The Student's Guide áček Academy erforming Arts M M U U The Student's Guide Janáček Academy of Performing Arts Czech Republic BRNO I 2023 Please note that all the information in the brochure is subject to change Content 1 Welcome to Brno....................................................................................................................................5 2 General Information about the Czech Republic and the City of Brno......................6 2.1 The Czech Republic......................................................................................................................6 2.2 The City of Brno..............................................................................................................................8 3 Janáček Academy of Performing Arts (JAM U) and the Theatre and Music Faculties..............................................................................................................................11 3.1 Janáček Academy of Performing Arts (JAMU)................................................................11 3.2 The Theatre Faculty....................................................................................................................16 3.2.1 Why the Theatre Faculty?....................................................................................................17 3.2.2 International Students..........................................................................................................18 3.2.3 "Theatre without Borders" an Erasmus+ Student Exchange Programme...............18 3.2.4 Language Courses................................................................................................................21 3.2.5 Application Process..............................................................................................................21 3.2.6 Calendar of the Academic Year at the Theatre Faculty...............................................23 3.2.7 Faculty theatres.....................................................................................................................24 3.2.8 International events.............................................................................................................26 3.3 The Faculty of Music.................................................................................................................28 3.3.1 Accredited Study Programmes..........................................................................................28 3.3.2 International Students..........................................................................................................31 3.3.3 Academic Calendar..............................................................................................................33 3.3.4 Komorní opera (Chamber Opera Studio).......................................................................33 3.3.5 International Music Master Classes.................................................................................34 3.3.6 Leoš Janáček International Competition in Brno.........................................................34 4 Visa and other Official Requirements......................................................................................35 4.1 Visa Requirements......................................................................................................................35 4.1.1 Students from EU Countries...............................................................................................35 4.1.2 Students from Countries Outside the EU.......................................................................35 4. 2 Registration with the Foreign Police.................................................................................37 4. 3 Payment of fee for municipal waste in Brno..................................................................38 5 Healthcare and insurance...............................................................................................................39 6 How to Get to Brno.............................................................................................................................42 6.1 Plane.................................................................................................................................................42 6.2 Coach or Train.............................................................................................................................43 6.3. How To Get around in Brno..................................................................................................43 7 Facilities....................................................................................................................................................45 7.1 Accommodation...........................................................................................................................45 7.2 Meals and Board..........................................................................................................................46 7.2.1 Student Cafeteria/Canteen.................................................................................................46 72.2 Restaurants.............................................................................................................................47 7.3 Shops and Supermarkets.........................................................................................................47 7.3 JAMU library..................................................................................................................................48 8 Short Summary What to Do after Your Arrival to Brno..................................................50 9 Useful Information...............................................................................................................................51 10 Basic Words and Phrases in Czech..........................................................................................59 11 Some Important Links.....................................................................................................................60 12 Contacts 1 Welcome to Brno The decision to live and study in a foreign country always involves breaking new ground and means being prepared to face the unknown. Today international relations and academic exchange are more important than ever. Let us welcome you to the Czech Republic and to the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts as the host institution for your studies. There are always a lot of challenges involved in living and studying in a foreign country with different culture. In order to have your stay in Brno safe and relaxed, we have prepared this Guide for you. It focuses on practical aspects of life in the Czech Republic and in the City of Brno. We wish you good times during your study visit in the Czech Republic. Student's Guide General Information about the Czech Republic and the City of Brno 2.1 The Czech Republic The Czech Republic is situated approximately in the geographical centre of Europe and has an area of 78,866 sq. km. It shares borders with Poland in the northeast, Germany in the west and northwest, Austria in the south and Slovakia in the east. The population of the Czech Republic is approaching 10,700,000 and its capital and largest city is Prague (Czech: Praha). The country is composed of the historic lands of Bohemia and Moravia, as well as parts of Silesia. The Czech Republic ha been a member of NATO since 1999 and of the European Union since 2004. Student's Guide Basic facts Area: 78,886 km2 | Population: 10 693 939 | Population density: 134/km2 | Currency: Czech crown (CZK), 1 CZK = 100 hellers | Capital: Prague (Praha); population: 1 335 084 | Official language: Czech | Religion: 58.3 % of the population nondenominational, 41.7 % religious - incl. 38 % Roman Catholic and 2.5 % Protestant (according to the National Census of 2001) | Climate: Temperate, four seasons, combined ocean and continental climate, changeable in winter, warm in summer. Average daily temperature: in January, the coldest month, around -2°C; in July, the hottest month,+20 °C and higher. | Political system: pluralist multi-party parliamentary democracy with the Prime Minister as a Head of government. The Parliament is bicameral, with the Chamber of Deputies (200 members) and the Senate (81 members). | Highest point of elevation: Mt. Sněžka (1,602 m above sea level) | Lowest point of elevation: near Hřensko, where the river Elbe leaves Czech territory (117 m above sea level). Average temperature (Prague) Average Sunlight Temperature ("CELSIUS) Average Precipitation (mm) Month Average Record Wet Days (+0.25 mm) (hours) Min Max Min Max Jan 2 -5 0 -23 13 18 Feb 3 -4 1 -28 18 18 11 March 5 -1 7 -14 22 18 10 April 6 3 12 -6 29 27 11 May 8 8 18 -2 32 48 13 June 9 11 21 5 36 54 12 July 8 13 23 6 38 68 Aug 8 13 22 5 36 55 12 Sept 6 9 18 0 33 31 10 Oct 4 5 12 -6 26 33 13 Nov 2 1 5 -10 18 20 Dec 1 -3 1 -21 13 21 13 Student's Guide The City of Brno If you are still hesitating, please we are bringing main reasons why to study in Brno. Brno isn't a city, it's a lifestyle! Brno, located in South Moravia, not far from Vienna, is the second largest city in the Czech Republic. With a population of 400,000, Brno has a long history and rich cultural traditions. You can visit many historical monuments, houses, churches and castles in both Brno itself and its immediate surroundings. Excellent cuisine (not just in restaurants) Beer gardens, supping in the streets and squares, delicious coffee on literally every corner, a famous nightlife scene. That, plus a high concentration of restaurants and bistros with international cuisine, where even proponents of an alternative lifestyle will surely find what they're looking for. Student's Guide Modern architecture Though Villa Tugendhat is the only exam pie of Czech modernist architecture designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, if functional ism is your thing, don't worry - Brno also offers plenty of other modernist sights to tickle your fancy. Theatres/ museums and art galleries every step of the way Brno is full of museums, art galleries and theatres, both of an alternative nature and those dedicated to the majority consumer. There is a lot on offer here - from the opera through dance and drama all the way to comedy, focusing on both classical and modern art. An affordable and safe student city There are six public universities based in Brno with a total of more than thirty different faculties, plus a few private ones. Students feel at home here and there's between 70 to 80 thousands of them studying here at any given time. Living here is affordable, so it's no wonder that they don't just meet up in school but also in the city centre later on in the evenings. Student's Guide City of music Concerts on stages, in clubs, at festivals and in the streets - modern, classical and folk music connecting the city with the region in which it lies. Music is omnipresent here, which is one of the reasons why Brno boasts the title of UNESCO City of Music. Multicultural city More than 25 000 foreigners live in Brno, which is 6.7% of its population. Some of them study here, others work in large international companies. Brno also hosts a wide range of foreign-language cultural events. Location in the heart of Europe Brno holds a strategic position right in the centre of Europe and significant international airports (Prague, Vienna, Bratislava) lie not far away. Thanks to the efficient transport system, it is easy to travel from Brno not only within the Czech Republic, but also visit other European countries. Wish to explore, discover and experience more of Brno? Visit the portal for some great tips and practical information. 10 Student's Guide Janáček Academy of Performing Arts (JAMU) and the theatre and music faculties 31 Janáček Academy of Performing Arts (JAM U) The Janáček Academy of Performing Arts was founded in 1947. Its beginnings were preceded by efforts connected to the name of Leoš Janáček over many years, including the establishment of an organ school in 1881 and of the Brno Conservatoire in 1919. It was with the emergence of JAMU that Janáček's life-long striving to establish of a college of arts which would develop the abilities of conservatoire graduates and other talented students was fulfilled. Although the founding professors were leading figures from the world of music (among them later the first rector of the academy, Ludvik Kundera), besides its Faculty of Music, JAMU hasalways had a Theatre Faculty. The Janáček Academy has made its mark on the soul of the city by its abundant concerts and theatre activities, this is shown in the diligent care forthe buildings which been offered for its use or which it has built. Today the Rector's Office is located in Beethovenova Street, while the classicist building of the Faculty of Music on Komenský Square has been joined by the art-nouveau building of the Theatre Faculty in Mozartova Street. Student's Guide The building of the JAMU called Divadlo na Orli (Theatre Orli Street) was open in 2012. The theatre is situated very close to Astorka (JAMU dormitory and library). Thanks to the latest high quality stage technology equipment it enables students to be prepared for professional career in milieu appropriate with current world trends. Primarily the opera and musical acting students perform in the newtheatre. More information: Astorka The efforts of the school's management have been complemented by the opening of the ASTORKA Information, Education and Accommodation Centre in Novobranská Street. This has given students a modern, well-equipped library with a multimedia study room, a large performance hall and several practice rooms - and JAMU's own student accommodation with a capacity of 150 places. A wide range of facilities is joined bytheTheatre Orli Street, providing additional acting and rehearsal space, recording studios and classrooms. More information: Student's Guide JAMU's innovative approach can be seen in its degree programmes in drama education for the deaf (unparalleled in Europe) and musical theatre (unique in the Czech Republic); its promotion of physical theatre; its pioneering work in the use of drama in teaching; its ground-breaking electroacoustic music and multimedia programmes; and the Faculty of Music's unique Methodology Centres, which provide furthereduca-tion for graduates from conservatories, academies of music and the performing arts and faculties of education. JAMU is known for its exciting student productions at its theatres and those of its Chamber Opera, the frequent concerts of the of the Janáček Academy Orchestra as well as those given by individual students and teachers, and such high-profile annual international events as SETKANI/ENCOUNTER (an ambitious theatre school festival), a fun-filled festival of street theatre, the annual Leoš Janáček International Competition for leading young performers, the well-established International Music Master Classes, International Percussion Instruments Festival, and the unique International Theatre Conference. Lifelong learning programmes at the Faculty of Music are offered in English and German; for these, a tuition fee is charged. At present JAMU has approximately 700 students at its two faculties. Student's Guide Location of The Janáček Academy of Performing Arts Location of the Rectorate O Beethovenova Street 2, 66215 Brno, Czech Republic Contact D Z < JAMU International Office Institutional Coordinator < Ol c Phone+420 542 591126 o E-mail: 01 CL Vice-Rector for International Relations Phone+420 542 591114 E-mail: o E u < j* 01 >o ■ra c Location of the Theatre Faculty The Theatre Faculty is situated in the centre of Brno at Mozartova Street 1, only three-minute walk from the Astorka hall of residence for students (Novobranská Street 3) and ten-minute walk from the main railway station. Behind the Faculty is the Academy's Rector's Office (Beethovenova Street 2). O Mozartova Street 1, 66215 Brno, Czech Republic Location of the Faculty of Music The Faculty of Music is situated in the centre of Brno in Komenského Square 6. The best waytogettothe Faculty of Music istotakethe tram No.12or No.4fromthe Main Railway Station and to get off at the "Česká" stop. O Komenského Square 6, 66215 Brno, Czech Republic 14 Student's Guide D Z < < c (D Q_ M— O £ 0) ~0 Note: Q Rectorate (Beethovenova Street 2) ©Theatre Faculty (Mozartova Street 1) Q Faculty of Music (Komenského Square 6) QAstorka hall (Novobranská Street 3) 0 Theatre Orlí Street (Orlí Street xx) Q Masaryk University cafeteria (Žerotínovo nám. 9) ^ Main Railway Station ^ Main Bus Station Student's Guide 15 32 The Theatre Faculty© Studies at the J AMU Theatre Faculty are organized in the form of studios, in which attention and support are given to each student individually so that he or she can develop his/ hertalents. The Theatre Faculty offers a three-year Bachelor's degree programme with the following specializations: — Theatre Directing — Theatre Dramaturgy — Theatre Management — Stage Management and Technology — Theatre and Education — Radio and TV Dramaturgy and Scriptwriting — Set and Costume Design (Scenography) — Theatre and Education forthe Deaf — Audiovisual Media and Theatre — Dance and Movement Theatre and Education (Dance pedagogy) Student's Guide The Theatre Faculty is the only institution in Europe that provides a degree course in drama education for the deaf. All of the above specializations can be continued in two-year Master's degree programmes with the exception of Stage Management and Technology. Four-year Master's degree programmes are offered in Dramatic Acting, Musical Acting and in Physical Theatre. The Faculty also offers a two-year Master's degree programme in Lighting Design. At the Theatre Faculty a four-year doctoral programme Dramatic Arts exists. The Theatre Faculty is a member of following International artistic networks: — ELIA (European League of Institutes of the Arts: — ENCATC (European networkon cultural management and policy: — SAR (Society for Theatre Research): 321 Why the Theatre Faculty? There are many reasons why to opt for studies at the Theatre Faculty as: — offers a study programme in English for exchange students; — its location in the heart of Europe and the vibrant city of Brno makes it simple to travel and visit any other European country; — its small number of students guarantees an individual approach which distinguishes it from most other universities; — connects education and theatrical practice in all stages of study; — operates two school theatres-Theatre on Orli Street and Studio Marta - which simulate the workings of a professional repertoire theatre and provide students with valuable experience; — organizes international events (International Festival of Theatre Schools SETKANI/ ENCOUNTER, International Theatre Conference etc.); — gives rise to lifelong friendships; — boasts a star-studded line-up of both graduates and teachers; — offers programmes unique among Czech universities (Musical Acting, Lighting Design); — is actively involved in scientific research, the publishing of specialist works and developing international cooperation; — enables involvement in prestigious and world-renowned artistic activities and European projects; — theTheatre FacultyJAMU isa heart-and-soul affairsurrounded bythe bestthat Brno has to offer! Student's Guide International Students The JAMU Theatre Faculty offers no accredited courses in foreign languages. Since the faculty is becoming more popular among international students thanks to the ERAS-MUS+ programme, a one-term ortwo-term curriculum called "Theatre without Borders" (TwB) was int rod uced.TwB was established in order to create a performance project realized by international students whose knowledge of the Czech language is not sufficient to follow courses together with JAMU students. The level of skills and knowledge of the incoming students may be different as well and TwB helps them to integrate into practical theatre production projects; The Faculty perceives the practical theatre production projects to be one of its greatest strengths. A final performance of international students is realized in one of the professional theatres in Brno. 323 "Theatre without Borders" an Erasmus+Student Exchange Programme The Erasmus+ Student Exchange Programme "Theatre without Borders" aims to create space for artistic and educational exchange between European guest students and the specific surroundings of the Central European cultural tradition and atmosphere. By implementing methods and experiences of Czech cultural practice in an internationally oriented artistic teaching process, the " Theatre without Borders " programme is designed and developed within the process of collecting contributions from students of European theatre schools, constantly analysing their inputs, needs and preferences and framing them in the wider context of the Central European history of ideas and artistic uniqueness. The project is held during the winter and summer semesters for the following study specialisations of theatre studies: Study specialisations at bachelor's and master's level from which applications for TwB are invited: — Dramatic Acting — Musical Acting — Physical Theatre — Theatre Dramaturgy and Directing — Radio and TV Script and Writing — Set and Costume Design — Theatre and Education Student's Guide 3 z < > u CD © z < < c £ 0 4— l_ 01 CL o E m "a CO — Theatre Management — Stage Technology — Dance Pedagogy — Drama in Education for Deaf — Lighting Design — Audiovisual Media and Theatre We also have a four-year Ph.D. programme in the Czech language for students doing their research in the field of dramatic arts. For Ph.D. students an individual research programme can be agreed for exchange purposes. Structure of Study Programme The foundation of the exchange study programme is composed of the following basic courses: Performance Project. The main idea is to create a cooperative group of students from different fields of the performing arts who will, together with the teacher and in cooperation with other classmates and teachers, produce a piece of theatre comparable to a professional theatre production. Student's Guide 19 b) Brno Theatre Map. We wish to give to international students a possibility to explore different kinds of Brno theatre and to provide basic information about the Czech theatre. c) Czech for Foreigners. Each semestertwoorthree levels are open - Czech for Beginners, Pre-lntermediate and Intermediate level courses. d) Actor's training - Practical course oriented for a psycho-physical actor's training as a mean leading to an articulation meaning through body, voice, energy and scenic presence of performer. The course consists of intensive works sessions and its aim is to open basic theatre questions, theatre possibility, identity and sense. e) Authorial Theatre. The classes consist of two main disciplines: authorial writing (monologues, dialogues, sketches) and physical theatre (exercises, improvisation, short theatre pieces). Cooperation of the students and the teacher is crucial for the whole process. f) Circus Skills- Basics of traditional and newjuggling with balls, rings, scarfs and clubs, contact juggling and poi juggling. Partner acrobatics and movement skills. Individual and group development of techniques, cooperation and creativity. Juggling props as substitute objects for a theatre expression. g) Ensemble Singing - rhythmic and intonation exercises, singing exercises, auditory analysis, musical terminology. More complex (three - four - part) arrangements of songs of a wider genre range and different styles. Connection with ensemble acting, eventually with dance performance. Public performances accompanied on piano. Student's Guide Based on student demand and the study plans of particular BA/MA study programmes, other subjects of possible benefit to each study specialisation can be opted for. For more information, please see the Theatre without Borders brochure: studies/erasmus/ Students will register all the courses through J AMU information system ( 324 Language Courses All international exchange students at J AMU are given two lessons of Czech language per week. Each semester two or three levels are open: Beginners, Pre- and Intermediate level. This course is free of charge and can be a part of study plan. In case of sufficient demand an intensive one-week course of Czech may precede, before the semester starts. 32 5 Application Process Theclosing date forapplicationstothe Erasmus+exchange programmeforthe next academic year is 30th April. Student's Guide 21 Before this date we ask applying students to submit their applications together with application documents through JAMU information system: In the application the following documents must be attached: — Transcript of Records — Letter of Motivation — CV — Personal Photo — Additional information (portfolio, personal website hyperlink, CD or DVD project presentation, pictures or DVD from performances, summary of research, etc.) — Proof of knowledge of English - language certificate/diploma from internationally recognized tests such as CAE, FCE, TOEFL, or an official statement verified by the applicant's English teacher at home university that he/she has a knowledge of English sufficient for the following of lectures. Please do not be concerned - it is not our intention to accept only students with native-speaker-level English. We need this information to help us with the structuring of performance and research project activities. After receiving all the applications, the entrance committee will decide on admissions. Recommended level of knowledge of English to study at the Theatre Faculty as an exchange student is at least B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Applicants are asked to give their skype ID/WhatsApp number in the application as JAMU teachers reserve the right to organise admission interviews via skype if they find this necessary. Applicants will be informed of whether they have or have not been accepted by 25th May. Forfurtherinformation and actual content of the "Theatre without Borders" programme, please contact the Theatre Faculty's I nternational office: Theatre Faculty - Janáček Academy of Performing Arts International Office, Mozartova 1, 66215 Brno,Czech Republic Phone:+420 542 591305 E-mail:, Webpage: Facebook: Divadelní fakulta JAMU IG: @dfjamu Student's Guide 3.2.6 Calendar of the Academic Year at the Theatre Faculty o O > © The academic year is divided into two semesters, fall and spring. Each semester contains between 12 and 14 weeks of lectures followed by an examination period of approximately six weeks. If necessary, special examination arrangements can be made for international students; usually the length of the first term for international students is from mid-September to 31st January and the second one is from 1st February to 30th June in order to enable them to finish their courses before the summer vacation. The current schedule of the academic year is available here: Bank Holidays in the Fall Term 28 September - Czech Statehood Day 28 October-Czech Independence Day 17 November - Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day 24 December - Christmas Eve 25 December- Christmas Day 26 December - St. Stephen's Day (Czech: "The Second Christmas Day") 1 January - New Year's Day V \ \ f z < < c £ 0 01 CL o E m "a Student's Guide 23 Bank Holidays in the Spring Term z < March, April - Good Friday March, April - Easter Monday 1 May- Labour Day 8 May - Liberation Day 5 July-Saints Cyril and Methodius Day 6 July-Jan Hus Day < Ol c 3.2.7 Faculty theatres 01 CL o E m "a Students of the Theatre Faculty JAMU have a choice of two home theatre scenes - Orli Street Theatre and Studio Marta. Studio Marta Classroom, auditorium, laboratory and workshop. And also a theatre scene that has left an indelible markonthe Brnocultural scene (JAMU students have been performing in Studio Marta since 1952). Here students learn the inner workings of a theatre - from rehearsals, through repeat performances, all the way to the closing night. Marta forges connections between all departments, but the main supporting pillars are the annual projects of 4th year dramatic acting students, and performances by the Theatre and Education for the Deaf Department and Dance and Movement Theatre Department. The creative © 24 Student's Guide direction of the theatre is set mainly by the Dramaturgy and Direction Department and students work on projects alongside both teachers and professional artists. You can find out more about Studio Marta here: Theatre on Orli Street A modern workplace full of high-end theatrical equipment which gives opera and musical students in particular the opportunity to act in an environment which follows current international trends. The theatre (referred to fittingly as a Musical-Dramatic Laboratory) is equipped with the best audio and lighting equipment. Its construction started in 2010 and lasted two years - since then, it serves as a fluid artistic scene which also adds to the modern architectural character of the city, with its modern design drawn up by Brno architects Pavel Rada and Milan Rak, on a lot that had been vacant since World War II. If you're interested in finding out more about the people, performances and opportunities of the Orli Street Theatre, visit Student's Guide 25 International events Every year Theatre Faculty organizes following international events: Setkani'/Encounter The major event organized each year by the Faculty is an international festival of theatre schools called Setkani/Encounter, which attracts participants from Europe and elsewhere and has gained an enviable reputation for the quality and range of productions it offers. The Festival is usually held for 5 days in March/April and during these days about 12 student theatre groups from all over the world perform in Brno. The SETKANI/ENCOUNTER festival markedly enlarges the range of cultural events on offer in Brno and thus contributes to Brno reputation as a place of cultural significance. Each yearthe SETKANI/ENCOUNTER festival is organized by students themselves with the supervision of teachers of the JAMU Theatre Faculty. The team is composed in particularof students of the Theatre Production and Stage Technology Department. Students of other Theatre Faculty departments (Dramaturgy, Stage and Costume Design and Directing) also take part in the festival's organization. More information aboutthe SETKANI/ENCOUNTER festival is available on: Student's Guide 3 < > u CD © D Z < < Ol c £ 0 4— k_ 01 CL O £ m CO Theatre Conference JAMU Theatre Faculty also annually hosts the international Theatre Conference JAMU aimed at PhD. students and practicing artists. Every year is dedicated to a different topic and apart from providing the attendees with the opportunity to compare various forms of study it's also a great way of establishing international ties. The aim of the conference is to facilitate an interdisciplinary dialogue between theoreticians and practitioners of a specific field and every year this round table hosts many lively discussions. The conference follows up on the rich tradition of dramatic anthropology conferences which the faculty has been hosting since 1996 and the International conference of doctoral studies which was first hosted in 2015 and which has since had an annual turn-up of PhD. students from around the whole world. Our conference is proud to have also hosted many prominent guests, including Richard Schechner, Nicola Savarese, Joachim Fie-bach, Ivo Osolsobě, Ivan Vyskočil or Bořivoj Srba. Here you can find all the pertinent info: Student's Guide 27 The Faculty of Music O The Faculty of Music is situated in the centre of Brno - at Komenského Square 6, just an eight-minute walk from the Astorka Centre for students (Novobranská 3), or a ten-minute walkfrom the main railway station. 331 Accredited Study Programmes The JAMU Faculty of Music has 3-years-Bachelor's and 2-years -follow-up Master's degree study programmes, or 5-year non follow-up Master's degree study programmes in the Art of Music. From 2013/2014 the new interdisciplinary bachelor programme Audio Engineering is open. It is a result of the research project realized by the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in cooperation with DISK Multimedia company and Brno University of Technology (VUT), The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication (FEKT VUT). The programme is accredited at the VUT, the artist classes are organized by the Faculty of Music, JAMU and the technical classes by FEKT VUT. Both universities offer perfectly equipped laboratories and studios in their new buildings. In 2019, Faculty of Music has accredited a new joint study programme with the Royal Conservatoire of the Hague - Historical Interpretation (European Master of Early Music). The two-year Student's Guide Master's programme offers the opportunity to study early music in greater depth on the basis of a personally designed study plan. The students will receive guidance in three aspects: artistic development, research, and professional practice in an international context. Specializations for harpsichord and historical keyboard instruments, historical flute, historical violin, historical violoncello, historical voice, lute and historical oboe are on offer. Specialisations Length of study in each study „ programme i _ < BcA.* MgA.* Ph.D.* Orchestral Conducting 5 Choral Conducting 5 Sacred Music 3 Bassoon 3 2 Clarinet 3 2 Composition 5 Double Bass 3 2 Electroacoustic Music Composition 5 Film and Theatre Music Composition 5 Flute 3 2 French Horn 3 2 Guitar 3 2 Historical Performance (EMEM) 2E Early Music** 3 2 Jazz Interpretation 3 2 Jazz Composition and Arrangement 3 2 Multimedia 3 2 Music Management 3 2 Oboe 3 2 Opera Direction 5 Organ 3 3 Percussion Instruments 3 2 Piano Performance 5 Piano and Piano Pedagogy 5 Student's Guide 29 Specialisations Length of study in each study programme BcA.* MgA.* Ph.D.* Piano and Chamber Music 5 Piano Pedagogy 3 (part time) Trombone 3 2 Trumpet 3 2 Tuba 3 2 Viola 3 2 Violin 3 2 Violoncello 3 2 Voice 5 Interpretation and Theory of Interpretation 4 Composition and Theory of Composition 4 Music Production 4 *E - discipline is accredited in English ** study disciplines: Harpsichord, Historical flute, Historical violin, Historical violoncello, Historical singing, Historical oboe Courses at the Faculty of Music are designed as full-time (except Piano Pedagogy for BA, which is part-time). The basic forms of teaching are lectures, tutorials, seminars, special training, courses, individual tutorials, concerts and opera performances. Each course of study is a self-contained set of subjects arranged into semesters. The Faculty of Music has accreditation to offer the Music Art PhD study programme in the following study specializations: Interpretation and Theory of Interpretation, Composition and Theory of Composition and Music Production. Entrance requirements for all cycles (Bachelor's, Master's, PhD) are available at: For study in the above-mentioned degree study programmes in the Czech language, no tuition fees apply. For more information about the fee for a study year in a foreign language please contact the International Office of Faculty of Music. Student's Guide 332 International Students Within the Erasmus+ programme, the JAMU Faculty of Music, co-operates with more than 30 institutions from all over Europe. Afterthey have successfully completed the application procedure, Erasmus students are mostly accepted foroneortwo semesters, for the course of which they are involved in theirchosen study programme with an emphasis on performance (lessons in the major subject, lessons with an accompanist, performance seminar, chamber music, orchestra playing, orchestral excerpts, etc.). All Erasmus students are given the opportunity to attend a Czech language course as well as to work on their research projects. Application Process The deadline for Erasmus applications is 15 April when applying for the whole academic year and for the winter semester. Applications for the summer semester are accepted until 15 November, but please take into account that all the places at Astorka (the JAMU dormitory) may be taken by this time. Student's Guide The following documents are required: z < — Erasmus+ Application Form — Learning Agreement — Transcript of Records -CD/DVD Recordings — Curriculum Vitae < Ol c 01 CL o E m "a CO Upon receipt, application documents are assessed by teachers of the given discipline. The final decision on acceptance of an application is made by the Dean's Board on the recommendation of heads of departments. In most cases, students are informed of the decision not later than 30 June through the international office of their home institution. Language Courses Besides the courses offered by JAMU which are free of charge (each semester two or three levels are open - Czech for Beginners, Pre-lntermediate and Intermediate level) international students have the opportunity to attend intensive language courses at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University, for which there is a fee. o > © W-*V-:J... If! V IF.** \ - s- I1 32 Student's Guide Lifelong Learning Programme International students from all overthe world are offered tuition within the Lifelong Learning Programme - there are no accredited courses in foreign languages. This type of study does not lead to a formal qualification, although the successful student will receive a certificate stating that he/she has completed the course. The contents of the course can be agreed on an individual basis in accordance with the student's wishes, but the basic components of the programme comprise solo instrument playing, chamber music, playing in an orchestra, the study of orchestral excerpts and accompanied lessons. A Czech language course can be included in the study plan if the student is interested. The fee forthis course is€2,500 persemesterforthefull programme (8 lessons perweek). Contact For further information please contact international office of the Faculty of Music: International Relations Faculty of Music Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts Komenského nám. 6, 66215 Brno Tel.+420 542 591607 Fax: +420 542 591633 E-mail:, 333 Academic Calendar Please visit: 334 Komorní opera (Chamber Opera Studio) The Chamber Opera Studio is part of the JAMU - Faculty of Music. Students of voice, opera direction, orchestral instruments and conducting gain practical experience in the atmosphere and conditions of a real theatre for use in their future work as artists. The Chamber Opera Studio was founded in 1957 and since that time has become an integral part of the cultural life of Brno. In these fifty-five years, it has performed more than 150 works from the repertoire of Czech and world opera. With its non-conventional dramaturgy, the Chamber Opera Studio is an interesting alternative to other music theatres in Brno. From autumn 2012 performances of the Chamber Opera Studio are presented on the stage of the Theatre Orlí Street (Divadlo na Orlí). Student's Guide International Music Master Classes The International Music Master Classes have been held at the Faculty of Music for more than 50 years. The main aim of the master classes is the promotion of Czech music and the presentation of the Czech artistic interpretation. However, the master classes are focused not only on interpretation of works by Czech composers, but also on other works from the world repertoire. Each participant is guaranteed regular tuition and given the opportunity to perform at concerts. The International Music Master Classes are available in the following disciplines: piano, violin, double bass, flute, oboe, voice and chamber music (string quartet, piano trio, etc.). Participation is recommended for students and graduates from conservatoires and other music schools, students and graduates from music colleges and academies of music, professional musicians, and teachers at music schools. Additional events (a sightseeing tour of Brno, a visit to the Janáček Museum, a visit to a traditional wine cellar with a folk music group, etc.) are part of the master classes programme. For further information go to: 336 Leoš Janáček International Competition in Brno The Leoš Janáček International Competition has been held annually by the Faculty of Music of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno since 1994. The competition is named afterthe world-renowed Czech composer Leoš Janáček and is related to his work. Ten disciplines of string quartet, violin, piano, organ, violoncello, double bass, flute, clarinet, French horn and tuba take turns regularly in five-year periods. The regulations, conditions, application form as well as results and photos from previous years, can be downloaded from: Student's Guide Visa and other Official Requirements After we have confirmed your application and sent you a letter of acceptance, we look forward to welcoming you to JAMU in Brno. Prior to your departure, please make sure you contact the Czech Embassy in your home country to ask for up-to-date information on whether or not it is necessary for you to have a visa. 41 Visa Requirements 411 Students from EU Countries Students from the EU (plus Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) do not need a Czech visa. Citizens of EU countries should simply register with the Czech Foreign Police (please see Chapter4.2 Registration with the Foreign Police). 412 Students from Countries Outside the EU Please contact the Czech Embassy/Consulate in your country to obtain the latest information concerning student visa. Possession of a student visa is a condition for entering the Czech Republic and studying at JAMU. With regard to the fact that the whole procedure for obtaining a student visa can take up to 60 days, please consult your local Czech Embassy/ Consulate as soon as possible. In order to apply for Czech visa, usuallyyou must submit the following documents: — application form — letter of acceptance for studies — a valid passport and passport photos — proof of financial resources for the stay (e.g., in the form of a bank account statement or confirmation of being beneficiary of a grant) — confirmation of guaranteed accommodation — valid international health insurance — abstract from the Register of Criminal Records Please note that some documents (e.g. the abstract from the Register of Criminal Records) must be translated into the Czech language by a translator with an official rubber stamp. Student's Guide More Information about the long-term Visa can be found on Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Ministry of the Interiorof the Czech Republic | J aspx?q=Y2hudW09Nw°/o3d%3d D Cd I Extension to a long-stay Visa While you are studying in the Czech Republic and you wish to extend your visa, please contact the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy, which isa regional office of the > Ministry of the Interior. Contact Information for the Deprartment for Asylum and Migration Policy Tufanka 1554/115b, 627 00 Brno tel:+ 420 974 801 801 (for information and apppointments: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 4 pm / Friday 8:00 am-12:00 pm) Office hours: Monday and Wednesday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm Tuesday and Thursday: 8:00 am-2:00 pm Appointments online: 42 Registration with the Foreign Police If you are a foreign national, you must register with the Czech Foreign Police (within 3 working days for non- EU citizens, within 30 days for EU citizens). In case you are staying at Astorka JAMU accommodation centre, you will be register here automatically. In case of private accommodation, you should inform the foreign office as well as the international office JAMU aboutyouraddress in Brno. Contact Information for Foreign Police in Brno Cejl 62b, 602 00 Brno Tel.:+420 974 628131 e-mail: Office hours: Monday and Wednesday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm, Tuesday and Thursday: 8:00 am-2:00 pm The Foreign Police take responsibility for dealing with: — Your reporting of your place of residence in the Czech Republic within the given statutory time period — The verification of an invitation — Issuing of short-term residence certificates or certificates certifying a legitimate right of residence in the Czech Republic (e. g. for marriage) — Checks on the legitimacy of stays in the Czech Republic Student's Guide 43 Payment of fee for municipal waste in Brno All foreign citizens who intend to stay in Brno for longer than 3 months have the responsibility to pay the "waste tax" in the same amount as Czech citizens. The responsibility to pay the fee is placed on individual residents, not landlords or property owners. The fee (670,- per person per year) is paid once a year by May 31. If you arrive later in a year than that (after May), you are obliged to pay within 15 days after your arrival. c dl £ 5 How to pay (V Paying can be done online and it is a two-step process: £ O — Step one: Registerthrough the Brno IDsystem: o — Step two: Pay. Once registered, you can pay OR through the BrnolD eshop OR by bank transfer OR by cash. Whole process is described here: For more information visit: 38 Student's Guide 5 Healthcare and insurance Private and state healthcare facilities operate in the Czech Republic. The majority of them have agreements with the Public Health Insurance Company (VZP) on the provision and payment of healthcare. Since mid 2004 citizens from the individual EU member states who travel temporarily to another EU member state and hold a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), are automatically insured, but they should register with a health insurance company as soon as they arrive in the Czech Republic. This basic insurance includes only urgent medical care. Students from countries outside the EU should arrange travel insurance which covers their study stay in the host country. The closest one to JAMU is Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna (VZP), which has its office at Benešova 10. VZP Contact Details Tel.:+420 952 222 222 E-mail: Office hours: Monday, Wednesday: 8.00 am-5.00 pm Tuesday, Thursday: 8.00 am-3.00 pm Friday: 8.00 am-2.00 pm Since January 2008 all citizens have to pay the administrative fee for a visit to Accident and Emergency is CZK 90 (3.3 EUR). Medical aid for international students in Brno General practitioners forexchange student can be: M U DR. VÉRASCHÓBLOVÁ Address: Lidická 42, 602 00 Brno Tel: +420 545 245 235 (doctor), +420 545 572 813 (nurse) Website: Student's Guide Walk-in hours: Mon:7a.m. -12 p.m. Tue: 7. a.m. -12 p.m. Wed: 7 a.m. -12 p.m. Thu: 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Fri:7a.m. -11 a.m. (Mon - Wed, Fri: 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. blood-taking) 3 £ l MUDR. OTAKAR ACH-HUBNER Mendlovo nam. 17 (building in the middle of the square, 3rd floor) Tel:+420 544 525 335 in Website: Walk-in hours: Mon: 7.30 a.m. -1.00 p.m., 1.30 - 3.00 p.m., 3.30 - 6.00 p.m. Tue 8 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. (ordered only, if you cannot come, please cancel your appointment) Wed: 7 a.m.-1.00 p.m. Thu: 9 a.m. - 1.00 p.m., 1.30 - 3.00 p.m. (ordered only, if you cannot come please cancel yourappointment) Fri: 8 a.m. -1 p.m. MUDR. OLGA NEHYBOVA Purkyhova street 93, block B04 Tel:+420 541 210 285 E-mail: ordinacemedineo@seznam.CZ (preferred channel forappointmentarrangement) Office hours: Mon: 7:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Tue: 7:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Wed: 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Thu: 7:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Fri:7:30a.m.-12:00 a.m. If you need an appointment with other specialist, please contact the International Office, which provides you an address for relevant doctor. In case you use any medicaments, do no forget to take it with you to Brno. 40 Student's Guide Traumatology Hospital in Brno In case of emergency, the closest to JAMU Úrazová nemocnice Ponávka 6, Brno Phone +420 545 538 111 or 545 538 538 Emergency Dentist Service in Brno Úrazová nemocnice v Brně Ponávka 6, Brno Phone+420 545 538 421 24-hour Pharmacist's Dr. Max Bašty (in front of the main railways station) Bašty 2, 602 00 Brno Tel.:+ 542 213 531 Student's Guide 41 How to Get to Brno Thanks to its favourable geographical position you can reach Brno by train, bus or plane (from Prague, Bratislava or Vienna airport). 61 Plane There are several regularflightsto Brno with lowcost airlines (Ryanair for example). Foractual scheduled flights please consulta flight search: If you are arriving at Brno airport there is a bus connection to the city centre - bus No. 76 goes from the airport to the main railway station every half an hour and the journey lasts around 20 minutes. Visit: You can fly to Prague, Vienna (Austria) or Bratislava (Slovakia) and then continue to Brno by coach or train. Brno is an important European rail junction and is easy to access from various places of Europe. From the above-mentioned airport there is a good connection to Brno (from Prague and Vienna airports there is a direct bus connection to Brno). Prague airport: Vienna airport: Bratislava airport: Transport: Vienna airport - Brno - Vienna airport Prague airport - Brno - Prague airport or Bus and train connections to/from the Czech Republic and national connections: Prague Brno Bratislava Vienna Student's Guide 62 Coach or Train The Czech Republic has an efficient network of coaches and trains. If you travel from Prague, you can either take a coach or a train. There are several companies which provide a Prague-Brno bus service: Student Agency/RegioJet ( www., Eurolines, Tourbus, Flixbus, ČSAD (a network of coaches for the whole republic). All of them sta rt t heir journey from the Florenc central bus station, which you can reach by the underground (Metro B or C). The journey takes 2 hours 30 minutes and it costs about 225 CZK (9 EUR). Most buses from Prague arrive at the bus station called "Grand Hotel" (close to the central railway station), just a ten-minute walk from the buildings of JAMU. Some international lines arrive there, too. Other lines (especially ČSAD) arrive at the "Zvonařka" bus station. The best way to get to the Theatre Faculty, the Rector's Office and the Astorka hall of residence is bytram No.1,getting off atthe "Malinovského námestí"stop, orto walkthrough the city centre. The best way to get to the Faculty of Music is to take the tram No. 12 or No. 4 from the main railway station and to get off at the "Česká" stop. Trains leave from the Prague central railway station (Hlavní nádraží), which you can also reach bythe underground (Metro C). The options fortravel by train are: fasttrain, express train, SuperCity (SC), InterCity (IC), EuroCity (EC). All international and local trains arrive at the central railway station in Brno, which is within walking distance of the Music Faculty (15 minutes), the Theatre Faculty and the Rector's Office (both 10 minutes) and the Astorka hall of residence (5-10 minutes). To get to the Faculty of Music you can also take tram No. 12 or No. 4 and get off at the "Česká" stop; to get to the Theatre Faculty, take tram No. 1 (for details see the section above). 63 How To Get around in Brno Brno has a very efficient city transport system - provided by trams, buses and trolley buses. Monthly passes (basic rate) cost CZK 550 (on presentation of a valid ISIC card, you buy a student monthly pass for CZK 275). Tickets are priced as follows: 2 zones / 15 minutes - CZK 20; 2 zones/60 minutes with transfers - CZK 25; 3 zones/90 minutes with transfers - CZK 33. Monthly passes and tickets can be bought at the office of Dopravní podnik města Brna (Brno Public Transport Company), 18 Novobranská street, Brno (close to IVU Astorka, JAMU's hall of residence) from 7 am to 6 pm (Monday-Friday). Tickets are also sold in vending machines at tram/bus stops or at tobacconist's shops. There is also a possibility to you buy SMS tickets or purchase a ticket directly in the public transport with your bank card - Beep & Go (contactless ticket purchase, Student's Guide The time (in minutes) of a journey from one stop to another is indicated on the timetables at tram, bus and trolley-bus stops (a small number next to the name of each stop). If you travel by public transport with your suitcase (bigger than 20x30x50 cm), you should also buy a concessionary 2-zone ticket for 10,15 or 90 minutes (depending on the distance and connection). Visit: 0 c When travelling bytaxi in Brno, be very careful notto forgetthe following: use only official taxi cabs (name and licence number of the driver is on the car); sit in the front; before you o drive away do not forget to ask how much you will pay per kilometre; be sure the driver is using the taximeter. Visit: / Arriving in Brno Before you set off for Brno, please inform the International Office of the date and hour of your arrival and your connection to provide you the most accurate advice possible. Facilities 71 Accommodation IVU Astorka - JAMU's information, education and accommodation centre O is situated at 3 Novobranská Street. It was designed by architects Zdeněk Makovský and Jaroslav Černý in the year 1997-1998. It is situated right in the historical centre of the city not far from the Baroque Spi I berk Castle, the Neo-Gothic Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, the Baroque St. Thomas's Church, St. James's Church and the Měn in Gate. There are centres of culture and entertainment as well as shopping centres in its immediate vicinity. The accommodation centre has a hall, a reception desk and a lounge with a TV on each floor. The accommodation centre operates an apartment system (double or triple rooms), with each apartment comprising a lobby, a bathroom with toilet and two rooms. The modern rooms are equipped with telephone, TV and fridge. WIFI Internet connection is available. There is a laundry room in the basement and a fee is charged for its use (CZK 60,- per 1 one washing hourin one washing machine).The laundry keys can be picked upatthe reception where the students write down a number of hours after each washing. At the end of month all the washing hours are counted and the total amount is added to the accommodation fee. The building also involves the JAMU library, study and computer rooms for JAMU students. The accommodation fee for JAMU students is CZK 4000 - 4500 (160 -180 EUR) including TVA per month. The reconstruction of the entire Astorka building is planned for 2024. Afterthe reconstruction of the dormitories, accommodation prices will be increased. IVU Astorka is open daily from 5 am to 12 midnight. At midnight the building is closed and students can gain entry only on presentation of a JAMU student card or valid passport/identity card. All incoming students will be issued with a JAMU card. You will need it foryour identification within JAMU, for borrowing books in the library, for booking class-roooms etc. If you wish to arrange accommodation at JAMU's IVU Astorka hall of residence, please inform the International Office coordinator of your intention before 10 June. Student's Guide A room in Astorka can be offered as a priority to exchange students who will be studying at JAMU for a longer period (min. 2 semesters), and sometimes an exception can be made. If you prefer to find private accommodation in Brno, please see Chapter no. 11 Some Important Links of this Guide. 72 Meals and Board 721 Student Cafeteria/Canteen Students of JAMU can eat at the Masaryk University cafeteria, which serves inexpensive meals. The cafeteria is situated in the building of the Masaryk University Rector's Office at Žerotínovo nám. 9, close to the Faculty of Music of JAMU (entrance from Brandlova Street or Moravské náměstísquare). Visit: Opening Hours for Lunches and Dinners: Mon-Thu: 11:00-19:00 o'clock | Fri: 11:00-15:00 o'clock Lunches are distributed only till 2 pm. The student cafeterias are not open on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, or on Fridays for dinners. 46 Student's Guide Restaurants Restaurants differ in quality. Meals "a la menu" are usually around CZK 160 - 225 (7-9 EUR). You can find McDonalds, KFC or restaurants of many ethnic groups in Brno. The price of a glass of beer (0.51) is from +/- CZK 50 CZK (2 EUR). There are also many bistros and Czech fast-food restaurants in the town centre. 73 Shops and Supermarkets Almost all supermarkets selling food and groceries are open between 7 am and 9-10 pm, seven days a week. Smaller grocer's shops and other shops close earlier, eg., 6 or 8 pm, and are also closed on Saturday afternoons and Sundays. The popular and very good "Zelný trh" vegetable market is in the town centre, too. 731 Supermarkets close to Brno centre Billa — (nám. Svobody 9) - situated at Omega house, Liberty square Open: Monday-Saturday:7am-10 pm | Sunday: 8am-10 pm — (MinoritskálO) Open: Monday-Saturday:7am-9 pm | Sunday: 8am-9 pm — (main railways station) Open: Monday-Saturday: 6 am-10 pm | Sunday:7am-10 pm Lidl — (nám. Svobody 16) situated at Rozkvět house, Liberty square Open: Monday-Saturday:7am-10 pm | Sunday: 8am-10 pm — (Kobližná street 24), situated at Centrum house Open: Monday-Saturday:7am-10 pm | Sunday: 8am-10 pm Tesco Express — (Dominikánská 5) - in the Velký Spalíčekshopping centre Open: Monday- Friday:7am-10 pm, Saturdayand Sunday: 8am -10 pm — (Divadelní 1 - at Malinovského nám, in front of the Old National Theatre) Open: Monday - Sunday: 6-21 pm Student's Guide Tesco — (Dornych 4) - Tesco shopping centre is situated close to the main railways station Open: Monday-Saturday 6 am-9 pm | Sunday, 8 am-8 pm Albert — (Galerie Vaňkovka) - situated in one of the biggest shopping centres in Brno Open:7am-10 pm. — (Nádražní 681) - The small shopping centre called OC Letmo situated in front of the main railways station. Open: Monday-Sunday, 6 am-10 pm 73 JAMU library The JAMU library is situated in Astorka (Novobranská 3), the same building as the accommodation centre. The library also has a photocopy service. 'o Contact: Novobranská 3, 602 00 Brno Phone+420 542 592 200 E-mail: Opening hours: Monday and Wednesday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 am - 5:00pm Friday: 10:00 am-3:00 pm Saturday Sunday: Closed Student's Guide 49 Short Summary What to Do after Your Arrival to Brno Please find below a short summary what to do after your arrival to Brno. — Accommodation. In case you stay in Astorka (JAMU accommodation centre), you should sign your accommodation contract in the accommodation office (Astorka, 3rd floor, Mrs Tamara Novotná). — Registration with the Foreign Police. You must register with the Czech Foreign Police (within 3 working days for non- EU citizens, within 30 days for EU citizens). In case /ou are staying at Astorka, you will be register here automatically. Insurance for EU citizens. You are automatically insured, butyou should registerwith a health insurance company as soon as you arrive in the Czech Republic. In the insurance company you will need to present your valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and Confirmation of Studies (thedocumentwill be issued bythe International Office of Theatre/Music Faculty). For more information see Fee for municipal waste in Brno. All foreign nationals residing in Brno temporarily, but for longer than 3 months, must pay a fee for municipal waste which is CZK 670,- per year. You can pay the fee OR through the BrnolD e-shop OR by bank transfer OR at the cash desk of Brno city municipality: address: Šumavská 35C, 3th floor. For more information see ste in Brno JAMU student card. In case you do not have valid ISIC card, please do not forget to apply for a student card through JAMU information system (is. Then you should pass by JAMU information centre (ground-floor at Astorka) to be photographed. JAMU student card is free of charge. Thanks to the JAMU/ISIC card you will have many discounts to theatres, museums and to some cultural events. Registration of subjects/modules through information system (IS). You should register all the subjects/modules, which you will study at JAMU through information system (IS) 3 weeks after your arrival to Brno at the latest. You will obtain access information to IS at the International Office. On the basis of the registration your learning agreement will be issued. Student's Guide 9 Useful Information ^ Important Telephone Numbers + 112 •158 *150 *155 ^156 Emergency Police Fire Brigade Ambulance Municipal Police ID State and Bank Holidays 1st January variable 1st May 8th May 5th July 6th July 28th September 28th October 17th November 24th December 25th December 26th December Restoration day of the independent Czech state (1993) New Year's Day Good Friday and Easter Monday Labour Day Liberation day (1945) Slav missionaries Cyril and Methodius's day (863) Master John Huss Day (1415) St. Wenceslas Day or Czech Statehood Day (935) Independent Czechoslovak State Day (1918) Day of struggle forfreedom and democracy (1939,1989) Christmas Eve Christmas Day St. Stephen's Day (Boxing Day) ((gj/Time Zone The Czech Republic is situated in the GMT +1 time zone, usually referred to as Central European Time (CET). The clocks are changed by one hour, creating wintertime and summertime (GTM +2). Student's Guide © Electricity Electric sockets in the Czech Republic are mostly 220 V and 50 Hz with 2 round-pin plugs. \$ Embassies and Consulates In case of any difficulties you can contact your country's embassy. A complete list of embassies and Czech embassies all over the world is available on the Ministry for Foreign Affairs website ( faaal Public Holidays and Business Hours On Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays most banks and offices are closed. Ordinary shops also closed on Saturday afternoons and Sundays and some public holidays, while supermarkets and shopping centres often stay open*. It is no problem on these days to go to a concert, exhibition, restaurant or bar. In small towns most shops are open Mon-Fri from 8 am until 6 pm, and only in the morning on Saturdays. In big cities shops may stay open until 9 pm. Onlya few small shops havea lunch break, usually between 12 noon and 1 pm. Most big supermarkets are open from 7 am to 10 pm Mon-Sun. Below you will find a list of public holidays when the supermarkets and big shops are closed: 1st January / Easter's Monday /8th May /28th September /28th October 24th after 12 am / 25th December / 26th December. mi Telephones The international dialling code for the Czech Republic is+420 (or 00420). When you are calling from abroad, this must be dialled first, followed by the 9-digit number. Mobile Phones The Czech mobile network uses GSM 900/1800 standards and is widely available. There are three main providers: 02, Vodafone and T-Mobile. They all offer different price plans, information about which can be found on their websites: / / Student's Guide If you do not stay in the Czech Republic for a long period of time but still want a cell phone, a prepaid card is the right choice. They are offered by all providers and you can choose whether you only want the SIM card or a phone as well. To get a prepaid card you usually have to pay around 200 to 500 CZK. A part of that money is your starting credit. Currency The official currency of the Czech Republic is the Czech crown (CZK).1 CZK = 100 hellers; coins in circulation: 1, 2, 5,10, 20 and 50 crowns; bank notes: 100, 200, 500,1000,2000 and 5000 crowns. Tipping Tips a re not usually left by customers on the table. Should you wish to tip staff, add around 10 % to the bill or round it up. It is up to you what sum you tell the waiteryou wish to pay when he brings the bill. ©Smoking The Czech Republic has adopted a law limiting smoking. One of the main items of this is a ban on smoking in public places (on platforms, at stops, at the railway station, on public transport in places of entertainment). Since 2017 it is also forbidden to smoke in restaurants and bars. Q Tourist Offices in Brno Radnická 8,658 78 Brno Phone +420 542 427150, +420 542 427151 E-mail: Opening hours: Monday- Sunday: 9.00 am -6 .00 pm Student's Guide © Leisure Time Brno and its surroundings are rich not only in different museums, monuments, theatres, cinemas and clubs but also in beautiful countryside. You will find many sports facilities, indoor swimming pools and many open-air swimming pools, tennis and squash courts and fitness centres. c o ©M usic c — Filharmonie Brno (Brno Philharmonic) Besednídům, Komenského nám. 8 — Concert hall of the Faculty of Music of JAMU Komenského nám. 6 Concerts are free of charge for students of the Faculty of Music on presentation of a student or ISIC card. Tickets to concerts of the Brno Philharmonic are available in advance with a discount of 80 %. ©Theatres — Studio Marta - the theatre of the Theatre Faculty (Bayerova 5) — Orlí Street Theatre - JAMU official theatre (Orlí street) — Národní divadlo (National Theatre) - ticket sale: Dvořákova 11 > Mahen Theatre (Malinovského nám. 1) > Janáček Theatre (Rooseveltova 7) > Reduta Theatre (Zelný trh 4) — Centrum experimentálního divadla (Centre of Experimental Theatre) (Zelný trh 9) — Husa na Provázku(Zelný trh 9) — Hadivadlo (Poštovská 8D) 54 Student's Guide — Divadlo u stolu (Zelný trh) — Divadlo Barka (Svatopluka Čecha 35a) — Městské Divadlo Brno (Brno City Theatre) (Lidická 16) — Loutkové divadlo Radost (Radost Puppet Theatre) (Bratislavská 32) — Co.Labs (Kounicova 22) — Divadlo Polárka (Tučkova 34) — Divadlo Bolka Polívky (Dělncikýdům, Jamborova 65) — Divadlo Feste (Lazartení 9) — Divadlo Líšeň (Obecká 13) Students of JAMU can get a discount on presentation a JAMU student card. Student's Guide O Museums — Muzeum města Brna (City of Brno Museum) — Muzeum romské kultury (Museum of Romani Culture) www. — Moravské zemské muzeum (Moravian Museum) | o — Moravská galerie v Brně (Moravian Gallery in Brno) > Uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum (Museum of Applied Arts) — Technické muzeum v Brně (Brno Technical Museum) — Dům umění???? Students can get tickets at concessionary rates on presentation of a JAMU student or an ISIC card. 56 Student's Guide © Cinemas — Art (Cihlářská 19) — Lucerna (Minská 19) — Scala (Moravské nám. 3) — Cinema City Velký Špalíček (Mečová 2) — Cinema City Olympia (U Dálnice 777, Brno - Modřice) ©Sports Information about sports facilities in Brno are available on: (in Czech only) (in Czech only) Student's Guide Indoor Swimming Pools — Lázně města Brna (Ponávka - length: 25m, narrow width) — Lázně města Brna (Rašínova 12 - small swimming pool) — Sportovní a rekreační areál Kraví hora (Kraví hora 974/1) (2 new indoor swimming pools with lengths of 25 m and 15 m) c o — Sportovní areál za Lužánkami (Sportovní 4- length: 50 m) o s 3 4— — TJ Tesla (Halasovo nám. 7 - length: 25 m) — Aquapark Kohoutovice (Chalabalova 2 - length: 25) © Libraries — The JAMU library - at the Astorka centre (Novobranská 3) / — The Jiří Mahen library (Kobližná 4) — The Moravian Library (Kounicova 65a) 58 Student's Guide Basic Words and Phrases in Czech Yes ano [ano] No ne [ne] Please prosím [proseem ] Thank you děkuji vám [dyekooyi varn ] Good morning dobré ráno [dobré ran o] Good afternoon dobré odpoledne [dobré odpoledne] Good night dobrou noc [dob roh nots] Hello dobrý den [dobree den] Good-bye na shledanou [nas-khledanow] What is your name? Jak se jmenujete? [yak se ym e n ooye te] My name is... jmenuji se... [ymenooyi se] How are you? jak se máte? [yak se mahte] Fine thanks, and you? děkuji dobře, a vy? [dyekooyi dobrzhe, a vi] 1 understand rozumím [rozoomeem] 1 don't understand nerozumím [nerozoomeem ] Do you speak english? mluvíte anglicky? [mlooveete anglitskee] 1 don't speak (much) czech nemluvím (moc) česky [nemlooveem (mots) chehskee] Student's Guide Some Important Links General Information about the Czech Republic ra 01 o CL E Official travel site of the Czech Republic UNESCO Czech heritage Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including contact details of all embassies Visas and visa policy of the Czech Republic - information server Information about Entry, Stay, Permanent Residence and International Protection in the Czech Republic Ministry of Culture Parliament of the Czech Republic City of Brno and South Moravian Region Official websites of the city of Brno. Information on history, culture and surroundings of the town. Links to cultural, educational and other institutions. Brno for tourists Brno tourist office Official websites of the Southmoravian Region 60 Student's Guide Cultural events in Brno (programmes of theatres, cinemas, museums, galleries, cultural centres, clubs, etc. in Brno) AEgLj2_D_BwE (all kinds of music in Brno) Server of the Battle of Austerlitz region Moravian Library in Brno Trade Fairs Brno International Brno English in Brno (Facebook page for all English speaking people living in Brno) roups/englishinbrno/?fref=ts (other language versions available) or Living in Brno ref=ts Brno news by the Czech TV Useful information for newcomers to Brno (in English) Brno Expat Centre Centre for Foreigners Foreigners agency Student's Guide English speaking theatre groups based in Brno https: //www.f / Gypsywood Players / Academic Information c Official websites of JAMU 5 Q. £ JAMU information system £ Webpage about studies in the Czech Republic Website of the Ministry of Education, Academic Information server information on studies in the Czech Republic (forforeign students) and information on studies abroad Erasmus student network in the Czech Republic International student club at Masaryk University International student club at University of Technology International student club at Mendel University Accommodation Information JAMU dormitory Where to Find Private Accommodation? Please find below some links where and how to find a private accommodation in Brno. Accommodation in Brno The webpage containing useful information forforeigners in Brno including accommodation search/offer. 62 Student's Guide The agency is providing the accommodation for the short-term and the long-term stay in private flats or Foreigners' residences and many other services. The webpage to find a flat without being charged by a real estate company. Facebook groups: cfl Multilingual Flats in Brno on Facebook c t=group aktivity | L_ FLATS BRNO on Facebook | _ o (/> Flats to rent in Brno Bydlení Brno, Studentské bydlení/Flats for rent Brno on Facebook Accommodation in the Czech Republic (Including Brno and Flatsharing)!/vyhledavani/spolu bydleni/Brno Transport Information on Brno city transport Brno airport Prague airport Bus and train schedules in the Czech Republic and abroad Student's Guide 63 Travel agency providing bus and train connections between Brno and Prague/Bratislava/Vienna and other European cities (buses) / (trains) The Czech Railways company Newspapers in English c The Czech Republic's top English-language newspaper £ 01 Website that provides daily news in English on Czech politics, business and markets, sports, Prague events and otherfeatures on people and life in Prague News from Czech Television Television for English-speakers in the Brno area News from Brno International service of Czech Radio, offering a broad picture of life in the Czech Republic (available in otherforeign languages as well) Czech press agency Other Czech Post Office Official site of Czech National Bank Theatre Institute in Prague - links to all Czech theatres Maps of the Czech Republic Erasmus documentary about JAMU incoming students 2011/2012 Graduate project of Pavlina Taubingerova, JAMU student of the Audiovisual Creation and Theatre, about international students 64 Student's Guide Contacts In case of any questions, you can reach us bye-mail: or contact our international office team: Jamu Erasmus Institutional Coordinator JAMU International Office JAMU, Beethovenova 2,66215 Brno Czech Republic Phone+420 542 591126 E-mail: Office: 1st floor, right passage, first room on your left International Office Theatre Faculty Theatre Faculty JAMU Mozartova 1, 66215 Brno, Czech Republic Tel.:+420 542 591 305 E-mail:, Office: ground-floor, room No. 7 International Office Faculty of Music Faculty of Music JAMU Komenského nám. 6, 66215 Brno, Czech Republic Phone+420 542 591 607 E-mail:, Office: 1st floor, room No. 102a Student's Guide