan, the amount of CZK 500,000 coming from investment funds. Investment funds in the amount of CZK 494,720 and a part of non-investment funds in the amount of CZK 1,950,000 were used for the technological development of the university directed to the renewal and innovation of teaching technologies. The unspent funds of CZK 5,270 were transferred to the FRIM fund. Within the project, capital funds were used to purchase software updates for the camera system, upgrade of the C4 security system, cards for existing servers in the central server room at the Theatre on Orlí Street, and backup power supplies for the UPS at the rector's office. Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 45 The non-investment funds were used to modify the web servers (commissioning of the new website, migration of the project websites from the old server and launching of the new server for thirdparty projects, customisation and functionality of the web portal), to configure the services and to secure the central servers and to upgrade the mail server. There has also been a significant renewal of HW, mainly through the purchase of laptops for home office work. The existing computer equipment has been upgraded with the purchase of new SSDs and RAM. New WIFI APs were installed at the halls of residence. Contribution to Capital Expenditure Outside Programme Financing In 2020, on the basis of an application, JAMU was granted a contribution to capital expenditure outside programme financing in the amount of CZK 7,494,000, of which CZK 5,133,660 has been invested. Unspent funds amounting to CZK 2,113,340 were transferred to the FRIM fund. The capital contribution financed the following actions: − co-financing of the construction “JAMU – Stavební úpravy prostor ateliéru scénografie” (JAMU – Building Modifications to the Premises of the Scenography Studio) covered by the state budget within the framework of the programme financing of the Evidenční dotační systém (Subsidy Record System) − co-financing of the action “JAMU – Rozvoj a obnova technologií 2020” (JAMU – Development and Renewal of Technologies 2020) covered by the state budget within the framework of the programme financing of the Evidenční dotační systém (Subsidy Record System) − project preparation of construction modifications and modernisation of IVUC Astorka − project preparation of the optical connection between the Theatre on Orlí Street and the Theatre Faculty via Jánská, Poštovská, Kozí and Dvořáková streets − completion of the Wi-Fi network on the 1st floor of the building at Komenského náměstí 6 − modification of air-conditioning ducts for classrooms 013 and 17 of the Theatre Faculty − execution of the velvet track covering of the back wall of the Theatre on Orlí Street’s stage − purchase of a multifunctional photocopier for the Theatre on Orlí Street − modernisation of audiovisual equipment in lecture room 205 at the Faculty of Music - replacement of existing lighting fixtures on the 1st floor of the rector's office for modern LED lights - implementation of an automatic mobile gate at the entrance to the courtyard of the building at Komenského nám. 6 - modification of the acoustic wall of the airconditioning units on the terrace on the 4th floor of the building at Mozartova 1 Capital Asset Reproduction Fund The funds were used either separately or together with other subsidy sources from the state budget in the total amount of CZK 2,611,780 for the following actions: − payment of the price for the establishment of the right of easement to land owned by the City of Brno for a fibre optic cable in Bayerova Street, which connects the Marta Theatre Studio to the electronic communications network of Masaryk University − co-financing of the construction “JAMU – Stavební úpravy prostor ateliéru scénografie” (JAMU – Building Modifications to the Premises of the Scenography Studio) covered by the state budget within the framework of the programme financing of the Evidenční dotační systém (Subsidy Record System) − study of building modifications of IVUC Astorka − construction modifications to the gas boiler room of the Marta Theatre Studio repair of lifts in the Astorka building − completion of the repair of the elevator in the Theatre Faculty building − technology modernisation of classroom 205 at the Faculty of Music − purchase of mattresses and bed protectors for the beds in Astorka hall of residence − replacement of caps on the distributor in the heat exchanger station of the Astorka building − co-financing of investment projects covered by public subsidies from the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education at both faculties − co-financing of a centralised development project covered by a capital subsidy from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports The above-mentioned investments have made it possible to fundamentally upgrade JAMU's equipment and to provide students with the opportunity to work on top instruments and with top technology in theatres and concert halls for years to come. Annual Report on Activities and Economic Results in 2020 46 List of Used Photos Page 6: Rector of JAMU Prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý. Photo: JAMU archive. Page 9: Inauguration of the Dean of the Theatre Faculty, Associate Professor Mgr. Petr Francán. Photo: JAMU archive. Christmas on-line concert in the auditorium of JAMU Faculty of Music. Photo: archive of JAMU Faculty of Music. Page 12: Inauguration of Prof. Barbara Maria Willi, Ph.D., the new Dean of JAMU Faculty of Music. Photo: JAMU archive. Page 15: Exhibition of the project Umění volá (Art is Calling), Photo: JAMU Theatre Faculty, Bára Bachanová. Page 16: Samuel Mihálik – student of the harpsichord at JAMU Faculty of Music, photo on the right – Samuel Mihálik as a volunteer at the University Hospital Brno during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic. Photo: archive of JAMU Faculty of Music. A photo from a concert at the time of the pandemic at JAMU Faculty of Music. Photo: archive of JAMU Faculty of Music. Page 22: Programme of the festival Meeting of New Music Plus 2020. Photo: archive of JAMU Faculty of Music. Page 23: Genre photography. Photo: archive of JAMU. Page 26: This image is from the opera performance S.A.M.P.O., Chamber Opera of JAMU Faculty of Music. Photo: archive of JAMU Faculty of Music. Page 27: A photo from the production of Raději zešílet v divočině (Better to Go Mad in the Wild), Studio Marta. Photo: JAMU Theatre Faculty, Šimon Pávek. Page 28: Photo from the Lecoq Masterclass workshop at the Theatre Faculty. Photo: JAMU Theatre Faculty, Anna Turková. This image is from the Brno Marathon Music Festival 2020. Photo: JAMU Theatre Faculty, Pavel Borský. Page 29: A photo from a composite programme by the students of JAMU Faculty of Music in Reduta (as part of the Janáček Brno Festival). Photo: JAMU Faculty of Music, Marek Olbrzymek. A photo from the premiere of Hády – Pokusy o minulost (Hády - Attempts on the Past) at Studio Marta. Photo: JAMU Theatre Faculty, Martin Jakubec. Page 30: A photo from the graduation production of The Great Gatsby at the Theatre on Orlí Street. Photo: JAMU Theatre Faculty, Martina Řeháčková. A photo from the premiere of When are WE? at the Buranteatr Theatre. Photo: JAMU Theatre Faculty, Petr Novák. Page 34: International Doctoral Conference of the Faculty of Music. Photo: archive of JAMU Faculty of Music. Page 40: Clarinettist Aleš Tvrdík, a successful student of the Department of Wind Instruments at JAMU Faculty of Music. Photo: archive of JAMU Faculty of Music. Prof. MgA. Alena Štěpánková Veselá, the first rector of JAMU after 1989, awarded on the occasion of the national holiday on 28th October 2020. Photo: archive of JAMU Faculty of Music.